Thursday, November 17, 2016


Last July:

Greeting Giuseppe and Claudia Gennarini at the Airport! from Undercover Neo on Vimeo.


  1. Hopefully we can say bye bye to quitugua, Adrian, Waldo, tony and every stinking one of these neos who had influenced this community and divided the Catholic Church.

  2. Abolished - What a wonderful word!

    "Free at last, free at last! Thank God Almighty we're free at last!"

  3. But I was looking forward to welcoming him back to our shores in July!?!

    Maybe he can be welcomed back properly when he is subpoenaed for Apurun's trial. What did he know and why didn't he report it? Did he use that information to control the weak pervert?

  4. I join everyone on this blog in prayer and joy at all of the good news. Ever cautious though, I wonder if all of these articles will pass legal muster? On another note, do we have to wait for Archbishop Byrnes to enforce the transfers of Adriann and Edgy? What has Hon done to get these two to their new assignments? Where are they residing or presiding now?

    1. Yes, the abolition of the Board of Guarantors, an entity nowhere provided for in Guam law, most certainly does pass legal muster.

      There are two ways to know “for sure.”

      1) One or more members of the erstwhile Board of Guarantors files a lawsuit against the Archdiocese of Agaña to invalidate the abolition, and restore the perpetual use of RMS to the NCW Cult.

      Ha! Bring it on! The potential “discovery” against the NCW Cult (including its financial machinations) would be more than enough to dissuade most competent counsel for the NCW Cult from commencing such litigation.

      But who knows? Perhaps they will hire a Cult lawyer known for pushing the legal envelope. Especially if Abp. Apuron has already been laicized.

      2) When the statute of limitations expires on the opportunity of the erstwhile Board of Guarantors to sue Archbishop Byrnes. Perhaps we need another countdown clock as a footnote?

  5. Neo Neo ..Neo Neo .. Hey Hey Hey..Good Bye

  6. While you are at it, can you post that wonderful welcoming at the airport a while back. We surely did it right that time.

  7. It's good riddance Giuseppe, take your NCW crap along with you and hit the road jack.

  8. Top Neo Cat, the most effectual
    Top Neo Cat, who’s intellectual
    (He's into Girard and Gramsci)
    Top Neo Cat
    The indisputable leader of the gang
    He’s the championship
    He’s the most tip top
    Top Neo Cat
    Yes he’s the chief, he’s the king
    But above everything
    He’s the most tip top
    Top Neo Cat
