Tuesday, April 21, 2015


Dear Archbishop Apuron,

In your answers to the Associated Press, you were quoted as referring to homosexual acts as "intrinsically a moral evil."

Archbishop, this is why I have persistently implored you to do NOTHING more than to quote the Catechism of the Catholic Church. 

The Catechism of the Catholic Church does NOT label homosexual acts as intrinsically EVIL. The Catechism of the Catholic Church says:
"homosexual acts are intrinsically disordered." (CCC 2357)
How sad that as an archbishop you do not know this. 



P.S. You and I and the real author know that you didn't write a word of this...which is evidence of the much greater problem. 


  1. There are other church documents which reference homosexual acts as "evil", but the CCC holds off on going there, stopping only at "disordered". Regardless of what other documents may say, the CCC is our official Church statement. Sadly, the archbishop only had to reference the Catechism. Then the headlines would be: "Archbishop reaffirms Catholic Church teaching."

  2. And it's not that the CCC is "shy" about labeling things "evil". By contrast, par 2370 calls contraception "evil":

    "every action which, whether in anticipation of the conjugal act, or in its accomplishment, or in the development of its natural consequences, proposes, whether as an end or as a means, to render procreation impossible" is intrinsically evil."

    I personally find this distinction fascinating. Perhaps we can discuss it sometime.

  3. Sadly those neo nuts are so homophobic with homosexual tendencies, a walking contradiction. They must pull their sermons from the same offensive sermon guide. Fr. Fabulouso and Fr pishoff or whatever their self righteous better than the rest of you narcissistic names are from Santa Rita parish whenever the same sex card is on the table give horribly offensive sermons. "God did not make Adam and Steve, God made Adam and Eve!" they talk about them being disordered and in need of psychological help. They talk about how the family needs to make them stop. Come on!! Don't they realize how personally offensive that is. We all have family members that are gay. Come on now!!!! Blood is thicker than water.

    1. Sometimes the truth hurts. right?

    2. This is all the result of such poor rms prep. Arch has not done continuing study either. Too busy jets ring. Call me Tony.

  4. It's no small wonder why many are turning away from the faith in droves when you have people in authority like the Archbishop resort to idiotic statements like this. Gay people are our family, friends, coworkers. To continue to marginalize and ridicule them in such a manner in this day and age is, quite frankly, pathetic. I hate to say it but the issue of homosexuality will become one of the death knells for the faith if Church leaders continue to preach against gay people using such harsh and hateful rhetoric. And you're already beginning to see it in several US states. Fortunately the tide has turned in favor of respect and equality.

    1. Uuhhmmm, I'm sorry, respect and equality? respect and dignity for sure, as a human person. In their decision to live out a gay lifestyle- not!
      You should read what the church teaches in the Catechism as Tim pointed out. If you are not catholic, just take a look at the natural order of creatures. As for allowing a redefinition of marriage to include same sex? NEVER! This is really what this is about, not equality. Call it whatever you want, but don't call it MARRIAGE!
      FYI some scripture regarding "homosexuality". Lev 18:22, 20:13; 1Tim 1:9-10; Deu 22:5; 1Cor 6:9-11; Rom 1:26-27.

    2. Please see my most recent post: http://www.junglewatch.info/2015/04/the-sixth-commandment.html

  5. Marilu Diaz MartinezApril 21, 2015 at 10:47 AM

    How sad, in deed. This is probably why this leader has gravitated, accepted and enabled the erroneous views, interpretation and disrespectful regard and practices with reference to the Sacrament of Holy Eucharist and the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass which is taught, practiced and promoted by kiko in the ncw.

    The Sacrament of Holy Eucharist is the Source and Summit of the teachings of our Catholic Faith and the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass is the authentic Worship of God. These two Doctrines of the Church cannot even be changed, or reversed by our Pope, let alone a mere leader of a movement. Major changes in the Catholic Church are announced widely, publicly, and to the Universal Church; therefore our Pope could never have accepted the ncw's "new way of worshiping" nor "new way of interpreting or teaching" about the Sacrament of Holy Eucharist!

    Our Catholic leader's silence about such views, practices and regard is a SCANDAL. The Catholic Church teaches this about SCANDALS: "... Scandal is a grave offense if by deed or omission another is deliberately led into a grave offense." CCC 2284.

    "Scandal takes on a particular gravity by reason of the authority of those who cause it or the weakness of those who are scandalized. It prompted Our Lord to utter this curse: ..." CCC2285 Read both in its entirely in the Catechism of the Catholic Church.


  6. Best advise Tim Rohr could have given Archbishop is to say nothing more than CCC teaches.

  7. If ever there was a time to mention the love of God, this "interview" would be it. But not a hint of a smidgen of mention of God's love for the homosexual person. And no mention, either of the respect, compassion, sensitivity and avoidance of unjust discrimination mentioned by the Catechism. Ahi Adai.

  8. This is a general comment about the issue of homosexuality and what the Church teaches. I can see that some of the comments are motivated out of compassion. However, there is still the objective teaching of the Catholic Church on the matter. For now, please suspend further comments about this issue until I can address Church teaching directly and in the context of the current discussion.

  9. As I was reading that this morning I knew that the "intrinsically moral evil" didn't sound right. I was going to look it up in the catechism later but as usual Tim the Holy Spirit had you post it already. Thank you for sharing the truth.

  10. We are a Church divided right now. Weak and open for abuse. How sad that we are at this place right now. Tim, I remember the last time this issue of same-sex marriage came up, if you don't recall, I was one of your supporters. I saw how hard you worked to defend the Church. Constantly in touch with the Chancery and becoming the face defending the Church teachings. We had meetings, went to Public Hearings, Village Hearings, private meetings, you name it, we were there. We faced off with senators and posted signs and prayed, etc. IT WAS SO MUCH WORK! You worked so hard on that and in the end, there was success. We stood together with the Archbishop then. Now we are divided and this is what the devil looks for, A House Divided.
    We need to unite for this and stand together on this matter, The Archbishop and Us, all of us. The media is just eating it up and loving it and the haters of Catholics are laughing. Why do you think they knew we were weak. Pray People Pray and Speak Up. Don't be afraid to stand up for the protection of marriage between a man and a woman. Brush up on your Bible, your CCC, everything, we are again at war.

    1. You are right. It was SO MUCH WORK. And I will tell you why. Because the chancery did NOT take the same advice I am offering now: say only what the Church says. No. They have to wade into theological and moral treatises that piss people off and do the Church a disservice by making it look like it's the Archbishop's personal teaching instead of the universal church. And apparently he doesn't even know what that teaching is. So last time around the fight wore on many more months than it needed to because the archbishop's people kept running their mouths. In the end our arguments actually lost. It only went away because the impact on the retirement fund was finally made known.

    2. Your Excellency: so WHO ON EARTH wrote your brilliant response for you? The Jucatan? Who? We Foolishly expect YOU in your teaching office to have done so with a little help from your friends. :)

  11. How sad as one expresses himself on fb.

    "I keep reading about the 9th District and we follow it. Blah, blah, blah! Everything will finalized with the Supreme Court's decision. Thats what i'm waiting for. That boys and girls, will be the law of the land, even on Guam."

    1. While the supreme court may or may not decide for it, We as Catholics have a responsibility to stand and fight against it, to share the churches teaching about it. There's a really good booklet from Catholic Answers on why there can never be such thing as gay marriage, and is argued from the natural law and not from a religous standpoint. As it says, society needs to stop pretending that there can even exist such a thing as gay marriage.

    2. True, but so long as Catholics demand dominion over their fertility they forfeit any moral standing with the issue, which also explains why we're even losing the natural law argument. I wrote about it here:


  12. Tim you are right. I remember it took twice effort for you to cover up for each time the Archbishop spoke. You are right that we have to approach in a manner of economics and natural species survival.

  13. there is no such thing as marriage equality or same-sex marriage. people just made that up. People interpret what they want and say it's right even if it's wrong. And those with little or no faith will believe. RIGHT IS RIGHT EVEN IF NO ONE IS BELIEVES IT, WRONG IS WRONG EVEN IF EVERYONE BELIEVES IT.

    when I say I'm getting married, it means I'm getting married to the opposite sex. People don't ask me If I'm getting married to a man or woman or man' best friend. They want equality in what? ask the senators to pass a law and call it the equal rights for same-sex couples.

    Marriage is GOD'S LAW BEFORE MAN'S LAW. God's interpretation of THOU SHALL NOT KILL is before man's interpretation THAT LIFE DOES NOT BEGIN AT CONCEPCION.

    We should continue to fight to keep POLITICS OUT OF RELIGION.

    1. Please see my most recent post: http://www.junglewatch.info/2015/04/the-sixth-commandment.html
