Friday, October 21, 2016


Reposted by Chuck White

The Jewish Passover looms large in the Catholic theology of the Eucharist, and while it is very important in Kiko Arguello’s religion too, he deforms it dangerously by ignoring a very key element.  This deformation is disastrous for him, because  if Kiko is wrong about the Passover celebrated by the Jews in first century Palestine, then he is WRONG about the worship of the first century Christians and WRONG about modern Catholic worship.  Read more.


  1. excellent write-up, chuck. i really hope the ncw members, and especially the priests, aren't taught this stuff--or, even worse, believe it to be true Catholic teaching. i find it hard to imagine that they would believe kiko's writings over the catechism of the Catholic Church ... although maybe it's not so hard to imagine anymore.

  2. It is one thing to regurgitate something that has been ingrained through rote repetition. It's another to recant and reiterate with citations and source in foundation. Which is more compelling? Which is more credible?

    Thank you Chuck for providing not just an assertion, but work validated with documentation.

  3. Jose M. -- This might be a bit much for Diana and her gang to comprehend. Just a suggestion to write in realllly, reallllly plain English so they can understand.

    1. What?! That is as plain as it can get.

      Simply, don't be a drone, back up what you say with documentation.

      How was that? :)

  4. Excellent analysis Chuck. Too bad your not of their ilk because you could be a fine teacher. Oh, I forgot. They don't want the truth, they just want justification for everything Kiko, whether it is false teaching or not. Dangerous group, those kiko professors in Yona.

  5. Wait for Part II. You'll see when attacking traditional Church teaching, Kiko has a habit of setting up a "strawman", that is, he exaggerates or otherwise misrepresents the classical teaching, then attacks that misrepresentation. Over and over again.

  6. A friend posted this comment on my Facebook timeline regarding this topic:

    Kiko Arguello's premise doesn't make socio-cultural nor historical sense. 1.As you have pointed out already, if central Temple worship is minimized, why would the Holy Family go there (cf.John 2:13)? 2.Central worship at the temple in Jerusalem was certainly paramount. To downgrade the importance of Judaic sacrifice during the time of Jesus would be disingenuous. Holiness in the Temple Period and Sacrifice as the Ideal Form of Worship.

    The same person recommended that we read St. John Paul II's Dominicae Cenae

    For my part, I would also recommend Dr. Brant Pitre's book, Jesus and the Jewish Roots of the Eucharist. It's a very good, easy-to-read book on the subject.

  7. Thank you Chuck, once again to underline these issues with the "teachings" of Kikko.
    But we should not be surprised by his loose approach and generalization.
    As a former Marxist, he is well versed in half truth and manipulation of knowledge to fit his agenda.

  8. I am amazed how these Kiko and the NCW deny the sacrificial nature of the Holy Eucharist, most especially since in the Liturgy of the Eucharist, when the gifts are offered at the altar, the Priest prays "Pray my brothers and sisters that my SACRIFICE and yours may be acceptable to God, the almighty Father." and the congregation responds in unison "May the Lord accept the SACRIFICE at your hands for the praise and glory of his name, for our good and the good of all his holy Church.", of course at the Last Supper, our Lord also gave us the Pass Over Lamb in himself, the unbloody sacrifice in the outward sign of Bread and Wine, a fulfillment of what Abraham told his son Isaac when he asked where is the Lamb for the sacrifice? Abraham responded with "God will provide the Lamb" and he did with the mystery of the incarnation. We can say that our Lord's entire life was a sacrifice of himself for others, with the greatest expression of sacrifice and Love beginning with the Last Supper meal, giving himself to us and culminating at the Cross, when Christ said "It is Finished." He reminds us "Greater love has no one than this, to lay down one's life for one's friends." The language of these gospel passages wreak with connotation of Sacrifice.

    1. Anonymous, thank you for reminding this:
      "in the Liturgy of the Eucharist, when the gifts are offered at the altar, the Priest prays "Pray my brothers and sisters that my SACRIFICE and yours may be acceptable to God, the almighty Father." and the congregation responds in unison "May the Lord accept the SACRIFICE at your hands for the praise and glory of his name, for our good and the good of all his holy Church.",
      because in neocatechumenal eucharisties that part does not exist!
      Then, that explicit reference of sacrifice has been eliminated by Kiko.

  9. Chuck loves to be flattered.

    1. Its got nothing to do with flattery, but everything to do with the truth of our faith, that the NCW perverts with Kiko's interpretation, and the sad fact that many people follow him instead of what Christ has taught through the Church.

    2. Wouldn't you - Anonymous at 5:23 AM - if you are talking about the truth! Although I would not use the word "flattered"! I would say "TRUTHFUL"!

      Are You Jealous Because YOU CANNOT TELL THE TRUTH!

    3. No counter arguments whatsoever, Anon 5:23am? I must have hit the mark.

    4. You are a fine apologist Chuck. Just put the Word out and let the Holy Spirit win the soul.

  10. Huh? The neos passover is apuron being passed over for the red hat.
