Tuesday, October 4, 2016



  1. NOW THATS A REAL LAWYER!!!! All you dumbass neos!!! Jackie needs to go back to school as she failed to do her homework.

    1. Guess attorney Terlaje got her lawyer certificate thru correspondent course.

    2. Dave Lujan is a first class attorney unlike Jackie Terlaje who is a laughingstock. She better apologize or Dave will chew her up and spit her out.

  2. Go for it, Atty. Lujan. Sue Jackass Jackie's ass off!

  3. That's what you neos get!!! HA!

  4. I hope we find out who were the other members of the Catholic Cemeteries Board of Directors who voted along with Jackass Jackie Terlaje. We certainly don't want them to be part of any church organization, and we should let Hon know how we feel.

    1. Roland San Agustin the owner of San Agustin funeral home. Lilian Posadas. Dennis Santo Tomas.

  5. News Flash! KAKAroach meets Exterminator!

  6. Wait..am I the only confused one, Atty. Lujan represents the victims of AAA and is Atty also for Msgr. James? One thing for sure is that it would suck to be whomever Atty Lujan decideds to go after :p

    1. If you're thinking there is a conflict of interest, don't you think an attorney, especially one of the caliber of Mr. David Lujan, would immediately know if there is one or not?

  7. Anon 10:10 PM Atty Lujan only goes after the Bad guys..the bad the ugly and Evil..you don't have to worry if you're not in that category or one of them..otherwise,I guess you have to start planning for your escape too.....just my opinion..

  8. who did NOT vote along with Jackass Jackie and her cohorts?

    1. Wayne Santos. The only decent person in the bunch.

    2. I know Wayne. He's actually a very good guy. I'm glad he didn't side with the rest of the board. Thank you Wayne.

    3. Jackass Jackie maintains the vote was unanimous. Mr. Wayne Santos, care to say a few words?

  9. Let's see how the "Trained Lawyer" responds to this demand to own up to her lies. Her misdeeds, which includes the RMS coverup, are finally catching up with her. Looks like grounds for disbarment.
    Ann A.

  10. I think Dave lujan is representing Msgr James because he might be a victim of sex abuse by Apuron. Haha. Maybe Msgr James might for a lawsuit against Apuron for not touching him.
    I bet the administrator of this blog is scared to post this.

    1. Scared? Where have you been hiding? Under a rock? Did you know that your beloved Apuron is in deep kaka? Why post this comment as an anonymous? Are you scared?

    2. All I know is the one who posted at 9:43 is.

  11. Anon 9;43 AM..Haha I bet not..

  12. Anonymous @ 9:43 AM: This has to be one of the most stupidest comments ever. One more thing to mention, you also lost the bet. lol!!!

  13. i just watched the short video of jackie terlaje's response on kuam. the creepy looking kiko painting on her wall was appropriate. if this is how the neocats are gonna respond about the cemeteries, we can expect the fight to be much worse when it comes to rms.

  14. Not backing out with complaint says Terlaje!

  15. So Jackie is publicly saying she will not back down. I say SUE her NEO ASS and then some...$$$

  16. It's a LOSE-LOSE for the trained lawyer: 1) SHE LIED about the unanimous vote. 2) the board (in 2014) approved the expenditure.

    But let's appreciate this moment. The Kiko-Way is being drug out for all the world to see now on the secular stage. A Kiko, filing a complaint with the police (essentially accusing a priest of a crime) WITHOUT the knowledge of the pope-appointed administrator, is a direct slap at Rome and the pope himself.

    This is not just an individual Catholic protesting against something she disagrees with (as many of us do), Jackie used her position on a Church-appointed board, to accuse Msgr. James of a criminal act. This is serious stuff.

    1. The word "unanimous" stated a lie. If they had a quorum, proper word is "majority" in favor off. Komon sense!

    2. Yes, and this is more evidence (if it was needed) of the inability of NCW members to think for themselves or to back down. It is arrogant self-righteousness even to the point of personal damage and harm to the Church.

      If I was from Guam, I would immediately seek the involvement of the relevant legal practitioners board by making a complaint against this person for unethical behavior.

      She has not sought to retract her previous written (sworn?)assertion of a unanimous decision of the Board, despite it being shown to be untrue, but instead again implied in this latest statement that it was a legitimate and proper decision of the Board.

      I agree, this is serious, and I sincerely hope that the consequences are similarly serious.

    3. Where is her proof, at the least a list of signatures or minutes? Why has the media not ask for such simple documentation?

    4. Jose M, if you listened closely to Terlaje's statement on KUAM she said something about a consent but NO meeting. So don't expect minutes or signatures. SUE 'EM ALL including The canary from Agat!

    5. her deflection is that there were no records about the previous board's authorization for msgr james's celebration either.

    6. Doesn't make any difference, Tim. Do you know how many Popes have supported the Way??? Hmmmm? Well, do you???

    7. Do you know how many popes have supported the Legionnaires of Christ and its founder Fr. Marcel Maciel?? Hmmmm? Well, do you???

  17. That's a great idea to enjoy the moment Tim. It is beyond baffling that the trained lawyer is using the current Board's questionable decision who she likely lobbied when the previous Board that were all there signed off on the expense.

  18. Guess Jackie thinks Kiko has her back. I'd like to see her face when Kiko leaves her to dangle in her own kaka on her own.

  19. Good idea to enjoy this moment Tim. It is beyond baffling that the trained lawyer is using the current board's questionable decision (she probably lobbied for it) when the 4 previous board members reaffirmed that they approved the expense. Unless of course she's trying to distract us from the big picture of getting back the Yona property.

  20. If Hon really has the "power," he should just fire the Catholic Cemeteries board of directors and be done with this mess. But, I am hoping Hon won't. I am curious how this will play out, especially with Atty. David Lujan in the picture, so I hope Hon will not do anything to spoil this drama. So much material for an academy award winning picture (documentary type).

  21. What is this "olive branch and apology" allegedly issues by Fr Jeff to which the trained lawyer refers?

    On what basis can Fr Jeff issue and apology for statements formally and publically made by Archbishop Hon in any case?

    This is a bit confusing?

    Is it true that Fr Jeff will be attending the Cemeteries Board meeting today?

    And finally, was it not previously stated that those that had issued the complaint to police etc have already been asked to resign? In which case, how is it that the trained lawyer appears to claim the ongoing right to act and speak as secretary?

    1. And why are we hearing from the Secretary of the Board and not from the
      Chairman of the Board?

    2. According to the news reports, Fr. Jeff was apologizing to Adrian No Balls for "management" not properly informing No Balls of his new assignment. No Balls was informed through media sources and the listing on Uma Tuna (or so he claims).

  22. Good point, John. Is she trying to distract us from something else bigger that the Neos on Guam are doing that they don't want the rest of Guam to know about?

    Msgr. James, exercise your authority over the Church assets and insist on a full audit of all assets and liabilities, starting with the Catholic Cemeteries! En garde, people of Guam!

  23. Distract, Deny, Deflect = Neocatechumenal Way

    Defend = Catholic Churches of the World

    Any questions?

  24. David Lujan rakin in the $$$$$$$$$$$ .

    1. David Lujan is worth his weight in gold.

    2. 7:04PM, that is the perception when you consider the worthlessness of the trained lawyer compared to the worth of Atty Lujan.

    3. David Lujan look like Drunk ? weight in gold tequila LOL

    4. David Lujan don't Look drunk ;( he is drunk

    5. Well then there should be no reason for the bad guys to be afraid of him, is there. LOL. Be afraid. Be very, very afraid.

  25. Jackass Jackie is going to learn lawyering when Daivd Lujan kicks her ass in a court of law.

    1. Nope not lawyering but lawnmowering.

  26. I heard Jackie is fighting David's Letter? Go get her Mr. Lujan. It's time these people get put back where they belong. Make her mow the grass as a punishment too.

  27. What about Hon's request that all those involved in the filing of the complaint against Msgr. Benavente resign? Hon, what sayest thou?

  28. I'm confused,
    Attorney Lujan is representing Monsignor James and the Victims of Apuron? How is Attorney Lujan related to Monsignor and why is he representing both parties? Seeking a response.

    1. Hi Adrian. No, you're not confused, and you're not seeking a response. LOL. Take it up with Lujan, freak.

    2. Distract.....Deflect...... GOTCHA !!
