Monday, October 12, 2015


Rodrigo has left a new comment on your post "EXPELLED NEOCAT, LAPAZ, VERIFIES OUR VIEW OF CHAPU...": 

Lapaz states in her post the two main reasons why I think the ncw is wrong. 

First, the liturgical issue, which I think is the least bad thing and could eventually be corrected after stubborn kiko dies and the new leaders will finally be forced to obey.

But the second issue is definetely worse and should be considered a crime, and that is the psycologycal harm the ncw does to people. 

Lapaz and I are good friends, even though she lives in Europe and I live in Mexico. We both have experienced very similar abuses inside our communities. I am not authorized to tell the full story of Lapaz, but I can tell you she is an extraordinary human being, a very brave person and a beautiful soul, and what she has gone through with her cathechists is despicable. These sons of bitches should be in jail for what they caused, take my word for it. To illustrate this point, Lapaz just commented that this dude (one of kiko's 12) mocked her and expelled her from the Catholic Church. He literally, with no authority whatsoever, excommunicated her! These people are something else, and the worst thing is that these things are happening in many places, and if boot licking bishops such as Apuron, OMalley and Chaput keep bowing to kiko, he will be empowered to continue his abuse inside the Church.

This things, such as what happened to Lapaz, need to be known everywhere. Kiko has to be stopped. 


  1. Neo-Free Guam (World)October 12, 2015 at 3:20 PM

    These are actual proof to what I said earlier, Guam has become ground zero for the world wide battle against Kiko and his merry men. You have been exposed and people from different parts of the world including former Neo members confirming Kiko destructive influence where ever he goes. Expose this man for what he is Charlatan, money laundering crook.

  2. The NCW is a money laundering human trafficking organization. I wonder what would come up if we did some background checks on all these ESL presbyters? Sexual offenders, child molesters, drug dealers, etc? Some of them have already seem to fit this profile. Our very own AAA is a liar and a thief and it's time for him to step down and move far away from the island. It's time to start cleaning up our parishes and we'll start with removing the NCW and Kiko's versions of artistic masterpieces with his face on them. Biba Katoliku, BIBA!!

    James T.

    1. People on island have heard them admit to many suicide attempts, alcoholism, depression, multiple sexual partners, drugs and crime. This not a good guess. Good screening RMS. As in NO SCREENING. archbishop completely responsible for this area of GRAVE neglect. Of, course, seems Rome does not give a D-MN. And then we have Chaput-- "give me more, give me more. ". One thing, tho. Bet Chaput does some screening. Unless RMS hands off the communities will take care. Philadelphia and Boston expanding RMS facilities. Trying to catch up to Apuron! Haha. Ugh.

    2. Let start by taking back Barrigada Church that belong to the People of Guam and get rid of Adrain to don't belong there. Have build their own Church above Ordot Dump.

    3. Sad that Apuron didn't realize that when Adrian first took over the parish many many years ago, people started to slowly move to Mangilao parish. They are still moving especially since the changes under Alberto' watch.

      The majority of the parishioners are those from other villages belong to the Barrigada communities as well as the regular Neocatechumenal from the village.

      Adrian helm back then was very domineering. He thought that being the son of a Senator as well as his holier than thou collar would give him the power and the might.

      He may think he has the power and might, but his collar, like Apuron is on a leash. They have Dog Tags..ownership Genarrini. Do you both have chips implanted under your skins so that they know your whereabouts in case you go AWOL?

  3. I don't know if Pope Francisco is waiting until the moment Kiko will die...I only know Kiko is called the "Secular Pope". When I started the Way, in the 80's in Spain, we were looked as sectarians by the great catholic people, bishops over all. We had to beg help asking lots of priests if someone at least will celebrate the eucharist, for petitential celebrations, for the find a place where to celebrate some neo communities at the same time. The attitude to do it was to supplicate, by the time it was near an impossible mission. Then there weren't any Redemptoris Mater priests and it took some large years to have first seminarians "walking" into communities. My community had six seminarians at all, from different places (the most from Latinamerican countries).
    For the time I lived the NCW, we had to pay for our new parish's temple (with catechumenium ad hoc), for the Redemptoris Mater opened in Madrid, for the Domus Galilaeae building, etc. etc. etc. A lot of spending money from others, not Kiko's money, of course, not Carmen's money (his father was one of the richest man on Forbes, she is his heiress and all the money was put into a neo foundation for the evangelization of Peru, it is documented).
    When Domus Galilaeae proyect, Kiko forced each community in Spain and Italy, maybe some other european country, to pay the equivalent to 6.000 euros of then, it's important to consider it. The thing was to find some brother per community who had to request a personal loan to the bank and after that the community will have to return it by monthly bags. So Kiko obtained many millions to build the Domus, each community had to give the cash to the Family of Nazaret Foundation. Cero taxation because that money came from donations.
    We know Redemptoris Mater live with food from charity organizations, it is documented in some aspects. But they also receive money through Family of Nazaret Foundation in each country and in an international level. That Foundation handles a huge ammount of money from all communities over the world.
    Did you see Domus Jerusalem Proyect? Here the numbers
    Kiko said it was going to be a present for Benedict XVI by the year the poor Pope was expected to aprove definitely the NCW. Cardinal Sean O'Maley was ahead the great campaign...and your dear Chaput is in "the board of Trustees", see
    The last news we had were about all the money given by jewish millionaires in USA, who listened Kiko's Symphony in concert, wasn't enough to pay the piece of land for Domus Jerusalem.
    Of course, it was impossible to give it as a present for Benedict XVI since the moment the Pope stopped the aproval of the NCW as Kiko wanted...despite Cardinal Bertone's nice efforts and Rouco's helping hand...oops, and Card. Cañizares too!
    And the poor Redemptoris Mater having their simple soup from charity foundations...It's not fair! (and it's not true, they do not have simple soup, they live much better than 29,2% in risk of poverty in Spain, even when we have not "barracas" as Kiko told in his fairy tales, that is for just one hole book).

    1. I will also make a special post of this comment.

  4. To Rodrigo, Neo Free, and James, you are all absolutely right that they should go to jail. This is what would happen in a perfect world, or in a Tom Clancy novel.
    Unfortunately, in the real world we live in, the NCW system of corruption, uses several loophole that have allowed them to get away with grand larceny for years.
    By hidding behing the image of a religious, pro-family movement, who is able to send its members on "missions" and churning out seminarians like there is no tomorrow, the leaders of that sect have been able to curry the favors of very influential people within the Church, but also in the circles of politicians that gravitate (for personnal gains and offices) around the church's decision makers.
    Italy, Spain and Malta, but also to a lesser extent Poland and Croatia have fallen victim to this Scheme.
    Other countries like France, Britain, Japan, The Philippines have resisted, thanks to some clairvoyant and strong will leaders.

    Spain is a perfect example, where they were able to use their Francoist connections to establish themselves, and later on, when the conservative movement was under siege, they organized meetings with political connotations, to prop up the Arnaz government among others. By blurring the distinction between religion and politics, they have been able to buy, or render services, which later brought them an almost blanket immunity in that country.
    They have used the same game plan in South America and in the Antilles.
    Understanding very well the need for propaganda, they have created their own press group, which is freely distributed in dioceses were the bishops owe them favors.
    It is striking how the Pilot, the website of Archbishop O'Money in Boston, basically lets them use their site as an unabatted relay to the Zenit.

    When you add to this the far reaching money laundering operations, run by Genarinni and Co, you have a perfect storm: religious, and political cover with huge amount of cash floating around.

    Finally, the cherry on the cake, if you wish: the use of gravely sinful individuals, specialy sexual predators (occasional or serial) as key players in the organization.
    By covering up for the dubious past of the likes of Apuron, Sammut, Wadeson, Cristobal, to name just those we know well, the NCW and their leaders are buying themselves unconditional support from these failed individuals. Their future is tied up with the success of the NCW, if it fails, they fail, and the protective umbrella of the "Way" disappears.
    Like Tim, aptly paraphrased they are like the Borgias, or even worse for those who like History, they are like the Colonnas or the Orsinis of time past. I guess each period sees it version of evil. We have ours.
    On the positive side, our people have awaken, even if so slowly, they did.
    People faced with the facts are now more informed and less gullible. (except for the zealots and the fanatics)
    Catholics here are organizing, and we are not going to take it anymore!

  5. In Spain Kiko becomed "popular" only when Cardinal Rouco, as President of Episcopal Conference, provided him his interested support for pressing Zapatero's Government against Abortion Law, gay marriage, etc. etc. But things are more complex.
    Traditionaly, conservative politicians had been involved with Opus Dei for decades, later Legionaries of Christ, Communion and Liberation...but no neocats. Kiko do not allow neocats for politic militancy.
    Rouco was very intelligent. Kiko loves show, he is happy with a microphone. Kiko took the public place which Opus Dei do not like, as they love to work on shadows. Kiko was perfect to occupy the forefront. Kiko loves drama, so he was delighted to receive the slaps. The more persecution, the more blessing. That liked Rouco as well, he was interested on exploiting this persecution as if spanish Church and the faith were again into a short of pre-civil war environment. The mentality of fear...the idea of Spain as a great land of martyrs for centuries.
    Spain society is not like that. There are millions of catholics who never put their feet in a temple! New generations are mostly atheistic in fact, not even "BBC" (Brides, Bautism, Comunnion)...I was born at the very end of Franco's dictatorship and formed in a BBC mentality. It was a social convention. My sons and daughters' generation don't live longer these conventions.
    Anyway, Kiko and Rouco flied the flag of the right Catholicism, the unique, the true, the authentic...and after two or three shows on streets, an important part of catholic people stayed at home because they do not identify with that fundamentalism, nor religious nor politic.
    It was the same with Family Day's in Rome, july 2015. Kiko was not wanted by Cardinal Osoro in Madrid to have the Family Day's. Cardinal Osoro finished with Rouco's line. Osoro placed the families for a special celebration into Madrid's Cathedral. Neocats didn't go, of course, they do not love Church if Kiko is not allowed to lead. After that, Kiko tried to celebrate a show with neocat families with Osoro and some bishops from Spain, but unnoticed except for some catholic newspaper. So Kiko had to make his show in Rome...I think for the last time if we look at the scandal and the distant reaction of Communion and Liberation and other neocon forces.
    I have the intuition many people who supported Kiko so interested in the last years have begun to realize Kiko is not so reliable...maybe because Kiko is at least as interested person or more, if possible, than them.
    Frenchie, I agree with you...the part of Church which gives support and cover for Kiko and his hordes of crows remainds the Borgias and worst. I can imagine Cañizares behind the velvet curtains with the missing check of Mendoza for Sant Peter's Pence (that which finally appeared with the Pope Benedict XVI's Butler papers...what a fascinating tale!).
    Anyway, Kiko is not a loved character in Spain. People from neocat who visit Madrid stay horrified when notice there isn't any monument nor plaque where Kiko started his NCW. There isn't and there will not be. The only thing which allows NCW to make some money is a kind of tour organized at the Neocatechumenal Center in Madrid, placed into Kiko's parents flat. I have to say spanish neo people had never visited that flat as neo tourist do. It's a thing to earn more money. By the way, the area where Kiko tells he started his mission has no NCW. It's a very popular neighborghood and cero neocat community there.

    1. Very interesting information, LAPAZ. Seeing how Kiko no longer receives any adulation from his country of origin, he takes his act to Rome and infects the Curia. His tentacles have also reached the Americas with the backing of rich and influential connections. He is just using the Catholic Church to further his worldly ambitions.
      LAPAZ, your contribution to this blog is appreciated.

  6. October 13 th at 10.24 p.m, that is very valuable background.

  7. I agree Austin! the light is being shone on the whole mess of the ncw thanks to ex presbyters and catechists. May Our Lady of Fatima work another miracle as she did 100 years ago (13 Oct 1917) to turn this curse in to a blessing.
