Listen to Archbishop Byrnes share how messed up the archdiocesan files are. Guess you was in charge of the files? The Chancellor. Guess who was the Chancellor? WOW!
Good questions, Sabrina.
KUAM: Archbishop Byrnes: "I stepped into a pretty hot mess"
Good questions, Sabrina.
KUAM: Archbishop Byrnes: "I stepped into a pretty hot mess"
ReplyDeletegreat questions.
and enlightening answers. wow.
Seems like AB Byrnes needs to be filled in on some of the topics that he does not have too much feedback on. Just wondering if Jeff or the Presbyteral council is advising him, if not who else is helping him understand the problems JW has identified over the last few years. Has he read the report on the seminary? Being he has experience in seminary operations, this should be a no brainer for him to tackle first. Is Licken Louie under Bishop Balin in Quatar or is his boss Byrnes? I am guessing we are still paying his salary, what then is he still doing in Quatar? If Jeff is unable to advise AB Byrnes, perhaps JW or CCOG should provide AB Byrnes with info to bring him up to date with the issues. Is Broulliard still getting paid? If this guy admitted to abusing children, Why are we still paying him?
ReplyDeleteHe said that running a seminary is the one thing he has experience at. And then he says it's going to take him more than a year to decide on whether or not to keep RMS?
DeleteHe has to figure out what to do with 25 Neocat seminarians. Mainland US seminaries don't want RMS transfer students because they're uneducated heretics with a cult mentality.
DeleteNot true Anon. 4:50pm... check your facts pls before spreading things like this.
DeleteTwo essential components of priestly formation: 1. qualified/credentialled faculty and formators. 2. adequate funds to guarantee sustenance for educational and daily living needs.
DeleteRMS has neither of these. Having a seminary is a nice idea for a diocese but must be based on sensible judgment. Otherwise we are doing a grave injustice to young men who are seeking clarity on possible genuine vocation to the priesthood. Archdiocesan leadership must humbly admit that a seminary right now is a "no-go." Setting up a trust fund for lawsuit damages must be our priority. The Archdiocese also needs to identify vocations and send them off ASAP to trusted seminaries.
While it is true that most of the guys currently at RMS Guam would never be accepted at a regular seminary in the US, even those who could go would not want to.
DeleteThey are so enamored with the NCW they would never consider becoming a regular/real priest.
However there are over 100 RMS throughout the world. Certainly these guys could be absorbed into the NCW crank out the presbyters system.
The Archdiocese has no business getting involved with the RMS. It is like the Archdiocese wanting to study Capuchin formation. They are a separate order and can run their "seminary" any way they see fit. The only saynthe Archbishop would have is to determine if the priest is ready to serve in his diocese. If the formation is inadequate for the Capuchins then Abp Byrnes can say"sorry, he cannot serve in one of my parishes. The same must be held for the NCW. It is not ours and we do not have to accept them.
The real question is what do we do about diocesan vocations? The RMS is wholly inadequare for their needs. Abp Byrnes must resolv this travesty soon. These young men should not be kept waiting any further.
There you go. They'll say they are not an order, but they operate like one. Hardly diocesan. Seminarians can work in summers and go to mainland. Never hurts to know how to earn by the sweat of your brow. No spoiled seminarians going around to Guam restaurants. Work, study properly and PRAY. we'll support that for sure, for sure. Don't persevere? Education funded by faithful will treated as a student loan and repaid unless education results in ordination. Let's get our guys on the right way(ahem). Now. Justice for our future local priests and to those souls to whom they will minister.
DeleteWhat a change from Assbishop Apuron! Archbishop Byrnes answered the questions candidly and hopefully honestly. I did note, however, that the victims themselves were not one of Archbishop Byrnes' top 3 priorities, although strengthening the sexual abuse policies was a priority. Also, does anyone know what happened to Fr. Lito? Byrnes mentioned that the Archdiocese is currently without a chancellor. Did Fr. Lito resign or was he fired?
ReplyDeleteLito dud firecracker.
DeleteFr.Lito accepted position for a short period to assist Archbishop Hon.
DeleteOh, then why the extravaganza at the CB signing on the altar? Lito still in his parish?
DeleteLito sees himself as pastor-for-life in Tumon for obvious reasons. He assigned almost everyone else when he was the short-lived chancellor, but Tumon was off-limits from priest assignment list. Go figure..
DeleteLito likes Tumon envelopes.
DeleteNo trust in Byrnes
ReplyDeleteLow energy kind of Guy.
Byrnes is not "low energy". He couldn't have worked in violent Detroit for years if that were the case. Aside from being bankrupt and corrupt, it's the most dangerous city in the US.
DeleteHe's only been on Guam for a couple of weeks and he's still in shock over the disgraceful condition of the nearly dead Archdiocese. He wasn't expecting total devastation on a tiny island in the middle of nowhere.
He also never had to deal with a scandalously incompetent, non-Catholic seminary like RMS, or with an evil cult like the Neocats. None of the disaster found in the cash-poor Archdiocese was caused by him. It will take time to resolve after 30 years of perverse Apuron, a proven criminal psychopath.
Just make sure you stay abreast of what Byrnes is doing and don't let the place go to hell the way it did with Apuron. A diligent flock would have put the brakes on his poisonous career. Instead, idiots paid him a small fortune in tribute money that was never spent on the Archdiocese.
Byrnes not low energy, but Lurch is. Where the devil is that guy? Lurch, oh Lurch! Where art thou. Julio thinks he's boss man.
ReplyDeleteso Archbishop are you going to ordain more trash for the Archdiocese of Agana?
Excellent interview and interviewer. She asked all of the right questions. Interesting that Abp. Byrnes admitted his mistake with Cristobal. Sounds like he's not anxious for his return to Guam in any capacity.
ReplyDeleteByrnes seems like an honest, pastoral bishop with no ego issues. Pray that he's protected from blindsiding by the evil Neocats.
It's worrisome that Byrnes estimates that Adrian will be done with his canon law studies by this summer and will then return...
DeleteArchdiocese needs a President Trump to get it right.
ReplyDeleteLet's not go there.
DeleteStupid people stood idly by for 30 years, paying pervert Apuron and his diabolic Neocat minions to destroy the Archdiocese. Byrnes can't be expected to reverse the catastrophic damage they did overnight. Chancery personnel records can't even be found.
ReplyDeleteBefore Arcbishop Hon arrived last June Fr. Adrian and Fr.David destroyed the Chancery files. Intention being to protect Arcbishop Apuron .
DeleteI thought that Archbishop Byrnes amended the articles of incorporation filed with the Department of Revenue and Taxation to no longer include verbiage specifying that RMS was a house of formation meant to "prepare men for the priesthood for the new evangelization following the life and itinerary of the Neocatechumenal Way,".
ReplyDeleteHas anyone ever questioned why the mission of this seminary on the Archdiocese of Agana Website:
sounds the same?
The Redemptoris Mater Seminary of Guam forms priesthood candidates holistically for the new evangelization in Guam, in the Pacific Region and the entire world. The Catholic Theological Institute for Oceania provides these candidates with their intellectual and theological formation.
Forming priesthood candidates holistically for the New Evangelization… sounds like the same verbiage as “following the life of the Neocatechumenal Way”.
How is sending candidates “On itinerancy” to serve in one of the Neocatechumenal Communities around the world benefit Guam. These candidates when incardinated in the Archdiocese of Agana will give priority to Profit Kiko's ambitious needs. Wake-up Guam, This RMS Seminary AKA NEO Cult Presbyter Factory, though the Articles of Incorporation has changed to calm the locals, continues to be a shell for Profit Kiko's private bank account.
Exactly, it is the same dog with only a different collar: forming neocatechumenal priests for attending neocatechumenal communities there where neocatechumenal teams of itinerant catechists do extend the Neocatechumenal Way. Today is called "holistically", yesterday it was "integrally". Kiko doesn't care. Kiko likes language games a lot.
DeleteSell the RMS just like the Equus a no-brainer decision, but there is some hesitation. Probably was told to leave RMS alone and not to worry because baloney will take care of it.
ReplyDeleteArchbishop Byrnes's biggest problem is EARNING OUR TRUST. Being new to Guam, he has been extended the proverbial welcome mat. He made a big mistake sending Adrian to Canada to study Canon Law, but he practically admitted that in the interview with Sabrina Matanane of KUAM and so we can give him back the benefit of the doubt. Honesty and Transparency, Archbishop Byrnes, will go a long way to helping you cope with the problems unique to the Archdiocese of Agana. Do not understimate what the local faithful can do to help you solve the problems you are facing in the Church once you EARN OUR TRUST!
ReplyDeleteWhen asked about CCOG's objection to Cristobal's assignment to study Canon Law Abp Byrnes admits "From this vantage point . . . now that I am three weeks into this . . .I would have done it differently. Honestly, I was not aware of . . . all the history."
ReplyDeleteBetter buckle up! There is ALOT more that you are not aware of!
Why didn't someone in that Chancery or Presbyteral Council tell Abp. Byrnes of Adrian's record of deceit, lies, and cover ups--BEFORE he decided to send him to study Canon Law?!! SMH, left and right . . . Come on, Clergy, get off your asses and help this Archbishop!! You've been living the easy life under Apuron, while the Archdiocese went to pot, and was almost taken over by the Neos had it not been for the Laity saying no more and started taking action like the protest line every Sunday. I challenge the Clergy to join the protesters on Sunday and bring 5-6 others to show our love for our Church and Faith. We pray the rosary as we march. Very uplifting!
DeleteAnd what's the deal Adriana gonna be finished this summer. I'm in awe. He's a genius and we never knew it. Cool canonist.
DeleteStop sugar coating the situation. Stop downplaying how totally messed up our Church.
We cannot afford the time it would take for Abp Byrnes to find the truth himself. You priests need to be straight up.
If Adrian is evil, say it and then give Abp Byrnes some examples. If you don't speak the truth now, the kilos will jump in with their lies and make Byrnes wonder.
The laity is counting on you priests to grow up and speak the truth. Do not worry about political correctness.
well said 9.45pm.
DeleteNote to anon at 12.34 and 12.36, please read my remarks further down on that subject. You might be surprised.
DeleteJulio have you charmed Byrnes yet? We're watching you.
DeleteYeah, Julio Henna Hair....vice rector (ahem) don't try talking to Byrnes as a fellow vice rector. You are newly ordained. Keep your place. Arrogant.
Deletelook sweetheart there is alot you don't know.
ReplyDeleteYup. A l
DeleteHmmm, quite a comment. Indeed. Insightful.
DeleteByrnes shouldn't talk to just priests about other priests. The priests he talks to may have something to hide or may just don't want to be called snitches by other priests. He should also talk to the laity and stay informed by reading the Jungle Watch blog.
DeleteA few points which I think will be pertinent.
ReplyDeleteI listened to the whole interview, with a sense of unease.
I am sure you have experienced the feeling, of an unexplained little voice inside, which tells you, you are not getting truthful answers.
I found a lot of information, much more in what was not said, than in what was said.But this is usually the case.
The questions were on point, it was good somebody did their homework. On the other hand, I felt as if Archbishop Byrnes was avoiding to give us straight answers on several occasions.
What I hear from the French resistance, is that several priests are quite upset with the Bishop's performance, specially in his lack of acknowledgement of the fact that he was warned well in advance against his decision to move Cristobal to Canada. Several of his advisers, told him of the strong push back he would get, by going down that road.
He also was advised that most of the documents were either hidden and/or destroyed by Cristobal and Quitagua in advance of Archbishop Hon crackdown.
What we have here, is obviously an omission and an intent to mislead. This is not good at all.
If we take Archbishop Byrnes to his word, that he wants to care for his priests, then this is definitely not the way to proceed.
This is a small island, everyone knows whats going on, before long.
I believe that there is a wrong reading of the situation, by Byrnes. All I have gathered from my Midwestern connections is that Byrnes is a brilliant administrator, and that he is NOT a dreamer.Certainly he is very analytical, some of his answers betrayed that sense of deep political understanding.
The lull of actions, basically due to the holiday period and his three weeks of absence, combined with a willingness to cool things down by several actors, seem to have been misconstrued as an acquiescence of his decisions. Nothing could be further from the truth.
We have been watching, we have been listening, and we have continued to gather intel. This is in no way, shape or form an endorsement of Bishop Byrnes action.
The awakening shall be even ruder. The rumors both here and in Rome, is that Byrnes is too willing, some say too eager to follow "instructions" from the "Red Pope".
Several of his declarations, as well as several of his avoidance, only re-enforce these information. This will be both a disappointment for many and a catalyst for justified anger.
As you know, I am a strong believer, that nothing happens in a vacuum. What makes this more unnerving is the latest round of Mantras from the NCW trolls since the Holidays. They happen to coincide perfectly (if not discreetly,or smartly) with some of the arguments laid forward by our New Bishop....this is too much of a coincidence. (No Zoltan, we are not going to blame the Russian on this)
The positive point of the interview, was that we had confirmation of issues at hand on many subject.
The negative one, was the avoidance and the deception on several key issues, that we know are absolutely misleading.
My sense of unease during this interview was justified after all.
Obviously Archbishop Byrnes,like some in Rome before him, must think we are some back country hicks.... Ummh!!
Thankyou Frenchie.
DeleteByrnes is a good man no question.
But he is low energy.
He knows Adrian destroyed all the files before Archbishop Hon arrived. Can't imagine what old Ken is doing there are no papers to file. Archbishop Byrnes rewarded Adrian who destroyed documents to protect Apuron and himself.
what will Archbishop Byrnes do if priests testify against Apuron Archdiocese of Agana. It may well happen.
Frenchie, Byrnes and the Romans can't be faulted if they regard you all as "back country hicks".
ReplyDeleteIntelligent Catholics would not have stood by idly watching a raving psychopath destroy their Archdiocese over a 30-year period. And pay him baksheesh for doing it! Apuron was allowed to wreak all of the havoc he created.
I never said locals were back country hicks. I said Byrnes appears to have fallen in the category that tends to wrongly assume this. Big difference
DeleteThis whole sad affair is the result of a despicable smear campaign by Timmy, "the faithful God-fearing Catholic." The reality is that Tim's love for money is the driving force behind all of this mess that has greatly damaged the Church on Guam.
ReplyDeleteSee, Tim didn't get his cut (about $5 million bucks) of the sketchy, quasi-illegal attempt to sell the NeoCat seminary and he just can't get over the fact that he was thwarted. Thus he has now spent years tearing apart the Body of Christ and slandering a faithful shepherd of the Church all over his need for REVENGE. Saint Paul was very right to call money the root of all evil and this evil has taken flesh in the person of Tim freakin Rohr.
Years from now, when the whole truth finally comes out, we will refer to Tim Rohr in the same breath as Judas Iscariot.
(Let's see if you have the cojones to approve this post Timmy)
LOL. Let's see if you have the cajones to say who you are.
DeleteThis same comment was published on the blog of the Herald of Pius -"Diana."
DeleteIt's a narrative they are repeating throughout the communities. It's an anonymous submission because it's just parroted and the NCW parrots are all cowards.
To overuse a popular term, it's wrought with fake news.
And alternative facts. Forget the Diana because it's a one-side blog that only posts what they want their puppets want to hear. None of it is near the truth that they so boastfully state which is the norm of the NCW. Fake news wins lives that have been downtrodden and broken. That's the motive of the NCW. Its about the $$ and that's a fact.
DeletePoor anon at 6.20. Do you have any original thought of your Own?
DeleteOr do you prefer to repeat Pius and Adrian's fables like a zombie ?
Archbishop Byrnes,
ReplyDeleteNow that you've met with the clergy for the sake of our church, have a meeting with Tim Rohr, Chuck White, Frenchie, Sen Robert Klitzkie, José Martinez, Thomas Tanaka, Carmen Kasperbauer, all officers of CCOG, and LFM. These folks know the truth in it's entirety and have been fighting for us Catholics on Guam who don't have the courage to speak up so publicly about the filth this Diocese has faced for 30 years. You absolutely need help cleaning the "hot mess" you stepped into, these folks can most certainly help you.
Locals are the ones who let Apuron destroy the Archdiocese. He could have been reined in decades ago, but none of you had sense enough to see what was going on right under your noses and stop him.
ReplyDeleteStay on top of RMS and give Byrnes a chance. He's only been there for two weeks! Chancery records were destroyed by Neocat perverts and he says there are very serious morale problems with the non-Neocat priests Apuron mistreated.
Byrnes has a massive amount of repair work to do on badly abused strangers. The situation he's stuck with is not an enviable one.
Listening to Arch. Byrnes explain his part in the case of Fr. Cristobal, he gets my thumbs down? Upon his arrival to Guam didn't he announced to the people he will first have to listen to the people!? Shortly returning back to Guam he took it upon himself to approve Fr. Cristobal's newly assignment. I don't buy it, and it hurts when I'm trying to live a truthful way of live. He may not report to the people but he surely does report to Cardinal Filoni. So I don't think his decision here is not kept unknown.
ReplyDeleteLocals let Cristobal run wild too. They ignored all of the red flags he was waving until Apuron was blown up in their faces last year. You whiners sound like Monday morning quarterbacks. You were dead-silent while the place was visibly going to hell ages ago. Worse yet, you paid Apuron a ton of tribute money to take it there in a handbasket.
ReplyDeleteAt least Byrnes admitted his mistake in sending Cristobal back to school for only one semester and he obviously doesn't know what to do with him when his studies are finished in June. Bear in mind that he never had to deal with the Neocat freaks your archdiocese spawned.
You criticize locals as Monday morning QB, and whiners. Please tell us what were the red flags that Crystal No-balls, was a rotten apple in the barrel? Or are you one of those after the fact analyst that just beat on people while they are down? Share with us your insights into all the red lights signaling problems that we all missed to take actions upon?
DeleteClericalist locals let Apuron's poisonous Neocats overtake the place. They infected every part of tbe archdiocese while the perverse prelate was being paid a mint in tribute money.
DeleteThe Chancellor of a US diocese tends to be a canon lawyer. I hope this isn't what Byrnes is planning to do with Cristobal.
ReplyDeleteByrnes isn't tuned in to psychopathic priests and that's why he made an admitted mistake with Cristobal. He accepted the unknown cleric in good faith, which he should not have done. I doubt that Filoni would waste his time on a minor functionary like Cristobal.
ReplyDeleteI think Byrnes simply saw a priest who only needed one semester to complete canon law studies that would benefit the archdiocese and he sent him back to school. Six months in Canada is not a big deal. That's where most North American canon lawyers are trained. It's nothing like a study sabbatical in Rome, especially in the dead of winter. Canada gets an arctic freeze.
Pedophile Apuron's insatible greed and 30 years worth of his stupid groupies fawning over him are what trashed the archdiocese, possibly beyond repair.
ReplyDeleteIf Byrnes doesn't sell the RMS property and ban the heretical Neocats now, nothing can improve. Dragging his feet where the Neocats are concerned will only make matters worse.
You hit the nail right on the head 3:24 AM. Apuron wannabes among the seminarians and clergy aided and abetted Apuron for decades. I am so relieved that Guam's Catholics have finally gathered the courage to speak out and demand that our spiritual leaders clean up their act. The Catholic Church should be ALL about serving God, not man.
DeleteByrnes said the Archdiocese is broke. There's an easy way to fix that. Sell the RMS property that's worth $57 million+ to real estate developers, or to an insanely wealthy individual who wants to demolish the resort hotel and build a lavish oceanfront home.
ReplyDeleteAll that Neocat dump has produced are heretics and perverts. Byrnes should make immediate arrangements with US seminaries to accept priestly vocations from Guam. The tiny island cannot afford its own diocesan seminary, nor can it attract the vital high quality of academics found in the US. If Byrnes leaves RMS as is, it's Kumbaya forever!
Totally agree 8:43. Keeping RMS open only perpetuates the deep pain
ReplyDeleteand division it represents...a TOXIC environment at best.
Canon lawyers are falling out of trees. Byrnes can easily replace Cristobal. Preferably with a canonist who is a civil lawyer as well. A lay person would work to his best advantage because he or she has no episcopal aspirations.