Monday, June 15, 2015


This is interesting. Santa Barbara has "pledged" $16,800"? Really? Pledged? Or were they "billed"? According to one observer:

During announcements at a mass on Sunday, he (Fr. Dan Bien( pointed out an article in the Umatuna that Guam's largest parish 'owes' the largest amount to the Archdiocesan Annual Appeal. " 

Really "owes"? A pledge is money already committed but not yet collected. This is no "pledge". This is a quota given to Fr. Dan by the chancery bullies. 

Agafa Gumas - $3,300. An interesting number. Not only because it is high for what is little more than a chapel, but also because it is even. Hmmm. This suggests that "somebody" is throwing some money into the pot to round the number up. The high number also suggests that somebody or somebodies are anxious to please Apuron since he recently made them a parish. 

Agana Heights - $250.00. The parishioners continue to speak loudly. And an even number implies that this was probably from one or two checks.

Agana-Cathedral Basilica - $15,206.80. Not much needs to be said about this number since everyone knows where it's coming from. LOL 

Agat - $2,603. Well with Fr. Alberto there, what do you expect. Still there are parishioners of Agat who don't understand the war that is being waged. Plus misplaced pride may be playing a role.

Barrigada - $7665.00. Really that's all the Kiko-Cathedral can come up with? Oh yah, well that's pretty good given that their busing the kiko-clans over to the Cathedral to prop up the bishop at 9:30. Must feel weird to go to Sunday Mass.

Chalan Pago - $2,166.00. Really Orange Juice, that's all you can do?

Dededo - $3,939.00. And then there's the $17,000 pledge. 

Harmon - St. Andrew Kim $3,801.00. I've heard this church has fallen on hard times. Deacon Kim seems to be driving everyone away. 

Inarajan - $410.00 That's $410 too much but good job. Fight on. 

Maina - $536.00. Yah, well no more!

Malojloj - $545.00. Ditto

Mangilao - $3137.41. Hmmm. Okay, well I don't want to hear any complaints from the people of Mangilao. If you insist on supporting the seminary that will one day soon rid you of your pastor, then go for it. 

Merizo - $100.00. Apparently a message to xxx Louie.

Mongmong - $625.00. Maybe donated out of shame.

Ordot - Good. "Apuron you're the problem."

Piti - $1515.00. Your pastor is about to retire. Are you ready for what you're going to get? No? Then that $1515 too much. 

Santa Rita - $4956.00 Hey that's enough to repair that Guadalupe statue and put it back in its place, don't you think. Really Santa Rita? Or was that your pastor raiding your general fund? Wake up!

Sinajana - $2633.00 Apparently some "Capuchin" parishes think they are isolated from the problem. You're not. You are paying for your own destruction. 

Talofofo - $100.00. Okay, you guys get it.

Tamuning - $3210.00. This is interesting. This is largely a Filipino parish and usually supportive no matter what. Maybe they've heard of Apuron's treatment of Filipinos. 

Toto - $150.00 Way too much.

Tumon - $2130.00 That's a lot, but then there's a liaison there with Apuron that we won't talk about just now.

Umatac - $300.00. Probably due to some blow back from xxx Louie.

Yigo - $14,977.79. What a shame. And to think that your parishioners were on the forefront of the fight against the Kiko's back in 2006. Apparently you've been bought...or sold, or is "deportation" a motivating factor here?

Yona - $425.00 I know where that come from. Some people just need to play it "smart", or so they think. 

By the way, Pentecost Sunday, the official "end" of the Appeal was May 24. LOL. What a charade. 


  1. $7.00 per day for each seminarian. That means no air con guys. Oh, and no chaplains. : (

    1. No problem, they have ocean breezes and sparkling Olympic pool. But only eat bologna with no bread. Right, Ashton Wong??? No, we haven't forgotten you. And we won't .

    2. Kiko, can you help out a little here. Sheesh. Tell Gennerini to bring some cash. It's urgent.

    3. Even if the seminary was on starvation rations, it would be more than 100,000.00 ....

    4. I remember a time when we kids were given tininon lemai dipped in pork grease and were happy to get it, while the man-amko had to open their mouth and face the wind. THE NEONCW WANNABE PRIEST BETTER BE GLAD THEY ARE GETTING SOMETHING TO EAT....other than going to the beach....

  2. Cathedral Did Rector Coreen forfeit her salary? That's taking one for the team.

    1. Bet Monsignor chipped in. He's that kind of guy.

  3. growing up on guam, i used to think these kinds of numbers were large amounts of money. but then we moved to the mainland, where our parish alone of 2,400 households annually gives more than $500k to the archdiocese's annual catholic appeal. sure, affluence and economics plays a big role in it. but i also think that it's because the parishioners know where the money goes, and they readily get to see its fruits. one of those fruits, by the way, is a chamorro seminarian who'll be ordained a deacon in a couple of weeks.

  4. Tamuning, Tsk, Tsk, Tsk.

  5. WHO IS "WE" ??????

    DianaJune 15, 2015 at 11:05 AM
    Dear Anonymous at 10:44 am,

    I do not think the Archbishop set a number this year, but we are hoping the Annual Appeal will continue to increase. The Annual Appeal goes to the two chaplains who ministers to the hospital and to DOC, the two seminaries, and other costs to the clergy.

    1. And who pays the bookkeeper at RMS??

    2. Don't worry. We is Diana and HER HUSBAND. Oh, dear.

    3. Susan and other women are foreign volunteers. What kind of visa is that??

    4. 1:22 ...good question. What kind of Visa for women and missionary families sent to us pagans. ??? Anybody?

    5. Diana's husband? Seriously?? Joke.

    6. Seems they stay for a long time. Do those ladies live at the RMS??

    7. Who is Susan??

  6. Good luck in collecting "pledges." I will not give one penny of my money to the arch. That's quite a huge amount of "pledges" uncollected from Santa Barbara. What will the arch do if pledges go uncollected? Maybe those who pledged have changed their minds and do not wish to fund the arch's Neo projects. He certainly doesn't want to fund those men who have a calling to the priesthood but do not want to become neos. We choose not to fund his Neo appeal. He can strong-arm priests but he can't strong-arm the non-neo parishioners. Pass around those black trash bags, arch, and get the money you need to fund your Neo projects.
    Eileen Benavente-Blas

    1. Pledge is from Fr Dan, and he will use parish funds to give to the Archbishop. Your $20 in the collection basket will help pay for the pizza parties held for the seminarians and missionaries every Sunday afternoon. Guess it was a deal when the Archbishop agreed to incardinate Fr Dan. Now its pay back time, baby!

  7. The NCW communities were instructed to attend mass and to "flood" the baskets [as to why they need to be instructed to attend mass is telling]. Ask anyone in the NCW, that you may know, if this is true. If they say otherwise, then understand that they are not being honest with you for they were also instructed not to reveal this action.

    Of course, not everyone in the NCW is buying into the deception which has the NCW head catechists agitated and aggressively bothered by this "disobedience." Isn't that right, Fr Pius?

    1. Hope the Romans appreciate this devilish plot. What will it take to bless us with a new Shepherd?? Flood the baskets. For real??? Astounding.

    2. firstly I will not call Pius "Father" secondly the neo did flood the basket not the regular parishioners..., saw the attendance in Chalan Pago. jesofchalanpago

  8. chancery putting out fake numbers to make themselves feel good!!! ...hahaha...laughing their way to hell!!!!

  9. Fr Dan....please don't fall into a trap....if Dededo cant pay for what it 'owes' to the appeal crap....then close the church and have the mass at the park!

  10. So with the dismal total does this mean no more double dipping for RUDE-eee?

  11. I was also thinking that $3,300 was a big amount for Agafa Gumas, and that it was probably to keep the AB happy, since he made them a parish. Funny, that they are still listed as Santa Bernadita CHAPEL though.

    What is more strange to me is the large numbers from Sinajana and Mangilao. I would think that they would have rather donated to the Capuchin appeal! I attend mass in Mangilao every now and then and get the sense that the parishioners don't feel that there is any threat to their parish..... Big mistake in my opinion!!!!

  12. Let's not forget to do Charity with the money we are withholding, ok?

  13. Re: Anonymous (June 15 @11:21 a.m.): Diana spoke the truth when he/she? she/it? said: "...and other costs to the clergy." The "other costs" refer to the cost of keeping buffoons like apuron and pius and their sycophants wallowing in their lies and greed.

  14. You can sure that people are now aware that most of the funds are earmarked to educate Neo Presbyters. You can bet that donations and support for RMS has dried up. I wonder how much of Kiko own funds will be used to fund his project. Let me guess $0.00. He has no shame to have the people of Guam fund his heretical crusade. Kiko, the people of Guam, has manifested that we do not want your kind of religion here. Get out know or suffer a slow death. AAA do not continue to put the rest of the Catholics at risk, by trying to pry money from us to support the Neos. We will not do it. Comprende?????

    1. I don't think Kiko will lift a toe to help out Apuron since he found out he won't be making Cardinal.... jesofchalanpago

  15. How much does the Wadeson get paid. Where the hell is he? Who paid for him to prove himself innocent? His community, I guess.

    1. If he is working for neo job, then let Neos pay? Did John Wadeson enter Guam, USA?

    2. the money he needed came from the last dollar I donated to OLoP&SJ, I think it came from that misa imbida donation...jesofchalanpago

  16. Mary Lou Garcia-PeredaJune 15, 2015 at 3:09 PM

    While the OFFICIAL END of the Archdiocesan Annual Appeal was on Pentecost Sunday, 24 May, the 31 May Cathedral-Basilica Bulletin included the following announcement:

    "The Archdiocesan Annual Appeal whose purpose is to help care of the spiritual needs of our hospitalized sick, those who are in prison and to help support the formation of our future priests, for God's active work in the salvation of souls is ON GOING. [sic] Please help support and continue the mission of the Church. You may drop your donation for the Annual Appeal in the collection basket or at the Pastoral Office. May God reward you and your family a hundredfold." (My emphasis)

    That announcement was also read toward the end of the Saturday Vigil Masses I attended on 30 May AND 6 June; the announcement was no longer printed in the CB Bulletin of 7 June.

    Was it a coincidence that the ONGOING status was only announced at the 6 June Vigil Mass and omitted from the 7 June CB Bulletin after I informed K57's Patti Arroyo on the air on 4 June that no ending date for the AAA had been given?

    I did not attend the Vigil Mass at CB on 13 June so I don't know if they are continuing to make the announcement verbally.

    Actually the AAA results as of 10 June are pretty similar to the ones from 3 June — which, for almost HALF of the parishes/groups, were also similar to the 27 May report!
    • Agana (Cathedral-Basilica) on 27 May reported turning in $14,406.80 and on 3 and 10 June reported $15,206.80, an increase of $1,000.00;
    • Agat (Our Lady of Mt. Carmel) on 27 May and 3 June reported turning in $1,953.00 and then on 10 June reported $2,603.00, an increase of $650.00;
    • Asan (Nino Perdido Y Sagrada Familia) on 27 May and 3 June reported turning in $3,353.00 and then on 10 June reported $3,403.00, an increase of $50.00;
    • Barrigada (San Vicente Ferrer & San Roke) on 27 May reported turning in $7,025.00, on 3 June reported $7,565.00, an increase of $540.00 and on 10 June reported $7,665.00, another increase of $100.00;
    • Dededo (Santa Barbara) on 27 May and 3 June reported turning in $3,888.00 and on 10 June reported $3.939.00, an increase of $51.00;
    • Maina (Our Lady of Purification) on 27 May reported turning in ZERO, on 3 June reported turning in $350.00 and on 10 June reported $536.00, an increase of $186.00 from 3 June;
    • Malojloj (San Isidro) on 27 May reported turning in $100.00, on 3 June reported $200.00, an increase of $100.00 and on 10 June reported $545.00, another increase of $345.00;
    • Others/Unclassified has a rather unusual report: On 27 May reported turning in $400.00, on 3 June reported $100, a DECREASE of $300.00 and on 10 June reported turning in $300.00, an increase of $200.00 over the 3 June report. Adding the amounts from 3 June ($100) and 10 June ($300) results in the INITIAL amount turned in from 27 May ($400) — strange …
    • Santa Rita (Our Lady of Guadalupe) on 27 May reported turning in $910.00 and on 3 and 10 June reported $4,956.00, an increase of $4,046.00;
    • Sinajana (St. Jude) on 27 May reported turning in $2,283.00 and on 3 and 10 June reported $2,633.00, an increase of $350.00;
    • Talofofo (San Miguel) on 27 May reported turning in ZERO and on 3 and 10 June reported $100.00, an increase of $100.00;
    • Toto (Immaculate Heart of Mary) on 27 May reported turning in $100.00 and on 3 and 10 June reported $150.00, an increase of $50.00;
    • Umatac (San Dionisio) on 27 May and 3 June reported turning in ZERO and on 10 June reported $300.00, an increase of $300.00;
    • Yigo (Our Lady of Lourdes) on 27 May reported turning in $6,913.21 and on 3 and 10 June reported $14,977.00, an increase of $8,063.79.

    Parishes under NCW administration — Agana, Agat, Asan, Barrigada — as well as NCW-friendly Tamuning reported amounts pledged on 27 May. The only parish to amend the pledge report on 3 June was Dededo — $16,800.00!!

    BTW: I noticed that Ordot's amount turned in — $150.00 — was not included in the list above.

  17. Don't see any reason to take up an appeal. After all "God provides" yes, he did a miracle for Guam. The the Archbishop took the gift to the people of God and gave the miracle to his cult. That's the sad part. He should have been super sued. But he wasn't.

  18. Junkle Watch readers, does Tim have documentation for these wild judgements of the parishes' offerings?? No, he doesn't.

    1. LOL. Yes I do! "it’s somewhere I need to find out where exactly." (Apuron, 12/17/14)

    2. For sure for sure

    3. Great answer, Tim!
      Eileen Benavente-Blas

    4. Ha ha, Tim, giving apuron a dose of his own medicine, eh? Smart man! Docile as a dove, smart as a fox. We have to wisen up as well, to counter the evil designs of apuron and his puppeteers.

    5. Call me Tony. Alright. In that case, ADIOS, TONY.

  19. According to Lady di, the jungle is losing credibility with the people...says you are frustrated with the Appeal rising!

    Dear Anonymous at 10:44 am, 

    I do not think the Archbishop set a number this year, but we are hoping the Annual Appeal will continue to increase. The Annual Appeal goes to the two chaplains who ministers to the hospital and to DOC, the two seminaries, and other costs to the clergy. Times are hard for everyone, but it is good to see many people still contributing to the Archdiocesan Annual Appeal. 

    The jungle is loosing its credibility with people. Right now, the jungle is frustrated that the Annual Appeal continues to rise.

    1. LOL. Frustrated. LOL. It's the archbishop who wrote the letter saying that the "results were not favorable!" And to get them "favorable" he is extending the appeal ad infinitum. Nothing could more validate our success in stuffing the "appeal" than their having to extend...and to get the numbers up, obviously causing the pastors they can bully to "pledge". Just what we want Rome to see. The good news is that there is so much corruption in Rome they know corruption when they see it. Peace :)

    2. The comment of Lady Di is for the consumption of those who don't want to admit the truth.

    3. I agree with you Tim. Its a charade of deception and lies...over and over again that we get from the chancery. And to those who continue to prop up the archbishop...shame on you also! Where is Wadeson? Where is Luis? Where are our resources that generations have given to our parishes? Where are our statues? WHERE IS OUR LEADERSHIP?

    4. The so-called Lady Di has a penis. Right Adrian?

    5. 4:51, the "lady" is a tramp.

    6. @8:06. May I suggest that we stop asking where is our leadership is and start taking responsibility for ourselves. These guys have been telling us that we are "priest, prophet, and king" so let's start acting like it. Start showing up on their doorsteps physically and demand answers, and Santa Rita, how embarrassing that you still don't have your statue back. How dare you let yourselves be bullied and harassed like that.

    7. Yah, Santa Rita, you let your computer hack get away with that? Tell peach fuzz to put it back.

    8. Outrageous!

      (Santa Rita statue)

    9. Right diana, that why you neos were instructed to attend mass and contribute to the assessment, which is really what it is, so it wouldnt look so bad. To bad so sad...

  20. I owe, I owe, so off to Kiko I go! He's a modern day Prophet who needs the profits and that's why I owe! Clap, clap, clap!

  21. AAA's song for the continued want of our money.

    For The Love Of Money"
    By the O'Ja

    Money, money, money, money, money [6x]
    Some people got to have it
    Some people really need it
    Listen to me y'all, do things
    Do things, do bad things with it
    You wanna do things, do things
    Do things, good things with it
    Talk about cash money, money
    Talk about cash money
    Dollar bills, yall

    For the love of money
    People will steal from their mother
    For the love of money
    People will rob their own brother
    For the love of money
    People can't even walk the street
    Because they never know
    Who in the world they're gonna beat
    For that lean, mean, mean green
    Almighty dollar, money

    For the love of money
    People will lie, Lord, they will cheat
    For the love of money
    People don't care who they hurt or beat
    For the love of money
    A woman will sell her precious body
    For a small piece of paper
    It carries a lot of weight
    Call it lean, mean, mean green

    Almighty dollar

    I know money is the root of all evil
    Do funny things to some people
    Give me a nickel, brother can you spare a dime
    Money can drive some people out of their minds

    Got to have it, I really need it
    How many things have I heard you say
    Some people really need it
    How many things have I heard you say
    Got to have it, I really need it
    How many things have I heard you say
    Lay down, lay down, a woman will lay down
    For the love of money
    All for the love of money
    Don't let, don't let, don't let money rule you
    For the love of money
    Money can change people sometimes
    Don't let, don't let, don't let money fool you
    Money can fool people sometimes
    People, don't let money, don't let money change you
    It will keep on changing, changing up your mind

  22. You gotta be tony…………..

    tony, who has been faithful to God his whole life, is visited by an angel one night.
    The angel says, "God sent me to let you know that you're going to die in two days.
    But don't worry; you are certainly welcome in heaven."
    tony says, "That's great.

    But listen, I know God has this rule that we can't take anything with us, but do you think he could bend it for me?
    I'd really like to take something with me."
    The angel says, "Well, I'll ask, but I can't promise anything."

    The next night, the angel returns and says, "God told me to tell you that he'll allow you to bring a single black plastic bag, with whatever you want to bring along inside of it."

    tony is excited, but can't decide what to bring.
    He thinks of bringing along all of his money, but he's not sure what kind of currency they take in Heaven. He decides instead to trade all of his money in for gold, since gold is good anywhere.

    So he buys a whole bunch of bars of gold with all of his money, sticks it in the black plastic bag, and the next day he dies and finds himself before the Pearly Gates with the black plastic bag by his side.
    Saint Peter stops him and says, "Sorry, but you can't bring anything in here."

    tony says, "An angel told me that God said it was okay."

    Peter says, "Well, if it's okay with God, then go ahead through.
    But out of curiosity, what do you have in there?"

    tony lays down the black plastic bag and opens it up, showing Saint Peter all of the bars of gold.

    Peter gives tony a funny look and says, "That's what you brought? Pavement?"

  23. Truth is Agana Archdiocese is in serious financial debt created by tony and his boys.

    1. Yes, tony leaving with financials in a mess.

  24. The Protestant’s Three Huts

    tony was stranded all alone on a an island.
    He begins sending smoke signals, hoping that somebody will find him.
    Ten years pass, and a boat is sailing by.
    The captain notices the smoke signals, and decides to pull into the island.
    When he docks, he sees three huts.
    tony runs out and embraces the captain, and says, “Thank you for rescuing me!”
    The captain says, “No problem, where are the others?”
    tony says, “There is only me, I am all alone on this island.”
    The captain, confused, asks, “If you are all alone, then why are there three huts?”
    tony says, “Well, the first hut is where I live, that’s my home.
    The second hut is my church, where I worship.”
    The captain asks, “And what is the third hut?”
    tony says, “Oh, that was the church I used to go to.”

  25. interesting read... sound familiar?

    1. To Anon at 6/15, 11:42PM - Very interesting link indeed. A bit on the lengthy side, but certainly brings the point home, applied to the NCW philosophy (yes, even theology) of giving till it hurts - and even then "continue to give". Reminds me a horror story told by a former Neo who attended a CCOG village meeting and related how Pius wanted to have the Neo member assign over his life insurance beneficiary to the community! And another former Neo who confessed "All they needed of me was my money! They kept bugging me to come back, after I stopped attending their convivences , because they knew that I had more to give which I hadn't!" - Interesting post; hope other can copy-paste the link to their browser, and read the article. Sounds like NCW indeed!


  26. Tony nearing end.

    1. Pure rumor. Archbishop said that the pope is very satisfied with what I am doing. OK , archbishop. And just what is it you are doing?? Dividing the People of God!!!

  27. Pope Francis said today: Pope: Christians must "guard their heart" from "noise of the devil" and avoid being a cause of "scandal"

    Archbishop Anthony, this is what you have done to your people. You have taken away our peace. You have caused grave scandal. God forgive you. Leave quietly. Just go.
