Monday, August 8, 2016


Posted by LaPaz, Jungle Watch correspondent from Spain.

One of the main things you loose during walking in the Way is your privacy
Privacy related to thoughts, feelings, persons...and privacy related to intimacy in your life as individual person, your marriage, your relationship with friends and family...and over all, in your deepest "self" and your counciousness. 

Let's say it openly: the Neocatechumenal Way does remove your internal forum

The most time you spend into, more control will take your catechists, the priests (RMs) and those brothers and sisters of your community over your privacy and intimacy.

There, you learn by doing to have your mind, your spirit, your soul as an empty cristal glass. Not because of not having sins, fails and imperfections, but because "you" and "your life" is like a gallery 24h/7d open for exhibition.

Since God sees in your deepest and all will be put under His light, Kiko understands it is better to show your intimacy and privacy for your catechists and community just straight and without anesthesia. Just stop living for you and let us know everything.

It is the mechanism employed by excellence in the Way. You can not stay walking just hearing. If you do that, you are a complete selfish. As you hear your brothers and sisters, they have to hear you. If you are the classic person who prefers listening than talking, you will be exhorted to be more opened. 

Sooner or later you'll throw til your first pap. If you do not do it spontaneously, they will make you vomit. Kiko thinks each person is "zero plus the sin". The Way is, by his own words, the most efficient detergent. You can say you do not like the container, you would prefer a different colour or fragance, but you must conclude it is the best.

While in a normal adult life you live without giving explanations or asking others on what do you have to do, supposedly you are able to self-governing your own things and matters, in the Way things are the opposite. You have to explain what, when, where, why, your catechist and your community. In fact, the controlling figure of the "guarantor" is introduced in the last part of the Way.

A neocatechumenal does not understand God does not ask him for telling his intimacy to others. 
He does not understand he has the right to NOT reveal the content of his consciousness and you too, which means you are not obligated to know his life in his intimacy.

Of course, he does not understand everybody has the same right, as well as the freedom of saying "I do not want to listen to you"..."I am not obliged"..."please, do not tell me your last details of every aspect in your life".

He just belives his faith depends on your listening, it is, on "you have to listen to me" yes or yes.
Why? Because he belives in Kiko's adoctrination system as the original and truly and wanted by God. It is "giving you the Kerygma: you listen to me, then God sends His Holy Spirit and confirms all inside you and then you will convert".  Faith comes by ears. Really it comes from a neocatechumenal inspired mouth.

The most he talks, more converted you -supposedly- will be. 
Maybe that is true: not everybody is able to bear a neocatechumenal preaching. 
Neocatechumenals are almost always unbearable. They are the most opposite of silent and hidden monks. 

At the same time, in the Neocatechumenal Way is understood it would hurt less if you tell "something" quickly and by your own initiative. If you are a lier, it would be better to recognize it during your first scrutiny than when your third. 

Kiko says it openly: when you talk about it, it heals. So, you have to talk even about your toenails, if necessary, to be healed. So, you listen to resonances in Saturday's eucharist and everybody will show jingles of sins and defects. Sometimes there is a competition to know who is the most horrible of all. 

It is such a debugging process.  
That is why when a common person who has no very special things to tell because his life is quite normal and simple, is called a "lineal" and "grey trousers" (which always combine with all colours) by his catechists. 

Not having much to tell, in the Way is seen as a deception from Devil, because it is impossible that if God is working so hard with you, you will never have nothing to tell. It is like calling God a liar. Your zeal to proclaim the Gospel makes your tongue being always ready for movement. 

Another justification to be constantly throwing your dishes in front of your community is that anybody will help you if you are "closed". If you keep something for your intimacy, nor God nor your community can give you "a word". You can not keep anything only for you. 

That "for you" includes "your marital life", "your family life", etc. etc. Your community knows EVERYTHING OF EVERY MEMBER and many times it includes "all people who live around him": mother, father, brother, sister, family in law, daughter, son, niece, uncle, unty, friends, etc. etc.

It is aberrant. I have my mom still into the Way and I know they do know everything of my life through her despite being out since ten years ago.

The incredible thing is, while you are there, you will finish to accept it with naturally and without having to make any special vow. You are tied but with a invisible tie. And that is why many people stay so much time thinking around before leaving the Way: you are afraid of all information they have about you and your people.

The lack of importance about own intimacy in the Way is reflected in some of neocatechumenal signs. Which is the most private act you use to do as a catholic in your "public" life? Confession? But how? In a box?

Why do they need to confess sins in a confessional box? What do you have to confess to a priest when you are "confessing" all time and everything to others in your community? 

Confessing in Domus

That is why, in the Neocatechumenal Way, they use to do penitential celebrations in their own style

It is much like a bureaucratic thing you have to do just two or three times along the year, always in community and giving more importance to the fact you are part of an asembly, the people of God, who sing toghether (sing=pray twice, by Kiko) and ask for forgiveness toghether...and after, let's eat and drink toghether with an agape. Party over all. 

Thinking on Apuron's theme, it is hard to belive, in my humble opinion, he would had never told his catechist, Gennarini, about his sins. If Apuron was a convinced neocatechumenal, he should have talked about his whole life in front of his community.  

In my community were some Redemptoris Mater (first being semminarians and then priests) and all of us had to hear their sins and faults and temptations as from any other lay brother. And I mean all kind of sins. 

It is impossible to hide any sin in front of your catechists. I-M-P-O-S-S-I-B-L-E. 

I know it sounds terrible, but it is much easier to hide a sin in front of a priest in confession than in front of them.

 If I turn the homelet in the pan, I have never seen a priest in confession being cruel and violent...but I do have seen a catechist being cruel and violent wiht his neocatechumenals. In Spain, in fact, there is one itinerant responsible of evangelization known as "R., the cruel". Another called "the taliban". 

Maybe Gennarini is like a sister of mercy as catechist. Maybe he uses pure vaselin. Maybe Apuron has never talked about his "most private" behaviours. Or maybe he speaks digressing and Genarinni can not catch him on fly. Maybe Apuron has never allowed Gennarini to scrutinize him.

Confessions in Domus during Penitence celebration

Anyway, even in case Apuron had kept "it" hidden for his catechist, we just know the internal "Policy" of the Way in similar cases. If you have been abused, then you are told to forgive your abuser. Most: you have to ask him for forgiveness because he was your enemy and you judged him in your heart...If you were the abuser, just confess and sin no more. 

I knew a case of an itinerant who was in mission in a foreign country. Each time he had to come back to Spain for a convivence with Kiko or a "step" whith his original community, he was accommodated at some family of his community's home...

But as he had commited sexual abuses some time ago and they knew it, they decided to "remove the dead from their own back" and accommodating him in other's home from another family of another community of the same parish. Of course they did not say anything. And he again comited abuses, but at least children abused were not from his own community. 

That is the way of resolving real grave things in the Way. Your catechist will tell you your history was right, it was for your conversion....blablabla. But he will not admit Apuron at his home knowing just some rumours. He would tell some excuse and find another home for the "supposedly" abuser. 

I always remind Kiko and Gennarini have the right to call the Police when somebody shows them a simple poster with "Go home!", but any neocatechumenal has the right to do the same when is a victim of a crime. 

In the Way they are more zelous teaching you to sing properly the "Shemá Israel" than worrying about real grave things.

I can not understand why anybody from "the 12" of Kiko or "the 72" does not face this problem with Apuron with a little of common sense. Well, surely they have their brains evaporated due to excesive dancing around the fire.

Maybe Apuron is a false neocatechumenal...Or maybe he is one of the VIP NCW club and lives the Neocatechumenal Way over Kiko's rules. As he does. As Carmen did. 

By the way, rumours said she was cremated, not buried. That is totally against Kiko's teachings. That is totally "unchristian".

One thing I'm sure: if Apuron was not in the NCW, nor Kiko nor Diana will loose a minute with him.

And they will not cry any tear for his victims. 


  1. The NEO,s need to build there place of worship so they can do what ever they want, oh they already have, its the hotels ball room!

  2. Apuron confessed his sins to Pius. Pius knows.

    1. And how he used that same knowledge, right Pius, old boy?

  3. Marvelous La Paz! What ou have put forth is the cult of Kiko's marxist tactics of mind control through indoctrination through propaganda. Similar to the tortures endured by millions in Russia's Siberian prisons.

    In essense the goal is to remove your "will" so your soul is ripe for the "indoctrination".

    1. Your prison cell is the "community", your prison guard is your "responsible", the catechist is the indoctrinator, the prison commandant.

  4. Janet B - MangilaoAugust 8, 2016 at 9:43 AM

    Behold; the CULT!
    Thank you La Paz for your insight to the true demon of the NCW - the catechist and responsible rule at all cost.

    1. What kind of a person would take that kind of control over others?? Even religious aren't subject to that transgression of inner forum. Ever. So how do NJ nuns live this kind of control??


  5. Thankyou. This article shows what a sick and dangerous cult the NCW really is. Pure evil.

  6. And Apuron's, David's and Adrian's catechist is?:

    1. Pontus Pius, Of Course Of Course, For Sure, For Sure..

  7. Why would one confess his sins to the community or a catechist? Do they have the power to forgive sins? From whom did they receive the power to forgive sins? Kiko himself does not have the power to forgive sins. The Priests themselves are but instruments of God. It is God who forgives sins, and in the case of the Sacrament of Penance, which Christ himself instituted, it is through a validly ordained priest that a sinner can be absolved of his sins by the power of Jesus Christ. So what benefit is it to confess to the community? It would seem, as LaPaz clearly indicates, it is utilized to entrap an individual, one becomes a captive to the NCW community, who is fully aware of your most intimate secrets, and this information once obtained can be utilized as a tool for blackmailing. This is what happens when people deviate from what God has instituted, and man attempts to form his way of dealing with sin. Get rid of the NCW Guam, They are misleading the faithful down the wrong path..

  8. You need to understand the conception of forgiveness as given in the NCW catechesis.

    For the NCW, God cannot be "offended" by our sin, as He is perfect and nothing we do can add or take away from Him. They effectively ignore the teaching of the Church on this matter:

    CCC 1850 Sin is an offense against God: "Against you, you alone, have I sinned, and done that which is evil in your sight." Sin sets itself against God's love for us and turns our hearts away from it. Like the first sin, it is disobedience, a revolt against God through the will to become "like gods," knowing and determining good and evil. Sin is thus "love of oneself even to contempt of God." In this proud self- exaltation, sin is diametrically opposed to the obedience of Jesus, which achieves our salvation.

    Ironically, in the section of the Catechetical Directory that deals with the NCW teaching of sin as not being an offense to God, the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith ordered that this passage of the CCC be added as a footnote. Of course, you will never hear this read or spoken at the catechesis, as it is effectively forgotten.

    Instead, the NCW teach that sin is primarily horizontal - that is an offense against the community. Note, that most of the teachings of the NCW are for the sake of edifying the community, as that is where its power lies, and if it means violating the person individually, then so be it.

    Consider, if you will, the questionnaire given to the NCW members during the teaching of the subject of the sacrament of Penance, during the initial catechesis:

    First question: Can you offend God without at the same time offending your neighbor and yourself?

    (Following this question Kiko tells his catechists: "But the question has a trick in it. It asks if we can only offend God. The question is put in this way to make us understand that we have a concept of sin that is only vertical and individualistic, as if sin were only about the relationship between God and me and consisted of an offense against God in himself, taking something away from what God is. Basically we thing we can harm God in himself". Contrast this with the CCC paragraph above).

    Second question: In what actions of your daily life do you most show your individualism?

    (Obviously, if being individualistic is bad, as the question implies, then individual confession is bad too, isn’t it?)

    to be continued...

  9. Third question: Consider whether you think about confession as something individualistic. Do you go to purify yourself alone? How often when you have sinned have you feared its consequences on others and especially on the community?

    (Kiko: "This question itself tells people that confession should not only be something individual" and "Private confession has left a mark on us in this sense. Perhaps many people now come to the communitites who have never been to confession, who have never thought confessions was a good thing. In this sense, these people are more genuine, not having been immunized")

    Fourth question: For you, to what extent does the priest who absolves you represent the community?

    (Now, to this question, any Catholic would baulk. Catholics know that the priest does not “represent the community”, but hears confession in persona Christi, as Christ himself. Note the treatment of the priest as a figurehead only. But the question implies that the community is greater that the priest (in this case Christ) himself.)

    Fifth question: To what extent does confession show the sign of the community walking in a state of constant conversion under the impulse of the Holy Spirit.

    (Honestly. )

    Sixth question: Do you think that the Christians you know have a sense of mutual forgiveness in their everyday lives, in the family, with their neighbors, in politics, at work? If not, does it not seem to you that a sacramental forgiveness has no meaning?

    (Kiko: "Here, the people usually say that they do not see this mutual forgiveness among Christians. Therefore the second part of the question has a meaning". Ie Kiko is clearly teaching that “sacramental forgiveness has no meaning”.)

    Seventh question: How do you think that your Christian behaviour appears to other people: intolerant, pharisaic, classist, moralistic?

    (Some choices, huh? But Kiko wants you to think of yourself in this way. Then your only choice is to give up your individual thought, hand it all over to the community and say “you do my thinking for me”)

    There is much more to say about this teaching - it really should be publicized far and wide. But this is enough to be able to say, that it is the foundation for the NCW violation of the internal forum, and it is DIABOLICAL!

  10. My marital life is no other else's business rather it's between myself, my spouse, and God. He gave me the gift of matrimony and I shall protect such gift till death do me part. That's crazy to expose something sacred a community. Go neo's go neo's go GOSSIP to one another..

    1. The sanctuary of our marriage and the sanctuary of our family violated by just anyone? Never. Pius gather your things and leave.

  11. Thank you, Anonymous at 3:49 PM, for your lucid explanation about the NCW Cult theology of the Sacrament of Reconciliation.

    This could warrant its own post, as the NCW Cult heresies concerning Confession seem almost as egregious as its errors about the Holy Eucharist and other doctrines of the Church.

  12. That is one of the many big problems with the neos. They harbor and protect child molesters and rapists to do more damage and destroy more lives. If it doesn't fly in one place they ship it to another...Wadeson and Camacho now apuron. Guam is guilty of exporting pedophiles and hebephiles! Shame on us!

  13. Testem Benevolentiae Nostrae Encyclical of Pope Leo XIII promulgated on January 22, 1899. CONCERNING NEW OPINIONS, VIRTUE, NATURE AND GRACE, WITH REGARD TO AMERICANISM

    ...But if there be those who prefer to form one body without
    the obligation of the vows let them pursue such a course. It is not new in the Church, nor in any wise censurable. Let them be careful, however, not to set forth such a state above that of religious orders. But rather, since mankind are more disposed at the present time to indulge themselves in pleasures, let those be held in greater esteem "who having left all things have followed Christ."

    Finally, not to delay too long, it is stated that the way and method hitherto in use among Catholics for bringing back those who have fallen away from the Church should be left aside and another one chosen, in which matter it will suffice to note that it is not the part of prudence to neglect that which antiquity in its long experience has approved and which is also taught by apostolic authority. The scriptures teach us that it is the duty of all to be solicitous for the salvation of one's neighbor, according to the power and position of each. The faithful do this by religiously discharging the duties of their state of life, by the uprightness of their conduct, by their works of Christian charity and by earnest and continuous prayer to God. On the other hand, those who belong to the clergy should do this by an enlightened fulfillment of their preaching ministry, by the pomp and splendor of ceremonies especially by setting forth that sound form of doctrine which Saint Paul inculcated upon Titus and Timothy. But if, among the different ways of preaching the word of God that one sometimes seems to be preferable, which directed to non-Catholics, not in churches, but in some suitable place, in such wise that controversy is not sought, but friendly conference, such a method is certainly without fault. But let those who undertake such ministry be set apart by the authority of the bishops and let them be men whose science and virtue has been previously ascertained. For we think that there are many in your country who are separated from Catholic truth more by ignorance than by ill-will, who might perchance more easily be drawn to the one fold of Christ if this truth be set forth to them in a friendly and familiar way...

  14. Archbishops Apuron, Ballin and Hon read this encyclical. Too many of your brother bishops need to read and practice it. important excerpt below.

    PAENITENTIAM AGERE Encyclical of Pope John XXIII on July 1, 1962

    28. Our first need is for internal repentance; the detestation, that is, of sin, and the determination to make amends for it. This is the repentance shown by those who make a good Confession, take part in the Eucharistic Sacrifice and receive Holy Communion. The faithful should be specially encouraged to do this during the novena to the Holy Spirit, for external acts of penance are quite obviously useless unless accompanied by a clear conscience and the detestation of sin. Hence Christ's severe warning: "Unless you repent you will all perish in the same manner."[26] God forbid that any of Our sons and daughters succumb to this danger.

  15. Because the devil loses his grip on you
