The standoff between our dearly departed John Toves and corrupt Adrian Cristobal
the Chancellor for Apuron, is now part of our local history.
What followed was now the infamous : "the Archbishop is innocent, for sure for sure" from Deacon Claros, who had replaced Deacon Martinez who dared call Apuron to task, in regards to the Fr. Luis Camacho affair.
This was the perfect visualization of the corruption of the Apuron administration.
What John did not do was using foul language, or go knock on Apuron's door in the middle of the night. John remained a perfect gentleman about it. Yet the point was made in no uncertain terms.
By the same token, Junglewatch did not try to destroy the Church, as claimed by the Kikos, but instead thanks to a continuous flow of revelation and testimonies, as well as interventions with the legal Church authorities, we continued to try to protect our Church from the wolves in sheep clothing
What we got for our effort, was a flow of insults, threats and bird calls.
We were threatened with lawsuits, by reputable entities in our Church.
In return we turn the other cheek , volunteers picketed the Cathedral/Basilica, the courageous ladies of the LFM "welcome" the American leader of the NCW, Mr Genarrini and his escort at the airport.
To this day, the kikos accuse Tim of having fabricated and invented the complaints against Apuron and the cadre of corrupted people around him.
The Vatican after two and half years begged to differ.
Yet the concert of fake news continued.
Tim got personally attacked .
That being said, here comes gadfly extraordinaire Mr Torres, who based on the fact that the people at Mt Carmel met with Archbishop Byrnes, and not knowing the content of that meeting, concluded that the "Catholic Church" was guilty of coverup.
Worse, Mr Torres who otherwise can do decent investigation, is so dead set on condemning the Church and the Archbishop, rather than trying to go after the real people guilty of coverup.
Actually he is a lot more interested in doing this, that he was in pursuing his own case
This more and more looks like some interested parties are pulling the strings of Mr Torres, for their own benefit.
The question remains :
Where is Adrian Cristobal?
We at junglewatch have helped expose the evil doers within the Church.
The last thing we need, is some Johnny come lately, try to capitalize on over 6 years of hard work.
Of course that is going to make a few people go mad and accuse the Jungle for shining light on all the corners of the picture, and they don't like it.