Saturday, September 17, 2016


On November 28, 2014, Archbishop Apuron threatened to use the full force and weight of "the Church" to sue an individual Catholic who made a public allegation against him regarding the sexual abuse of his relative:

Keep this in mind as we go through what follows.

On September 12, 2016, the Guam Legislature unanimously voted to pass Bill 326-33, a bill which, once signed into law, will permanently lift the statute of limitations on sex crimes against minors and permit victims to bring civil claims against their "abusers, their enablers, their aiders or abettors, those acting in concert with them and their institutions at any time."

Initially, the bill "as introduced" did not include liability for "institutions." In fact, I was one of those who insisted that it didn't. 

However, on Sunday, July 3, Archbishop Hon changed all that. 

In two homilies, one at Santa Barbara and the other at the Cathedral, Archbishop Hon convinced us that the problem wasn't just Apuron. Hon convinced us that the problem was Hon. More specifically, Hon, who represents Rome, convinced us that the problem was truly the entire institutional, hierarchical church. 

In those two homilies, Hon belittled our culture ("the Guam culture expects everything fast"), mocked this blog and thus our primary means of communicating as laity ("the blogs are encouraging false barriers"), criticized our opposition to Apuron (we "have to deepen our faith in our Bishop"), and told us to shut up and sit down ("you have the knowledge, but I have the power"). And he said all this in the face of what Roy, Doris, Walter, and Roland had revealed, with Leo Tudela and Ramon Da Plata yet to come. 

It was immediately apparent to us that Hon intended to continue to spit in our faces, just as he had during his "visitation" in January 2015. And now, just as then, his mission is to prop up Apuron and the Neocatechumenal Way. 

Because he thinks Guam people are beneath him, he thought he could make quick work of it. "Over in two weeks" he told the Cathedral congregation on Sunday, June 12, 2016. But as of July 3, those two weeks had gone by and the picket line in front of the Cathedral had grown longer and larger. Thus Hon went on the attack: belittling our culture, mocking this blog, criticizing our opposition to Apuron, and reminding us that it was he was "all powerful." 

And so, face to face with this menace who within our midst represents the hierarchical church, we made the very difficult decision to unleash the only weapon left us: institutional liability. No, it wouldn't hurt Hon in the pocketbook. Personally he won't have to pay a cent. However, it would "hurt" Hon in ways that would make him pay attention. It would send him the message that we aren't the stupid, subservient islanders he thinks we are. 

And even then, he wouldn't care that much. But we knew that he WOULD care about what the passage of such a measure would mean to those who control his future in Rome. A bill lifting the statute of limitations on sex crimes with institutional liability passed and enacted on his watch is, today, the career-ending "scarlet letter" for bishops. 

And so now Hon is scrambling. Not to save us. But save himself. 


From what we've heard, parishes and schools have been ordered to circulate a petition asking the governor to veto the bill. In fact, you may be hearing an announcement to this effect at this weekend's masses. At first I was going to encourage you to walk out. But don't. Take out your phones out and RECORD, RECORD, RECORD. And hold them up so that the priest can see that you are recording. Maybe even stand up. It is TIME to stand up to these bullies, DAMN IT!

We will post those recordings so we can let the whole world know WHO supports Apuron and the raping and mutilation of little children. 

To assist him in this effort to do the WRONG thing were two "officious intermeddlers," two local attorneys who presented themselves as "concerned Catholics." From the reports I've heard from their address to the parishes and schools, they urged that the bill be STOPPED. 

From the reports, they presented a very grave, doom and gloom, picture of the diocese losing its churches and schools if the bill becomes law. I heard that for most present, the doom and gloom tactic worked. 

Our pastors and principals now are all in a panic and motivated to get the very children whom the bill is designed to protect, to sign a petition calling for its veto! Can everyone say WHAT THE FOXTROT!

Some of these are the same pastors and principals who looked the other way and turned a deaf ear to decades of rumors if not outright accounts of children who were sacrificed as sex toys on the Altar of Perversion where Apuron and those like him really worshiped.

So now we need to get REAL. 

The REAL reason some if not most of our clergy are desirous of stopping this bill has nothing to do with loss of assets or an impingement on ministry, as they will claim. But before I get to THAT reason, let's talk about this supposed loss of assets proffered by the two Officious Intermeddlers. 

For twenty years now, dioceses across the U.S. have faced a similar fate: coming to grips with the truth that their clergy, their religious leaders, and especially their hierarchy, were complicit in a decades-long systematic cultivation of children for the use and abuse of perverted members of the clergy and the even more systematic and conspiratorial cover-up of what Pope Benedict called "the filth in the Church." 

According to, the exposition of these animals, as of 2016, has cost U.S. Catholic dioceses nearly THREE BILLION DOLLARS, and sent another 13 into bankruptcy. The worst of the offenders, the Archdiocese of Los Angeles, shelled out 736 MILLION DOLLARS between 2006 and 2007 to settle claims.  The next highest settlement was paid by the Diocese of San Diego, $198.1 MILLION in 2007, followed by the diocese of Orange CA, 100 MILLION in 2005.

NOTE: That the three "leaders" are all in Southern California and that the BIG LEADER is the Archdiocese of Los Angeles, permits me some sense of vindication. In 1977, my father and I went to the Chancery Office of the Archdiocese of Agana to report an incident involving my own pastor which I had personally witnessed. We were thrown out. My dad lost his faith and life in our family was never the same. I detailed this story in my post CHANCERY VS. ROHR: TWO STORIES. Throughout the next several years, I watched in horror as the LA Church descended into celebrated debauchery. 

Even though these sums sound large, I would challenge the two Officious Intermeddlers who apparently interjected themselves into all this for the purpose of getting the church to get the governor to veto the bill, I would challenge them to show us one church, one school, one soup kitchen, one anything which was closed or sold off as a direct consequence of these lawsuits and settlements. Show us one. 

Not only did Los Angeles NOT close down its cathedral - as some of our priests are saying will happen to ours - Los Angeles BUILT A NEW ONE.  And if there has been any closure of a parish or school it is NOT because of these settlements. It is because of priests and nuns abandoning their vows and running off to "self-actualize." In fact, in Los Angeles, in the year 1968, 300 of 560 nuns from a single order petitioned Rome to leave their vows. I wrote about it here

The fact is, that so long as these dioceses HID their evils, those dioceses hemorrhaged souls, much as ours is now. When Apuron became Archbishop in 1986, there were at total of five identifiable non-Catholic churches of any consequence. Today there are more than 60! FILLED WITH FORMER CATHOLICS !

Coming clean is what the Holy Spirit requires for true renewal. LA, San Diego, Orange, and even Boston, despite being crippled by the left overs of those decades of hell, are experiencing real growth and renewal. 

And coming clean is something WE ARE WILLING TO PAY FOR.

The priests and bishops will not have to pay a single penny unless they are personally found liable. It is WE the LAITY who will pay. We always pay. We paid for Apuron's presbyter playpen for 20 years (and still are). We paid for Apuron's extensive trips with those playmates. We paid for David the Deceiver's decade-long vacation in Rome. We're paying now for all those missing clergy who galavant around the world at our expense. 

And we have also paid to build our churches and schools. And we are NOT afraid to lose them. Perhaps the most visible example of this is the presence of Greg Perez and his wife picketing every Sunday in front of the Cathedral his father's Perez Bros. concrete basically built!

One more entry on this before we get to the REAL reason our "pastors" are now going to oppose the bill. 

Let's take the worst case, Los Angeles. Altogether, LA coughed up 736 MILLION DOLLARS. LA has a population of 4.2 Million Catholics. That's a total of $175.24 per Catholic, a very small price to pay to bring some small amount of justice to the hundreds of young lives who were ruined by monsters like Apuron, Brouillard, and the late Antonio Cruz. 

And the bottom line is that it is WE THE LAITY, who must and will pay.

Get this through your head Hon, Jeff, and the rest of you wimps: We, the majority of the Catholic Faithful of the Archdiocese of Agana are SICKENED by your decades of looking the other way while your brother clergy raped and ruined our children. We are willing to pay the price, ANY PRICE, to clean out THE FILTH in our church. And since YOU won't do it, WE WILL. And we will do it through the courts since you have denied us our Church. 

Make no mistake. This bill was generated by the very people who you pretend to serve. It did not come from some outside force, some foreign opportunistic lawyer. It came from us. It came from us because YOU CHOSE TO DO NOTHING! Evidenced especially by your absolute SILENCE in the face of a mother crying in the streets being called a LIAR by one of your own. 

(Note: In fact, the only "opportunistic lawyers" may be the Officious Intermeddlers who sold you this doom and gloom bull crap, but we'll get to that another time.)

So now, let's get to the REAL reason. 

The real reason is not protection of assets or worry about donations drying up. The REAL reason is THE FILTH in the Church. The FILTH you know exists and you know you have been covering up, which includes far more members of the clergy and religious than those already exposed. 

I and others are well aware of the many accounts of illicit sexual affairs, illegitimate children, abortions in the Philippines, rape, molestation, and the absolute ruin of so many. You know who you are and so do we; and as a columnist recently wrote: so does anyone who has lived on Guam for fifty years. 

You know who you are. And we know why you don't want this bill to become law. And we also know who your protectors are within the government. Thus, the blue Chevelle at Pago Bay. We'll get to that. 

At the top of this post is an entry regarding Apuron's intent to use Church resources, OUR RESOURCES, to sue an individual Catholic to "defend the Church." Not a single member of the clergy said that this was wrong. So now, with the enactment of this bill into law, we do not expect you to oppose our use of OUR RESOURCES to "defend the Church" against the monsters you protected for decades and the system you perpetrated to enable, sustain, and hide them. 



  1. it's bad enough that the clergy haven't come out to support the bill becoming law, let alone publicly show solidarity with the abuse survivors. but now they might even call for the bill to be vetoed?! wtf!

    what an outrage to hear about those plans. i assume the orders to make the announcements on sunday came from hon himself?

    1. I would think the clergy would really wish this to disappear for actually how many of them have skeletons in their closets to keep hidden for as long as they live. And the church can't lose much I mean, Mount Carmel in Agat is practically owned by Mike Phillips.(now they even have the Israel Family doing renovations. (if this isn't true and the school still belongs to the parish then why have they down sized their CCD Classes and only allowing First Communion and Pre-Confirmation & Confirmation Classes. Could it be school and church already don't get along. Minor things compared to RAPE OF AN INNOCENT CHILD.

      A. Hon, We (Chamorro's) have always been forgiving, that along with our elders but the world and times has changed. To continue this trail of lies and to cover up wow.........when will it end. Glad it's now than later.

    2. Clergy will not come out. Yes...too MANY skeletons in their closets. The pretense is about protecting our mother Church but really it is to hide the filth behind the cloth.

      HARD PUSH coming from the Chancery today or tomorrow. Governor needs to pass the bill to remove the statute of limitations. TOO BAD it doesn't include criminal charges on those that have taken advantage of our youths...sad all the way through...JC

  2. Who are these meddlers?

    1. They will be revealed. And so will their motives. Others will do it.

    2. You are so right Tim!!!

      Heard a priest say it in person! Crazy!

  3. Great advice, Tim.

    Preserve that evidence of clergy veto-advocacy.

    Record those homilies!

    Nice use of legal jargon, too. “Officious Intermeddler” is a term that goes way back.

    Though hypertechnically, it would more properly apply if the two lawyers then sought to get paid for their “services.” (!) See

    1. They might be...but not necessarily by the archdiocese.

  4. Wow. Hon and Fr Jeff are setting up their precious priests to be sacrificial lambs!

    The public will no longer stand for boys being raped while the Church silently stands by, and hides those priests. These poor priests forced to read the letters forsake their moral consciences for reminders of obedience.

    And Hon expects this to create unity and harmony how????

    Where will Hon be this Sunday so I can record him reading that silly post. It will be great evidence when all these abuse cases go to trial.

    1. Hon is still in Rome. He was supposed to be back on Monday. He pushed back his return for the 25th . Avoiding the press and letting poor Jeff take the brunt of the criticism in his stead.

  5. Typical defendant about all the horrible consequences when perpetrators are brought to justice...the criminal's family depends on his job to stay off of welfare. Yet, they totally ignore the need for justice to the victim.
    You can be sure that whatever these priests read over the weekend will be a great exaggeration, trying to scare us into compassion for the Church.
    Everybody needs to remember that it was the Church, not the perpetrator, who protected these criminals and totally neglected the victims. Now they are again trying to silence the victims.
    Will we allow the Church to shut down the message this new law brings to the Church?
    Hell no. I am recording the letter and sending it in to the Jungle Nation.
    Tim, please make sure the Governor knows your felling is not unique. It is the common feeling of the common people.

  6. Glad to be back in Holy Mother ChurchSeptember 17, 2016 at 11:52 AM

    First, not all priests are pedophiles. Most are completely innocent of the crime of commission. However, how many are guilty of the crime of omission...they knew of an abuse by a brother priest, but did nothing?
    This is a horrible crime in itself. It has perpetuated a terrible crime, destroying many lives of innocent boys.
    If our Church needs a complete purging of all those who have abused, and all those who knew of abuse but failed to act, then I don't care how much it costs. Lets get it over with once and for all. We have a cancer in the sanctuary, lets operate and get rid of it all, right now, right here.
    If I have to foot the bill, I am more than willing to. After the surgery, I know our beloved Church will recover, stronger for the experience. This is what has happened elsewhere.
    I want a purified Church, not a kiko-ized Church!

    1. I totally agree with these sentiments. We should encourage, not oppose these purifying fires. The goal is not to have a church and a school system, but a Catholic church and a Catholic school system. In some respects I don't we have had either in a long time. If anything, a conflagration is long overdue. The Church is in part a human institution, but where it has only human ends then it constitutes and obstacle to our faith and our salvation, and must be destroyed and restored to the Truth. For way too long the Church on Guam has compromised the faith in order (so it claims) to ensure the survival of its institutions, and, in particular, its schools. For example, it's employment of faculty which openly oppose the Church's teaching on important moral issues, including those which particularly affect teens and its public feting of abortion proponents in exchange for their donations. I think that this claim of necessity is, by the way, actually pretense. I think the compromises result more from a lack of faith among Church leadership on Guam and from that either a lackadaisical attitude toward the Church's teachings or even opposition thereto. I think there is a ton of money waiting on the sidelines for that day when the authentic Catholic church is restored on Guam. I know that I would be happy to give to build up an authentic Catholic Church on Guam and that there is no way that I would give a penny to feed the beast which presently parades as the Catholic Church on Guam.

  7. Glad to be back in Holy Mother ChurchSeptember 17, 2016 at 12:12 PM

    I hear Deacon Dave Richards called to task priests who knew of abuse, affairs, children, etc, and did nothing about it.
    Good for him. I wish more had the strength to call it as it is. We cannot change the past, but we can affect the future.
    The time for all to come clean is now. If priests know about abuse they need to tell.
    I don't expect them to go to the Chancery on Monday and ask to make a statement. That would be too much to expect. That would take courage of a real MAN. If they were real men they would have done that long ago.
    But when they support this law, they will have their chance of redemption. When lawsuits are filed and depositions are taken, they will have the opportunity in a court setting to tell all that they know.
    To oppose this law is to oppose the free expression of truth brought by these civil actions.

    Simply stated - to support this bill is a statement to support an end to child sex abuse.

    To oppose this bill is a statement to oppose the truth being revealed.

  8. This is sick, for priests and Catholic school administrators to ask staff and students to sign a petition opposing a bill that was created to protect them. What is wrong with these principals and pastors? Aren't they concerned for our children?

    1. Apparently, it was never about the students. It is just about the tuition money and what that allows their religious orders to do with the excess profits.

      If the schools actually oppose this law they will be cutting their own throats.

    2. BEWARE principal and teacher! If my minor children sign the petition without my permission, I will sue your asses to kingdom come, lot, stock, and barrel.

    3. What schools? My kids go to FD and they were not asked to sign any petition.

  9. Isn't one of the victims an FD graduate? I guess the brotherhood of FD is more than willing to sacrifice one of it's own to save a classroom! Hahaha....

  10. Bankruptcy was designed to protect the debtor and not the creditor. It preserves the debtor. That is why those dioceses that filed bankruptcy have emerged with the ability to renew and grow.

    1. Sounds like these interlopers have the same methods as kikos: half truths and deceit. Is one of them a "trained attorney" by any chance?

    2. Tim - you do not make catchy statements just because. You make them because they are true.

      As for the real reason - THE FILTH - the legend of ...
      illicit sexual affairs, illegitimate children, abortions in the Philippines, rape, molestation, and the absolute ruin of so many.

      This is something the Governor has to be made aware of. I know some of his advisors are looking for public opinion, and studying the Jungle.

      Well, I certainly hope you point your honorable boss to this section of the post. It is the singular reason why the Church wants to kill the bill. Can the Governor, in good conscience, veto a bill with this motive as the Church's reason.

      If he was undecided and straddling the fence, this information should squarely put him on the side of the righteous - the people who want a safe environment and the victims. Is any cost too much for safeguarding our kids?

  11. WTF? Has Fr. Jeff lost his mind because it seems that he has lost his soul to the Devil.

  12. Who are these intermeddlers? How do they stand to.profit from this intermeddling? The spreading of gloom and doom is a typical tactic to scare someone into doing what you want. Someone has an underlying motive here to use such a tactic. It's reckless and harmful as pastors and principals are reacting impulsively. Hon and Jeff should consult with other dioceses that have undergone this experience in order to cope with this crises, instead of listening to doom and gloom intermeddlers. This is bad for our Church.

    1. This NOT about protecting ASSETS. It's about protecting ASSES.

  13. The religious attitudes are just so precocious,
    their moral compass is simply atrocious.
    Forgot the vows they had taken.
    Collar and habit long ago forsaken.
    Is it any wonder why we're so suspicious!

    1. Our priests (some) lost their values their true character shows. Moey over victims. I'm sorry Jeff you lost all respect.

  14. Inarajan - Figures Don't LieSeptember 17, 2016 at 2:11 PM

    The height of the sex abuse activity in Los Angeles and much of the US was in 2006 and 2007. Before that time the Church did little to take real measures to curtail sex abuse. But all those pesky lawsuits caught the attention of the USCCB, who finally decided to take greater steps. For those who think lawsuits only benefit victims but do nothing to protect our youth, you haven’t looked at the annual survey conducted by the USCCB. Go to: and you will see as I did that civil cases are an effective deterrent. Quite literally, it scares/shocks a complacent Church into actual measures

    On page 26 of the report it shows that there were 695 allegations in 2005. Starting in 2006, and after years of lawsuits, which forced the Churches in the US to take sex abuse seriously, allegations in 2013 were down to 370. That’s a 47% reduction. These are facts presented by the US Church.

    So if we need to open civil suits to fix the terrible situation we have with decades of unreported sex abuse, then I for one am all for it.

    1. Exactly. Nothing shapes future conduct like a huge jury award. In the end, the real beneficiaries of a suit brought by the victims would be the Church itself.

  15. Who are the local lawyers?

    I will pay to rid our church of filth.

  16. Rose de los Reyes (Seattle, WA)September 17, 2016 at 2:46 PM

    Two things: (1) Matthew 16:26 - "For what will it profit a man if he gains the whole world and forfeits his soul? Or what will a man give in exchange for his soul?" Change to: "For what will profit a Church if it keeps its assets and forfeits its soul? Or what will the Church give in exchange for its soul? Answer: its integrity, for one. (2) If the clergy and the Church didn't engage in any wrongdoing regarding clergy child sexual abuse, then it shouldn't fear Bill 326-33. But since the Church leadership has taken the position of mobilizing its clergy and Catholic school staff to get this bill vetoed, that effort is an admission that there are clergy who did engage in perpetrating child sexual abuse and others who turned their back on helping the victims then and even now.

    1. Very well put. I don't understand how any Catholic who both loves the Church and understands its function could oppose this legislation.

  17. The battle lines are being drawn more and more into focus. And the enemy is becoming quite clear. It's the laity versus everyone else. Which side are you on? Stand up and be counted! To the clergy who are silent because they too have something to hide, stand up now and we will forgive you for your weakness(es). For you will surely be found out, exposed and vilified for your hypocrisy.

  18. Rose de los Reyes (Seattle, WA)September 17, 2016 at 3:23 PM

    The Church on Guam was not part of the national 2006-07 period when allegations and lawsuits regarding clergy child sexual abuse came to the forefront. Guam is, at present, finally experiencing its delayed clergy child abuse tsunami. A good Church leader would ask the advice of other bishops who have experienced the wrath of the 2006-07 period and ask them how would they soundly handle the clergy sexual abuse claims today so that the Church would handle the situation fairly and justly for the victims and the Church? It appears that Fr. Hon didn’t seek counsel. Instead, Fr. Hon torpedoes ahead with the worst move he can make. He leads the Church to oppose Bill 326-33. Translation: the oldest and most powerful institution on Guam is taking the charge to support childhood sexual abuse to save its assets. That move is immoral and it is a public relations disaster for the Church! I live in Seattle so I’m going to write about the Seattle Archdiocese (again). The Seattle Church did suffer its fair share of the 2006-07 wave of clergy childhood abuse claims. With a great archbishop at the helm of our archdiocese during this period, we survived it even when there was a law in place comparable to Bill 326-33. As Inarajan wrote above, “lawsuits … forced the Churches in the US to take sex abuse seriously.” In the Church in Seattle, one of the ways our Archdiocese continues to take childhood sexual abuse seriously is that it maintains a public list of clergy and religious who have been verified to have perpetrated sexual abuse against minors. That list is updated as additional names are discovered. I pray for the Church on Guam that one day, it will be transparent enough about its clergy’s involvement in childhood sexual abuse that it wouldn’t hide the names of their guilty clergy. Here is a link to that Seattle list. It’s available in our archdiocesan website.

  19. My phone is ready to record any and all requests made by our celebrant if he mentions anything about vetoing this long awaited bill.

  20. This action clearly demonstrates the "panic" the hierarchy is feeling as they pull out all the stops to try & derail this bill.
    Tim, as you indicated in an earlier post, isn't the bill veto proof
    having received a unanimous vote? If the Gov. were to remain neutral, couldn't he still let it lapse into law?

    1. I wonder whether the intermeddlers are also lobbying the senators to get them to change their positions.

    2. Correct. But NCW is counting on moving things passed November. When elections are over.pols get less scared

    3. Rose de los Reyes (Seattle, WA)September 18, 2016 at 3:13 AM

      If the Governor were to remain neutral, it means he is a coward to take a stand. There is an expectation that a leader is not a coward. The Governor should take a stand one way or another. We hope he takes the stand for the protection of children and the justice to children who were violated decades ago. Bill 326-33 is a public safety and a public health issue. The Governor should want to enact into law that which brings safety and sound (mental, emotional, physical) health to the islanders.

  21. These priests fly first class stay in best hotels eat steak shrimp sea bass . They wear branded cloths Rolex watches. How many of us can live the lives of these priests. We often give them our last 20 bucks going without ourselves. They better protect our children from sex abuse or no more money to them.

    1. Maybe the love of luxury is why the clergy didn't mention much or anything about Mother Teresa being canonized a couple Sundays ago. She actually lived Jesus' teachings.

  22. Is it any wonder that Catholics leave the Church? All the clergy who have or continue to abuse children will pay for their sins one way or another. And all those protecting these guilty clergymen or women should be so ashamed of themselves. They're just as guilty for not standing up and protecting the children.

  23. Archbishop Hon's letter is now appearing on the internet.

    May we ask if the bishop's political letter is a pastoral letter? Here in the United States it would be considered unacceptable for a bishop to send out a letter of this nature. Thankyou.

    1. For me, spanish, it is as unacceptable as you said, anonymous. Any bishop shouldn't take part in political matters. I wonder what would say Pope Francis about it.

    2. what letter and how do we access it on the internet? please advise.

  24. The Church in Guam has lost its way. Sad and tragic.

    1. Rose de los Reyes (Seattle, WA)September 18, 2016 at 12:00 AM

      The reason the Church on Guam has lost its way is because of its leadership, and lack of true leadership.

  25. I do hope and pray that none of my family, relatives, friends and neighbors will sign that petition. I for one would like to tear up that petition and throw it into the face of the bearer, BUT I won't do that, I will just say "May God have mercy on you the the authors, go on your way, Kiko and Pius will be waiting for you at the gate of hell....,, better known as jescepedaofchalanpago.

  26. Maybe this issue was discussed last Friday at the Chancery. I was passing by and I saw a lot of cars leaving the place.

  27. Fr.Jeff you have years on Island after Archbishop Hon Leaves. Today you have angered the silent characters on our stage.Continue your actions and you will become the news! Warning boy.

  28. Caption of A. Hon's letter to be read out at every mass reads: "Putting the house in order without burning it down" - Well Hon, the fact is Apuron, Quitugua, Pius, Cristobal, Eduvaldo, and Claros already burned down the house, and you assisted in this endevor by not listening to the lay people who brought this to your attention a year ago, and every day there after through the JW blog what are you now trying to trying to prevent? I hope you are not contemplating we just forget all that has happened and let these people who caused great damage to innocent children and to the Guam church go free, without facing the consequences of their despicable, shameful, and sinful acts. We don't just say no, but hell No.. It is too late now for any compromises, something that should have happened last year, now justice has to take its course, and these turkeys will have to answer for their actions in a court of law.. It is hard for us to believe that you leaders are still harping about the assets and material belongings of the church, but very little consideration for the welfare and eternal outcome of people's souls...

    1. Fr. Jeff San Nicolas seems to have now joined the house burning team.

    2. "It is hard for us to believe that you leaders are still harping about the assets and material belongings of the church, but very little consideration for the welfare and eternal outcome of people's souls..." Exactly!!!

    3. Disturbing that Archbishop Hon should even think of bank accounts as the motivation for him to act. He obviously not concerned with Apurons victims. How low this archdiocese has fell!

  29. As I see it, Hon's moves are not the last blast of an old-fashioned approach, but the harbinger of the church's new approach worldwide. This would not be Francis's idea, but the idea of the people post-Francis.

  30. Letter was read. All juicy in the beginning. Towards the end there was a bang. Why should this bill be vetoed? It is not only about the involvement of abuse by the clergy but by All people involved by sexual abuse.

    It's a day late and a dollar short. By vetoing this bill, it allows the Archbishop to get a slap on the wrist. This wouldn't have happened if Apo'wrongee just faced the issues head on instead of having people like Orange juice, Eusebio, Deacon Tenorio, Crystal Ball, the scarecrow, Pacho' Pius, etc speak on his
    behalf. Because of Apo'wrongee's stupidity, the walls came tumbling down. Apo'wrongee, you are the main cause of this LIVING HELL, so face the music. As someone told me, situation on Guam is sad.

    Governor Calvo needs to do what is right to protect the children and give those who have lived in the dark some hope and a sense of peace.

    1. Apuron is the cause of a 30 year living Hell. This is about Apuron and the living hell he gave others. Its about revenge to a vicuous malicious reckless violent insane man who inflicted pain on others. This is about Justice of an immoral son of a whore who damaged others.

  31. What about truth and justice? How does the protection of the perpetrator's assets override that? I hope that Gov. Calvo has the courage and wisdom to sign the bill into law. Come Holy Spirit.

  32. The doom and gloom is what Senator Espaldon was talking about when the sound system went dead at the legislature. This "doom & Gloom" rhetoric is a typical tactic used in court to sway jurors and is answered by an "objection" with the Judge holding the final say.

    It's all about CYA, "cover your ass".

  33. Not hon alone Bruce.
    Fr.Jeff pushing his agenda .
    A judas son of Guam.
    Seriously dangerous Jeff wanting to power grab. Hope he don't cry press conference.

  34. in scripture it is said that we should be aware of those wearing the robes.

  35. In today's gospel Jesus presents us with a choice:

    Serve God or mammon.

    In his letter Abp. Hon is presenting us with a choice:

    Protect the abuse victims / survivors or church assets.

    In the third chapter of Malachi we find the following passage:

    For he is like the refiner's fire, or like the fuller's lye.
    He will sit refining and purifying, and he will purify the sons of Levi,
    Refining them like gold or like silver that they may offer due sacrifice to the Lord.
    Then the sacrifice of of Judah and Jerusalem will please the Lord, as in the days of old, as in years gone by.

    Our church has long been in need of purification. There is much filth to burn off so the pure remnant may emerge and shine forth. The fire is hot and painful. But to those with pure hearts it is a warm breeze, a gentle wind that will blow away the ashes. Let us pray for the Lord to bring His refining fire to our church.

  36. This day will live in INFAMY.

    1. Yes this day has forever further divided the Archdiocese. This is what happens when a serial sex abuser is left to run amok in 30 years.

  37. Let us pray the fire will burn out the sin and rebuild a church truly built on the Gospel where Justice is promoted. For 30 years Apuron threw out Justice to protect himself. Lives were destroyed by him. This is justice now. Justice fir the victims justice for every person apuron destroyed with his cronies.
