Tuesday, June 21, 2016


Posted by Chuck White

Cardinal Hans Hermann Groër of Vienna.
A Cardinal Archbishop is accused of sexual molestation by former students at an all-male Catholic high school. He vehemently denied the accusations, calling them "defamatory and destructive". Powerful churchmen in the Vatican support the Cardinal. More allegations arise. Even the Pope is in denial. A Vatican investigation ensues, but it is slowed to a crawl by highly ranked members of the Curia. The Cardinal is eventually stripped of his duties and is exiled.  The Church undertakes a meaningful outreach to the victims only after many years have passed, and the Cardinal never does issue a real apology.  Is it a case like ours? Read more.


  1. Yup, those lips are definitely gay! How did he live with himself after abusing seminarians by using his authority and position? May God's justice deal with him in the way only God can deal. I hope his victims have come to terms with the damage brought about by the abuse. More importantly, it is worth noting that the same dynamic repeats itself. The question is whether the faithful of Guam will tolerate this miscarriage of justice for victims and non-action for erring clergymen, and in our case none other than Apuron? It is gross negligence that the Vatican needs to shake off if they want to remain relevant and prophetic in this age of relativeness.

  2. Thank you, Chuck for all your effort in getting through the maze of untruths of our church. Such an amazing similarity in the archdiocese under the dark leadership of Anthony Apuron! And more patience is being asked of the victims?

  3. Janet B - MangilaoJune 21, 2016 at 9:08 AM


    It is certainly a sad day when we realize that the Church has learned so little from the painful reality of sex abuse form within its ranks. The highest authorities have continually delayed or hidden high church officials who are accused of the most heinous crimes against humanity.

    Tony has been accused five times. The first accusation in November 2014 concluded its' investigation within minutes of the accusation when Deacon For Sure For Sure declared his boss innocent. Fast forward to May 2016. New allegation appear. The local Church fiercely attacks those brave and battered victims who come forward. Roy Quintanilla was the first.

    Then a grieving mother of another victim, Doris Concepcion, whose son died 11 years ago comes forward and is again blasted by the local Church. The condemnation of these victims itself was a dreadful conspiracy. primatologist presbyter Udu-valdo was extremely active, as was Adrian the Chancellor, and even dakon Tenorio tried to convince us he knew Apuron better than these victims coming forth. It was a sad event to see the Church do absolutely everything wrong.

    Media hype gets all the way to Rome. So they step in to place another bishop to take control of an out of control situation. Rome assures us time is of the essence, and we faithful believe that hope is just over the horizon. And here we are 2 weeks later, and no real improvement, except the word calumny has fallen out of the Church's daily rhetoric!

    Hon has not met with victims, victims have not been approached by investigators, and Apuron appears to remain in control, even congratulating his filipino flock on their liberation anniversary as if nothing was wrong. He's our bishop, just in a remote vacation. Let's all pray for him, Hon urges us. Yet he has never once asked for prayers and conslation for the victims.

    People of Guam, Pope Francis, I believe, is honest and sincere in wanting to stamp out sex abuse within the Church. But there is a whole cadre of bishops and cardinals wanting to just hush the whole matter until people forget about the trouble. We must not forget.

    Hon, we expect you to act as the Holy Father ordered you to act. We want to know from you right now, that all five cases have been submitted to Rome for formal and rapid investigations. We want to know who the investigator is, and their qualifications. We want to know that you are reaching out to the victims to make sure they are comforted and given care and consolation, and prayers. We want to know that Apuron will be held accountable if these accusations are determined to be credible.

    So. Hon, are you up to this task? If so then get to it. Get rid of the miscreants who have conspired with Tony to ruin our local Church. They are easy to identify: Pius, David the VG, Adrian the Demented, Deacon Claros For Sure For Sure, Deacon Tenorio, Fr Edivaldo. That would be a good start.

    If you're not up to it, then kindly tell the Pope. He will gladly send a determined bishop to guide us back to splendour. But remember, if you fail, the June 4 Apuron motu proprio applies to all bishops, including you!

    You can do it. Stop being so politically correct, and act like a man!

    1. We should be reminded that Hon is accountable to his Boss, who is a NEO Sympathizer, any wrong move in the eyes of his boss, can land him a painful and arduous assignment in Siberia. This is the reality when the Church of God becomes a democracy instead of a Theoacry that it should be. The Moral laws of God become dictated by popularity or who can wield the largest stick.

  4. Why is it that these priests being accused or found guilty just do not look like the Priests of years long age. The Priests that I had growing up with were wholesome, honest, caring, and very Father-like! What went wrong?

    1. Because "The Smoke of Satan has entered the Church." If one builds a fortified castle, making it unpenitrable, what is the greatest threat for this fortification? That from within, The enemy in his attempt to destroy the church that Christ established is working from within using the likes of the NCW with its heretical teaching and bishops like Apuron, who have not only compromised the truth, but inflicted pain upon the innocent. but be consoled, Christ promised us that "Not even the gates of Hell will prevail against his Church." (Matt 16:18) We should persevere in praying to the master of the Harvest for help, propagating the truth, exposing these evil, and seeking justice for those affected by Apuron's evil works.

  5. History is repeating itself...Good find too

  6. The house have special rooms that are not open to all guests. Hmm.

  7. Pope John Paul II at the time said "The cardinal had led the Archdiocese of Vienna with great love for Christ and his church.” But because the Vatican dragged its feet to take action, many in the church were scandalized and have left. "Eight in 10 of the country’s 8 million people identify themselves as Catholics, but thousands have left the church every year, citing the Groer affair". If only one soul was lost due to the scandalous actions of one cardinal, or the inaction of the leaders of the Church including the Pope, This is a grave loss, as each soul is precious in the eyes of God. How can the loss of many souls be characterized as Love of Christ and his Church? Let us not make the mistake that these church officials made and remind them that the actions of Apuron should be taken very seriously, as there are grave implications at stake, the wellbeing and justice for the victims, as well as the eternal salvation of the many who are scandalized and have left the ark of salvation, Christ's Church. This is surely not Christ's Will..

  8. Am I the only one getting discouraged by the attitude and inaction of Archbishop Hon? Has he spoken to any of the victims? What about the Capuchin community? The local priests? All I see him doing is cavorting with the Neo's and seemingly given them his approval. If this is all he is going to do we are doomed.

  9. We probably need to draw some lines on the word “similar.” Certainly similar in what appears to be a cover up, even by JP2 who covered “similarly” for the notorious Marcel Maciel, but not similar relative to the victims. The word “repeatedly” changes the nature of the accusation as a “molestation.” In the case of the three men who were personally molested by Apuron, it appears that the boys ran away and stayed away, even if they kept it to themselves for many years.

    It is also telling that Roy and Walter, at ages 12 and 13, were simply pounced on by Apuron (and in Walter’s case - raped), where as in Roland’s case, age 15, bigger and stronger and able to fight Apuron off (which he eventually did), Apuron first propositioned him (“do you want to try me?”).

    Per the Austrian case, the seminarians appeared to have been at least Roland’s age if not already adults, so the “repeatedly” appears to reference consensual sex, at least for a time. True, the more powerful bishop could have used his power to refuse ordination to the men as a lever to “force” them to have sex with him, but there can be no doubt that there was no physical barrier - they weren’t in prison. So it appears to be a choice on the seminarians part, though still pure evil on the part of the prelate.

    In short, the account serves our purposes in exposing how the bishops protect their own, even to the level of the pope. Sadly, though canonized, JP2 left a trail of such stories and a horrid mess for Benedict XVI to clean up, a task he ultimately felt he could not handle and has passed on to Francis, who, has given us Hon - and we’re seeing how that’s going. For those who may be wondering about JP2’s canonization, sainthood is not determined by one’s administrative abilities, but by personal holiness, and perhaps, due to JP2’s innate personal holiness, he could not imagine ordained and consecrated men ever doing such things. But they did.

    1. Correcting the sins of the past is not Rome's forte. Rome laments (or do the really?) the loss of Catholics worldwide but at the same time continue to "hem and haw" when it comes to cleaning up its house. Rome's failure to rid itself of errant cardinals, bishops and priests is the main reason why people are leaving the Catholic Church! Why don't they get it?

  10. A standard Lingo for these perverted archbishop is "try me".

  11. Good work, keep it up, I hope you & your friends succeed. (Only, it was not consensual on their part and not really their choice, even if they could have fought back physically.)

  12. Thos Apostoles' successors molesting and raping young adults or children are indeed successors to Judas. Traitors of those who trust.
