(Posted by Frenchie)
It is often said, that being Catholic is a daily struggle. Struggle to be a good Catholic, specially in a modern and increasingly secular, if not openly hostile world. But also a struggle to keep the faith, while facing a constant negative flow about our leaders, and keeping the faith despite or because of the poor example these leaders send us, almost on a daily basis.
It goes without saying, that as a Church, we have had a cornucopia of events that could challenge the most devout faithful.
On Guam in particular, we have been put through a series of ups and downs, in regards to our own clergy, as well as with that colonizing new disease: the Neocatechumenate Way.
Last year, a Vatican tribunal presided by Cardinal Burke at the request of Cardinal Mueller and Pope Francis, investigated allegations against our own corrupt, and deeply flawed former Archbishop, and found him guilty.
He subsequently appealed and unlike Mc Carrick, his appeal was accepted.
What has followed is both unnerving and disgraceful.
Unnerving, because it has left the faithful of Guam, and many in the USA and throughout the world, unable to close that chapter and move forward
Disgraceful, because it revealed, well before the Mc Carrick scandal, the deep level of corruption and back stabbing politics of the worse kind, both in the Church in the USA, and at the Vatican.
Last summer, during his return trip from Dublin to Rome, Pope Francis himself, faced by the ever developing Mc Carrick scandal, and the revelations (never contested by the Vatican directly) made by Archbishop Vigano (former Nuncio to DC, and former administrator of the Vatican) alluded without being prompted by the journalists, that he would from now on on be handling appeals by Bishops, as in the case of Apuron.
What Pope Francis did in one swift move, was to deny what Cardinal Mueller had wanted: a permanent tribunal run by the Congregation for the propagation of faith.
Instead Mueller was not confirmed in his role, and subsequently retired.
The whole affair, we found out later was the brainchild of one of the most controversial Cardinal in Rome: the now disgraced (another one) Cardinal Coccopalmerio. Also one of these Social Justice Warriors, that have doted the Church since Vatican II
The risk for them being quite high, since they had a very long history with Mc Carrick, even going as far as building a suite in their Maryland RMS for him to retire, once he had left Washington DC.
This was doubly embarrassing, because if Archbishop Vigano is right, Pope Benedict had already taken measures against Mc Carrick, and housing such a predator in a seminary full of appetizing young men was nothing but criminal.
Yet, so far the large majority of Catholic websites have totally passed over that story.
By the time the story finally became public, Mc Carrick had moved into a facility for retired cleric in Washington DC, before moving one more time during his trial into a Capuchin facility in Kansas.
At the same time one of the most vocal advocates of the NCW Cardinal O'Malley of Boston,
suddenly rediscovered the virtues of orthodoxy on sexual abuse, in order to cover up a scandal in a seminary in his own Archdiocese, but also to fight his sidelining by the left wing of the US Church, namely far left revisionist Cardinal Cupich of Chicago, a close confident of Pope Francis, and former protege of Mc Carrick.
It is therefore ironic, that he is the most vocal in supporting the laicizing of Mc Carrick.
Actually it was Cupich which came with the death blow to the attempt by Cardinal Di Nardo, the head of the USCCB, who had the audacity to try to come up with a workable solution against abuses by Bishops.
So far, the far left of the USCCB has done all it could to thwart any attempt to address honestly the issue.
In the meantime, Apuron is still free to go as he pleases (except here), and he has not faced the music.
Despite his promise to act swiftly, Pope Francis has not kept up his word.
While Archbishop Byrnes is attending the meeting in Rome on the subject, one of the danger we are facing is the high possibility that the likes of Filoni, Coccopalmiero and others will try to cover for their man on Guam: Apuron, and the dark evil he represent.
It might be time to take the signs out, all over again.
Lets pray that I am too much of a Sinic, and that I shall be proven wrong.
I am not a betting man, but the odds are against us.
Ponder this disturbing pattern:
ReplyDelete1) McCarrick opened the first Redemptoris Mater seminary in the United States when he established one in the Newark archdiocese in 1990. He stayed at the Redemptoris Mater seminary for a time after his retirement. The Neocatechumenal Way, has close ties to McCarrick.
2) Apuron opened the Redemptoris Mater Seminary in the Guam archdiocese in 1999, which he had been able to fund with donations from the people of Guam because they had been misled to believe that the RMS was a seminary for Guam. Apuron gave this diocesan property away to the Neocatechumenal Way.
3) Pell invited the Neocatechumenal Way to establish a seminary in the Sydney archdiocese in 2001 and he encouraged its development in the Archdiocese. Pell's book, Contemplating Christ with Luke is illustrated throughout with drawings by Francisco (Kiko) Argüello.
All these 3 have been found guilty of sexual abuse, all these 3 have close links to Francisco (Kiko) Argüello and they are sympathetic to his cause.
Coincidence or is there a particular "network" at the Vatican that yields power within the church that helps to promote a certain group/cause???
I guess you are making a really interesting point. I think Tim and frenchie alluded to this several times
DeleteMany "networks" exist in the Vatican.
DeleteThere have also been claims that there are "networks of homosexuals" within the Vatican.
It is known that homosexuals are inclined to be more loyal to each other than to other people or institutions. If so there could well be a network of homosexual clerics working within the Vatican.
Perhaps there are more clues that this allegation has some credibility.
Is there a Homosexual network at the Vatican that yields power within the church that helps promote a certain group/cause ???
This is very very bad, and the Pope just made matters worse for faithful Catholics by pushing the idea that all religions are equal in the eyes of God. Oh, and don't forget his political view favoring one world government. God help us!