Monday, May 16, 2016


The new Vicar General, Chancellor, Spokesman -
all rolled into one pathetic reject. (Pius is the archbishop)

Good, let's go. Your statement line by line.

EDIVALDO: Lately a campaign of public and vicious attacks against the Shepherd of the local Catholic Church has been organized. In order to protect the faith of the Catholic people of Guam and safeguard the truth, the following statement is being made for immediate media release to the faithful and for the good willed people of our island.

ME: Ah yes, the old "protect the faith" routine. Apuron used that on John Toves awhile back. He said he was going to sue him to "protect the Church." LOL. He didn't. Maybe you should have asked him WHY he didn't before you went running your mouth here again.

EDIVALDO: For the past three years the Catholic Church in Guam has been constantly targeted by a series of lies destined to undermine the authority of the Archbishop. In order to help the People understand the defamatory nature of these attacks, let us review the series of intentional and malicious lies that have been spread by the media:

ME: LOL. I see. So you, Edivaldo, are going to "help the People." Sorry, newcomer, but "the People" of Guam have been able to help themselves for centuries. They don't need you. They are quite smart enough to recognize the truth when they see it. And you don't have it, little boy. And by the way, you are not "the Catholic Church" and neither is Apuron for that matter. He publicly left the Catholic Church on January 9, 2006 when he elected to obey Kiko instead of Pope Benedict. In case you don't know, I have the recording (and the transcript). Oh, and gotta love that you blame "the media." They're gonna love that!

EDIVALDO: 1. They began with the lie that the archbishop had alienated the property of Yona where the Redemptoris Mater seminary and the Blessed Diego Luis San Vitores Theological Institute are located; this accusation proved completely false and ridiculous when the title deed of property was released, listing the Archdiocese of Agana as the sole owner of property.

ME: Oh, you are too much fun. A "title" and a "deed" are too different things. There is no such thing as a "title deed." But as long as we are on the subject, what "proved" to be "completely false and ridiculous" was the Certificate of Title you published in the Umatuna on November 29 which the Trained Lawyer procured for you. So which "title deed" (LOL) is the real one? The one published on November 29? The one the Trained Lawyer got from the Deputy Registrar on December 15? The one the Director of Land Management stamped "Canceled" on March 15? Or the one the AG got for you by bypassing Guam law? Oh, and just a small real estate lesson for you, Edi, a Certificate of Title doesn't mean crap in the real world of property transactions. What matters is the DEED. But then you wouldn't know the difference would you? 

EDIVALDO: 2. They proceeded then to claim that the archbishop had lost control of the corporation sole because in the Board of Guarantors he had only one vote against 4: also this proved completely false by the Articles of Incorporation where it is written that the Board of Guarantors is concerned only with guaranteeing the purpose of the corporation – which is that of forming priests (Articles of Incorporation, Art. XI) - while the “Archbishop of Agana of the Roman Catholic Church, he is charged with the administration of the temporalities and the management of the estates and properties” (Articles of Incorporation, Art. XII (iii)).

ME: Oh, more fun. So here, Edi, my little boy, you are calling Attorney Edward Terlaje, a LIAR. Serious, dude, you do NOT want to wake that sleeping giant from his slumber. He knows "#$%@" you can't even dream of. So dude, listen up. It wasn't "they" who claimed the archbishop "lost control of the corporation sole," (it's not a corporation sole - but we'll get to that.") It was Attorney Edward Terlaje who warned Apuron in September of 2011  that he would lose control unless he amended the RMS articles. Attorney Terlaje then advised the finance council of the same, since Apuron had asked them to approve his desire to transfer title to the property to RMS. Here, read it for yourself

ME: And then you reference Article XI of the "Articles of Incorporation." I'm glad you did that, Edi. How interesting that you guys scurried over to file a new articles of incorporation on Jan 29, 2015, only days after we discovered and published the long hidden Declaration of Deed Restriction on Jan 5, 2015. And how interesting that the Jan 29, 2015 version of the articles was NOT in the corporate file at Rev & Tax when Attorney Bronze began researching his Legal Opinion in April of 2015. Prior to Jan 2015, the most recent version of the Articles was from 2004. What would make you suddenly need to file new articles eleven years later? Hmmmm? 

ME: In the 2004 version, the duties of the Board of Guarantors is found in Article X. In the 2015 version it is found in Article XI. Let us look at both versions, compare them to what they actually say with what you said (that the BOG "is concerned only with guaranteeing the purpose of the corporation"), and see who is the LIAR here:

2004 RMS AOI

2015 RMS AOI 

Even your latest version does NOT say that the Board of Guarantors (BOG) is tasked "ONLY" to guarantee the purposes of the Corporation (By the way, it doesn't say Corporation Sole, does it?) As everyone can see, you are a filthy little liar. The BOG has absolute "veto or approval power over the management of the affairs of the Corporation" - just as in the 2004 version, but then you LIARS try to mask it by tagging on "on all matters related to the pursuit of the purposes of the Corporation." Wow. You really think the people of Guam are stupid. "All matters." Toilet paper purchases are "related to the pursuit of the purposes of the Corporation." That's a nice little loophole you guys put in there. It effectively gives the BOG absolute control over EVERY matter since the BOG can decide what "relates" to the purposes. Oh, and apparently you forgot to file new By Laws, because they still say:

RMS By-Laws, Article VII. 3.

LOL, Edi. So the BOG only "guarantees the purpose of the corporation" but they have to approve any decision involving an expense over $5000. Yah, right. LIAR. 

And then you added (in the 2015 version) "except for the Sole Member's rights." You capitalized "Sole" to make it look like this is a corporation sole, but you and Gennarini and the whole lot of you are not only liars, you insult us thinking we are too stupid to read the law for ourselves. A Sole member does not make a "Corporation Sole," you freak. And, as per Guam law, the "members rights," be they one or several, do not permit him (or them) to direct the affairs of the corporation. The member(s) "rights' are limited to the appointment of the Board of Directors and dissolving the corporation if he (they) so desire. How convenient that the "sole member" has no authority over the unelected, un-appointed, and unremovable Board of Guarantors.

One more thing, you reference Article XII. Let's go ahead and deal with that here since this was going to be Part III of my series THE MYSTERIOUS APPEARANCE OF THE "RIGHT DOCUMENT." (Here is Part 1, Part 2, and Part 2A)

Article XII in the 2015 version is the article which names the Incorporator. In the 2004 version, it is Article XI. Here it is:

In the 2015 version, you greatly expanded this to try to make RMS look like a corporation sole:

You state that the information in this article is for the purpose of complying with §10103. Really? does this mean you were NOT complying with §10103 for the 14 years RMS was incorporated since 2002? LOL. You scrambled to insert this section AFTER we discovered and published the Deed which transferred title to RMS. The language of conveyance in the Deed was unmistakeable so your only recourse was to try to make it look like Apuron was still in control by trying to make RMS look like a Corporation Sole. You did this by supplying the information required by 18 GCA §10103. However, §10103 does NOT apply to the formation of a non-profit corporation which is formed under §10101 which is what RMS is:

Damn! You guys are good LIARS!!!

EDIVALDO: 3. They proceeded then to assert that the corporation is not a corporation sole and therefore the archbishop would not be the sole member with total power to appoint or dismiss directors and guarantors: also this proved completely false as per Art. VI of the Articles of Incorporation: not only the archbishop is the sole member but he can dissolve the corporation and all the corporation’s assets shall be destined for whatever uses he may decide (Art.V (3)).

ME: Very tricky, Edi, but Guam people are smarter than what you give us credit for. So let's do this again. A non-profit corporation is formed under 18 GCA §10101 - which is as your Articles of Incorporation exactly state above. A Corporation Sole is formed under §10102 and the following sections of that chapter:

For the record, we never said that the sole member cannot dissolve the corporation or appoint or dismiss its directors. Guam law authorizes the member(s) to do exactly that. What we did say was that the Board of Guarantors is unremovable. And here's the sneaky secret. Guam law does not address the member(s)' rights over a Board of Guarantors because Guam law has NO provision for a Board of Guarantors. Guam law permits only ONE board to govern a corporation, a Board of Directors. Unfortunately, someone at Rev & Tax (perhaps your friend) permitted you to file the articles with the illegal board - which was deliberately inserted in 2002 to do exactly what it did in 2011: assume ownership and control of the 70 MILLION DOLLAR property in the name of RMS. 

And dissolve the corporation or appoint or dismiss the Directors? NOT! This would fall under the "management of the affairs of the corporation" and could definitely be classified as "pursuant to the corporation's purpose," and thus the BOG would have absolute veto and approval power over such decisions. Of course you really don't need that power since you have absolute power over Apuron anyway. 

EDIVALDO: 4. They moved then to even suggest that the Blessed Diego Luis San Vitores Theological institute for Oceania is not really affiliated with the Pontifical Lateran University - allegation proved completely absurd since all the documents of the Lateran University proving the affiliation are available.

ME: Ummmm, where? Your original affiliation expired in 2012. In 2013, the rector of the Lateran visited RMS to see if RMS qualified for a renewed affiliation. If the affiliation had been renewed, it would have been front page of the Umatuna. It wasn't. Such a fool, Edi. Such a fool. 

EDIVALDO: 5. All during this time they have unbelievably claimed that the Neocatechumenal Way is not Catholic but it is a sect – an allegation that cannot even be considered given the approval of Way given by five Popes and by the fact that there are Redemptoris Mater Seminaries in 105 dioceses of the world, among them one in Manila, one in Seoul, one in Taiwan, three in India, plus Rome, Boston and in about 25 other dioceses governed by cardinals.

ME: Oh there he goes with the numbers again. Edi, let me educate you. A papal pat on the head is not an APPROVAL, it is a pat on the head, and that is ALL you ever got from these "five popes," except for one, Pope Benedict, who in 2008 did NOT approve the NCW but approved a Statute, a Law, a Charter for you to FOLLOW. When you depart from that Charter - as you do with every "eucharist" you depart from the only thing that provides for the NCW's Catholic identity and permission to use the name. 

EDIVALDO: 6. Finally they have complained that the Archbishop is not available to people: everybody in good faith knows that the archbishop is celebrating almost every night confirmations in different parishes, visiting schools and celebrating on Saturdays or Sundays in different parishes. In every one of these visits he has always been completely available to people. The proper forum for the Archbishop to speak is from his cathedra in the cathedral, during his pastoral visits or through a pastoral letter.

ME: This is hilarious. Edi tells us that Tony is "completely available to people," then in the next breath he tells us that the "proper forum" is when he speaks in the cathedral, during his pastoral visits (which may happen once every 5 years) or "through a pastoral letter" (which he doesn't write - Fr. Walsh writes them.)You're a jackass, Edi. LOL. The people of Guam KNOW how this Archbishop is available. He's available to have you kiss his ring and kiss his ____. And then....BYE. 

The rest of Edi the Waldo's letter goes on to lash out about the ad etc. and then he comes to this:

EDIVALDO: After keeping silent for long time, since those who are orchestrating this campaign are inducing people into scandal, confusion and grave errors with the malicious intent to injure he (sic) Archbishop, the Church in Guam and many other people who have been insulted and harassed, the Archdiocese of Agana is in the process of taking canonical measures with the Sacra Rota – the competent canonical tribunal – and filing civil lawsuit against those perpetrating these malicious lies.

Oh, boy, Edi. I can't wait. Let's get one thing straight. First, the AD was my idea. I wrote it and I sought its publication. Second, the AD does not mention Apuron, but I did. I publicly said the AD was aimed at Apuron. Third, I am behind everything. I am the one har - ASS -ing, Brother Tony. I, Tim Rohr, have been front and center in this war against The Tony since July 2013 when he slandered, calumniated, and spread vicious lies about Fr. Paul (only his latest victim at the time.) 

So bring it on, jerk. Sue me. Let's do it. I have a document for absolutely EVERY allegation against The Tony. I'll gladly take the stand and show each one of them. And I'll more gladly watch The Tony take the stand. OMG! Can you imagine what would happen if The Tony ever got deposed before a court of law? You better check with The Tony, Edi, before you say any more about that. Trust me.

Oh and P.S., you'll never guess what fell into my hands. It will come in handy on my next trip to Rome...which could be soon. The "Sacra Rota" will be very interested. 

LOL. Waldo. Courage.


  1. Tim,

    You should be excommunicated from the Catholic Church. One day soon. If I was the bishop, you would be excommunicated!

    Ps. I bet you won't post this. Haha
    Your scared for people to see this.

    1. If you were Bishop? You have very little chance to be.....poor idiot.
      Do you even have any clue of what is required for an excommunication ?
      Tim has not been scared to show the truth for the last three years. He never shied from publishing stupid statement like yours.
      It just reminds all of us the level of stupidity and viciousness we are facing.

    2. LOL. 6:27 should ask himself why I am not afraid. Better yet, he should as Apuron. The last thing Apuron wants is for me to show up at the Sacra Rota with my pile of documents...including the one I just got!! LOL. Courage.

    3. Frenchie....Mr. "I Wanna Be a Bishop" (Idiot) has no inkling what process is needed for excommunication. It isn't that simple, buddy. Then to "DARE" Tim to post his comment lends to the possible fact, the "idiot" is a minor or worse yet, a .......

    4. Go and show up at the Sacra Rota then Tim with your pile of documents. Why haven't you done it already? LOL Courage!!

    5. No need. I can take Apuron down right here in front of the local crowd. I prefer to do it slowly. You know "an arduous and painful closure to his assignment." Every day the Truth twists around him a little tighter. This is so much fun. Especially after what I know he did to so many others who did not have a voice. Delightful!

    6. @9:21 AM Tony and the rest you Neo worms will continue to squirm waiting for the axe to fall. Like a criminal always looking over his shoulder, you guys are fearful of your world being turned upside down at any moment because of dastardly deeds.

  2. It's time to start the counter Tim. You admitted you are behind everything but honestly , I doubt they will take it to court.

    1. Count up started. See blog post. I'll post it in the sidebar later. Thanks.

  3. And their communities applaud his effort by telling us that we should build our own church....LOL; we did. And we will continue to fight to make sure that it well be NEO free...

    AnonymousMay 15, 2016 at 5:58 PM
    Suing these group is not suffice enough but EXCOMMUNICATING is much fitting. They might as well built their own Church like the protestant church.

  4. This comment made by diana is just so sad. I will give my highest reverence to Jesus during Holy Communion just like all the Angels present in the Sacrifice of the Holy Mass are doing.

    DianaMay 15, 2016 at 9:03 AM
    Dear Anonymous at 8:52 am,

    They are in for a very rude awakening. The word is getting around in the NCW communities that the Archbishop is seriously pursuing a lawsuit and canonical measures. I say...."FINALLY." Someone under this thread pointed out that in his homily, Father Edivaldo usually say that loving parents always disciplines their children.

    After three years, I believe it is time for Mother Church to discipline her unruly children in order for them to walk right and fly straight.

    1. Thank you anon 9:03, Archie has answered Tim's prayer, note the "counter" Finally it is time to bring this charade to an end. The only effective way for Tim to accomplish this, and this wish is finally given to Tim on a silver platter. Check out the count down clock. Please, please speed up this process and this will hopefully rid our parishes of Presbyters and finally return the RMS back to the Archdiocese.

  5. edi, are you researching or seeking what you should do next since you are only being train as the Spoke person or the mouth piece for little tony. Oh! forgot, this is just too much reading for you and will take you about a month to read and understand Tim's comments but with English as your 2nd Language it is a problem you are facing now. If I were you I would take one or two shoes and just stuff them in your month.

  6. Okay, Lil Edi, now wipe your nose and go outside and play with the other kids.

  7. Tim, you have done an amazing job over the years, but this post takes the cake! Congratulations!!!

    Based on my extensive legal background (watching many episodes of Law and Order) I can say you hit each point right between the eyes. A home run every time!

    Tim swings and he hits it dead center
    Refuting each point of the letter.
    They've nothing to show
    And have nowhere to go.
    Watch out, guys, it ain't gett'n better.

    1. Tim just hit a GRANDSLAM. Excellent points covered here. Where is edi but guess he is still reading Tim's response.

    2. It's going to take some time for Edi-boy to respond. He has to look up what the words arduous, closure and assignment mean. The trained lawyer's probably the one that's been writing all of these press releases and having dufus Edi-boy send them in. Pathetic.

    3. See Tony squirm for cover As Tim's clock ticks louder, Now that a victim has awaken Pius pushes edi-Waldo to do the NCW-acking!



  8. Notes to Media:

    (1) The press release from the Archdiocese of Agana said "intentional and malicious lies that have been spread by the Media." Are you going to just take that without comment?

    (2) The press release also said that the Archdiocese of Agana is in the process of filing civil lawsuits against those spreading these malicious lies. So, I guess that means you guys!

    (3) Mr. Tim Rohr said: "Sue me!" Given that nothing has come out of the threat from apuron to sue John Toves almost two years ago, maybe this time, with a little help from you in the Media, the Archdiocese of Agana (read: apuron, eduvaldo, et. al) will actually sue somebody this time!

    Let the games begin!

    1. These people that threaten to sue.......YOU FUNNY!!!! Either Do It or just go away. When you get deposed in a court, all the dirty laundry will be revealed. You really want that for the archbishop, huh? Again.....YOU FUNNY!!!

  9. Basta na balla-balla BEBEvaldo. Why can't the Archbishop grow some balls and make that statement to his people? Because he only uses his balls behind closed doors.

    1. Unfortunately tony uses his balls by forcibly making little boys handle them.

  10. @ Andrew Camacho dude you are such an idiot! youre poetry sucks. and legal extensive knowledge in legal matters? lol like you know anything about Law. and Tim "pat on the head from the pope means that he does not approve?" lol where does it say he doesn't approve? ohh your probably gonna say the catechism. but you cannot even show one document saying it. Again, it is your own interpretation. lol and who cares if Benedict didn't approve? is he the pope right now? stop being stuck in 08.

    1. Thanks once again for an example of the education offered at RMS. And LOL. Look who's saying "show us the document." We've spent the last several years listening to your side telling us no document is necessary or that it exists but Tony just has to find it "somewhere." And "the catechism." LOL. That comment shows you don't even know what is in the Catechism. And Benedict "didn't approve???" Double LOLOLOL. Benedict is the only Pope who DID APPROVE, you idiot. He approved the thing that authenticates your existence, your putrid statute. LOL. RMS in the flesh. Sick.

    2. LOL this isn't RMS talking. We are online. Were not writing formal letters or anything. and this is what you typed above. "it is a pat on the head, and that is ALL you ever got from these "five popes," except for one, Pope Benedict, who in 2008 did NOT approve the NCW but approved a Statute, a Law, a Charter for you to FOLLOW. Proofread what you write, unless you made a typo.

    3. A "pat on the head" isn't exactly a disapproval either. LOL

    4. LOL YOU ARE "online." DUH!!

    5. Yes, 9:51. Dogs love em.

    6. Dear Annonymous 9:04 AM,

      I am disappointed that you did not appreciate my comments in verse. I do try to mix humor with elucidation when possible. To each his own. It's too bad you didn't get the self-deprecating humor in my legal background claim. That should have had you roaring with laughter. Next time I'll try using references that are less esoteric.

    7. Your calling us dogs? what the hell is your problem. your just an old man who's an asshole who doesn't have any life but check this blog all day. You let the elderly stand outside and protest. you misinform them. Yet YOU are NEVER there!!! We are not dogs and we have never referred to you or anyone on this blog like that. you little punk ass old man. YAWNNNNNNNNNNNN done here.

    8. LOL. Recess must be over.

    9. BTW who is "us"? Do you see the problem. :)

    10. us as in my family and I. LOL

    11. LOL. Got u to come back. No name coward.

    12. Do YOU see the problem? I am a person. I am not a dog.

    13. coward? even if I said my name. you wouldn't do anything lol

    14. 12:35. got you to come again. this is fun.

    15. AHA anon at 12.35, may be if you stop wagging your tail, and start acting like a "person", people might take you to your own word.
      P.S: Please do not drool either. Thanks. Oh and stop the growling... This is a know?? children!!!

    16. Pleaseeee! Donate. Time for seminarians to run away for summer. If they have a brain, they will stay home.

  11. "those who are orchestrating this campaign are inducing people into scandal, confusion and grave errors with the malicious intent to injure"

    Yes, the words straight from the horse's mouth are applicable to Archie' s viscious attacks on Father Paul Gofigan and Monsignor James Benavente.

    The hypocrisy and cavalier attitude of Tony and his henchmen is a matter of record.

  12. Henchmen? More like hench boys. That's probably the way Tony-boy likes them. Edi the Waldo perfectly fits the description. lol!

    1. shut your mouth 007. hahaha you probably some young punk or an old ass man like Timmy

    2. Let me guess, a degree in moral theology from RMS?

    3. Tss! Tss! anon at 12.41 better a young "punk" or an old ass than a foul mouth pimple face idiot. Go wash that mouth with some soap.....punk!

    4. Anon @ 12:41 PM: Truth hurts, doesn't it. Your comment has RMS written all over it. lol!!

    5. @ 12:41 PM: And you must be one of his favorite hench boys like Edi-waldo. Oh the agony! lol!

    6. James 007, I would'nt be suprised if it was an Evilvado follower. Ai, these poor mid-led RMS folks.

      Evilvado and the rest of the folks at RMS. Don't think for a moment that the Catholics of Guam are going to let your cult take over this island. You've recently experienced a little bit of the hornets nest, be prepared to take on the colony!

    7. @Frenchie SHUT UP. look at how Tim called me a dog. then I responded with those comments. how would you like to be called a dog frenchie? pretty sure you wouldn't like it right?? and 007? LOL far off from 007 if anything.

    8. So funny. How anyone who presents themselves as anonymous can take offense to anything said about him, her, it, they. This will make a good post.

    9. Well here you go again Anon at 9.35: Growling once more.
      How do you want people to take you seriously?

      As for myself, I have been called a lot worse, without loosing my cool.
      In your case, it seems like the only thing Kool, is the KOOLAID!

      May be you should go back to the 6th grade to take the lecture comprehension class all over again.

      For me to shut up, you better get up very early. Generations of anti-French idiots have tried to shut us up, without much success. But you are welcome to try. One idiot more or less, is not going to change much.

      Oops did I call you an idiot? I guess you really had it coming.


      PS: Frenchies are a very nice breed of dogs BTW...LOL.
      My good friend Ray here on Guam, actually loves them...

    10. Anon @ 9:35 AM, I didn't understand what you were implying regarding my alias with all that barking going on in your background. Just be nice and maybe you'll get a treat. lol!!

  13. nope. couple different degrees Tim. but ask your boy Andrew Camacho. sounds like hes got all the degrees. Coward? hah maybe if you knew a little bit more of computer science you could prevent anonymous comments. right????

    1. LOL. I have the option to permit anonymous comments or not. I permit them. Sounds like you got those degrees from RMS. Hey, you keep coming back. No job?


    3. Dear Anon at 1.23: if you do not know the adage, may be it is time to learn it.
      "Education and knowledge, is a lot like jam, the less you have, the more you need to spread it"

  14. Tim, I hear that you are getting your sources from the following people.
    Father Eric, Father Paul and Monsignor James. Remember when you exposed about the baptism done by the Neos. Well, finally the person who asked for his child's certificate was asked by James Benavente to expose the Neos in which he recently stop walking. So I bet your mole is one of these priests. Oh yea, I know that James used church funds for his party and now it got out. Ask Aaron Quitagua.

    1. So you know you’re winning when they can’t counter your arguments but try to impugn your motivations and guess at your sources. Wrong on all 3 though. I’m not as stupid as you. I figured these priests would be the obvious guess - given how much Apuron and Adrian hate them. You’re going to have to wait for the movie to find out my sources. It really is funny how my people can operate right under your noses. It’s going to make a great movie. Rated R though :) Courage.

    2. Lol anon @ 2.06, you really sound and act like a cat in a cage.
      If this is your attempt at a fishing expedition, you certainly are a poor fisherman(woman). You cannot even bait your hook.
      Please don't bet, it is not a christian thing....remember no Casino???
      If you know Monsignor James well enough to call him by his first name, what does that tell us about YOU? Still jealous?
      Afraid they could still get in your way? It is well pass that point you know...

      So basically you know nothing, but you are still willing to slander three good priests. If you were not so pathetic you would be funny.
      You were always a below par, jealous, temper throwing mediocre individual. No wonder you have such a hard time making any friend. Still cannot figure who I am?

    3. Fr. Paul and Monsignor James have been put in positions of no importance and with no access to anyone or anything. Fr. Eric even more so. It takes a desperate mind to claim that they have information for Tim. Get a life.

    4. Rude-eeeeee, you have food, water , first aid kit? Worried bout you. Don't drive a n any deep water, ok?

  15. ANON, who keeps coming back; to lay credence to what you say, identify yourself. Hiding behind the veil of Anonymous just shows how infantile your mentality is. You throw stones but aren't willing to face consequences. SMH. Childish Courage.

  16. I love movies. At the big Duggan theater . Big pail of popcorn with Diet Coke. Wow, what a movie. Who's playing me??? Wait! An R movie? Shoot! Coming attractions.

  17. W-I-N-N-I-N-G !!

  18. I say, let us just wait until Archdiocese of Agana AKA "Edivaldo Oliveira" files the suit. We can go round and round many ridiculous spins on this one to no avail. Now that it had been broadcasted on media outlets that Senor Edi will file a civil suit, then so be it. Can we simply hold them to their word for now? I,for one, can hardly wait for these issues to be resolved on a legal forum, presuming that the legal process is the same in Guam as in any other judicial court, and that the symbol remains Lady Justice in blindfold and a weighing scale. We all have personal opinions but too many cooks are spoiling the broth, and igniting the fire to an unnecessary boiling point.

  19. Mr.Rohr, it is hard not to imagine what is in it for you? I am sure you would not be willing to go through all this not making a single dollar for it right? and you guys are accusing the archbishop for molestation? I would want to know what basis you have for all of you making these accusations. it is very serious. I can make an accusation that Mr.Rohr has molested people in the past. But what credibility would I have in doing that? That would be a false accusation. Mr.Rohr you are a real estate agent, are you not? I would say you would "help" in selling it. This equals more profit for you. IDK. seems a little off that you would be willing to go this far...

    1. You are right. It would certainly be more than "a little off" for me to go this far and expose myself to a law suit by a man who controls millions and could hire the best attorneys. No real estate commission would be worth that, not to mention three years of personal threats directed at me and my family. So I must know something you don't know, no?

      The fact that the Archbishop has personally NEVER faced the people and proclaimed his innocence but has only threatened to sue should be a clue. Try to use your brain about this.

    2. 10:21 AM, I was going to say nice try in your attempt to make it look like Tim is in this for monetary or material gain, but then I can understand where you're coming who fail to comprehend what real and true Faith is all about.
      Tim, our prayers are with you.
