Saturday, December 26, 2015


Posted by Chuck White

Michelle Beaune, from London, Ontario, replied by my post,  "Poor Natasha" at, with a comment stating that she would give ANYTHING to have Fr. Pius Sammut, our ArchNeoCatechist, "chastise" her.  Here is her comment, and my reply:

             Email:  m****

I miss Fr.Pius so much! He was my confessor in Canada and I would give ANYTHING to have him chastise me and my husband to inflame in us the ZEAL to be the FAITHFUL warriors of Christ we are all called to be! If you come to serve the Lord PREPARE YOURSELF for TESTING! In this day and age we are all too SESITIVE (sic)! The devil is real people! He is trying to prepare us to FIGHT not to be LUKE WARM! Can you not hear this? Ah! This man has SO much compassion. I am living PROOF. AMEN! And pls just pray for him if you think he is wrong and take a good look within yourselves. This is what we are called to do.

Ms. Beaune,
Merry Christmas!  I know that Fr. Pius would absolutely relish the opportunity to chastise you again too! So perhaps – if you’re willing – you could ask him to move back to London, Ontario, permanently. Or back to Malta. We’d be forever grateful!
Si Yu’os Ma’ase (thank you),
P.S. Ms. Beaune, Fr. Pius’s problems here stem from much more than merely publicly humiliating people.


  1. She wishes to be chastized?? I don't know if I should laugh or cry reading this delirium. This lady needs an urgent mentalcare treatment!

  2. Tell her to assume the position.

  3. add one more piece of evidence to why it's a cult.

  4. Yes, please take sewer breath Pius with you Ms. Beaune. Anyone who holds Pius in high regard deserves him. WE DON'T WANT HIM!!

  5. Maybe Pius breathed new stink into her when he chastised her as her confessor.

  6. Gotta love a breathe of fresh stink

  7. Not even a fresh mint could clear that stank of her.

  8. That's what happens when you drink from the cup of KAKA...

  9. This chastisement and scolding reminds me that Kiko said that the catechumenate a time when mud would be smeared on the catechumens to remind them of their sins. And prior to the Second Scrutiny, he said:

    “Therefore I tell you not to be afraid before this scrutiny, because we are sent here by Jesus Christ to help free you from your demons.”

    So, the demons will be chased away by the catechists in their mud smearing and by subjecting the catechumens to public humiliation. That's supposed to be the New Evangelization!

    1. Pius needs to drive away his own demons and Apuron's demons. And the demons in the twisted NCW "theology" and practices.

    2. The lady's deep hunger to be "chastised" by Pius sounds like an abnormal desire for masochistic sex. Bring out the whips and chains!

    3. Stockholm syndrome. Common amongst the kiko's.

  10. Ms. Beaune,
    Its chastisement time, believe me, especially needed for a new year. Please send your pius ocd a one-way ticket to Narnia or wherever for your chastisement session. Please do as a favor and send him a ticket, please!!!

    1. Oh,please, not to Narnia. That's where our beloved Aslan (Jesus) lives. (C.S.Lewis books)

  11. Hey, lady! You are in luck! Putrid Pius is in Canada! Can't you smell him a mile away?

    1. I suspected that our Fr. Sammut was already in Canada when I saw the origin of the ip address of the comment. He's been known to write his own props. Click here for another example.

    2. I want Putrid to take me into the boonies! I just long for that.

    3. I long for Putrid to go to his eternal fiery reward-and soon!

    4. Fr.Matthew Blockley.December 28, 2015 at 9:59 PM

      I am not a supporter of Putrid as I honestly believe he is partly the cause of the moral decay of the pacific region. No matter how much pain putrid caused we should not wish him harm or we become like him and his cult. No. just pray for him that he will amend the grave damage pain he caused so many. Remember God's love God's Mercy will never be outshined by the likes of Putrid and his cult. Just pray for him and his cult that they will one day amend do penance for the damage they have done to the church. Each day they place another nail in the Body of Christ.

  12. Laughing at the stupidity of this person's comments is quickly quelled by the thought how dangerous Pius and the NCW are in brainwashing members of their cult to place trust in PIUS and Kikology doctrine.

    Why Ms. Beaune do you place such profound trust and allegiance on Pius, a mere human being to inflame in you the ZEAL to be FAITHFUL warrior of Christ? Should you be seeking approval of God rather than man? Can Pius really give you the fortitude and the Grace to endure and overcome anything in life? Is it not the Holy Spirit that is the giver of all good things? This is just another prime example how perverted is the belief of the NCW.

    1. Are the many, many NCW communities taking in families from the long line of refugees in Europe? Would seem a fitting thing to do? I suppose Kiko would already have told us how many million they are housing and feeding. Guess they only take in thier own for YOUTH DAY mistake
