Friday, October 31, 2014


Recently, I lost someone very dear to me to cancer. I was the primary caregiver and I am still haunted by this person's pain and death. 

Having lived through this terribly painful experience of my friend’s trial by cancer, I can’t help but see and be pained by the spiritual cancer I have come to learn about in Our Lady's Church on Guam. 

We all must do more. Not everyone is called to the same level of activism, but everyone must come up with their own resolutions to stop Apuron, Quitugua, and Cristobal. We must stop this cancer from spreading!

Be courageous, strong, and faithful. 


I know I WILL.



After only one month online, the letter from the family of Msgr. James Benavente to Archbishop Apuron expressing their disappointment and disgust at how Archbishop Apuron treated their family member has gotten 21,000 plus reads as of today. Average read for other files is about 25. Lots of people care.

Thursday, October 30, 2014


October 30, 2014

Archbishop Anthony S. Apuron
Archdiocese of Agana
196Cuest San Ramon Ste B
Hagatna, Guam 96910-4334

Hafa Adai Archbishop Apuron,

I’ve become aware of statements you made during a recent visit to parishioners of Our Lady of the Blessed Sacrament Church. When questioned about the abrupt closure of the National Museum of the Dulce Nombre de Maria Cathedral- Basilica, I understand you responded that Monsignor James closed the museum. I must say I expected more from our island’s spiritual leader and I am disappointed that you continue to mislead people about this matter. After you made it abundantly clear that Monsignor James was not to have any authority over the museum, it hardly seems fair that you would now accuse him of closing the facility. In fact, Monsignor David is the only one who had the authority to either open or close the museum.


As part of Archbishop Apuron's current campaign to restore his image to some semblance of a pastor, he is attempting to reframe the original crisis that got him in trouble in the first place: his mistreatment of Fr. Paul Gofigan.

Recently we saw a public attempt to justify the Archbishop's firing of Fr. Paul in the pathetically inept letter to the editor of a person calling himself "David Mills" and claiming to be simply a casual observer from New York. 

Mills completely gave himself away as an Apuron/Neo-operative by providing a level of detail about the case that no casual observer from New York could access. (See my response to "Mills" on this blog here and in the PDN here.)

Wednesday, October 29, 2014


  1. Just an observation.

    Since the take over of the Pigo Cemetery, the Cemetery Chapel has not been kept clean.

    1. There are roaches and it is filthy. The floor is not even swept. When it was under Msgr. Benavente, the Chapel was always kept clean.
    2. Every 1st Friday of the month, there is rosary and mass said in the Chapel. Sad thing is, now, we have to stand throughout the rosary and the mass. When it was under Msgr. Benavente, the Chapel would be lined with folding chairs for those who came.
    3. Jessica Blas does not dress properly for someone who is in charge. Under Msgr Benavente, the workers where in uniform and the secretary was always dressed in a presentable manner.

    Jessica my dear heart, get on the ball! You are being paid to see that things are done in an orderly fashion. Keep the cemetery clean! Keep the inside of the Chapel clean! Bring out those chairs for the evening rosary and mass on the 1st of every month! There are some manamkos who need to sit. Earn your keep.

    Do not say that there is no fund. Under the guidance of Msgr Benavente, the Cemetery was in tip top shape.

    BTW, why is the mass at Pigo at 3PM instead of 4PM? Heard that AAA is saying the mass in Agat..Where is Birdie (Alberto)? Did he go back to the Canary Islands to ring in the Jewish New Year?

    Please remember not to put in your donations at any of the cemeteries.


Archbishop Apuron,

From March 30, 1999 to March 29, 2002, Joseph B. Lastimoza performed the same duties at Santa Barbara Church under YOUR purview that you fired Fr. Paul Gofigan for permitting him to do between 2011 and 2013. But that wasn't the reason, was it? 

Tuesday, October 28, 2014


The Esperansa Project has posted its list of pro-life preferred candidates. 

The list is based on the legislative activities, statements, and actions of the candidates. The information was gathered from legislative records and from

Candidates are welcome to update their positions or make further comment on them via email to

See the full report at Download a PDF to take to the voting booth here.

Reminder: The Esperansa Project is dedicated specifically to advancing legal protections for the unborn and their mothers and supports electing candidates who support this end.


By Chuck White

The leaders and responsibles of the Neocatechumenal Way on Guam recently concluded what one member called their “Beginning of the Year Retreat.”  The retreat, or “convivence“, started on October 16, 2014 and ended on the afternoon of Sunday, October 19, 2014.


Monday, October 27, 2014


On Friday, October 24, 2014, Deacon Steve Martinez was removed by Archbishop Apuron as the Sexual Abuse Response Coordinator (SARC) for the Archdiocese of Agana and replaced by Deacon Larry Claros. Deacon Martinez had some unfinished business that we hope Deacon Claros will now complete, and promptly. 

In  July of 2014, Deacon Martinez had reminded Archbishop Apuron that the Archdiocesan Policy on Sexual Misconduct requires the Archbishop to "promptly" notify the Sexual Abuse Response Coordinator of any allegation of sexual misconduct. (Sec. IV.A.2.b.)

Deacon Martinez advised Archbishop Apuron that in the case of Fr. John Wadeson, it had recently been reported in the news that the Archdiocese of Los Angeles had contacted "Guam church officials about the sexual abuse accusations against Father John Wadeson in 2011", and that as the Sexual Abuse Response Coordinator he was to be contacted "promptly". However, three years later, he had yet to be "contacted" by Archbishop Apuron.



From The Esperansa Project
OCTOBER 27, 2014

In our first two Voter Guides, we examined the records, statements, and actions of the senatorial candidates relative to the issue of abortion and pro-life legislation. 

Voter Guide No. 1 - For the office of senator: current and former senators

Voter Guide No. 2 - For the office of senator: new candidates

Today we examine the records of the two gubernatorial candidates in


Here is the response from Fr. Emanuel Schembri, O.C.D. to the letter sent by Chuck White regarding the petition to remove Fr. Pius from service in the Archdiocese of Agana.

From: "" <>
Date: Oct 25, 2014 11:46 PM
Subject: Petition re: Fr Pius Sammut
To: <>

Dear petitioners,
I have personally looked into the petitions presented both by those who believe that Fr. Pius Sammut, Discalced Carmelite, has a negative effect in the archdiocese of Agana (Guam) in his leadership role within the Neo-catechumenal Way, and those who cherish his presence and ministry in the archdiocese and elsewhere in the Pacific. The former carry over 300 signatories, and the latter over 1000.
At this point in time, one must remember also that as such the Neo-catechumenal Way and its statutes have been approved by St. John Paul II on May 11, 2008. Thus, as a Way within the Church and of the Church, the bishop is the Pastor responsible for the communities. Father General OCD, with regards Fr. Pius is well aware the he has served the Order for several years as Provincial in Malta, and his involvement as a dedicated Discalced Carmelite has been appreciated by his confreres in Malta throughout the years. It was with the permission of the then General of the Order and his Provincial, that Fr. Pius offered his services abroad.
Our Father Superior General has now passed on to me to reply to the request mailed to him, as Fr. Pius’ direct superior. This petition seems to be presented on the grounds of what one believes is happening (or happened) rather than objective reasoning. I have spoken to Fr. Pius on the matters presented, and keeping in mind that His Grace the Archbishop of Agana is appreciative of his presence and ministry, it results that there is no serious motive to accept the petition regarding his removal from his present ministry in Guam.
And finally, dear petitioners, we wish God’s blessings on you, your families and friends, on one and all. May the gift of reconciliation, with respect and love for one another, reign supreme.

With prayerful wishes,
Fr. Emanuel Schembri, O.C.D.
(Superior Provincial)

My response.

Dear Fr. Schembri,

Your order has just fallen greatly in my estimation, or at least the branch of it of which you are a part. No wonder we have people like Pius floating around, you don't even know that John Paul II DIED in 2005, yet you have him approving the "statutes" (It's Statute, by the way) of the Neocatechumenal Way IN 2008! Apparently you don't even know who the pope was in 2008. What a mess.

And check out this stupid statement:

This petition seems to be presented on the grounds of what one believes is happening (or happened) rather than objective reasoning. 

DUH! "Objective reasoning" is what we were asking YOU to do. The point of the petition was to ask you to consider the problem and OBJECTIVELY examine it. But the extent of your investigation is (AND THIS IS AMAZING): speaking with the Archbishop who is bigger problem, speaking with Pius who IS the problem, and noting that the other side had more signers (which consisted mostly of people's kids). HUH!

Well, Fr. Schembri, we gave you a chance to show some integrity and at least a modicum of intelligence. But you have failed at both. Now you have forced our hand. The explosion of division in this archdiocese can be directly traced to Pius' arrival in this diocese, and we will hold you personally responsible. Keep your eye on the news.

By the way, do yourself a favor and have someone who knows who was pope in 2008 write your letters (or did Adrian write this one too?).

Tim Rohr
(No Title and don't need one.)

Sunday, October 26, 2014


Okay, we're about 150,000 views away from 1.5 million which is where I said I wanted this to be over. I'm doing my part. You do yours.

Friday, October 24, 2014


Deacon Steve Martinez removed as Sex Abuse Response Coordinator for Archdiocese of Agana. Replaced by Deacon Larry Claros.

Well now, that didn't take long, did it Archbishop? Will Deacon Larry be investigating the cases in which you have been named? Guess the "meeting" didn't go so well. You think Larry is going to cover your ___? John, are you seeing this? The gig is up. Time to leave town. Take Pius. Harold, too. It's going to all come out. It's time. You destroyed that family. How many others?


Firstly, thank the Holy Spirit for another wonderful day!  

We need to understand that the Archbishop does not and will not abide by any rules from wherever they come.  This is a "Holy War"!  We cannot continue to ask him - "Please Mr. Archbishop, would you step down, you are hurting us".  We will force him down!  I'm in!  Are you?

Manainahu, my father's father was killed by the japanese during the 2nd World War.  They stayed in an encampment in Ma-e-mong, he and his brothers.  He was always reading and learning something new pretty much every day that I grew up on Guam. - And I always thought he was the brightest on the planet.  I don't tell him that too often because that means sitting and listening to his stories for no less than an hour to two.  He knew the ravages of war and I am sure you do!  This is one more WAR!  You need to fight and not be courteous, polite, apologetic, and deferring.  DO NOT WAIT FOR HIS ANSWERS - YOU MAKE THE ANSWERS!

For the young people, this is your island!  You need to save it and its Church!  Use your tech skills and be creative.  We need global pickup!


I wish I knew the name for anonymous who suggested tying a white ribbon to your car antennas; PLEASE continue to do so!

Except for Tim, Tommy Tanaka, and a small number of others who put their names in print, one can feel solo.  I give you my name, please give me your name.

I've since contacted MSNBC with Rachel Maddow, The National Catholic Reporter, The National Catholic Register, EWTN, and Catholic Culture.Org.  Please help me, and flood the two email addresses to be listed to please "Pick Up the Story on Guam".  Attn: Rachel Maddow  Attn: Amy Smith

Spoke again with SNAP yesterday and they assured me they are on it!

Apuron is showing signs of desperation and is already trying to pre-empt anything that could "pop" out.  Haha!  He hasn't seen this chamorro guy in a very long time and this chamorro has taken after his dad!

So Tim - The Rohrshock Rock, Tommy Tanaka, Frenchie, and all the others - "Let's Do This Thing"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

John's video message
Archbishop does the money dance

Note: Rather than view John's video on this blog it is better to go to John's own You Tube post as he has some additional notes there. For those who take offense to this, I wasn't going to post it until I heard what happened yesterday. Plus, I will post what people take personal responsibility for and he's not some "David Mills from New York." But you can thank David Mills for this anyway.


In Gofigan case, wrong cleric removed

Print out. Make copies. Share. Educate others.


By coincidence (?), today is the feast of St. Antony Mary Claret (1807-1870). Guam could use someone like him just now.

He was born at Sallent in Catalonia. After becoming a priest he spent several years preaching to the people throughout Catalonia and also in the Canary Islands.

Returning to Spain, he established a missionary order, and founded a great religious library and publishing house in Barcelona which published millions of cheap copies of ancient and modern Catholic works.

In 1851 the Pope appointed him Bishop of Santiago de Cuba. The diocese was in a terrible state and everything needed reform and renewal.

He reorganised the seminary, enforced clerical discipline, and regularised thousands of marriages. He built a hospital and many schools. This was not done without opposition and he was the subject of fifteen assassination attempts.

Recalled to Spain in 1857 by Queen Isabella II to act as her confessor, he did further great work for the Church. His health began to fail, and he died at the Cistercian abbey at Fontfroide.

Learn more about this saint at The Life of Saint Antony Mary Claret.

Thursday, October 23, 2014


Now that the Archdiocese has "erected" the St. John Paul the Great Seminary in Malojloj, I would be happy to say "you're welcome", but no one from the seminary as yet has said "thank you". In the spirit of charity and good sport, however, I'll give them a "You're welcome" anyway.

Let's review why a "You're welcome" from me is appropriate.

Since 1999, the Catholics of Guam were told that the Redemptoris Mater Seminary was "for Guam". In fact, a 2010 publication celebrating itself declared the seminary to be "A Miracle for Guam." In the publication we are told that the seminary was both diocesan and missionary. There's nothing unique about that, the Church by its nature is "missionary". 

So, no problem. The people of Guam continued to pour lots of money into the seminary thinking all the time that it was their seminary and it was producing priests for Guam. It did occur to some that there were a disproportionate amount of foreigners coming to the seminary. But since we were told that they were coming to serve the Church in Guam, most figured "no problem". 


The following was relayed to me this morning and the person gave me permission to retell it:

I was invited to go to a Neocatechumenal Way meeting by my friend who told me that if I would go she would approve my loan, so I went.

Fr. Pius was conducting the meeting and he was "yelling" at people shouting "Why are you here?"

Several people answered because they were "broken" or "sinners", etc.

Then he pointed at me and shouted the question. I didn't think at first that he was pointing at me so I didn't answer. Then he came closer and shouted "Why are you here?"

I said "Me?" He yelled "Yes. Why are you here?" I stood up and pointed to my friend who had invited me and said "Because she said she would approve my loan."

Pius shouted "Sit down!" Then I left.


Fighting evil in the Church is nothing new. In fact, that is where Christ warned us where we'd find it. (Mt. 24:15) We shouldn't be surprised. Satan hates Jesus Christ. And while he can't attack Christ directly, he does attack his Bride. 

To give some perspective to what we're going through, recently we canonized a pope who unknowingly protected and assisted the very growth of the "filth in the church" that his successor finally confronted and dismantled. 

One of Pope John Paul II's most favored and protected groups was the Legionaries of Christ, and he often bestowed great words of blessing and encouragement on its founder, Fr. Marcial Maciel. 

It was easy to see why. At a time when vocations around the Catholic world were vastly declining, Maciel built a veritable empire of vocations. No one was producing more priests than Fr. Marcial Maciel and because of it, he was elevated to a special place of personal favor by Pope John Paul II. 

Wednesday, October 22, 2014


By Chuck White

Upon joining the Neocatechumenal Way, Kiko Arguello says that “Jesus will put mud in your eyes so that you will sense that you are a sinner, so that you may discover that you are dirty.” 

In a classic example of his many half-truths,  Kiko Arguello twists a familiar bible story of Jesus curing a blind man (John 9) in order to explain a basic principle of the Neocatechumenal Way’s  post-baptismal catechumenate.  


Also, go here for a complete list of related articles by Chuck White on the Neocatechumenal Way.


What Archbishop Anthony Sablan Apuron, Ofm. Cap. DD, Metropolitan Archbishop of Agana, Guam said about Joseph B. Lastimoza:

Letter to Fr. Paul Gofigan. July 16, 2013. Prot. No. 013-047

  • a grave harm to the parish
  • a probable threat to children of a nearby school
  • a lasting and potential threat to the safety and well-being of parishioners and office staff
  • gravely detrimental to the parish
  • harmful
  • grave, lasting and proven harm to the parish

Archdiocese Statement to the Media. July 22, 2013.

  • a danger to “a school full of children…CCD students, Confirmation students, and other youth groups…”

Monday, October 20, 2014


This morning, the Pacific Daily News carried the story "Lastimoza speaks out". I happen to know that Mr. Lastimoza did not want to speak out. He only did so because of what Archbishop Apuron is doing to his family and Fr. Paul. 

But whereas Mr. Lastimoza understands and accepts the responsibility and consequences of his crimes, Archbishop Apuron does not. It is only because Archbishop Apuron needed an excuse to fire Fr. Paul that Mr. Lastimoza and his family have been pulled back into the news. 

We know that Mr. Lastimoza was used as an excuse by Archbishop Apuron because of what we learn from this story:
"He was paroled in 1999 and began doing court-ordered community service at the Santa Barbara Church."
You see, when Mr. Lastimoza was fresh out of prison, he was sent to Santa Barbara parish to work for the parish as a condition of his parole. 

See the full parole document here.

Saturday, October 18, 2014


JungleWatch continues to be interesting :)

Special thanks to Mr. Mills!

Friday, October 17, 2014


I see you.


I posted this in a comment but will note it again here to make it more prominent. There is nothing much to be made of the recent revelation from the Diocese of Duluth about Fr. Louis Brouillard. Fr. Louis is now in his 90's and no longer a danger to anyone. The revelation is only useful in light of Archbishop Apuron's public smearing of Msgr. James's alleged faulty accounting practices. If accounting for every penny applies to Msgr. James then we demand the same from Archbishop Apuron. Did the Archdiocese of Agana financially support Fr. Louis and if so, how much? We aren't critical of the support because if in fact he is still a priest of the Archdiocese of Agana, then he is due that support. Of course there is the other issue of selective support of priests, but we'll get to that another time. 

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "DON'T BE SUCKERED AGAIN": 

Don't remember where the post is, so I will not even bother to find it. Now just sitting here trying to sort things out where MONEY is a concern.

Question is... Father Louis and Father John Wadeson are still listed I am assuming as part of the Diocesan Priest of the Archdiocese of Agana. So, XXXXX amount of money is still being sent to Father Louis? Will XXXX amount of dollars still be sent to Father John Wadeson?

If both priests are still incardinated with the Archdiocese of Agana, as I am assuming they are, then the Archdiocese is still responsible for their expenses? Hello...answers anyone! 



...Zoltan was right. I'm a "business-ist". I started this evil gossip blog just so I could sell my books and make money. In fact, I am so repentant I wanted, as a sign of my remorse, confess to everyone how much money I've made after several months of brisk sales. Further, I hereby swear that I will give these ill-gotten gains to the poor in the hopes that God will forgive my evil greed. Mea culpa, mea culpa, mea maxima culpa (striking breast). 


We've heard much about the financial problems and needs of this Archdiocese. Recently Msgr. James Benavente was made out to be the cause of most of them, even though some very smart financial people profoundly refuted the lies about Msgr. James spat forth from the usual suspects. 

But if our archdiocese is seriously as hard up as the chancery suspects say they are, then we need to look at the biggest financial hole of all: our two seminaries.

According to Question #6 on a Q&A about the Archdiocesan Annual Appeal posted on the archdiocesan website, the Archdiocese "provides approximately 10% financial support to RMS." The amount budgeted for the support for RMS in 2014 is said to be $98,000. This means that RMS, in 2014, has cost $980,000 to run. 

As per the 2014 Gala Dinner booklet, there are currently 38 seminarians, including transitional deacons, who are at RMS. That's about $26,000 per seminarian per year. And of course we don't know if that number includes all the travel these people do. 

Thursday, October 16, 2014


I just wanted to thank you for the opportunity. 

You see, no one in Guam was having the conversation you said you were interested "by": the conversation about Archbishop Apuron's removal of Fr. Paul. It was old news and had pretty much gone away. And, happily for the Archbishop, most of the ugly details of how he treated Fr. Paul never really made it to the press. 

However, I was told by the PDN that your letter was the inspiration for, or at least related to the genesis of, the front page story about Mr. Lastimoza, an article which, along with your letter, has caused his teenage children to be bullied at school, his wife to cry, and his 81 year old sickly mother to collapse. 


Pardon the departure from the usual conversation. (Don't worry, we'll be back.) I thought I'd share this post since it's almost that time again. I first wrote it in 2006 and published it on my other blog, TheMassNeverEnds. 

It was republished in Guam's archdiocesan newspaper in 2011. Regardless of the time of year, for some reason it has almost always remained my most viewed post on that blog. Thanks for reading.

Wednesday, October 15, 2014


Make it Count - Do Not Attend a NEO Parish this Sunday!

There are many stories published, filmed, or even just passed on throughout history where a small voice was able to change the course of events.  I plead with you - DO NOT ATTEND A NEO PARISH this Sunday, October 19th.  Our little island CAN make our voices heard so loudly and so beautifully to the world of the faithful.  Our Lady of Camalin would be so pleased!  This can be your legacy - you will save our island church!

YOU MUST STAY AWAKE!  You must not give the Archbishop and those who prop him up more opportunity to play the politics of the church.  Please be realistic, THEY are in power now, and will use that power to remain unless you put a stop to it.  YOU HAVE AN OBLIGATION TO THE CHURCH OF OUR LADY OF CAMALIN!  You also have an obligation to yourselves and your children.  You must be a "DAVID" now!  The longer you wait, the more time they will have to dig their heels into the ground.  You cannot sit back and wait for your neighbor to do it and then jump in when it is over.  Make this an Island Story to be proud of and told everywhere.

Tuesday, October 14, 2014


  1. The majority of the faithful of this Catholic Church are totally ashamed of how the Lastimoza family were treated by the submission and printing of that article on PDN.

    The evil intention behind submitting that article was totally transparent and the public manner they chose to rejoice and gloat in someone’s cross and affliction spoke of the kikos’ (and their cohorts’ in this diocese) ability to stoop to such lowly evil deed. God have mercy on your souls!

    That article on PDN was submitted to instill fear and intimidation on non-kikos, but the joke is on the kikos and the neo hierarchy of this diocese -- that article is a big joke and a farce and by such deed they simply debased themselves because the factual information about Lastimoza’s past life were already known facts to the kikos and the hierarchy of this diocese.

    From that article, one would have surmised that Mr. Lastimoza is a fugitive, running away from past sins and civil crime; in fact he is a free man! He has served his time and turned a new leaf and life with a wife and family.

    Unlike the unmerciful and compassionless hierarchy of our diocese, Fr. Gofigan was not only correct but was totally pastoral in taking the less traveled road -- as Jesus did with sinners -- to spiritually nurture and guide a sinner (as we all are, by our fallen nature), rather than turn his back on a repentant sinner and turn him over to the wolves. We thank Father Gofigan for his example and his shepherding of the flock who were under his care in Dededo before he was removed in an uncharitable and unjust manner.

    The faithful are also behind you 200%, Tim. We thank you for your persistence with bringing out the truth and exposing the evil intentions, and debase behavior and deeds of the desperate kikos of this diocese.

Monday, October 13, 2014


Idk where else to put this so I will say it here. It deserves it's own post. Father Paul's sister passed away. Rosary and mass of intention ongoing. The arch, I guess, decided that tomorrow will be the day to do his pastoral visit to humatak parish and they dared to ask the family for a head table at the rosary/mass reception. And I guess they felt obligated to say yes. How low can the archbishop go???!!!!!! He even bumped out father paul from saying the mass!!! Unfkgbelievable.

...and the family was asked by Fr Luis to move their family serving to the Community Center, or set up a head table for four...Archbishop Apuron, Father Luis, Deacon Harold and Deacon Julius.

Folks this is Fr. Paul's deceased sister. Fr. Paul, you know, the priest who Archbishop Apuron threatened with an "arduous and painful closure" to his assignment, locked him out of his parish, kicked him out of his rectory, stripped him of saying Mass, told him to go find another bishop, insinuated that he was in a homosexual relationship with a parishioner, and continues to drag him through the mud AGAIN and AGAIN! And he is going to show up and sit at the head table at this tremendously sad time for Fr. Paul's family. WTH!



Perhaps you could make my anonymous comment below a separate post.

Dear Mrs. Bernie Lastimoza Santo Tomas,

I share your indignation that someone would speculate that you are tied to the Mills letter by supplying information of your Uncle Joe, although I am disappointed that you would lash out at Mr. Rohr as being evil when it was not his comment. But you set the record straight by stating emphatically that you gave no such information about your Uncle Joe Lastimoza. I am glad that you responded to set the record straight and to express your indignation, but I was hoping for something a little more, from a relative and a neocat.

Saturday, October 11, 2014


Let's take a look at this "letter" from the so-called "David Mills" which was printed in the column section of today's PDN. (The column section!!!) Let's begin with the last line because it tells us what this is really all about:
"If there is something to be said about it, it is that the removal of this pastor should have been made before."
That pretty much gives it away. This writer had no intent to speak to the issue of the rules and regs of the sex offender registry as he pretends to do. This was aimed directly at Fr. Paul. And for what purpose? Well to prop up the Archbishop, of course. And why does he need propping up? Because he's about to come tumbling down and his fake neo empire with him. How do I know that? Well the timing of this letter is one (A LETTER WITH ABSOLUTELY NO CONTEXT)...but there's a lot more. Just can't tell you yet. Let's look at this "letter", or was it a column? PDN?


Thursday, October 9, 2014



As per our Voter Guide No. 1, we were able to examine the voting records of current and past senators to get beyond what they say to what they actually DO legislatively when dealing with the issue of abortion.

For candidates without a voting record, we must rely on what they tell us. Fortunately, the organization Vote Smart Guam has already done most of the work for us. The group’s Facebook Page can be found here and its website here.


Due to complaints about problems with the current comment verification we will go back to the previous format of no verification being required. We'll just deal with the spam. Some of it is pretty entertaining anyway.

Wednesday, October 8, 2014


  1. Does this extra "class" count towards their certification? I don't think so. You can't just make up classes. This is why educational institutions need structured curriculum. You can't just bounce students/seminarians from one class to another without proper prerequisites. It's good that our traditional diocesan priests are making the time for these young men, but it has to be structured and incorporated into a curriculum that is accepted worldwide. What if one of these young men wanted to transfer to another diocese/seminary? He can't claim this extra "class" as a credit. Guam's church leaders need to get off their high horses and stop all this masquerading. Get down to the real business of building bridges and doing what's right for ALL God's people. Stop trying to fool everyone with this boarding house. It's not a real seminary.



Note: This first installment will focus exclusively on those candidates who have held or currently hold the office of senator and have voted for or against abortion related legislation. We will address the gubernatorial candidates and the other senatorial candidates separately. All candidates are welcome to send us information on their positions relative to this issue. 


As the election approaches it is time for the Esperansa Project to weigh in on the candidates. For those who may not know, the Esperansa Project was conceived and established in 2008 to promote pro-life legislation and specifically to support legislation to regulate Guam’s abortion industry insofar as is legally and constitutionally possible. To this end, the Esperansa Project has assisted in the passage of the following bills:

Continued on the Esperansa Project website.

Tuesday, October 7, 2014


...thickens. Keep those cameras on at the chancery.


It appears that the bulk of what they know about the NCW being a cult comes from Guam, probably because only here is the NCW allowed free rein to be what it truly is.

Monday, October 6, 2014


He was born at Cologne and educated partly at Reims. He was head of the episcopal school there for almost 20 years. In 1075 he was appointed chancellor of the church of Reims and had to devote himself to the administration of the diocese. The bishop at that time, Manasses de Gournai, was impious, corrupt, and violent. Through the intervention of Bruno and others, the Council of Autun suspended Manasses, who retaliated by demolishing the houses of their accusers and confiscating their goods. In 1080 a final decision of the Pope, together with a popular uprising, deposed Manasses.

Here is the account as it appears in the Catholic Encyclopedia:

In 1075 St. Bruno was appointed chancellor of the church ofReims, and had then to give himself especially to the administration of the diocese. Meanwhile the pious Bishop Gervais, friend of St. Bruno, had been succeeded by Manasses de Gournai, who quickly became odious for his impiety and violence. The chancellor and two other canons were commissioned to bear to the papal legateHugh of Die, the complaints of the indignant clergy, and at the Council of Autun, 1077, they obtained the suspension of the unworthy prelate. The latter's reply was to raze the houses of his accusers, confiscate their goods, sell their benefices, and appeal to the popeBruno then absented himself from Reims for a while, and went probably to Rome to defend the justice of his cause. It was only in 1080 that a definite sentenceconfirmed by a rising of the people, compelled Manasses to withdraw and take refuge with the Emperor Henry IV

Pretty amazing to see that the process and problems haven't changed much in the 900 plus years since this account.


"For someone in his position to create that much emotional distress without really noticing or thinking about the consequences and then failing to explain himself is arrogant."

Sunday, October 5, 2014


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P. Saverio CannistrĂ  O.C.D.
General Superior
Casa Generalizia dei Carmelitani Scalzi
Corso d'Italia, 38
00198 Roma - ITALIA
Tel. +39 06 85 44 32 30
Fax. +39 06 85 44 32 79

Dear Father General,

We believe that Fr. Edwin "Pius" Sammut O.C.D. has a largely negative influence on the administration of the Archdiocese of Agana and his words and actions here as a leader of the Neocatechumenal Way have had a divisive effect on the Church of God in Guam for the better part of two decades.  At the current time Fr. Sammut leads the Neocatechumenal Way on Guam as the chief catechist and he also serves as the secretary of the Blessed San Vitores Theological Institute in Guam.  

Please see the attached petition, signed by 352 individuals and families from August 3, 2014 through October 2, 2014.  All signatures were collected online from the Thoughtful Catholic web site at

We ask that you review his words, actions, and influence here to ensure that it is compatible with the mission of the Discalced Carmelites and that you assert your appropriate authority to ensure that Fr. Sammut's work here on Guam comports to the high ideals of his Carmelite order. If necessary, please remove him from service in Guam.

Si Yu'os Ma'ase (Thank you).

/s/ Concerned Catholic Faithful on Guam