Sunday, June 26, 2016


Msgr. Bibi Arroyo's first day on the job as the new spokesman for the Archdiocese of Agana is a major fail. From today's Pacific Daily News:
Monsignor Brigido “Bibi” Arroyo, who also got special assignment from Hon as spokesperson for the archdiocese, said on Friday the formation of the four committees are part of the task of promoting unity, and that the church is listening to the people.
No. "The church" is NOT "listening to the people." 

The church is listening ONLY to a bunch of clergy who have been cowering in the corners these last three years while two of their brother priests were publicly brutalized, millions of dollars of archdiocesan property was given away, a sham seminary erected, seminarians who don't even know how to say Mass were ordained, protests were ignored, attempts to meet were mocked, and more recently, except for Deacon Steve Martinez, victims of sexual abuse were left to cry by themselves in the streets while this coward clergy's "beloved archbishop" threatened to sue anyone who stood up for them. 

But what should we expect from a "spokesman" who characterized all this as only a "miscommunication?"

Archbishop Hon himself verified that he has NOT been "listening to the people." In his June 22 letter to the clergy and as published today in the Umatuna, Hon begins by letting us know that he has met with everyone EXCEPT "the people":
In promoting the unity of this Archdiocese, which is the main priority of the mandate given me by the Holy Father, I have met with almost every priest and deacon of this local Church, as well as with some Religious Superiors of the communities of consecrated women serving in Guam. I have also been convening the Presbyteral Council of a weekly basis to plan for the future of this Archdiocese. 
But then what should we expect from a Vatican bureaucrat who laughed members of the CCOG out of the room when they tried to meet with him last year and warn him what was to come.


While initially we did not support institutional liability for Apuron's crimes against children, Hon's in your face "shut up, sit down, and wait your turn" attitude towards the laity, and his public mocking of the veracity of the victim's testimony (comparing the account of Apuron's rape of a child to an adult woman's allegation of adultery against a bishop which later proved false), we damn well NOW will pursue institutional liability for Apuron's crimes and we damn well WILL go after every single allegation against every single member of this coward clergy and anyone who has enabled, aided, abetted, or acted in concert with these abusers and those who tried to cover for them. 


June 23, 2016  


To:                              All Senators, Media, and Stakeholders

Fr:                               SENATOR FRANK B. AGUON, JR.

Subject:                 2ND Notice – Public Hearing on Monday, June 27, 2016 at 10:00 AM

In accordance with the Open Government Law of Guam, relative to notice for public meetings, please be advised that the Committee on Guam U.S. Military Relocation, Public Safety & Judiciary, will convene a Public Hearing on Monday, June 27, 2016 at 10:00 AM, in the I Liheslatura Public Hearing Room. Included on the agenda are the following bill(s):

·              Bill No. 326-33 (COR): - “An act to amend § 11306, chapter 11, title 7, Guam Code Annotated and to repeal § 11306.1, chapter 11, title 7, Guam Code Annotated relative to the statute of limitations in cases involving child sex abuse.” (Sponsor: Senator F.F. Blas, Jr.)

The Hearing will broadcast on local television, GTA Channel 21 and Docomo Channel 117 or streamed online at:

The Committee requests that, if written testimonies are to be presented at the Public Hearing, copies be submitted one day prior to the public hearing date, to the Office of Senator Frank B. Aguon, Jr. at Suite 503 DNA Bldg. 238 Archbishop Flores St. Hagatña, Guam, via fax to 475-GUM3(4863), or via email Copies of the aforementioned Bill(s) may be obtained at I Liheslaturan Guahån 's website at:  Individuals requiring special accommodations, auxiliary aids, or services should contact Niel Tirador at 475-4861/2 or email at  Please feel free to contact my office should you have any additional questions or concerns. 


  1. I remember Arroyo "WAY BACK WHEN" I was growing up on Guam and always thought that he was a nice priest but after reading all everything that is happening now, "What the H_ll Happened"! Was he also pulled into the NEO's way of thinking and gone astray from the Catholic Church? Once again, I have not been on the island for a long time but how did everything go wrong? My Poor Catholic Churches! Did all the older priests on Guam drink out of the KiKo juice and gone STUPID? GREAT JOB APURON! You are Catholic Priests and Vowed to Protect the Catholic Churches! What in God's Name is the Miscommunication of the Sexual Molestation and Abuse of those Young Boys! It happened and we have to deal with it! I know you are getting old Arroyo but getting old means you are supposed to get wiser, but in your case, You Are Definitely Getting Senile! My God - Please Help Us! I am lighting an extra candle in my church tomorrow for My Lord to Please Help these wayward children who are so called priests in our Catholic Churches on Guam. Oh - And Just For You and Hon - THE CHURCH IS NOT LISTENING TO THE PEOPLE - IF THEY ARE - PLEASE LET ME KNOW HOW!

    1. Don't be misled that all of this has to do with the Neo. That's just the cover. There was a conspiracy of silence and cover up going on here long before the Neo's arrived and Arroyo is just one member of the clergy who is right in the middle of it. The Neo's just saw their opportunity to join the conspiracy in return for favors from the hierarchy.

    2. Tim - I know that this is just not all about the NEOs. There are a lot of conspiracy of silence and cover up going on since I was growing up on Guam many many years ago. It is just so sad that those trying to correct the mistakes, but have condoned the mistakes, are now on Committees trying to fix the problems. Something is wrong with this picture and it needs to remedied.

  2. Bibi has been promoted to his level of incompetency. He should have declined the job of communications officer, but since his ego would not let him do it, perhaps shame and embarrassment will make him resign "due to reasons of poor health." Quick, bibi, use that excuse before apuron beats you to it!

    1. I heard that he did try to decline but that Hon pressed him to do it. Hon cannot be expected to know why Bibi declined and might have thought it was because he didn't want the extra work. At that point Bibi should have advised Hon on why he REALLY should not have the job. Hon will soon know though.

    2. It seems like everything goes against your liking are damn. WHy don't you guys pray and confess your sin or just built your own religion.

    3. Dear ESL 10:44, the Catholic Church is already BUILT! WE ARE the Catholic Church! We confess "in persona Christi" to PRIESTS, not to a community. You have built your own religion. It is called the ncw and you should build YOUR OWN structures to worship and dance in!

    4. ". . . or just built[sic] your own religion." To ghost man at 10:44am . . . we'd rather repair and restore the one that you and your ilk have decimated.

    5. As Tim has been alluding to in various posts and comments, there are indeed various stories of clergy gone wild in the 60s and 70s; shameful and depraved behavior that have darkened the hearts of many people. Not all the victims are children sexually abused by priests. There are also women and their families who have been damaged by the philandering actions of clergy who do not live up to their vows. Sadly, it just echoes the rampant adultery and sexual abuse that has been occurring in the society at large for many, many years. We reap the consequences of those actions socially with broken and dysfunctional families, and ecclesiastically with a dysfunctional and divided church. Bravo to those revealing the truth. It is a step toward healing. And it doesn't feel like Kumbaya dammit.

    6. Anonymous June 26, 2016 at 10:44 AM - WHy don't you guys pray and confess your sin or just built your own religion.

      What sins do we have to confess? Our "religion", I am assuming that you meant "church" since a religion cannot be "built" but "started", was already established on Guam when the NEOs came in and took over! And, yes, We Are Praying that the NEOs leave the Island of Guam Immediately!

      Before you put up any more postings, please consult Google as to how to use words correctly!

    7. Someone's nerve got hurt... when your to smart and proud. U can't see anything.....

    8. Anonymous June 26, 2016 at 10:56 PM - Someone's nerve got hurt... when your to smart and proud. U can't see anything.....

      If you are talking about me - I am Anonymous June 26, 2016 at 7:02 PM - Let me outline your posting:

      1 - My nerves are NOT HURT! As a matter of fact, my Nerves are Laughing at your post since you think that what you wrote hurt "My Nerve" - Ha - Ha - and Ha!

      2 - Yes - I am Very Smart and Very Proud and those are the reasons why "I CAN SEE EVERYTHING" - Well - You said "can't see anything" but...... I am thanking the great education I got while growing up on Guam to be able to distinguish between "Good" and "Evil"! Where were you educated at? Google is an Awesome Tool! Check it out!

  3. 10:44 please comment after you are proved totally clueless.

  4. Good thing, I guess, that Pope Francis stopped willy nilly naming monsignors. This will be quite a tumble.

  5. Too many people asked "Why wait till NOW." This is the victims FEAR from the beginning "Who's going to believe me" .. Damn if they do, and damn if they don't .. Tim and the CCOG is working hard to bring them closure.

  6. Looking for the silver lining in the cloud also known as bibi the Communications Officer for the Archdiocese of Agana, at least we won't be seeing the stupidity of Adrian on display through his pronouncements on the Archdiocese letterheads anymore. Or, will we?


  7. Monsignor Arroyo lived a double life as a priest. Made a Monsignor in exchange for silence on Apuron. They all used each other. When the world goes through his closets skeletons will arise. Seriously. In time it will come out.

    1. Those skeletons of Bibi have been out dancing around for a long time. They just didn't like closets. Closets are for clothes; surely not for skeletons who still have plenty of fun in them . Who knows, one of those Skeletons might screen bomb Bibi when he is communicating something important for Hon. You, know, like about the little misunderstandings which will come to and end in two weeks, you know, like if we love each other and like embrace our skeletons!

  8. Dear Monsignor Arroyo.

    After the death of Father Che explain to his nieces how you spent his money. Father Che's family should know truth.

    1. Ohhhhh, yes, Fr Che's carefully saved said was in paper bags, right... Hide mall over his poor room. You wanted his room for more of your crap. Hathaway saving it for ur kids ? They probably don't want your old guy crap. Sorry story, Bebes.

  9. I know exactly what you mean 9.01pm.
    Monsignor communictes important announcement for old Hon. Then suddenly the genie jumps out bottle.Archbishop Hon you have such poor knowlege.

  10. bibi, I've known you for a long time. your dirty laundry is being aired in public. resign now while you can still preserve some dignity. take your sister marian with you.

  11. Can this be true, that what was whispered in silence is now slowly finding its way to the light? Oh, bibi, baby! Oh my, teflon Brigido Jr. is about to be unmasked by his past. His double life aside, appropriating for himself the savings of a deceased miserly but good priest just tops his lust to amass as much as he can to line his own coffin. The "holy" persona and soft-spoken ramblings of this monsignor was hiding something sinister? Oh me, oh my, Bibi!

  12. To whom it may concern (and that especially includes you, Bibi): Only you know what you have done in your past that, if brought out into the open now, would damage your reputation beyond repair. But what you don't know is who else knows, and if and when they will reveal it to the public. Once the statute of limitations on sex abuse is lifted, all bets are off. It will be a no holds barred, free for all. Resign now, while you can. A word to the wise is sufficient.


  13. Oh my teflon Brigido Jr you are about to be exposed . Money money money. Perhaps you can explain to Archbishop Hon this need for money. How do you spend money?

    1. Bebes, what did you do with that haunted apartment building you had? Looked like house of ill repute. Hope you unloaded that one, Monsignor. Or did you rehab it for more money, honey? Good your poor mom isn't around to see this. And Marian ran away, too?? Like, you know, this is not good.
