Friday, December 19, 2014


Well, well, well. Now why do you suppose the archbishop is so eager to notify the media of this apostolic visit even before the visit is announced to the parishes?

I've noticed that the Vatican has been quite busy on JungleWatch lately:


In the Catholic Church, an apostolic visitor (or Apostolic Visitator) is a papal representative with a transient mission to perform a canonical visitation of relatively short duration. The visitor is deputed to investigate a special circumstance in a diocese or country, and to submit a report to the Holy See at the conclusion of the investigation...Visitors are, however, deputed by the pope for special emergencies and not at stated intervals. Their duty is to inspect the state of the Church in the country confided to them and then to draw up a report to the Holy See.

Could it be that they received the letter from John Toves?

Apuron accused of abuse: Former seminarian lodges complaint with Vatican

Toves stated he forwarded his letter to Archbishop Martin Krebs, the Vatican's delegate in the Pacific islands; Cardinal Marc Ouellet, prefect of the Congregation for Bishops; and Cardinal Fernando Filoni, prefect of the Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples and a former personal envoy of Pope Francis. 
"I come forward now as I realized that no one else has, and I believe the Archbishop must be held accountable for his actions," Toves wrote.

Or maybe it was all those other letters you all have been sending?

By the way, Bishop Savio, while you are here, perhaps you can assist Archbishop Apuron in his search for the "permission" for the Neocatechumenal Way to consume the Sacred Host seated and for him, the celebrant, to not consume the Sacred Host until he has distributed it to all the communicants. According to this answer he gave parishioners this past Monday at St. Francis parish in Yona, the Vatican has given permission and it's "somewhere". He just needs "to find out where exactly." Perhaps you know?

Rome has approved it – even the way we’re receiving Communion. That they receive the host standing and they can sit down and everybody who receives it and they eat together, as the Priest stands and says, “Behold the Lamb of God…” you know, the acclamation before and they receive it sitting down. Rome has given permission for that. And it’s somewhere I need to find out where exactly, but they told us that permission is given. 
- Archbishop Apuron to the parishioners of St. Francis Parish, Yona, Guam. December 15, 2014.
  Listen to him say it here:

Go here for a full transcript of Mr. Tanaka's questions and Archbishop Apuron's answers. We will further comment later on what we all know to be outright lies by the Archbishop.

P.S. Bishop Savio, we are very tired of these lies. Very tired.


  1. The following was received as an email just now:

    Guam Corrupted Chancery
    2:48 AM (9 minutes ago)

    to info, bcc: me
    Peace be with you!

    After months of battling with the Archdiocese of Agana's Administration vs. the faithful on Guam, help is being received.

    "Guam Catholics Cry" would like to thank everyone who have contributed in any way to arrival of His Excellency, Archbishop Savio HON Tai-Fai, SBD, Secretary of the Vatican Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples, along with Archbishop Martin Krebs, Apostolic Delegate to the Pacific Islands and Fr. Tadeusz Nowak, OMI.

    The Vatican initiated investigation will take place from January 4, 2015 to January 10, 2015.

    We ask that you please pray for:

    Archbishop Anthony Apuron, Archbishop of Agana,Guam
    Msgr. David C. Quitugua, Vicar General
    Fr. Adrian Cristobal, Chancellor
    Fr. Pius Sammut, OCD, NeoCatechumenal Way founder on Guam
    Deacon Dominic Kim, Finance Officier
    Deacon Larry Claros, Sexual Response Coordinator
    Sr. Marian Arroyo, RSM, Division of Pastoral Ministries
    Fr. Pius Sammut, OCD, NeoCatechumenal Way founder on Guam

    as they are investigated. We pray that if they are called to other positions, a new administration will bring healing and peace throughout the island.

    With great appreciation,

    Guam Catholics Cry

  2. Fr.Matthew Blockley.December 19, 2014 at 3:17 AM

    It is time to speak the truth and seek the renewal and healing of the entire Pacific region which is in a state of total moral decay. it is time for healing, and renewal from a most oppressive dictatorship of almost twenty years.

    1. To the ANON that said Fr. Blockley will be excommunicated, do you really think it will happen? Good luck with that.


    2. To those who want to excommunicate me I doubt it very much Fr. Blockley is very much a lose canon .

  3. Fr.Matthew Blockley.December 19, 2014 at 3:22 AM

    Above all we pray for peace and unity at this time. we pray for healing for the many people who have been damaged by this oppressive leadership of the Archdiocese of Agana and the Diocese of Chalan Kanoa.


  4. Above names seriously dysfunctional human beings. The untold damage they have caused this Archdiocese will take many years to heal.

  5. Fr. Tadeusz Nowak OMI served the Archdiocese of Toronto at their St. Augustine's Seminary. See

    1. The course requirements of this seminary are also well documented as well as the requirement to pass the TOEFL for those whose native language is not English (English spoken in Toronto). Can the RMS's say the same?

  6. I think the victims of sex abuse should make it a point to sit with them. Privately so they can hear their story. No media, no blogs, no chancery, no coordinator, just victims and spouses or support family member.

    1. Mary Lou Garcia-PeredaDecember 19, 2014 at 11:45 AM

      Anonymous (December 19, 2014 at 8:48 AM), I pray that this week-long visitation will include meetings with clergy members (WITHOUT the presence of the Archbishop and/or his minions) as well as the laity, including members from various organizations and, as you suggested, victims of clergy sexual abuse and others who need to be heard. It is encouraging to note that this visit will be longer than the brief one by Archbishop Krebs in July. It is my fervent prayer that a thorough investigation will be conducted.

      The fact that the Archbishop felt compelled to issue this News Release and frame it as the "Archdiocese welcoming Secretary of the Vatican Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples …" indicates his desire to present this "Pastoral Visit" as a positive response to his recent visit with Pope Francis. It's as though AAA is trying to spin this canonical visitation as "Well, Pope Francis felt bad that he couldn't schedule a visit to Guam in conjunction with his Papal Visit to the Philippines, so he's sending his representatives to visit in his place." Perhaps AAA is also looking forward to having these visitors on Guam to assist him in (1) the writeup and filing of his defamation lawsuit and/or (2) the research for his responses to Tommy Tanaka's questions regarding the NCW's method of consuming their "Eucharistic meal."

      I have no doubt that AAA will try to arrange to have his NCW brethren spend as much "quality time" possible with these visitors to try and prevent other members of the island's Church Militant from interacting with them. It would be no surprise to me if AAA takes off to the Philippines to catch another photo op with Pope Francis as soon as the Apostolic Visitator et al depart.

    2. To Mary Lou and all others, please write directly to Archbishop Krebs. I just did and I got a response back. Tell him the issues that need to be addressed before he gets here. Just commenting on this blog does not help us get what the Nuncio needs to make an informed investigation. Yes the Neos will spin this to make it look like a "visit". Worse they will dominate the Nuncio's time by planning out their agenda. They will take up the "meeelions of minutes" we need to address our concerns. By making our concerns known ahead of time, when they get here it will seem like a whining session. Also coming down the pipeline is a negative action against one of our deacons. The typical way a petty and vindictive dictator would act. Be aware, but most of all please write and make your voices heard. Finally, it's time to come forward and put a name and face to your words. We are all in the line of fire and unless we show that we are afraid no more, then we will not succeed in getting rid of this curse.

    3. I'm sure the Neos will all come together in one place to make their numbers "appear" significant. On another note, I wonder what Archbishop Savio Hon Tai-Fai knows about our RMS priests who are on "mission" in China?

    4. I have to wonder what Archbishop Savio Hon Tai-Fai knows about the RMS priests in China also. With his position in the Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples I would think he would know something, but China is a big country. According to Wikipedia his work has been instrumental in translation of the Catechism of the Roman Catholic Church into Chinese. How does he feel about the RMS deviations from the Catechism he helped translate? He has taught at various seminaries in China and is fluent in Cantonese. I can only hope he is coming to help heal Guam and not to help promote RMS seminaries in China.

    5. Mary Lou Garcia-PeredaDecember 20, 2014 at 10:10 AM

      Joseph A. Santos (December 19, 2014 at 2:46 PM), thank you for your suggestion that I (and others) write directly to Archbishop Krebs. I, for my part, have written several letters to the Nuncio and I have received messages of assurances that my concerns are being taken into consideration. Of course, over the months it seemed to me as though they were merely routine letters of acknowledgement. However, reading that there will be a canonical visitation next month is the first glimmer of Hope to me that maybe — just maybe! — "something" will be done to address the Division in our Archdiocese.

      Mr. Santos, you may not be aware that my comments have been made using my name. I have NOT hidden under the Faceless Veil of Anonymity. I've used my first name since I started commenting on this blog last year and recently I decided to use my FULL name. As I have mentioned in the past, my identity — as well as my physical challenges — are known to those who comment in "The Dianas" blog under their Veils of Anonymity or a pseudonym. I have been in their Line of Fire for many months. And while I needed to take some time off to recover from the negativity of their threats, I am back and will continue to be active in this blog.

      In conclusion, I thank you for your courage in making a comment using your name. I have noticed since the announcement of CCOG that more individuals are using their names when they post comments; however the majority continue to post as "Anonymous." I pray that others will follow your example. God bless you.

  7. They have been huddling in groups to discuss things. This morning at Shirley's in Agana were Deacon Gus Cepeda, Father Luis Camacho's Father, and three other women whom I did not recognized. Planning and plotting? Hmm!

  8. Was this Apuron's main visit with Pope Francis? Was this also Kiko's mission at the Vatican?

    The statutes may have been approved, but my question now is, did the Vatican go throught the 13 Volumes of the NCW catechetical teachings? Did they go over the process of the scrutiny? Asides by asking the question Do you believe, there is the question asked..Are you ready to walk the WAY? What happens if you say no...guess you start at square one or asked to leave!

  9. HOpefully this visit will be fruitful for the Church, and I'm not talking AAA. The Church being the PEOPLE, the faithful Catholics of Guam.Hopefully this visit will be especially fruitful for those who have been directly affected, hurt and lied to by those on the hill, namely Monsignor Benavente and the non-neo clergy; those whom John Toves stuck his neck out for; Aaron Quitugua and other men who desire a proper and traditional diocesan formation in an accredited seminary, not a make believe one that was created deceitfully; and the hardworking people who put the Catholic Museum together, only to have it disintegrate after the removal of Monsignor Benavente. Hope for the many of us who pray, pray, pray for our local church and our local boys who want to serve Guam's people. Yes, we were all lied to and hopefully this visit will be a positive change for our people.

    1. 11.29am. Yes we pray for every person who has suffered through the evil dictatorship of Anthony Apuron which for me began in August 1992.

  10. I noticed that the "pray for" Fr. Pius Sammut, OCD, NeoCatechumenal Way founder on Guam was listed twice above. Does that mean we need to pray twice as hard or is he just twice as bad as the others?

    1. Mary Lou Garcia-PeredaDecember 20, 2014 at 12:44 PM

      Anonymous (December 19, 2014 at 11:42 AM): I also noticed how the name of Fr. Pius Sammut, OCD, NeoCatechumenal Way founder on Guam was listed twice in the e-mail from Guam Catholics Cry as posted above. Then I realized the time on the e-mail indicated 2:48 AM (9 minutes ago) and thought the double listing of Fr. Pius was an oversight because of the time the message was composed and sent.

      However, I think both your observations are valid: (1) We need to pray twice as hard because (2) Fr. Pius is probably twice as bad as the others.

  11. I am really hoping that their visit is to address our situation here and nothing else. So, right now, I am just gonna wait and see what it's all about. I have often wondered why does it take Rome so long to do something about our church's sad state? And every time I came to the same conclusions: 1) We are just a small island in the ocean. 2) Our number here is just in the thousands. If we numbered in the millions, I know that Rome would have responded faster. Too bad the chancery was advised of the pastoral visit. Now they will have time to clean up their acts and give a FAKE impression of our church's situation. Imagine if they just showed up unannounced, the outcome will be totally different....the chancery would have been "caught with their pants down", so to speak. I can just imagine all the planning, covering up, deceiving and conniving going on right now. Talk about stress! I hope the visitors will be able to talk people outside of the chancery and NEO hierarchy. If so, without the aaa present or anyone else representing him. I for one, have had enough of aaa. I just think it's sad that I feel that way especially since I have known him for a long time. He is really not the Capuchin Father Tony that I knew back in the Cathedral years. So, like I said, I will just wait and see what it's all about. It could be for something totally different from what we are all have been praying for.

    1. Actually, for Rome, this is rapid response. Indicating the situation is urgent.


    2. Certainly is rapid, hope it is resolved before the full extent of the truth hits the media.

    3. Yes, I tend to agree with ANON 6:50 PM above.

      I never forget what is often said about the Pope and the Catholics of Bishops which also includes the Magisteriam from Church History. Rome may be slow, but Rome is VERY DELIBERATE in their actions.

      It will be an interesting review and I don't believe they are here to share chocolates and to have a local barbecue. The congregation coming in January 2015 are SERIOUS! They are not pushovers to cover ups. I would almost consider this most similarly to an "inquisition". And guess who are at the head of the lists?

      Why send those who are specialized in their field? Because they know that this Diocese has plotted and misdirected too many Catholic Faithfuls and will hopefully bring back the true perspective of why Rome appointed an Archbishop for this Diocese.

  12. To anon @ 11.42. Thanks for the humor . Right on!
    But don't ever forget Pius is more than bad. He is EVIL, in all the sense of the word.

    1. I'm afraid 2.49pm correct. Evil is the word.

  13. Anon@9.27. Probably trying to plan a last minute campaign of attacks on the opponents of the Ncw.
    Where is Do Santos?
    Edivaldo and his Harem?
    The tall woman?

    1. Well, may be in Shirley's making a plot to protect the falling dictator.

    2. the Tall Woman is here.

    3. So the Calvary arrives...when will the Gennarinis arrive? Ta Rah rump, ta rah rump, ta rah rump tump tump!

  14. Is Sr. Marian Arroyo in the Way? Her name is on the list of those to pray for so does that mean she has played some part in the division of our Church as the rest has.

    1. Sr. Marian has a key position. She will have to give account as anyone else called will. The Visitators know to whom they will they will speak.


    2. guess it is like Hitler .Those who carried out the violence of Hitler were held accountable. Sr. Marian and all who contributed to this evil will be held accountable to the degree in which each contributed to the suffering disunity of the local church.


    3. Yes, 5.41pm. I think the visitors know exactly what they are doing. It will not be easy for Apuron to wine and dine them, give them chocolate treats to buy his way out.

    4. Anon@7.37. Arch Hon is used to dealing with the commies, and they have build up a dossier.
      Arch Krebs is no slouch either used to the rough African politics. Got closed to the French arch of Nouméa, who doesn't hold Apron in high esteem. Reverend Nowak is a seminary specialist from Toronto who has 1st hand knowledge of Pius and his M O.
      Looks like this time we have a real board of inquiries.I encourage all persons to write the nuncio in for appt.
      Will try to learn more when in Rome tomorrow.

    5. PIUS left a lingering odor in Canada.....good! MO ??? Oh, yes.


  15. Sister Marian is a dangerous vicious woman . Out of respect for sisters mercy of america little will be said. However, when this war is over best she go to Belmont and live out her life there.

    1. Belmont is really her place. Her brother said so.

    2. Sr. Marian Arroyo not in the Way

  16. Fr. Tadeusz Nowak OMI served the Archdiocese of Toronto at their St. Augustine's Seminary.....

    -St. Augustine's Seminary 2661 Kington Road, Scarborough, Ontario.

    - Redemptoris Mater Missionary Seminary of the Archdiocese of Toronto 2661 Kington Road, Scarborough, Ontario.

  17. I Pray that the delegates from Rome are not here to mediate further the existance of the NCW, much the same way the Bishops in Japan who suspended the NCW were told that a delegate would be sent to mediate between bishops and NCW leaders. Lets face it, the NCW has many Cardinals who support its existance, not to mention the papal approval of their statues in recent months..

    1. The statute of the NCW was approved in 2008. Understand what a statute is. It is a rule. It is a list of provisions which when complied with grant a group its authenticity within the church. It is not the blanket approval that its leaders make it out to be. The problem is the NCW leadership, including Apuron, have violated the statute ever since it was given.


    5:56 ...... "he is responsible for the new evangelization of asia"

  19. Did AAA just fire Deacon Steve Martinez???? It is being reported on PNC news. Tim please shed more light on this situation. This is the last straw!

  20. I watched Adrian CNB, try and sugar coat the visit and beat everyone to the punch on KUAM. Sorry Adrian:(, the Gig is up! you and your little group of Wanna be Church leader better start packing. The people of Guam are kicking you out. It's time for a overhaul and it starts from the top.

    1. Adrian, liar, liar, pants on fire!!

    2. We are all looking forward to the visit! Like hell you are. Adrian.

  21. Those 3 guys along with their other leaders (who all happen to be Neo) better get ready becuase a tsunami is gonna hit them in early January. No more silence, we will come out and defend our church and our Priests that have been wronged from these so-called leaders!

  22. Sounds like something is going down! Now it's our turn to be heard.

  23. To Be Not Afraid: you will need to resubmit your latest comment without mention the name of the company or its business.

  24. Tim,

    Thank you for the heads up.

  25. Archbishop Savio, can you also check why the parish of San Vicente Church in Barrigada refused to have a new born BAPTIZED, because mother is not married! What are the rules! Is this called evangelizing. Instead of given advice to mother, you Father Adrian have chased this mother away.

  26. A comment was posted today on PDN Facebook regarding AAA by Anthony AnnaRose Camacho, Ai adai, just wondering if Anthony really wrote that himself or someone else! I know his writing ability, Anthony is again working at the Catholic Cemetery after the hardworking staff resigned cause they don't want be AAA puppets. Anthony was fired for poor attendance & performance before rehired by Dennis Santo Tomas. No wonder the Pigo Cemetery looks like Ordot Dump, maybe he is the warehouse sleeping like he used to do. So of course he has defend Uncle AAA he needs the mulla $$$$, to pay his child support & not enough food stamp.

  27. Father Adrian who were you picking up at the airport? Was it Kiko? Pius? Genarinni? Which Calvary group came in?

  28. Pastoral what MARIANAS Variety says about fostering reconciliation..

    Vatican reps to visit Guam to ‘foster reconciliation’
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    AMID controversies surrounding the local Church and criticisms against Archbishop Anthony Apuron, Vatican officials are coming to Guam next month to mediate between the clergy, members of the laity and various groups with the hope of bridging their differences.

    Archbishop Savio Hon Tai-Fai, the secretary of the Vatican Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples, will visit Guam along with Rev. Tadeusz Nowak and Archbishop Martin Krebs, apostolic delegate to the Pacific islands.

    The Agana Archdiocese announced the visit in a statement two days ago. The three representatives will be on Guam from Jan. 4 to 10.

    In a letter to Apuron dated Dec. 11, Cardinal Fernando Filoni said the pastoral visit would be done “with the hope of fostering reconciliation and mutual understanding in the archdiocese.”

    Rev. Adrian Cristobal, spokesman for Apuron, said Filoni is the cardinal prefect with the Rome-based Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples.


    Although details of the visit have not been finalized, Cristobal said Tai-Fai, Nowak and Krebs plan on meeting with the clergy, members of the laity and various groups.

    This is Tai-Fai and Nowak’s first visit to Guam in an official capacity and Krebs’ second visit to Guam this year.

    Tai-Fai is secretary of the Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples, which Cristobal said is part of the Roman Curia whose work is to “direct and coordinate throughout the world the actual work of spreading the Gospel as well as missionary cooperation.” Additionally, because the Agana Archdiocese is considered a mission diocese, it falls under the care of this congregation.

  29. Pray Apostolc visit Heals division. Fail to see how our island home can be united with AAA, Adrian, David , Pius, in the chancery. Outside help needed to restore integrity.

  30. I pray the Church in Guam can start the healing process after the Apostolic visit but am afraid there is going to be more division before things get better. Unity can only be restored if all the faithful can be persuaded to Walk in the NCW, or the Archbishop steps aside and a new Bishop is able to mend bridges between everyone and that will be difficult and take time. The Archbishop is too indoctrinated into the NCW and has hurt too many people, that he would be ineffective is facilitating unity at this point.

  31. I pray for a peaceful resolution to the problems plaguing the Archdiocese of Agana at this time. However, I don't hold out much hope as far as "the visitors" effecting such an outcome because I strongly feel that they are "in cahoots" with Archbishop Apuron and the NCW and all the meetings that were conducted were all just one big charade and an exercise in futility. God help us all!
