Monday, October 3, 2016


Posted by Chuck White

Fr. Adrian did not show up to preside at the one and only scheduled 8:30 a.m. Sunday Mass at San Dionisio church in Umatac yesterday. Thankfully, Fr. Julius Akinyemi did show up, even though he's now pastor at San Dimas and Our Lady of the Rosary parish in Malesso. Fr. Julius read a message from Fr. Adrian in which he (Fr. Adrian) says that he's researching canon law regarding his new assignment....


  1. LOL. What an ass. LOL. By the way, it appears he is using an alias called TruthWillCome. I'm on you, Adrian. LOL.

  2. What is there to research; Archbishop Hon as Apostolic Administrator in collaboration with the Prebyterial Council issued a formal decree assigning Adrian to Umatac....These NEO Cult Presbyters always think that they are all mighty and above all others. What can one expect when they have KIKO as thier head Catechist. He thinks that Carmen is already a Saint ahead of the Vatican officially declaring it. So much drama that comes from the KAKA filled Cult.

    1. Why doesn't he just confer with his colleague, Msgr. Quituqua, aka Lurch who is a cannon lawyer?

  3. Too funny! much for being "obedient". I guess Adrianna felt that he is above AB Hon. GREAT EXAMPLE from the former "Chancellor of the Agana Archdiocese". ALL NEOs, here is your beloved example, bird finger to the Chancery unless he is in there and on TOP. Sad and sorrowful example Adrianna!

    1. Pius the Putrid, the no.1 Neo on Guam, when he was relieved of being rector of the sham seminary, said he will do so obediently. Good riddance! But now Adrian is in defiance of Abp Hon's appointment of him to be pastor of Umatac San Dionicio Parish?! So, I guess Neos can choose when to be obedient. Interesting cult. No right or wrong. Just do as you please.

    2. Maybe he will confer with Filoni about his new assignment. LOL

  4. Really? This Adrian is researching canon law because of his new assignment!... Wow. Did he think that being a priest would be all rosy? Maybe he should be placed with slums so he can reevaluate whether he truly wants to be a priest. What another disgrace for this island.

    1. Lurch and Adrianna will not last. Nope.

    2. Just so dump. I guess he thinks that he build and owned Barrigada Parish Church and wishes not to be assign anywhere else. I recommend Barrigada Parish to change all the locks as this man think he owns your CHURCH. It is best that he just take extended leave and leave the island for good. Now you are showing your New Parish that you do not like them.

    3. The Late +Monsignor Zoilo Camacho was pastor during the re-building of both San Vicente and Santa Barbara Parishes. He conquered where many failed in bringing the community together. Sadly it took one selfish KAKA filled NEO Cult Presbyter to demolish what once was a strong and vibrant community. Nevertheless, once this NEO CULT Zombie is sent away, San Vicente will begin to heal.

    4. I met a former co-worker who was a faithful parishioner and techa at San Vicente. She told me she's been attending Mass in Mangilao since the Neo takeover. A lot of San Vicente parishioners attend Mass at Toto as well. Hopefully they can return soon.

  5. obviously neither God nor the flock matter to him. apparently, it's all about himself.

    1. Adrians entire priesthood was about serving himself.

  6. This is exactly why we should defrock this clown, along with Quitugua, Alberto, and Rudee, these NCW cult faithful, like their cult catechist Dick Eusebio and Jackie the Stupid Ass Terlaje will continue to wreck havock on the church, opposing all authority except their bishop Pius and pope Kiko.

    1. I was going to recommend that he goes to Agana Heights Baptist Church and does not need training since the neo mass are similar. Maybe Barrigada Parish Church should monitor their Sunday Collection as he might be using those funds personally and now he have no access.

  7. The perfect storm. I encourage the NCW leadership to continue on this path.

    Anyone for extra butter on their popcorn?

  8. What's really sick about this is the blatant message to the Catholic of Umatac which is nothing other than "I consider myself to good for you lowly Umatacans. So F-U. Love Adrian"

    1. Stupid Adrain is a damn idiot. He should just stay with his rms butt buddies. Or better yet, join his brother monkey Eddie at dya in a cage where all monkey neos belong.

    2. I think of St. John Vianney, sent to a parish others despised because it was small, who put Ars on the map because of his holiness and love for his people. The beautiful people of Umatac deserve a pastor who realizes that Jesus would have died for just one human being's salvation, so precious is the worth of the human soul. SMH... wrong on so many levels.

    3. How self-centered of Adrian. He most definitely submitted why he is not worthy of being a pastor - anywhere.

    4. So, Adrian, are you going to cry to Filoni to send Hon to Umatac and you to be the new Apostolic Administrator?1 IS that what you are hoping to find in Canon Law? Ask Lurch. He's a canon lawyer who will interpret Canon Law any which way and loose. What is your end game plan? If Canon Law doesn't support you, are you going to Umatac? Lurch was pastor of Inarajan at one time. Was late for mass at times. And one time did not show up. An Inarajan parishioner called Fr. Jeff who came down to cover for him. What a bunch of cry babies Adrian and Lurch are! They are a lazy bunch. Conceited and evil. SMH.

    5. Adrian forgot that PRIDE is one of the 7 deadly sins. Now go tell your testicle-moany to your community.

      Since Bro Tony is not here to direct things Adrian is now the main Bro who oversees the interest of the NEOS for his Mafia bosses.

    6. I am so embarrassed that this so called priest - Adrian Cristobal - is from my Beautiful Village of Barrigada! He is the most shallow, egotistical, born-with-a-silver-spoon, immoral, etc., person I have ever known and I have known him for a long time!

      Adrian - Take a Sabbatical and go somewhere where you can reflect on your life. You Really Are Not A Nice Person!

  9. What? Isn't the south good enough for him? OBEDIENCE! I wonder if he would check canon law if Kiko sent him on mission to the deepest and darkest part of Africa to do missionary work! Sad that his pride and research takes priority over the FIRST COMMANDMENT OF GOD! Adrian, you are responsible for the souls in Umatac. You have sinned against God by your abandonment at this only Mass. You call yourself a priest? Lord save us from the likes of priests like Adrian.

  10. Hmm...Adrian, were you among the NCW group that did not turn in your courtesy letter of resignation because you still think Apuron is still the "boss"?

  11. Adriana checking his Cliff Notes on Canon Law. THEN, going to consult with Lurch. Dont hold your breath, Lurch is resting. Per orders of Ric Eusebio EMM DEEE

    1. Well, I'll be! Look what fell out of the canon law book! An old recipe for title soup written on an index card. Hmmm, I'll keep it.

  12. Adrian must be finding it very painful and arduous to practice humility, especially accepting the thought that he has to come down to the same level and rank as the rest of our local priest! What a painful reality to swallow! No more “elitist” recognition? Oh no! Did Adrian miss Mass being so absorbed and immersed in searching for something in cannon law books to prove that no one (absolutely no one, not even an appointed Archbishop) may remove an elitist priest from his neo pedestal of honor?

    1. He no longer has a bishop with a sex abuse past to blackmail with. If it weren't for that he wouldn't have been at the Chancery in the first place.

  13. i told you on another comment this weekend Adrian will really dislike going to Umatac. He sees it as beneath him. However, at least you see his real character.

  14. did edivaldo really leave chalan pago?
    did he really go to doc and dya?
    something tells me he is gonna do what Adrian did. disobey a valid order from arch hon.

    umatac peeps are too good for Adrian. they will kelaguen him. Gofigan style.

    good for father Julius for showing up! he too deserves better than how I believe his NEO BROTHERS have treated him. I heard he was the last to know about father luis. for example

    1. Heard that Edivaldo is going to hire a lawyer regarding his reassignment. He is fighting it.

    2. I remember one of our local priest was locked out of his room..., we can do that to edivaldo and place all his personal items close to the road, I'll be happy to provide the boxes too pack up his stuff....

    3. Pack his stuff? Huh?

    4. Better idea is to lock Edivaldo IN his room-or jail cell :)

    5. Udu-waldo finally got his just due...a place to share with other cell mates who can teach him a thing or two about "masturbating monkeys". LOL!

    6. Edivaldo, maybe you want to hire train attorney jackie to help fight.If you don't like your assignment then leave the island and maybe go home if they still want you there as we don't.

  15. Probably worried where he's gong to sleep at night since the only combento nearby is in Malesso. Maybe he should just purchase the house across the street which has a beautiful view of the bay. If none of these work, there's always the Spanish ruins behind the church.

  16. Mr. White,
    Why you elect not to approve comments from parishioners of San Dionisio who are trying to clarify your statements is troubling. Father Adrian did celebrate the 8:30 a.m. Mass. To read all these comments, even though they appear patronizing to us people from Umatac, is quite jarring... please clarify this on your blog. We are grateful that for the first time in history, we have our own priest. Please respect us and please clarify that Father Adrian presided, and not Father Julius.

    1. Is that you Zoltan?

    2. Father Julius presided. I was there.

    3. 2:32--
      hahaha! Nice try! Did you really think people would let that slide??

    4. @232PM. what's really jarring is the eloquent attempt to LIE hahaha.

      xoxo from one umatac girl. BIBA SAN DIONISIO!!

      p.s. if in doubt, ask father Julius.

  17. Father Julius is a good, studious priest. Even if he is Neo, the people in Merizo take to him well. I pray he renounces affiliation with Neo and move on to true theological study of the priesthood.

    1. I'm hoping the same for Jason, neo presbyter at San Vicente church on Saipan, to turn around and go for real seminary training. However,wondering, also, who influences who as the new CNMI bishop leans on Jason much. Lord help us if this bishop is being in taken by the neo's rank, who must looking for some replacement for Apuron. Spn2

  18. Adrian Cristobal's a PRIEST?? He doesn't act like one. Pathetic.

  19. Personally I think Adrian should consult Jackie the trained lawyer for help with Cannon law to see what other stupid things the two of them could possibly manifest. Then we could have yet another press conference that no one in the world could believe was really happeing. More material for the TV drama "As the Church World Turns in the Island of Guam".

    1. Or "The Brainwashed and the Defiant" (aka "The Young and the Restless."

  20. Adrian no-balls cannot spare the time to say Mass? I can believe that because it seems he doesn't even have time to use the bathroom. Which explains why he's so full of sh-t!

    1. Adrianne does not have time to use the restroom because he does not want to. He prefers all the sh-t in his system. (S)He looks like it, he smells like it, he moves like it and he thinks like it. What a gross neokaka!

  21. Too funny. He is researching Canon Law. This from a person trying to become a canon lawyer. I gues his matchbook formation at the DeVry College of on-line Canon Law degrees hasn't done a very good job.

    On second thought, that really isn't fair to serious students who do take on'line courses to actuaqlly learn a skill. Adrian is just a jerk off who thinks he can be bishop if he has a JCD after his name.

    Sorry Adrian, it won't work for David in the same way it won't work for you. Neither of you is bishop material. You're not bright enough, you're not holy enough, and you're too evil.

    1. It will take Adrianna at least eight years to figure out. LOL

  22. Adrian be obedient now. Therese

  23. Actually Adrian is right, his appointment in Umatac is invalid. Tell him to show Hon Can. 521.2

    1. LOL:

      Can. 521 §1. To become a pastor validly, one must be in the sacred order of the presbyterate.

      §2. Moreover, he is to be outstanding in sound doctrine and integrity of morals and endowed with zeal for souls and other virtues; he is also to possess those qualities which are required by universal or particular law to care for the parish in question.

    2. He finally got something correct! There's a first time for everything!!! Congratulations, soon to be former pastor!

    3. Looks like all the NEO priest are challenging their new assignment. They like to preach obedience, yet they don't obey. I think Fr Edivaldo will be good for the troubled youth and adults. I actually really enjoy his homilies. He will tell the prisoners the truth. He is straight up and relates the homilies to our lives. So, courage and accept your calling. I think God probably feels that this is where you're needed the most. Have COURAGE Fr and peace be with!

    4. Wait a minute... If Canon 521.2 is a requirement, then Adrian No Balls is right, He doesn't qualify as he doesn't have any common sense, no integrity, no morals, does not care for souls, but himself.. Dammit Adrian, You know yourself, just as we know you. Your getting defrocked buster..Busted because we are disgusted with you..

  24. What a joke this guy is. Did you see his play on words in the Umatuma advertisement for his anniversary? He has no idea what a real priest is. He has hung around the Neo's for too long and lost sight of how a priest is supposed to act. These announcements concerning Monsignor are driving him crazy.

  25. Read 521.3
    You cannot be a pastor when you have a cane stuck up your ass.

  26. He hangs his cane in the ring in his nose. The nose ring Pius installed. Hey, so what about Pius? We're supposed to be just satisfied he's gone? That easy?

    1. Is Pius really gone? Maybe he's hiding in a closet at RMS.

  27. This is the same man who gave the "thumbs down" gesture to a group of mostly elderly women outside of the Hyatt when they were protesting Apurons $200 per plate dinner last year. Completely juvenile, completely incomprehensible from a priest. He has shown his true colours and for all the neo's who continue to walk the way, I've resisted saying you're all stupid, believing instead that the brain washing is highly effective. But why continue to walk in the way knowing all the crimes, lies and deceit perpetrated by your leaders? Putrid, Lurch, Monkey Valdo, Apurun, Lickin Louis, Jackie the trained lawyer (who needs more training, BTW), Dungbat Diana, Dacon Tenorio...the list goes on and on. Open your eyes and see the light! The NCW is truly full of KAKA!
