Sunday, June 12, 2016


For 40 years he waited for this. And in 40 seconds, the opportunity was gone. Nothing but the back of another bishop.

  1. Archbishop Hon was not silent about the victims. Yesterday at the St. Anthony 4:30 mass in honor of it's Patron, Archbishop Hon during his homily spoke at length about the Popes' June 4th decree. He spoke that we are all sinners but, especially those in the church, it's priests/clergy are entrusted to be cautious and not let any harm come to anyone, especially to the defenseless little ones.

    he went on to say, Mea Culpa, Mea Culpa, and then on to say about the investigation, the cooperation, etc.

    If you sat there listening you could feel that playtime was over..

    1. That’s nice. So only the select few at the 4:30 Mass at St. Anthony’s heard this. This is a matter of importance to the whole diocese. Where’s the media release about the mea culpa, the investigation, the cooperation, etc.?

      Today on the steps of the Cathedral, the most famous face on Guam right now stood right next to him only a few feet away. The only way to miss him was not to look at him and turn away. Hon did exactly that.

      Sorry. I wish I could be positive. It’s about to go from bad to worse.
Whether Archbishop Hon was aware of Walter Denton standing just a few feet from him or not, it doesn't matter. This is a picture that will live in infamy, a metaphor for the treatment of human beings damaged by men dressed like this and ignored by men dressed like this. 


Shirley (his wife) and I went to protest with The laity group.  The Bishop stood outside and said a few a words to the protesters. I was standing to the right of him and I told his assistant the priest that I wanted to meet him but he made no effort. I told him I was one of the Victims. They turned around and went into the church. We decided to go into attend the mass with archbishop Han. He started out saying there are protesters outside. We pray and hopefully in two weeks this will die down. After he said that I told my wife lets get out of here. I don't want to be here.

And couldn't help notice the neo-copycat Edi the Waldo gorilla pose. Their normal sign of disgust at "regular Catholics." Scorning us while they stay in our hotel and party at our expense.

Something tells me that Walter is not done, and this picture will come in handy. Go for it, Walter. Signed: SICK OF IT.


  1. Mary Lou Garcia-PeredaJune 12, 2016 at 4:37 PM

    It looks like a "Good News, Bad News" situation.

    First, the "Good News" — Archbishop Savio Hon Tai-Fai actually came out to speak to the members of the Church Militant, something that Apuron has failed to do, preferring to scurry off in the opposite direction, avoiding eye contact with anyone, which leads directly to …

    The "Bad News" — while Archbishop Hon spoke to the protestors with sexual abuse victim Walter Denton standing a few feet to his right, Hon somehow managed to accomplish an Apuron-type Avoidance of Eye Contact with Walter. Was the sun shining too brightly into Hon's eyes that he didn't "notice" Walter? Or do all Chamorros look the same to Hon so that he didn't "recognize" Walter? Or was he fully aware of Walter's proximity but decided to send the non-verbal message that Walter was not on his (Hon's) agenda?

    Whatever the case may be, Hon's "good deed" of giving the impression of being more accessible than Apuron was quickly negated by his failure to reach out in a paternal way to Walter Denton.

    It could have made such a huge difference had he done so.

  2. They say a picture is worth a thousand words.
    Hon the friend of the NCW pretending to be nice while surrounded by the same goons that have done us violence for years. The allegory is extremely telling

  3. I heard Walter not only stood there and was visible to all but attempted to say hi to Hon. He was ignored by Hon and the priest next to him. Another rejection by another bishop of Guam. He is angry. Nothing has changed.

  4. I hope Rome is still logging in so that they can see how Walter was totally ignored by our Acting Archbishop who is here to promote "UNITY"! In my personal opinion, Archbishop Hon is not the person to try and unify Guam's True and Faithful Catholics and the NEOs running our churches. He is oblivious of the real problems and now I know why NOTHING WAS DONE the last time he was here! I have more to say but I cannot put down in writing how I really really feel! ROME - ARE YOU TUNING IN?

  5. Walter and Shirley have personal lives and family to attend to, yet they made the long journey to seek some closure, and I hope they felt that our support for them knows no bounds. Archbishop Hon really missed a golden opportunity but it was a clear indication of how he intends to administer. So be it, but he has to be ready for adverse perception of ill-advised gestures.

    My sincere hope, however, is that both Walter and Shirley can stay a bit longer to help Guam and the rest of the world to focus on the plight of victims who expose abuse they experienced from clergy. Ironically, this Friar rose from the ashes of shame and pain to become a catalyst for healing - not just for himself but for the entire island of Guam. Thank you, Walter and Shirley, along with Doris Concepcion, Roy Quintanilla and your understanding families who helped you gather strength to expose injustice in our Church. Be strong in the faith - Fortes in Fide!!!

      "The natives are restless!" Your Excellency. But don't underscore the word "natives" to mean immature, un-intelligent, with primitive minds! Underscore the word "restless" - because where there is smoke, there is fire!" And Rome may not be fiddling, while the fires in Guam go out of control.

      You have the fire extinguisher, Your Excellency. Use it! Start by cleaning in-house, before you go out to the yard. And beware of wolves who are dressed in sheep clothing. A word to the wise is sufficient.

      Joe R. San Agustin
      A very concerned Catholic, and
      A member of the Concerned Catholics of Guam (a prohibitive organisation?)

    2. J.R.San Agustin June 12, 2016 at 11:07 PM - I totally agree with you when you explained the word "NATIVES"! After seeing what has "not been happening" with our Acting Archbishop, my thought was - Rome is considering us "Island Natives" and that singing KUMBAYA will solve all the problems. They do not realize that we have grown up on "Guam - Where America's Day Begins" and that our education process is the same as the USoA. We are not "In the Boonies Uneducated Island Natives" who will agree with everything that Rome says because we are supposed to.

      Signed: ME - Who wants to Be A Member of the Concerned Catholics of Guam (I AM CATHOLIC I AM CATHOLIC I AM CATHOLIC) living in the USoA.

  6. As one sign says "ONE OPTION: RESIGN". Let's me more signs with:


  7. At the protest in front of the Cathedral steps in Agana this morning, instead of trying to seek from us (the protesters) what our perspectives are toward healing, peace, and unity (as he did by participating in the Neo Prayer Vigil last night); instead of extending his hands to us to in a gesture of paternal care for peace, harmony, and unity; instead of extending his prayers for the victims (or alleged victims if he doesn't believe them, some of whom were there) - Archbishop Hon's question to the crowd when he came out to talk to us was "Did you all go to Mass today?" - to which we answered YES!

    I wasn’t close enough, nor move closer because of the immobility of my wheelchair, to hear the entire dialogue (I wish someone had videotaped it) – so I can’t verify it personally – but from my subsequent reading of Walter Denton’s narrative -- “I told his assistant priest that I wanted to meet him (Archbishop Hon) but he (the priest) made no effort (to tell Hon). I told him I was one of the victims. They turned around and went into the church.” Was that total oversight? Knowing the climate of the tense situation of the protest, he surely would have at least suspected that a victim must have been in the crowd. Walter’s picture had been splashed all over the papers and TV the past few days. It didn’t dawn on him to take at least a cursory look to see if a victim was there? Walter was no more than 10 feet to his right, with nothing obstructing his view! Did the archbishop even ask? Did he even care? Did he even want to know? I’ll give the archbishop the benefit of the doubt that it was an oversight – but I would add that it was a culpable and negligent oversight.

    I would love nothing better than to give Archbishop Hon unquestionable trust that he is truly out here to heal our Church. However, his actions/inactions do not seem to support that desire. He has not given us the slightest indication (other than thru words) that he is here to change the climate of division within our Church. He seems, rather, to support the thesis that blind obedience to the status quo under his leadership (to just continue to love one another) is the Way to go. That’s what Apuron had been telling us for decades!

    Sorry, your Excellency, but drastic changes require drastic. brave and heroic moves - oftentimes unpopular. A feel-good “kumbaya” admonition is totally insufficient. If you choose not to upset the apple cart of your boss (Cardinal Filoni who is assumedly Neo, or at least pro-Neo), by standing up to the TRUTH at all times, and truly searching wherein is the root of division within our Catholic Church in Guam lie, then you are wasting your time - and (with the utmost respect), Pope Francis made a mistake in appointing you Apostolic Administrator (sede plena though it only may be).

    If you do not reach out to the People of God, the Catholics who are very concerned about the way their Faith is being hurt, harmed and adulterated, you will never fulfill your mission. And the very vast majority of the Catholic Laity in Guam are the ones who have been banned by the former Archbishop of Guam from exercising the right given them in Church Law.: "The Christian faithful are free to make known to the pastors of the Church their needs, especially spiritual ones, and their desires. According to the knowledge, competence, and prestige which they possess, they have the right and even at times the duty to manifest to the sacred pastors their opinion on matters which pertain to the good of the Church and to make their opinion known to the rest of the Christian faithful," (Codex Iuris Canonici, #212, §§2-3). What have you done with Apuron's decree? Upheld it, or voided it? Your answer speaks volumes.

  8. Why not just ask Archbishop Hon why he didn't acknowledge Walter?

  9. - If the Archbishop had only extended his hand to Walter, we will start feeling like he is here and something will happened! The Archbishop did not have to say anything but holding Walter's hand would have been Awesome! What A Golden and Missed Opportunity! Archbishop Hon - You Have Just Gone Down Five Notches on my list. Walter, keep your head up and just know that the True Catholics on Guam are ALL BEHIND YOU! Now you know first hand what the True Catholic Churches are going through! God Extra Blessings to You and Your Family!

  10. Wanted to watch the video but wasn't able to open it.

  11. with archbishop hon's assignment, it's looking to me like it's just "business as usual" in the minds of the powers that control the church.

    what happened to all the talk about the shepherds seeking out the sheep? indeed, why didn't archbishop hon seek out the victims himself, and meet with them? that should have been at the top of his list upon arrival. instead, we got the same-old-same-old ceremony about unity, blah, blah, blah.

    it really does seem to me that hon is only on guam to sweep all of this under the rug. is he being clueless and uncompassionate on purpose??! without seeing any other actions to the contrary, i can only conclude that hon's purpose on guam really is to make this all go away.

    what a sad and tragic state of affairs. i'd like to think that pope francis's intent in ordering this takeover really was to clean up the guam church, but that kiko got his way instead. but at this point, who knows.

    at this juncture, the only remaining option i can see is for the guam faithful--laity and clergy alike!--to vacate the churches and have Mass outside. hold a constant protest.

    to our faithful priests and deacons: i had hoped that it would not have to come to this. but it feels like it has. the time for silent obedience is closing quickly. it's time to hit the streets. will you fight for what's right?

  12. Would Pope Francis have ignored Walter?? Maybe depending what agenda was that particular day. Since the agenda for just now is smoothing over things and singing peace is flowing like a river; of course nothing happened. If Hon doesn't sit down in a mediately give people an opportunity to air their concerns, he won't accomplish a thing. I think he has a cookie-cutter approach to this. May have worked other places but it won't work here now.

  13. Here's the CONTINUATION of my comment of 6/12, @11:07pm:

    If you do not reach out to the People of God, the Catholics who are very concerned about the way their Faith is being hurt, harmed and adulterated, you will never fulfill your mission. And the very vast majority of the Catholic Laity in Guam are the ones who have been banned by the former Archbishop of Guam from exercising the right given them in Church Law.: "The Christian faithful are free to make known to the pastors of the Church their needs, especially spiritual ones, and their desires. According to the knowledge, competence, and prestige which they possess, they have the right and even at times the duty to manifest to the sacred pastors their opinion on matters which pertain to the good of the Church and to make their opinion known to the rest of the Christian faithful," (Codex Iuris Canonici, #212, §§2-3). What have you done with Apuron's decree? Upheld it, or voided it? Your answer speaks volumes.

    "The natives are restless!" Your Excellency. But don't underscore the word "natives" to mean immature, un-intelligent, with primitive minds! Underscore the word "restless" - because where there is smoke, there is fire!" And Rome may not be fiddling, while the fires in Guam go out of control.

    You have the fire extinguisher, Your Excellency. Use it! Start by cleaning in-house, before you go out to the yard. And beware of wolves who are dressed in sheep clothing. A word to the wise is sufficient. Or is this advice “a day short, and a dollar shy”?

    Joe R. San Agustin
    A very concerned Catholic, and
    A member of the Concerned Catholics of Guam (a prohibitive organization?)
