Monday, September 19, 2016


We will post here the reports we are receiving from the parishes. Send them in. 

Sunday, 6:00 pm Mass at Santa Teresita/Mangilao: Fr. English prefaced the letter by saying, I have a letter I have to read ... After the letter, there was a 2nd letter(?), or commentary which he also read. The youth were prepared with the petitions for signatures. Alot of people signed. Of the four individuals I spoke to, three said they were not signing, but one said that he understood the issues well but he was going to sign the petition (I think his kids all attend Bishop and AOLG). I recorded Fr. English. I am so disappointed with how prepared they were with the petition signing.

Priest at 5pm Dededo church read letter and script...encouraged all to sign the petition. Of course there were a handful of people that signed. I'm sure they didn't know what the heck they were signing. Just signed because the priest asked them

At the 9:30 am Sunday Mass at the St. Michael Catholic Church in Talofofo,  Father Felix did not at any time mention Hon's letter or the petition.

At the end of 6 a.m. Sunday mass in Toto, Pale' Mike Crisostomo spoke a few words about standing up for child abuse victims who have no voice. There was no mention of a petition.

Fr. Marvin at Agana Heights breezed through the letter.  Did not read the script after reading letter from Hon.  Just said let your conscience guide you if you wish to sign petition against bill 326-33.  His heart was not into it.

In Tumon, prior to reading the Hon letter, Fr Lito delivered a passionate plea in support of the victims. But qualified that such support should be done the "right way". After the Mass, there was a stampede to sign the petition.

Petition was left at the rear of church for signature was announced. Heard someone said' "why sign the petition. It will just allow for them to continue raping." So people just ignored the petition.

NEOs were in the church again trying to sell their cult by saying a testimony after the homily. The celebrant was also very nervous today because he screwed up the Apostles Creed* by omitting "in my thoughts and in my words, in what I have done, in what I have failed to do". Lastly, they made a young lady read Hon's pathetic letter. (* It's the Confiteor)

6:00pm Saturday Mass: Father Joe English read the entire letter to a silenced congregation. And, he told the people were children with petitions at all the exit doors. Many Legion of Mary members and Christian mothers signed the petition.

Our priest DID NOT read the letter, DID NOT distribute copies, and DID NOT ask us to sign a petition asking Governor Calvo to veto the bill. What he did was provide a powerful homily based on today's Gospel. During the consecration of the Host, he faltered and appeared to be on the verge of tears. Perhaps he was appealing to THE highest authority and was given the blessing he needed to disobey. Thank you, Pali' Richard Kidd!

Sad that even gofigan's homily he talk about losing the friary and about people being misguided by revenge and that WE should support the veto of this bill by the governor. Just very sad. 

Yona Priest held us captive with the final blessing as he read Hon's letter. After he read it then he added his 2 cents. I regret not recording it as I "had" a deep respect for this young priest. His comments to the faithful was that "I do not want to lose what my predecessors built". To all the clergy, it was not the priest that donated the land, or fund raised to build the buildings, "IT WAS THE PEOPLE"! The people will support the Catholic Church if the priest and bishops can be trusted! At this point the people cannot trust their priest and certainly not their bishops. The priest say the sex abuse crimes were horrible, but apparently not horrible enough to sacrifice a building. When I was in Saudi Arabia, during Desert Storm, the rare times that a Catholic Chaplain would come by to my location, Mass was held in the open and the altar was either a stack of MRE cases or the hood of a HUMMV. There was no air conditioning, no pews or kneelers. We knelt on the sand and dirt. Now we have all these glorious buildings and we forget what the Church is really about. It is the people!! The clergy have chosen their buildings over our children. It is our children that they abused and our children that we need to protect because once again they will not help us protect our kids. There are people that did not do anything wrong, no kidding. Build a Trust Fund, is that for after the clergy have have their way with our kids? Where was the clergy when the bill was being crafted? Why didn't Hon and the clergy speak out then? They had their chance and now they are going to pressure the Governor to veto the bill. The clergy have shown they cannot be trusted since they are circling the wagons and trying to protect what they think is their own. Clean the filth out first then and only then can we begin to trust our clergy again. They are going to scare the children and in turn the parents. For Hon and the clergy to use the Mass and the pulpit was dirty and underhanded. Shame on you!! I am looking for a holy priest that did not succumb to the evil of Hon's directive. 

I am in shock. In my own parish the message that got out was so focused on temporal goods. Fr Gus spoke with great passion but from only one perspective.
"Do you want to see FD closed? What if they sell St Jude? Will the mayor allow us to have mass in the new gym so we don't get rained on?
I am sad and I am pissed off.

Fr. Dan read only the first page after announcements.  He asked people to use their conscience.


  1. In Tumon, prior to reading the Hon letter, Fr Lito delivered a passionate plea in support of the victims. But qualified that such support should be done the "right way". After the Mass, there was a stampede to sign the petition.

    1. Fr.Lito Rolex Watch Really?

    2. Fr.Lito " Right way" is protection of Guam's children against child molesters which the church protected for 30 years. priests like you who knew Apuron since you served as his secretary. Knew but turned a blind eye. Now you propose to veto. Shame on you. How dare you support Anthony Apuron?

    3. And where the hell was the dandy Fr. Lito's "passion" when the survivors were telling their stories a few months ago? And where the hell was he during the public hearings on the bill? It will be interesting to the names of his parishioners who want the Church to escape responsibility for historical sexual abuse.

    4. Always perceived him as an arrogant man who liked the finer things in his priestly life. His new appointment as Chancellor just brought him up a notch. His passionate homily about supporting the victims was just more of his drama. All talk no action! Did he literally reach out to the victims. He was good friends with the arch bishop apuron back in the day. He probably knew what was going on and kept quiet about it. What else is he hiding in his quaint ltlle church in the rich Tumon district..

    5. Father Lito, WRONG WAY. Chuck is right. Where were you and your brother priests when the survivors were speaking of the evil perpetrated upon them by Apuron? Spare us your drama now!

  2. Some of the reports mentioned the names of the priests who spoke out against Bill 326-33. In all future reports, can we get get the names of the priests? To me, these are priests more concerned about the material comforts of their little kingdoms than the welfare of our children. I would continue to withhold my contributions to whatever parish they belong to even after apuron and Hon and their ilk are gone; better still, I would avoid going to whatever masses they celebrate. As for Fr. Gofigan, I, too, am very disappointed in him now.

    1. Disappointed by Fr.Paul Gofigan

    2. What happened to all that hulabalu about ridding the cathedral of the nasty neo's. His followers had faith in him and hoped he would clean the toxic waste smeared all over the cathedral walls. He missed the sewage treatment plant by a few hundred feet and dumped more crap at the cathedral with his warped homily. I too, am very disappointed with him. FAKMATA PALE!

    3. Pale Gofigan Fakmata

    4. Ai adai, may as well change Father Paul's last name to Goofing-again.

    5. Pale Goofygan Fakmata. How dare you say this is about revenge. This is about our children. Hold yourself to a higher standard. Stop kissing ass. You make me sick. I guess you too want to abuse boys.

    6. Since I am not on Guam, I am not familiar with Fr.Paul Gofigan but after reading all the positive comments from a while ago, I am thinking that once he got his walking papers, he totally went in the opposite direction. And to think I was rooting for him! Makes me think he is a wishish washish priest. Sad - So Sad!

  3. Rector Gofigan: the Friary does not belong to Archdiocese. If Friars went astray... i.e. Brother Ton.... Then, yes, have to cough it up!! This remains a question, are Caps responsible for Ton when he was in Agat. Hmmmm?

    1. Unfortunately this explains the extra support for the petition by Fr. Gus and Fr. Andre. And these are the priests who we thought were on our side!

    2. so much for the "minor" in "friars minor." i would have loved to think that, in the remote chance that the capuchin properties were lost to litigation, the people of guam will have continued to support the friars and housed and fed them.

      but now, they're just the same as the diocesans. so much for "seek ye first the Kingdom," eh?

    3. There were some signatures on the petitions at the cathedral but the majority of people did not sign them. I agree with the people writing on Junglewatch. It's disappointing that so many priests care more about property and institutions than in destroyed lives. I think Jesus cares more about the devastated children than buildings and institutions.

    4. People of Guam are so generous to their priests. Their money comes from the kindiness of Guam catholics. What about protecting our children. Those who by words or actions support veto of the bill. Shame on you.

  4. SANTA RITA: petition was left at the rear of church for signature was announced. Heard someone said' "why sign the petition. It will just allow for them to continue raping." So people just ignored the petition.

    1. Attended the 6 am mass in Santa Rita. Father Krzysztof did not read the whole letter, only the part about the petition. He went on to say only that the passing of the bill will affect all the hard work that the laity is doing and has done for the church....nothing about schools shutting down or churches closing. He didn't seem passionate about it though. There was no one outside after mass with any petition and I heard one parishioner asking where it was. On a side note, Father Krzysztof did a rare thing yesterday. As a homage to the gospel, he announced that there will be no baskets going around for Sunday collection.

    2. As an homage to the Sunday's gospel no baskets were passed around? Sounds like dime-store catechisis to me. What was the connection?

  5. Unfortunately our non Neo priests are proving Kiko right. He believes "traditional" Catholics are more attached to their buildings than to Jesus which is one of the reasons he rejects celebrating the Eucharist in a church. Who would have thought that the priests we've been fighting for would turn on us and probe Kiko right.

    1. Awesome! Laity vs. Clergy. Exactly what the Protestants want to see. Keep up the good work!

    2. Apparently you don't know your history. So hide in your bedroom and watch.


  6. Tim. Native priest sons of Guam turn against their own blood or not seen in public today. I give more respect to those priests who said use " your own conscience" if they fear for their own position best to say use conscience.
    No one will bankrupt friary.Friary being used to spread fear.

  7. Asan: NEOs were in the church again trying to sell their cult by saying a testimony after the homily. The celebrant was also very nervous today because he screwed up the Apostles Creed by omitting "in my thoughts and in my words, in what I have done, in what I have failed to do". Lastly, they made a young lady read Hon's pathetic letter.

  8. 6:00pm Saturday Mass: Father Joe English read the entire letter to a silenced congregation. And, he told the people were children with petitions at all the exit doors. Many Legion of Mary members and Christian mothers signed the petition.

    1. Shame on Fr.Joe English!

    2. Funny...several did not know what they were signing. They thought it was to ask Apuron to resign! OMG!

    3. Breaks my heart. Held very high regards for him. His obedience to his earthly leaders are understandable but hurt many faithfuls.He deeply disappointed his heavenly Superior! Santa Teresita pray for us.

  9. hearing these early reports breaks my heart and brings tears to my eyes.

    what is more important, property or people? it seems that after their long silence, our clergy have finally given us what's been in their hearts.

    so be it.

    as for me, i'd like to unite myself with the people in this picture. no property to speak of. just faith and the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass:

    may the Lord have mercy on us all.

    1. Rose de los Reyes (Seattle, WA)September 18, 2016 at 11:25 PM

      Luv the photo, Rey! A photo of a priest and all the Church's assets --- the island Faithful.

  10. MAINA
    Our priest DID NOT read the letter, DID NOT distribute copies, and DID NOT ask us to sign a petition asking Governor Calvo to veto the bill. What he did was provide a powerful homily based on today's Gospel. During the consecration of the Host, he faltered and appeared to be on the verge of tears. Perhaps he was appealing to THE highest authority and was given the blessing he needed to disobey. Thank you, Pali' Richard Kidd!

    1. Thankyou Fr.Richard Kidd for standing with honor. There are others who stand on the side of truth who will not compromise the values we hold dear. Fr. Richard true son of Guam.

    2. - Ditto for Father Richard Kid!

    3. - I misspelled Father Richard Kidd's last name! I truly apologize!

  11. At the end of 6 a.m. Sunday mass in Toto, Pale' Mike Crisostomo spoke a few words about standing up for child abuse victims who have no voice. There was no mention of a petition.

    1. Thankyou Fr.Mike for standing by the Truth. More than money we value honor protection of our children.

    2. - Ditto for Father Mike Crisostomo!

    3. The sexual abused victims thank you Pale Mike for your support. Your parents raised an expemplary son and The Holy Spirit continuously guides you to do the right thing. Si Yu'os maase Ton Galo yan Tan Ana for your part in Pale Mike's strong desire and support for integrity, justice and the truth that the katolikus seek. imparted to him. Prayers for you all. BTW he did an excellent interview this morning with Patti Arroyo this morning. He was very up front with his feelings and convictions. Right now, I feel Pale Mike and Pale Richard are the only priests that I can trust with my soul. God Bless them!

  12. I for one am keeping score about which priest says what. Long memory.

  13. I was, to say the least, appalled by this effort in seeking to have the Governor veto this important bill. In today's gospel, man must choose God or manna (wealth). A veto will only mean the "dogs" can still prey on the innocent. I, along with my family, will not stand for the hiding of these cowards, most especially, coward priests. I know there are good clergy members who are biting their lip over this issue, and are choosing to remain on the sidelines. I also believe God has a Hand in this and will guide the governor accordingly. Faithful people of Guam. DO NOT BE AFRAID.....and in this case, DO NOT BE FOOLED!!!! By backing a decision to veto this important bill, you will be enabling these "monsters" to continue their preying on the innocent. Like Tim mentioned in another posting, show us a diocese that has shut down as a result of going bankrupt. Los Angeles and Boston are still functioning. Archdiocese of Agana will continue to function. Let us identify these evil people and make them famous. SIGN THE BILL, GOVERNOR!!!

    1. Thank you, Father Jeff for predicting bankruptcy for Archdiocese of Agana. Guess you don't want to be bishop in a defunct church, huh? Look around the local Churches around the country have not failed; they were purified.

    2. By all means purify the church. Just remember that in the end this is always going to be about the money.

    3. What kind of a son of Guam are you Jeff? You placed the entire church in a position of compromise. Shame on you jeff!

  14. Sign the bill Governor!

  15. Pal'e Mike at Toto (9:30am) Did Not mention or read the letter or as anyone to sign a petition. He did talk about abuse especially with the Children and how we need to help, protect and support the victims. I'm sure he will get in trouble for taking a stand and not following Fr. Jeff and Hon's directive.

    1. Rose de los Reyes (Seattle, WA)September 19, 2016 at 2:36 PM

      Thank you, Fr. Mike! Another REAL priest!

  16. - From the USoA - Thank You to All The True Catholic Priests that did not endorse this horrible petition! It is so sad that some people do not read what they are signing! The Truth Will Come Out! BiBa Magahit Na Katolikus!

  17. Governor Calvo the people through their legislature have spoken. It is your duty to sign the bill into law. Let the chips fall where they will. Hon's threats are a just that. The church is the people. After the war (WWII) what did the church possess; yet it still flourished due to the peopple.

  18. Pale Richard and Pale Mike,
    Thank you for being such exemplary role models of what a true servant of God really means. You both have earned my deepest respect and admiration for going against the tide.

    1. Rose de los Reyes (Seattle, WA)September 18, 2016 at 11:36 PM

      Yes! I agree! Thank you, Frs. Mike and Richard! The island needs your kind of "priestness" --- the kind of priests with the courage to do what is right, than to follow a dictum to read a statement to the Faithful that essentially says that the "assets" of the Church are its tangible properties and not the Faithful !!! The bottom line won't ever change: the assets of the Church are the Faithful. The Church will lose those assets if the mess continues. It has already lost many of those assets evidenced by the growth and thriving of Protestant Churches on Guam in the recent couples of decades.

  19. Priest at 5pm Dededo church read letter and script...encouraged all to sign the petition. Of course there were a handful of people that signed. I'm sure they didn't know what the heck they were signing. Just signed because the priest asked them

    1. That's the challenge in Santa Barbara.....blind sheep. Where the shepard leads, the flock follow. I encourage the parishioners of Santa Barbara, don't be blinded by this deflection. By having this bill vetoed, will enable the "institution" to hide those responsible for the harm of the youth and the rest of the souls affected. Governor...SIGN THE BILL INTO LAW.

  20. Sunday, 6:00 pm Mass at Santa Teresita/Mangilao: Fr. English prefaced the letter by saying, I have a letter I have to read ... After the letter, there was a 2nd letter(?), or commentary which he also read. The youth were prepared with the petitions for signatures. Alot of people signed. Of the four individuals I spoke to, three said they were not signing, but one said that he understood the issues well but he was going to sign the petition (I think his kids all attend Bishop and AOLG). I recorded Fr. English. I am so disappointed with how prepared they were with the petition signing.

  21. gofigan's ego got the best of him. same with the other ones. do you people really think the parents of the catholic schools will allow their schools to be shut down? can you imagine sister doris letting that happen or sister emeline? come on, get real! mary meeks and sister jean ann would never allow that to happen. FD on the other hand is so wishy washy, their administration are more girlie than all the studenta at AOLG. whatever the priests say in church, what is stopping you/us from taking the pens away from whoever is signing and tell them, they are signing the church's death certificate. tell them straight and pour holy water on those petitions. you can't trust Hon, you can't trust his minions inherited from apuron. you want the church back? take it back but stop whining about what disappointments these priests are and push back. fr. lito is laughable. that jerk is only about who is going to give him the thicker envelope, take him to fancy hotel parties and speaks in his language. this CCOG talks a good lot but hey, all talk, no action same as the politicians. finally, you think Calvo gives a damn about this issue? hell no. he's just as corrupt as the church and who is the team leader of his finance team? the NEO queen bernie artero. stop walking the sidewalks, walk into the church and do the protests.

    1. Well said. Can we count on you to lead?

    2. Regina is right. If the churches have been taken over by the Neos, then it is no longer a Catholic church. It's simply a meeting place for former Catholics who want to have banquets and air their dirty laundry. Protesters shouldn't feel like they are disrespecting the house of God if they did their protests inside the church because it isn't a Catholic church unless Catholics run it. You Catholics on Guam built it, and now Neos have stolen it from you. Are you really going to stand outside of your house and walk the sidewalk while the thieves are inside collecting money in trash bags?? The defending of the church throughout history was never pleasant. Why start now?

    3. Good that Ms. Angeles pointed out that Governor Calvo's decision may be biased given that Bernie Artero is one of his closest advisors. She's been Neo since the NCW set up shop in Guam!

    4. Also Gov Calvo voted against the Natasha Protection Act when he was a senator.

  22. It was very interesting sermon in my little church in a small city in the USofA. Totally opposite from the what some of our so call priests on Guam are condoning! Our newly ordained Deacon talked about how the children should be taught right from wrong and the Priests are to be there helping them along with the parents. We cannot serve Two Gods! Standing up for Material Wealth vice Spiritual Wealth is not God's Way for you to enter into His Kingdom which some of our so-called priests on Guam seem to be advocating. Remember, when you die, all you take with you are the clothes you are wearing!

  23. Too bad Hon didn't look to St Lawrence for guidance.
    When asked by the emperor to hand over all the treasures of the Church he responded he would do so in three days. True to his word, in three days Lawrence showed up with all the poor and blind and homeless (and abused) and told the emperor "here are the true treasures of the church"-the people. Emperor then cooked Lawrence to a slow death. But he went willingly knowing what true treasure was.
    Oh, how we wish our bishop and priests would view us in the same way.
    Alas, their cry is to save all the buildings!
    Pales- you cannot serve two masters. Choose God or mammon!

    1. I meant to post about this very story earlier today... thank you for including it, extremely relevant and we passed St. Lawrence's feastday just this past August 10. Would like to be sure every priest on island got a copy of the story to read, and maybe a nice little holy card of the great St. Lawrence... as a reminder... just in case they don't keep up with the JUNGLE...

  24. 6:00 a.m. Tamuning Mass presided by Fr. Dan, a visiting priest. His homily was wonderfully reflective of the readings and the Gospel, "You cannot serve two masters, God or Mammon." During Parish Announcements, Fr. Dan read Archbishop Hon's letter and talked about it, leaving the message "Let your conscience be your guide." No Jubilee Prayer. No one was getting signatures.

  25. 3:30 p.m. Sunday Mass at GMHA. Had to take my nephew to emergency ward for coral rock cut. Nothing life-threatening. Fr. Dan said mass. He did not read Archbishop Hon's letter, saying instead that it is in the Umatuna Si Yu'os. He did say that if you want to sign the petition, a copy is there.

  26. My heart is sadden by what has happened to OUR parish in Agat. Our so called NEO priest Alberto has made changes to our parish. No parish council (so he can do anything he want and no one can stop him), no funerals on Saturdays (quote he said to me when arranging for a funeral: "THIS IS MY CHURCH". Saturday mass are now move to 5:00 pm so NEO mass at 7:00 pm in OUR church, Santa Ana chapel statues remove and thrown in the back in the rubbish. Our young boys in OUR parish were MOLESTED and RAPED and yet we just sit back and do nothing. Now the petition, some of you signed not knowing, just because NEO priest Alberto was chicken and instead made the annoucer tell you what he wants you to hear. I know some of you and I am very surprised. AGAT needs to stand up and take OUR church back, bring back the parish council and remove NEO priest Alberto.

    1. I don't understand a word he says in church. Lots of changes and the attendance at church has diminished. Get rid of this priest and his cronies.

  27. Thank you Fr Felix of Talofofo for not even mentioning the petition
    Biba San Miguel

    1. Thank you Fr. Felix!

    2. I am so proud of you Fr. Felix!

    3. Rose de los Reyes (Seattle, WA)September 19, 2016 at 2:26 PM

      Another REAL priest! Thank you, Fr. Felix!

  28. I wonder what was announced in Chalan Pago.

    1. Edivaldo read the letter and to the parishioners to use their conscious. He added that he believed Apuron because he was there when Apuron told Pope Frances that the allegation is not true.

    2. I don't think any of the parishioners would report anything. They have quietly accepted their way of spiritual requirements. One Chalan Pago parishioner attended another parish for a funeral mass and ignorantly commented that they don't do that at her parish church. I believe that! Question is what do they do?

    3. Was that monkey there when brother tony raped these young boys too? Or was he just dust bumping in the background in celebration because brother tony was lying to the pope's face again?

  29. I just love my colleagues who didn't want to hear the accounts of abuse because it was disturbing their spiritual peace. Now emailing, texting friends frantically to sign the petition. Who are my colleagues? Go figure. ANONYMOUS. ( for good reason) very good one. PS nice view from my workplace.

  30. That is Fr. Danny at Santa Bernardita. Fr. Dan is the one from Santa Barbara.

  31. I am from Sinajana and I am shocked and disappointed with Father Joe and Father Gus. I will never contribute to the Capuchin Friars again. You all need to stand up for what is right. You all cannot cover AAA.
    Tun Pedron Santos (Bali Tres formally of Sinajana)

  32. Hagatna, 7:00 pm mass: Father Michael Jucutan, the scrambler, announced: I have good news and I have bad news." The good news is that there won't be any reading of the jubilee prayer (silent laughter). The bad news was that he would be reading the letter from Archbishop Hon (insert muffled guffaws, here). So therefore, he adds, that his homily would be very short. Now I'm ROFLAO and dying to start the applause. What was even more shocking was that he barely mentions the petitions in the back of the church. Well done, Jucutan, well done!

  33. what happen to tamuning account. biggest parish.
