Thursday, August 2, 2018


(Posted [proudly] by Tim)

LOL. I understand from Frenchie, who now moderates the comments, that there is all kinds of crap against me. What's new? I moderated nearly 80,000 comments since 2013, all of which I read, and many of which I responded to. Many were personal attacks on me and my family. 

Typical KIKO thug tactics. I'm done with entertaining the cowards which is why I have left the moderation of comments up to Frenchie. I am on to bigger things. But if you wish to face me, just let me know. It's easy. Call me. 483-0467. I'll arrange a media event. COWARDS. 


  1. Forgive them Tim as Christ forgave his crucifiers. By their fruits you will know them-hatred, threats. Deceit, corruption, disunity, pride.

  2. You are exposing their true spirit Tim! Hatred, threats. Deceit, corruption. Know them by their fruits but forgive them like Christ.

  3. would it be the lesser evil to cover up the truth and let paedophiles and rapists +++ remain in pastoral positions for the greater good of the church? Or would it be the lesser evil to name them and shame them and prevent them perpetuating their crimes? The hierarchy and the NCW need to realise we are adults and can handle the truth! The internet has made it possible to name and shame criminals. Yes forgive them BUT in mercy to them remove them from temptation. "He who hides his sin will not prosper."
