Sunday, December 28, 2014


Dear Apostolic Visitors, 
Here is the product of the Redemptoris Mater Seminary:

Hi, Tim!

Merry Christmas to you and yours. I'm still praying the new year will bring about the change the Guam Church is desperately needing.

As tradition goes with my family, we attended mass today at San Vicente on the feast of the Holy Family as we do every year, though each of my family hail from other villages/parishes.

It was the first time I witnessed a mass presided by the newly ordained Harold.

Having encountered so many priests through the years, I just developed a sense of when a priest is truly speaking with the fire of the Holy Spirit. This Harold does not have the Holy Spirit in him and I'm going to tell you why.

His homily was a disjointed mess of random topics. There were no actual quotations taken from scripture or any expounding on the readings or gospel. Rather he used some strange generalizations. At one point he literally said "we are all prostitutes in some way, giving in to idols and whatever". In fact, he ends a lot of sentences with "or whatever".

He speaks with such a weird jittery angry tone, at one point he just abruptly stopped speaking and nervously shouted "Hooooo! You see I just get worked up when talking about Jesus!" But I really feel he has trouble and insecurities with public speaking and he channels that into his jittery angry way of preaching.

He can't even remember to start prayers with "Let us pray" and just starts reading out of the book. 

The solemnity and sanctity of the mass was whittled away to nothing with his out of place joke cracking in the most inappropriate areas of the mass.

He even forgot to end the mass with the announcing of "Go In Peace to love and serve....." Instead, I kid you not, he ended mass with a "Uh ok it's time to kiss the Nino... Uh ok we're done let's go!" I kid you not!!!!

I'm so disgusted I'm actually going to re-attend mass somewhere else today. This man is not fit to be a priest and that's why I refuse to name him as "Father" here. I'm just absolutely flabbergasted at how this man was ordained as a priest.


  1. Sounds more like a "boy toy" for the archbishop the way he's been hanging around with him.

  2. Wow, lack of reverence. Lack of "Christ Persona" as indicated in MANY of the Neo Priests when they "attempt" to consecrate during the Liturgy of the Eucharist.

    As far as Homilies, big difference from the Neo Priests and those who actually went through a FORMAL Theology and Priest training (yes, minimum of 8 years or more!).

    More proof that the Neo Priests are not ready (half-baked was the term referenced before, right?). They treat our formal Liturgical Celebration as if it was just a "mechanical process" and a session they need to appear to do with some form of reverence.

    Sorry, it was not there either for me when I listened and attended a Neo priest TRYING to celebrate mass. Sad.

  3. Uh, we are done with him. The Vice Rector of the RMS Seminary. You're kidding us, right Archbishop?? Tell us it's not true!

    1. Why doesn't the PASTOR of San Vicente take action, HHHHHAAAAAAA.

    2. Doubt these 'ordinations" can be undone. Can they?

  4. Same goes with Fr. Jucutan, one year later he still isn't any better with his homilies. Today at 11:30 mass he spent almost 5 minutes finding the right page during the liturgy of the Eucharist.

    1. Regarding Fr. Jucutan, I totally agree he still needs a LOT of help with his homilies. And to think he's at the Basilica!!

    2. All I can say is I hope the visitors make surprise unexpected visits at different Mass. Then they can have the New neo Guahan Mass experience. To see and experience the realty for themselves. Then they will know what's happening and what pain and disappointment True Catholics here have to endure.

  5. Archbishop will be very disappointed to read this post. Another grave error on his part. So, what's new. He might be pissed off at Harold and get a new driver. Otherwise they will be driving in silence that Father Cocky as heck embarassed him.

  6. Sounds Absolutely Horrific. I hope someone had the presence to record it. Of course you don't go to Mass thinking about doing that. But this kind of rubbish happening is not some small joke. It Is Serious!. Very Serious!! I am mortified.

  7. This is a serious matter. Does this mean that, due to the presider being "comical" in his duties as a priest, the entire mass is for not? I've actually attended a wedding where a RMS priest presided and the chosen music was improper (ie. Hawaiian Wedding Song???? REALLY???) and a couple of Elvis Presley Top 10s. No, I am not exaggerating. TOO MUCH!!! SMH.

  8. Its the fish out of water syndrom. These Priests, er.... I Mean Presbyters, Sorry, are trained in the rituals of the NCW, Dancing around the Altar, Having other members of the congregation echoing as part of the homilies, and whatever other rituals they perform in an NCW celebration. No wonder they are unable to preside over the sacred Echaristic Celebration. The sense of sacred is foreign to them. Their gatherings seem to be more similar to protestant revival gathering where the emotions of members are the measure of a successful worship service. My cousin who is walking in the way tells me that our mass is boring.. I told him that it may appear to be, however the reason that is the case is the focus of our mass is the worship of God, and not the how uplifted or happy the congregation is after the service. These are tell tale signs of defecient training received in the RMS.

    1. All just get hypnotized in high emotional trance like revival atmosphere. "Jesus loves you Alleluia", " Jesus loves you Alleluia", "Jesus loves you Alleluia", recitals excites a fervor and frenzy becoming robotic hypnosis or another for of speaking spontaneously or in tongues. That type of way Catholics don't do. Catholics consciously, with good conscience, recognize and practice the Presence of God. As I understand things.

    2. Sound like the cousin was bored because he expected to be "entertained" at a real Mass? "Boring is as boring says". I don't know about your cousin, but I don't go to Mass or any prayer event to be entertained. I know there are some protestant churches that use "entertainment" as their form of worship with their bands, skits or confessions, etc... When I go to Mass, I go to pray. I expect nothing less than a prayerful atmosphere in church. Mass is the one place that I find peace in this busy world of today. Mass is the one place I can actually "be still". If the cousin finds it boring then don't go to a real Mass, just stick with the NEO "celebrations" as they call it. I know that I will probably get some flak from a NEO, but at this point it don't matter to me what a NEOcat has to say anymore. I have always felt that something was wrong with their Saturday evening "celebrations" when I first heard about it. I will stick to my Mass and you can stick to your "playing church" mass with your presbyters wanna be priests. BTW, proud of Harold now?

  9. Just by hearing the part when he says that "we are all just prostitutes in some way, and giving in to idols and whatever", sounds like he's preaching in a Man-made church. Maybe if he attended a true seminarian education, he wouldn't have said what he did. The next thing you'll know is they'll be preaching the prosperity gospel where they say that if you don't give a lot, you will never get rich. Sorry, my riches are stored up in Heaven with my Lord Jesus Christ!

  10. This was at the 10am mass in Barrigada. During the veneration of the Nino Jesus this morning, he handled the image of the Christchild like a football, tucking the head of the Baby near his underarm, holding it with just his right arm when he first brought the baby from the sanctuary, and then rapidly swinging the baby back and forth between people kissing the Christ Child. Not like how Pope Francis held the child reverently during the midnight mass at the Vatican, where the Pope held the Baby Jesus like a real baby with both of his arms cradling the Holy Child. Says a lot about how Harold views a very important custom in our local culture.

    1. Maybe he was silently thinking and singing Rock a baby rock, Rock a baby rock. So he could hurry and rock right out of there.

  11. During this mass, Harold kept saying in his condescending way "I hope you're paying attention" or "Are you listening?". Yes, Harold, we're listening to everything you say, we're watching :) Oh, just so we don't kick you while you're down, you've got a pretty nice singing voice. We'll give you that. Just maybe put a little more heart into it, like how you would sing your kiko songs.


  12. Harold lacks the education required of a catholic priest today.

    1. He's not catholic. They're all part of the new Protestant reformation called NCW and AAA's new title will be Apostle because they already have their prophets that he bows down to.

  13. Your experience with Harold is why I refuse to attend Neo masses, even AAA, David, and Adrian. Join me at 11:00 Tamuning, at Toto, Sinajana, Agana Heights, or Mangilao.

    1. I also don't attend any services where AAA is celebrating. I only attend Catholic mass.

  14. You're right about the 11:30 a.m. Mass at the Basilica. The homilies are so boring!! The priest reads/talks so slowly that you literally want to fall asleep. I have attended the 11:30 Mass for years, but have since elected to attend the 12:30 pm Mass in Ordot instead. Even though the Mass there is said mostly in Chamorro (I am Filipina), there seems to be a more sacred air to the whole thing, versus the one in Agana. This NCW movement is dangerous and must be stopped.

  15. Speaking of the veneration of the Baby Jesus, there was no announcement at the Basilica about the traditional mangngenge to the homes of the parishioners as has been done on Christams and the Sundays of Christmas by the altar servers all these years.

    Another tradition killed by this "new administration" and the NEO ways...

    1. My friend from Chalan Pago, also told me that she went to the church this weekend to volunteer to bring the statue of the Baby Jesus around the village for veneration and she was told her that they aren't doing it this year.

    2. They are just LAZY to do the house venerations. Maybe it's not in their statutes? Maybe they think the donations aren't enough? Maybe their seminarians don't know how to do it? Who knows these days. Maybe someone should ask AAA what is the reason behind the discontinuation? Or does he have to look that up too. Oh yeah, I know....idolatry....a favorite word of theirs along with persecuted and excommunication. I guess the NEO don't know the symbolism behind the Nino house visits? Sad, so sad that an OLD tradition may be dying.

    3. No time..priority is their cult communities.

  16. I watched the midnight mass at the cathedral on tv on Christmas Eve, and if you notice, Archbishop and the presbyters all exited through the back when mass ended. He didn't even hold the Christ Child for veneration by the congregation. He just left Msgr Q. and a few priests behind to handle the veneration.

    1. Sounds like another PARTAY somehwere else. Where you can dance and clap at the Saviors Birth

    2. Does your computer make shhhhhh sound on video???? fix that.

  17. Striking picture, and interesting physical similarities between Harold and a younger Adrian, and even a younger cousin of J.T
    Is this accidental or just a fixation by Arch?


  18. 2.39am. Yes concerning.
