Saturday, February 4, 2017


posted by Jose M.

You just can't make this up. It is the lead (and only) post for Saturday over at Pius' anonymous blogger's site, "An Insider's View."

The title of the post "Could It Be?,"   "Diana" states that  a comment is made here on Jungle Watch by it's author, Tim. A few days later what he posted on Jungle Watch is repeated as an anonymous comment to "her" site   . . .

Yeah.  Me too.  I don't know the answer, let alone the point, to "Could it be?" either.

Someone did try to save "Diana" from further embarrassment, but they ("Diana") decided to double down:

So instead of  waiting for a punchline, it's time to make "Diana," the Herald of Pius, the punchline, yet again.

Not only do we get a crack pot exposé (sarcasm for the uninitiated), the ANONYMOUS blogger, "Diana," using a false nameaccuses Tim of the "crime" of blogging anonymously!

Read it for yourself:

Dear Archbishop Byrnes,

What better place to learn about the NCW than to turn to Pius' own "Insider's View."  It is the blog that the NCW created and it's communities are instructed, by the lead NCW catechist of Guam,  to follow "Insider's View" for information.

Not only are the NCW communities instructed to follow "Diana," Pius links to it on his website.

It is easy to see what is being promoted as "unity" by the NCW on "An Insider's View" and  grievously through the instruction and endorsement of the NCW's lead catechist on Guam, Fr. Pius.

Is your "vantage point" re-calibrating yet?


  1. LOL. She still flatters herself. Sorry May, I don't read your blog let alone post there. There are plenty of others who are willing to sacrifice their time to do so and they send me stuff to comment on once in a while. Too funny.

    1. And free time? LOL. I do 95% of my writing between 3am and 6am even if I post it another time. And 6 posts today? Ummm, May, those weren't posts. They were links to news stories upon which I offere little or no comment.

    2. I come to Junglwatch to read news on the moral disaster decay Apuron of Guam created. I like to read everything Tim writes.
      At the end of the day if i see six posys kf tim I'm very happy.If Tim only posts once a day i feel short changed. His writings bring Joy to my life.

    3. Thank you. I also write at

  2. We need to get rid of RMS! The Archbishop said the Chanceries files RMS (are a mess). we have to clean up their mess which have become RMS ( our mess)

    1. There are no files. They were all destroyed before Hon arrived in order to protect Apuron's cult.

  3. Beware, it's neo confession/recruitment day in hagatña parish. Lol. What a joke

    1. Oh yes, the neo's attended mass this morning. Jackie 'the trained lawyer' et al and Fr. Michael Jucutan seated with them. Some people listened but others got up to leave until the speaker stepped away from the pulpit. Their invitation to joy fell on deaf ears. They are the pariah of the local church as far as I'm concerned. Let them build their own church if they continue the heresies of the neo cult.

    2. When did the "invitation" occur? At the homily or end of Mass?

    3. Towards the end of mass. Shaun Leon Guerrero's wife got up after a nod from Fr. Gofigan. What a way to end a mass. People just got up and started leaving. Lol. I know I left as soon as the neo got up to the podium. And honestly, THATS what needs to be done to show them that that part is not part of the mass.

    4. As for jucutan, he's about as useless as a chair. He needs more schooling if he really wants to remain a priest. I've heard most of his sermons and none of them have made any sense. I almost feel sorry for the guy since I think he was rushed into being ordained by brother tony.

      As for Jackie and her husband, what a joke. Only Shaun and his wife went up to receive Jesus during communion the traditional way. None of the other neos even bothered. I thought they all receive communion together and then consume the body of Christ at the same time before sitting down.

    5. They spoke after the parish announcements were made, unlike when Brother Tony was around and allowed them to spew immediately after the homily.

    6. The "invitation" occurred just before the priest, Fr. Paul, would say "The Mass is ended. Go in Peace!" The invitation also appears in the weekly Sunday bulletin for the Cathedral. I know because I was there and because I have a copy of the bulletin. BTW, the bulletin also mentions the donation of the Neos for Jan-Dec 2016 SEPARATE from the total collections from the Masses. Why separate?

    7. Bruce published this on another blog. I feel betrayed by Father Paul's action on allowing NEO Cult Zombies time to sell their illicit religion before he gave the final blessing...

      BRUCE A WILLIAMSFebruary 5, 2017 at 10:40 AM
      Yes Frenchie, Evil versus Good, black & white, night & day, falsehoods & the TRUTH. And today we're greeted with a newly erected sign at the Cathedral "An Invitation to Heresy"!
      Fr. Gofigan allowed the Neo to sell their KAKA before giving the blessing at the 7:30 Mass.
      He fought the good fight at Santa Barbara but has failed to protect the parishioners at Cathedral.
      Who's in control of this Archdiocese?

    8. Wait a minute! Father Paul? I think he is off island!

    9. Fr. Paul was definitely the celebrant of the 5:45 a.m. Mass today, Feb. 05, 2017 at the Agana Cathedral Basilica. I was there.

    10. Fr. Paul was also the main celebrant at the 11:30 a.m. mass with Fr. Michael Jucatan concelebrating.

    11. Jucatan was the celebrant at the 7:00 pm mass tonight and the 'invitation' was done right after his homily.

    12. So how was Jucatans homily? Joyful?

  4. Didn't I read, "Every Tim is presumed guilty until proven innocent on the Insider's View?"

  5. Good morning Arch. Byrnes! See you at the picket line this morning. BTW, you may find this helpful (below) is Diana's "homily" for today.

    DianaJanuary 2, 2017 at 7:48 AM
    Dear Anonymous at 7:03 am,

    Yet, Tim Rohr bragged that he was the one who got Archbishop Byrnes here.

    1. LOL. I purposely said nothing about it and instructed others to do the same as I did not know his intention.

  6. Why is Fr.Paul allowing this abomination to continue at the Cathedral? I also understand that the Neo people under the dysfunctional and malfunctioned Monsignor David are still running the Cathedral. Has Fr. Paul turned Neo, the same Neo that had him fired from Santa Barbara? The same Neo group who added almost $2 million of additional debt to the Cathedral in less than 2 years under Monsignor David? Oh my. Another priest bites the dust. There goes the Cathedral!

    1. NEO's have been giving large amounts of money to the Cathedral...after years of taking advantage of the place. Maybe they got Fr. Paul's attention.

  7. The Neos are going to use the Blessed Sacrament Chapel twice a week
    according to the Sunday bulletin of the Agana Cathedral. Obviously with the approval of Fr. Paul.


    1. He is not the pastor. According to the bulletin Apuron still is.

  8. The Neos' total collections for the twelve months of 2016 is mentioned on the back page of the Cathedral Sunday bulletin, separate from the weekly collections for the Sunday Masses. This leads me to mean that they still have their own version of the Mass, and still using the Cathedral to celebrate it. It seems to me Fr. Paul has gone over to the "Dark Side." I won't be attending Fr. Paul's masses anymore.

    1. If you read the bulletin carefully, regarding the collections you would understand why it is separated.
      In fact it is an embarrassment for the NCW, and a rejection of Diana's claims.
      By listing the NCW contributions separately the Rector shows that in one year the Neos contributed around $US 1000.00 per month or about 325.00 per weekend.
      The acting Pastor in absence of Apuron is Byrnes.
      The Rector is just the caretaker, as Tim explained at length last summer.

  9. The battle between bishop against bishop, cardinal against cardinal, priest against priest in the house of God. Where have they placed God while they welcome satan in. Justice will be served to all on JUDGEMENT DAY?

  10. I just want to correct a few comments in reference to the "ODE TO JOY" invitation that was spoken before the final blessings at the Hagatna Cathedral 7:30AM mass. Father Tom McGrath was the priest who presided over the 7:30AM mass and he has "NO CONTROL" over who "can/speak" at the pulpit. When one of the members of the NEOCATS started to approach the pulpit, several parishioners and I got up and left the church. We waited outside until these NEOCATS were done and then proceeded back into the Cathedral for the FINAL Blessings. I did not see the reaction from Father Tom McGrath and Deacon John Dierking but I was told by my son that Father Tom and Deacon John had their heads down and shaking their heads. This is not the first time that Father Tom has had to deal with the NEOCATS "ODE TO JOY" invitation at his 7:30AM mass. The other incident was when Ashton WONG (he was the "seminarian from the RMS) who was given a FREE PASS to finish his junior and senior years at Father Duenas Memorial School because he was "supposedly" going to become a priest (in the formation of the NCW). I may be wrong but the NEOCATS that sat on the VERY FIRST PEW (on your right as you are facing the altar, to include the "INFAMOUS" Jackie Terlaje)did not go up to receive communion. Just my comments and to correct any misinformation about the events that transpired at the 7:30AM mass at the Hagatna Cathedral today.

    1. Thanks for clarifying some informatiom, Ramona. I want to state that the presider of a Mass is in control of that Mass. Anyone who wants to deviate from the rite, offer to dance, strip, do karaoke, or disseminate information needs to ask permission from the presider way before Mass. It is called basic courtesy. If the ones who spoke did not duly seek permission, they are in violation of an unspoken but common sense ruling. In fact, Fr. Tom or Deacon Dierking were within their rights to stop it. Looking down and shaking their heads fall short of the term, "sufficient reaction". This kind of passive or tacit approval has allowed abuses in the liturgy and in church life. The commenters who wrote "Fr Paul owes us an explanation" (for this blatant neo accommodation) and "who's in control of this archdiocese" are correct. We need to get the position of the hierarchy regarding the ncw. If this troublesome sect has been legitimized on Guam under CA Byrnes, then it opens up the doors for me, Tom, Dick or Harry, to get approval for a similar charismatic group and to ask the Archdiocese to support our endeavors.

    2. I agree, Anon (feb 05/4:10 p.m.). After the Neos, then maybe the Cursillos, Christian Mothers, and other religious-oriented groups.
      And since the Church says it is in need of money, can salespeople for all sorts of products be far behind? After all, as long as the celebrant did not say "The Mass in ended," are we not captive audiences? Prepare to pay an admission fee (to cover aircon expenses, etc.) people!

    3. Byrnes gave the green light. The non neo priests are still pushing for a moratorium.

      They said that much to Byrnes.

  11. To Anonymous @February 5, 2017 at 12:03PM, if the "NEO'S have been giving large aounts of money to the Cathedral...after taking advantage of the place", why are "we" the true parishioners of the Hagatna Cathedral subjected to hear Sunday after Sunday after Sunday.........etc that "More repairs are needed and monies are still needed to bring down the DEBT. They also announce that parish envelopes are in and to pick them up at the pastoral office. I still go to the Hagatna Cathedral but I have not GIVEN or PICKED up my parish envelope since Jan 2015 (2 years already). It will be a COLD DAY IN #%$#%#%#%# before I bring myself to provide my monthly tithe to a mockery of clerical staff at the pastoral office at the Hagatna Cathedral

  12. Well, it appears that we have our work cut out with all that's currently happening @ the CB. Fr. Gofigan's actions is certainly a
    complete disappointment given the wholehearted support we gave him following his dismissal from SBC. Sadly, he continues to invoke Apurun's name during the offertory...can't say if Brynes also does.

    1. Until Fr. Paul gives us an explanation of his seeming support for the Neos, we are free to speculate on why he's allowing the Neos to advertise during his Masses, and our speculation would not be favorable for him.

  13. No NCW invitation speech was given at or after the 9:30 a.m. mass from the pulpit although the beginning of the evening catechesis sessions was read during the announcements. I was surprised and dismayed during the 11:30 a.m. mass to see all the NCWs sitting in the front pew and that one of them came up after the announcements to give his testimony and invitation. I doubt that Fr. Paul had any say in the matter. He's probably following the orders of Archbishop Byrnes. I was dismayed because I thought this would have been a good time to stop having the series of NCW catechesis and let the movement slowly and quietly die out. Someone knowledgeable told me that the NCW group, as well as all groups/movements in the Church, will be closely monitored for appropriate theology and activity. I hope this is the truth. We've been burned before.

    1. He did not get any orders from Byrnes. Byrnes is not even aware of this arrangement. He hasn't gotten that far in getting acclimated.

    2. 5:10, you are correct about that statement: "it would have been a good time to stop the series of ncw catecquacksis (bastardization of term: mine)...and let the movement die out." You would have thought that this might have been the obvious gradual road to redemption. But, NO!
      Furthermore, I have an eerie feeling that there is a pattern in clergy behavior wherein when restored or "put back in good graces," they tend to turn their backs on people who have lifted them when their reputations were mired in mud. I wonder if I am the only one that sees this troubling pattern. If this is so, please, let me be wrong. The worst thing a person can do to sabotage their integrity is to change their tune and become part of the problem once they are rectified by the system. God, please let me be wrong!

  14. "May" in 2012 -


  15. I never really believed in any of these things but when I was losing Jackson, I needed help and somewhere to turn badly. so i ordered a LOVE SPELL. 2 days later, my phone rang. Jackson was his old self again and wanted to come back to me! Not only come back, the spell caster opened him up to how much I loved and needed him. Spell Casting isn’t brainwashing, but Dr. Todd opened his eyes to how much we have to share together. I recommend anyone who is in my old situation to try it by contacting his email at It will bring you a wonderful surprises as well as your lover back to you. The way things were meant to be.” contact Dr. Todd he’s very nice and great. ….. Lisa

  16. "Lisa" at 11:28 AM is advertising witchcraft! Is she a Neo?
