Wednesday, July 31, 2019


Posted by Frenchie

Cardinal Filoni, also known as the red Pope,
has not stopped his devious plan of expansion of the NCW.

While he was trying his darnest to save the career of our disgraced Archbishop, the corrupt
Apuron, he was also trying to control the damage done to his cherished  Neos here on Guam.

During his visit to Japan, at the occasion of the anniversary of the Hiroshima Nuclear Bombing, in the later part of 2017, he hand delivered a letter from Pope Francis to the Catholic bishops of Japan, obviously redacted by his services, which included a paragraph that mentioned "ecclesial movements approved by the Apostolic See".
According to UCA news, this became a heated conversation in local Catholic circles.

While Filoni was smart enough to barely mention this issue during this visit, it was widely understood that this was referring to the Neocatechumenal way, which had been creating a lot of trouble in Japan, specially in Katamatsu (the smallest diocese) where the Japanese Bishops closed the Redemptoris Mater seminary in 2009, which was found to be a center of destabilization of the whole Japanese Catholic Church.

In the middle of 2017 Filoni had unilaterally announced the re-establishment of the Redemptoris Mater in Tokyo, as a New seminary for Asia.

In fact Archbishop Tarcisius Isao Kikuchi, published an open letter on August 15 of that year, where he shared his confusion on where, why and how that new seminary would be established.
It was obvious that this was a total loss of face for the head of Japanese conference of Bishops, in a country where this is a terrible slight.

Lets move forward to 2019


Archbishop Byrnes is correct. Both abortion and the sexual abuse of minors are rooted in the "hardening of hearts." For what is abortion other than the ultimate abuse of a minor? 

And while we can be thankful that we have a Shepherd who is willing to not just condemn the evil of abortion, but willing to trace it to the root and tie it to what Pope Benedict labeled the "filth in the church," there will be no real conversion of hearts until the contraceptive mentality is just as bravely confronted. 

For abortion is just last-resort birth control. 

That's not my opinion. The Guttmacher Institute, the research arm of Planned Parenthood, the nation's number one abortion provider, noted in 2014 that "about half (51%) of abortion patients in the United States reported that they had used a contraceptive method in the month they became pregnant..." due to "method failure."

The Guttmacher study goes on to note: "The methods most commonly used by abortion patients in 2014 were condoms (24% of patients) and the pill (13%)."

This is not a surprise, the FDA states: "Out of 100 women whose partners’ use (condoms), 18 may get pregnant."

And what do contracepting couples do when they get pregnant and don't want to be pregnant? 

Condom failure is also probably at the root of Guam's Chlamydia epidemic:

Guam ranks among worst in the nation for chlamydia cases 

And while the current government's answer is more of the same: “We want to focus on educating the community on getting birth control, condoms and having responsible sexual activities,” Flores said, our Shepherds, if they are serious about the real "reason to fear," the loss of one's soul - especially their own, must squarely face the most secret of all scandals in the Church:

"...every action which, whether in anticipation of the conjugal act, or in its accomplishment, or in the development of its natural consequences, proposes, whether as an end or as a means, to render procreation impossible" is intrinsically evil." - Catechism of the Catholic Church, par. 2370

Thursday, July 25, 2019


Posted by Frenchie

Yesterday, the local media reported on the latest reflection of Archbishop Byrnes
regarding the consequences of the still growing sexual abuse scandal, not on the material side of the issue, but on the spiritual side of it.
Archbishop Byrnes also brought to the fore, the problems tied to the Abortion issue, and his analysis of the reasons and consequences of this problem, as it faces us as a community.
(both social and religious)

You can read the Archbishop comments 

His analysis being, that over the last decades on Guam, we have experienced the development of what he describe a "hardness of Heart"

His analysis, forces us to reflect on the many effects of that hardness of heart on our community, and the role, or lack of resistance we are guilty of in letting that hardness, spread throughout our island.

We should all reflect on this very troubling evaluation.
It is a welcome new approach, for our archbishop to force us to look in the mirror

Monday, July 15, 2019


(Posted by Frenchie)

While lawsuits are starting to pile up against the former Chancellor, and former Apuron's Whip, the Archdiocese has to finally take some action against the man, whom the Seminary had advised Apuron against making him a priest. (only one of two at the time, but the other was for subpar studies, while Cristobal was for serious moral and ethical reasons).

Once again, the Archdiocese has to clean up after another mess Apuron and the Neos left us with.

So we learned about another victim, suing the Archdiocese, because of Adrian.

This lawsuit falls within the sick and manipulating modus operandi Cristobal is famous for: intimidation, black mail, threats. The run of the mill for this truly corrupt individual.

Following the refusal by Adrian to obey Archbishop Byrnes, and return to Guam to face the complaints, the Archbishop had no other choice but to strip him from his priest faculties, (wearing the collar, celebrating mass, and other restrictions)

This is what the canon law, recommends as first steps in this kind of cases. Unfortunately we have ample evidence that the NCW leaders seldom obey such command, and usually hide and shelter the presbyters who have been accused. Giving them time to besmirch the victims and circle the proverbial wagons against their proteges. Often these runaways keep on celebrating within their communities despite the restrictions imposed upon them by the lawful Ecclesiastical authority.

The fact that the "responsible" use these kinds of tactics, and in the process put in danger the children of their honest followers, says more about their lack of ethics, that anything else.

This left little options to the Chancery, but to up the antes a little bit.

 So here we are, faced with the continued disobedience of Cristobal, the Archdiocese of Guam, could only go to the next step, which is to stop payment to Cristobal.

Of course this shall not impact Adrian, since he is  one of the few accused, that could actually pay a multi million settlement. Adrian is independently filthy rich. So we are not going to shed crocodile tears on his financial situation.

We know, here that he is at the center of the plot to destroy Tim Rohr.

So far, none of the normal measures taken by the chancery, shall have much impact on Adrian and the evil people who abetted his crimes.

Two questions remain:

Where is Adrian?

How long is it going to take to defrock the SOB?

In the meantime, if you are the parent of a child in close proximity to Adrian, keep a watchful eye.

Thursday, July 11, 2019



The entire controversy would go away if the NCW Catechist(s) for Guam would simply submit the NCW Catechetical Directory to Archbishop Byrnes for his review and approval. As the Ordinary of this Archdiocese, his is canonically the sole authority to approve or disapprove of its doctrine and practice, as was Apuron before him (though Apuron never bothered to ask for it). 

The fact that after more than two years of asking for the Directory, the local NCW "authorities" continue to deny Archbishop Byrnes this simple request, is WHY the controversy continues. 

The entire Catholic Church has made its "directory" (i.e. the Catechism of the Catholic Church) universally available in every possible format, but the local NCW "authorities" continue to deny this very kind Archbishop even a glimpse of what the NCW "catechists" officially teach. In fact, they abuse him, telling him if he wants a copy, he has to ask Rome. (Note to NCW "authorities": HE IS ROME.)

That the NCW continues to exist at all in thIS Archdiocese is a testament to the great kindness and mercy of OUR NEW ARCHBISHOP. 

I put that in CAPS because now, with the final demise of Apuron and the elevation of Archbishop Byrnes to the "cathedra" (i.e. "the chair") by Pope Francis, Archbishop Byrnes is now OUR BISHOP. 

And I put "OUR BISHOP" in CAPS because the main argument by the NCW "authorities" has always been "Byrnes is NOT our bishop. Apuron is our bishop." But now, with Byrnes reception of the Pallium, to continue to hold this position is to place oneself OUTSIDE the Catholic Church (i.e. Latae sententiae - automatically excommunicated).

Now that Archbishop Byrnes is certainly, canonically, and officially OUR ARCHBISHOP, will the NCW "authorities" humbly present the NCW Catechetical Directory to a true descendant of the Apostles or will they continue to follow Martin Luther out of the one true Church?

The Pope will hand over the Pallium to 31 Metropolitan Archbishops, 13 of whom are Ordinaries from territories entrusted to the Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples, from Africa (8), Asia (4) and Oceania (1). Their names, in order of appointment...Mgr. Michael Jude BYRNES, Archbishop of Agaña (Guam)...

Note: I refer to NCW "authorities" because these are the true "responsibles." Most "members" of the NCW are truly good people who have found solace in what, sadly, their "traditional" pastors and priests never offered them, because, as we are now seeing, they were too busy pursuing pervetred sexual pleasures. Still, despite the gross sinfulness of these "Judases", WE HAVE JESUS AND HIS CHURCH. And because "the gates of Hell will NOT prevail," we have NO excuse NOT to follow HIM. 

Friday, July 5, 2019


(Posted by Frenchie)

A Memorial Mass for Fr Vito San Andres  will be held at 
Our Lady  of Lourdes Catholic Church
On Monday July 8th

 Order of the Memorial is as follow:

Exposition and Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament
Funerary rosary and Divine Mercy Chaplet

Office of the Dead
Including Evening Vespers, Benediction and Reposition of the Blessed Sacrament

Mass for the Dead
Main celebrant Archbishop Byrnes

All his former parishioners are welcome to attend.

Wednesday, July 3, 2019


(Posted by Frenchie)

Father Vito San Andres

Several of his former Parishioners in Chalan Pago, Dededo and Yigo requested that we share with you the news of the passing of Father Vito San Andres.

Father Vito was a straight forward priest.
Lately he was on leave of absence to allow him to seek treatment for a long ailment.

He had gone back to his country of origin: the Philippines, to be able to do so.

Unfortunately last weekend, while he was very pleased of the progress he had made, father Vito suffered a sudden loss of conscience, and fell down a set of stair.

He fell in a deep coma and never regained consciousness.
He shall be sorely missed by many of his former parishioners.

Please join us in prayers for the eternal rest of Father Vito

Tuesday, July 2, 2019


(Posted by Frenchie)

The Pacific Island Times addresses the issue of the Neocatechumenal way, and its impact.
Unfortunately this issue is not available online yet, Only in the paper version.
For those of you that are interested, it is on sale in most stores for a misly $1.25

In the meantime, we shall look at their take on the issue, and give you our analysis.
More to come, soon.

Monday, July 1, 2019


(Posted by Frenchie)

The Umatuna Newspaper has covered extensively for several weeks the Pallium attribution by Pope Francis to the 31 new Metropolitan Archbishops.
Archbishop Byrnes, as Archbishop of Agana, is the Metropolitan Archbishop of the archdiocese of Agana, and Archbishop to the suffragans of the diocese of Chalan Kanoa, the diocese of the Caroline Islands and of the Apostolic Prefecture of the Marshall Islands.

The official celebration took place this past Saturday, which marks the feast day of both 
St Peter (the patron Saint of Rome) and St Paul. (known as the two pillars of the Church)
It is therefore becoming that this highly symbolical handing down of the Papal authority should take place on that most special feast day.

If you want more explanation on the pallium, its history and significance Read Here
for an excellent article from Vatican News.

The story was widely covered worldwide, and somewhat noticed here on Guam.
The Guam Post doing a better job at the coverage that either the PDN or KUAM.