Saturday, August 9, 2014


I believe that 99% of the people who are in the Neocatechumenal Way are in it because they genuinely want to deepen their walk with God, have found genuine fellowship and personal support, and appreciate the intimacy of a small community. They have nothing to do with the mess that is being perpetrated by their leadership.

I am sorry that these good people are being caught in the crossfire of a war that was begun by the militant faction of their group whom I call "the kiko's". I call them this so as to distinguish them from the good members of the NCW, who I otherwise refer to as "the neo's", but wish I didn't even have to use a title at all. 

This blog exploded in late July of 2013 after Fr. Paul Gofigan was unceremoniously fired from his post and kicked into the street. (Read all about it in Target equals Priest.) I took particular exception to Archbishop Apuron's threatening of Fr. Paul to resign or face an "arduous and painful closure to your assignment." This is not how a bishop speaks to his priests even if they are guilty of something serious, which, as it was proven, Fr. Paul was not.

Up until July 2013, while there were problems and disagreements at the parish level, there was no all out War as there is now. The current War began because Archbishop Apuron chose to start it, or should I say, chose to follow orders and start it.

Given the timing of the beginning of this War, we can only suppose that Archbishop Apuron's sudden and hostile action was related to the annual visit of a major Kiko general, Giuseppe Gennarini. 

Gennarini, who operates his kiko-syndicate out of New Jersey, is famous for making war. In 2011, Gennarini engaged in a hostile all-out shouting match with Atty. Ed Terlaje at a meeting at the seminary. Mr. Terlaje was only doing what he thought he was supposed to do. As the legal counsel to the archdiocese he was defending the interests of the archdiocese. Gennarini attacked him when Terlaje would not submit to his will. And the Archbishop sided with Gennarini and against his faithful friend and legal counsel who had served him for decades.

Also, as we previously demonstrated, Gennarini put himself in control of all the "most important affairs" of the seminary, including deciding who is to be ordained and when. (Go here for an explanation.) This is why Giuseppe Gennarini wanted the title to the Yona property signed over to the Redemptoris Mater Seminary. HE CONTROLS IT!

The average member of the Neocatechumenal Way probably has no idea that they are being used and abused by a major international confiscatory syndicate, a syndicate which enables its major operators to jet around the world lounging about in First Class sipping champagne (read an account here), though Bloody Mary's (lots of them) are reported to be Archbishop Apuron's adult beverage of choice. (Seriously, doesn't he know that people who know him also fly First Class?)

But back to our friends who are simply sincere Catholics who have joined the Neocatechumenal Way for all the right reasons. Let us review the Statute of the NCW and please compare it to what you see in your experience of it. I don't have time to go through all the points and would encourage you to thoroughly review it yourself, but let's look at a few:

Art. 1. § 2. "The NCW is at the service of the bishop..."

Is this what you see? Or is our bishop at the service of the NCW? If he is an authentic member of the Way and he is "walking", then he must be submissive to his catechist and accountable to his responsibles. 

Art. 4. § 1. "The NCW...has no material goods of its own."

Then what happens to the money that is collected? Canonically it belongs to the parish in which the community is situated. § 3 allows for the administration of certain collections for "different needs" but only with regard to the law. Where is the regard for the law in the administration of money and goods collected by the NCW community? There is not even an accounting to the parish, unless of course, the pastor is himself a kiko.

Art. 6. § 2. "...the implementation of the NCW must be coordinated with the proper function that the pastor/parish has in each parish community."

Does your community coordinate and work with the priests and pastors of the parish? Or, like at St. Anthony's, do your leaders ridicule, insult, and even publicly scream at them? (Obviously if you have a neo-pastor, as more parishes increasingly have, then this requirement will be easy.)

Art. 6. § 3. "The NCW will seek to foster in its recipients a mature sense of belonging to the parish and to promote relations of profound communion and collaboration with all the faithful...."

Does your community "seek to foster...a mature sense of belonging to the parish"? Is that what you're taught? Is that what is promoted? Do your leaders set an example of promoting "relations of profound communion and collaboration" with the rest of us? 

Art. 9 states that "The NCW starts in the parish, at the invitation of the pastor..." 

Is that how yours got started? Or was the pastor first replaced with a neo-priest and then came the NCW? And what happens when pastors resist? See Fr. Paul. 

Art. 12. § 3.  Regarding the celebration of the Easter Vigil, the letter Paschalis Sollemnitatis, 39-42 and 77-96 is referenced. Par. 94 instructs: "The celebration of the Easter Vigil for special groups is not to be encouraged, since above all in this Vigil the faithful should come together as one and should experience a sense of ecclesial community." 

Do your leaders encourage you to "come together as one" with the the rest of us, the "ecclesial community", or do you celebrate the Easter Vigil apart from the entire "ecclesial community" in a "special group"?

Art. 13. § 3. "For the celebration of the Eucharist in the small communities the approved liturgical books of the Roman Rite are followed, with the exception of the explicit concessions from the Holy See." 

This means that your Mass must be celebrated EXACTLY as ours is except for the "explicit concessions" which are referred to in footnote no. 49:

The "exceptions" noted are: 1) reception of "communion under two species, and 2) transfer "ad experimentum" the Rite of Peace to after the Prayer of the Faithful." 

The only other change allowed is noted in Art. 13. § 3. : "Regarding the distribution of Holy Communion under the two species, the neocatechumens receive it standing, remaining at their place." 

There is no "explicit concession" to separate the act of reception from consumption wherein the communicant sits back down, still holding the consecrated bread and awaiting a signal from the priest to consume. In fact, reading the whole footnote, one sees this practice FORBIDDEN by the inclusion of two references: the 2005 letter from Cardinal Arinze to the leaders of the NCW, and the 2006 address of Pope Benedict requiring your leaders to follow his directive as delivered by Cardinal Arinze.

There is also NO "explicit concession" for your presbyter to change the place in the Mass for his own communion. The "liturgical books" which must be followed require him to complete his own consumption of the consecrated species BEFORE he distributes it to the communicants. 

Compare what is required by the liturgical books with what happens at your eucharist. 

There is much more, and maybe I will come back to it. But meanwhile, understand that regardless of any  papal "blessings" your leaders may speak of, your Statute is the only authoritative "blessing" that matters. And departure from it is a departure not just from a papal blessing, but from communion with the One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church. 

This is why there is a War. It was inevitable. It was inevitable because the bishop of this diocese, the one person tasked by Rome to govern and moderate these kinds of things, has taken sides with the kiko's, and in so doing, both in belief and practice, has separated himself, at least to the degree he has knowingly embraced these errors, from the One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church. 

What will you do? 


  1. As the debate continues - Neo versus Non-Neo- within the Catholic Church- with two separate types of religious Masses condoned, why can't the Neo "seek and construct their own separate Church facilities- this constant struggle of "separation" is not helping anyone.

    1. Da, you think the neos can afford to construct their own church facilities? Let the dead bury their dead and let the non neos pay for the neos.

  2. So putting a divide within our Catholic faith is justifiable?! Take a good look on what this is doing to our faith. There's no unity... and it's all under the direction of a person not taking ownership for allowing a pedophile to mingle amongst our community, and children... have pictures taken and then point his finger at a priest who has a huge impact on his people. Is this what we want... do U hear/see Protestants, Jews, Baptist etc. dividing their faith? This is wrong... our Lord did not want us to put a divide amongst it's parishioners.

  3. The NCW should be isolated to one parish and that seminary closed down and used to house the homeless people. Stop the Visa's for any person coming to Guam to study. We need to encourage the suppression of the NCW or petition Rome to intervene on the laity's behalf. We cannot TRUST the current Ordinary of this Archdiocese as he is NOT representative of the Unitive factor of the seat he currently holds. And again, the Archbishop needs to resign soon, but I believe Rome is waiting for him to make that choice.

    1. What good would it do to shut down the Seminary? Sure, housing the homeless is a great idea, but the seminarians give up their lives, they give up their families, their homelands to serve not just The Way, but to ALL Catholics on Guam. Can you fathom how great of a sacrifice it is for a young man to leave Nigeria or Colombia or Poland just to serve God and to serve our island?
      They aren't just foreigners either. They have produced a local fruit, a homegrown priest and there are several, if not a couple, of other local boys that are in the seminary as I type this, preparing and forming their lives to serve Guam and only Guam. In The Way, they are planting the seed of holy vocations, no matter what they may be, whether it is marriage, for a young woman to become a nun (which have done so already!), for young men to become a priest. They are asking young people to look deeply inside themselves and to ask God for guidance in their callings and there are many, many young men (while they are not in the seminary joining their brothers just yet) have stood up when called upon and God willing, they will become priests too if that is their vocation.

    2. Why are we taking men from Nigeria, Columbia, and Poland to SERVE our island? Do these countries not need priests of their own? What would you think of a bishop from another diocese coming to Guam and recruiting young men to leave Guam and serve in his diocese. Yet, this is what Archbishop Apuron does.

      And if the seminary is about vocations, then why are men turned away from entering it when they do not embrace the Neocatechumenal Way?

    3. I'll have to double check on this, but I believe it's like a draft system. There's a pool and then they lotto them out and assign them to go abroad. Again, I will have to double check this. Just as we are taking in these men, other nations are taking foreigners into theirs.
      I don't have an opinion on the third question because if the Bishop is "taking" (which, these men are here of their own accord and I know of at least one that left and returned home, for whatever reason they had) these men, then who am I to get angry at that other Bishop for "taking" ours?
      Lastly, I heard that there was/is (And, I could be wrong, I admit. It's just what I "heard") at least one individual that they have had to make accommodations for because they were not interested in The Way.
      Now, you may ask me, Why does it have to be that way? Why do they have to accommodate a person? Why can't it be the same for all men of a vocation. With all honesty? I don't know.
      Aren't they free to go elsewhere if they want to pursue their vocation but don't want to go through RMS? The RMS has been around since, what, 2000-2001? Wasn't Father Richard Kidd (I believe that is his name) able to pursue his calling abroad and still get ordained here?

    4. Richard Kidd was only able to pursue his calling with great difficulty and at great personal expense, while the seminarians at our local RMS don't even do their own laundry.

      But back to foreigners. How funny that we now are doing this exchange of foreigners when the whole reason for even having a Chamorro bishop is the result of an impetus engendered at Vatican II towards the raising up of priests and religious leaders from amongst ones own people. The thought was that seeing men of their own race, culture, ethnicity, language, etc., embrace the priesthood, would mean an increase in faith amongst the people and, by example, a greater growth in vocations.

      By supplanting local men with foreigners, Archbishop Apuron has signaled that Guam is an immature Catholic community, once again, after 400 years of missionaries, in need of more missionaries. But these aren't even missionaries. Missionary priests are normally mature, brave, and well formed men who already had the spiritual tools to bring the Catholic faith to a foreign people. At RMS we are importing wet behind the ears boys and in some cases even older men to be formed here at our expense.

      Lastly, to answer "aren't they free to go elsewhere?" NO. Ask Aaron Quitugua. He wanted to go elsewhere, but was told NO, even if he paid his own way. Aaron feels that his personal call is to be a priest for the Archdiocese of Agana. Who are we to say that this is not an authentic call from God. It is Archbishop Apuron's sworn duty to either allow Aaron to explore and discern that call or to himself discern that he does not have the qualities for priesthood. Apuron has done neither. He has simply ordered him to attend a seminary constituted ONLY to form men according to the life of the NCW, or go away.

      This is an atrocity of the gravest order.

    5. I hear you. But, if we can, just for a moment, put aside these gentlemen, we can see that there is a seed planted to address "the raising up of priests and religious leaders from amongst ones own people." Father Luis has been ordained and he is out there. I'm not 100% sure, but one can probably suppose that he was not sent abroad like those who stood up to address that very issue of raising from within. I am sure that they saw that there was a lack of indigenous priests and perhaps they allowed him to stay here for that reason. As a result of him forming at the seminary and being ordained, other local, young men have also risen to the call and are forming right now and God willing, will be able to inspire more towards priesthood as well.
      I am sure that you will bring up the argument of how it is unfair for the others. I get it. I don't know the circumstances as well as you do and it sounds unfortunate. But don't you feel somewhat good that at least one seed is blossoming?

    6. Several people have told me that they hardly understand these foreign priest, and have transferred to another parish or stopped going to Mass. Sure, not going to Mass is not the best choice, but importing foreign speaking priests is not the best way to foster growth in the Catholic Community; that's why raising up men from one' sown people is important.

      There is good in the NCW, they just need to follow their statutes, and they need to hold their leaders accountable for their actions. The leaders of the NCW and the Arch are not exempt from the TEN COMMANDMENTS, and the Arch must follow CANNON LAW. Stop defending those who are secretly trying to take control of our church's assets (including the people).

      Obviously the Arch is a huge proponent of the NCW, he is also a critical member. Although he should not be a member of any group (conflict of interest), at the very worst, that should be the extent of his favor towards this group. He should not be using the power of his position to ram rod down our throats this type of worship; it is not required. He should not allow the NCW Leaders to use him as a tool to remove non neo priests from key positions and parishes. He should not use his position to hand over valuable church assets to the NCW, to be used only for the NCW, when it should be for all members of Guam's Catholic community. Already in some parishes, people are being turned away from using parish facilities for our TRADITIONAL events, because they are reserved on specific days for the NCW, ALL YEAR. So when did they become owners of the parish facilities? When The Arch joined the NCW.

    7. 5:18 AM. RMS only forms priest according to the "life of the Neocatechumenal Way." This is fundamentally different than the life of a diocesan priest. RMS cannot serve our diocese because it does not form men for the diocesan priesthood. They are only incardinated in a diocese, not trained for it.

  4. I'm glad u differentiate the kikos and neos..

  5. Why is Fr. Adrian's interview not available on k57 website?

    1. Just as well be missing, he said a lot of nothing and nothing of much.

  6. Thank you Tim for differentiating the neos form the Kikos. There are many neos who are sincere in their walk and want to do good for themselves and family. But I wished that these same neos question what is going on around them or what is told them. But they are told to obey no matter what. Please neos...question and think for yourself. Your responsibles, catechists, and archbishop(with Monsignor David and Fr. Adrian) are not infallible. Blind obedience is not something that God condones. Look, see, and question, because if the Catholic Church in Guam is ever to reconcile and unite again, you will need to play a crucial role in that process, because your leaders need to see that you will not just do whatever they tell you to do. When that happens, they will change and look to unite the divisions in Guam. Right now, the attitude of the archbishop, Pius, Gisuppe, Monsignor David, Fr. Adrian, and others are THEIR WAY, or the HIGHWAY FOR YOU.

  7. It doesn't matter they were differentiated. EVERYONE drank the punch in Guyana (or was shot) and no one came out of the house Alive in Waco. CULT!! You will not convince the seniors who gone through the scrutinies, especially if more than one. They already sold their soul. Gave away their cars and promise their kids to the cause. Like Families of The People's Church, you have kids worried about parents and parent worried about kids who are brainwashed. This will get much uglier than silly banter on blogs. Pray this never goes to blows. Starting to call out people and their kids. Them's fighting words!!!

    Doesn't the church have holy commandos that have guardian angels swoop down to fix crap like this? Keanu Reeves? St Michael the Archangel...

  8. Well said Tim, don't know how many are willing to "open their eyes" to the truth.
    Regarding "diana's" post, I see they have stooped to new low's, making all kinds of ridiculous innuendos. Proves how little they know about the working world.
    Pax Domini

    1. There's a a few bad people in every group, including some that have left their comments in this blog. That is not indicative of people on your side of the issue as a whole. At least, I don't believe that. I refuse to believe that every one of you out there is the same as the ones that leave comments such as the one that, in context, it implied that the Bishop and Father Pius were getting it on in his home at the Chancery. No matter what wrong they may have done, they are still men of the cloth and that is disrespectful. If they made mistake, attack their mistake and their character, but is there a reason to attack them in such a way? There will ALWAYS be a few bad people on any side of an issue. The rest of them are peaceful people. I won't lie, it breaks my heart when I hear that members of The Way have mistreated their fellow Catholics and acted as if they were somehow better or what have you.
      I assure you, as fruitless as this may be, that we are not all like that just as the lot of you are not bad people as well.

    2. Look. You tell your bishop to stop saying that Father Paul had relations with a man. Same with his comments with Father Efren and Father Blockley. He made those accusations because he has a corrupted mind. These men are also men of the cloth and this is disrespectful. Don't preach to me when you know damn well that the bishop accused these men of homosexuality. What is good for the goose is good for the gander. Or maybe he is a fairy.

  9. More missing audio??????????????

  10. Once you get to scrutiny your mind has gone to mush. They wear you down in long conveyance, multiples. If you resist, it's the devil. Strange how Father Piss knows exactly who to blame. BTW your money is still's the trash bag. If you resist; they persist. Pray over you like an exorcism. Play with your emotions till you break..and give them your brain.

    1. Not my brain. Was never tempted for one second to walk. Never ever.

    2. I am sorry that you had such a terrible experience at your scrutiny. I will not lie when I say that I understand where you are coming from. Father Pius also pressed me and he told me what my problem is. I was so pissed at him. I thought to myself, "Who the f--k does this guy think he is?! He doesn't know me, or my story and what happens in my life?!" And you know what? He was absolutely right. My problem manifested itself, on it's own and it destroyed me. I was doing just fine one day and then my problem reared its ugly head.
      I didn't listen to him, I didn't give it time to work, I judged him and I did my own thing and I paid for it.
      It was important though, for him to push me. I told half-truths, or didn't tell the truth at all, and told myself I didn't have a problem and that I was a good guy. He pushed me to look deep within myself and to truly be honest with myself and in the end he was right, in regards to my particular story.
      I still left the community for many many years and ended up in a worse situation for myself. During that time in the desert, I had a lot of time to think, reflect, discern and I saw that I was a poor, poor person. During that time of absence, whenever I came home and ran into Father Pius, he never hassled me, he never told me I was going to Hell, and never laid a guilt trip on me. He only asked me how I was doing and said he would pray for me.
      When I returned home, I went back to the community and started all over again, by myself through my own decision. I didn't even seek guidance on it. I just went to the first catechesis on my own. Father Pius offered to let me rejoin my old community with no strings attached, with the exception that I make up for the steps that I had missed so I would not be behind, but I knew that I needed to start fresh, with a clean slate and walk all over again.
      Now, I am in no way trying to refute your story or imply that I am the better man for it somehow. I am only sharing what happened with me. We both know that it isn't for everyone and it doesn't work the same way for everyone. Apparently, it didn't work for me the first time, right? But, I am committed to try it again because I have seen that when it does work for people, it produces a lot of good fruit. I've seen it in my family and I have seen it others, as well as individuals.
      You shared your story, I am sharing mine. Just trying to let people see the other side so they can make their own decision.

    3. Thank you for sharing your story. The problem is a fundamental difference in theology between Kiko and the rest of the Catholic Church. People are helped in many different churches. The only reason to belong to ours is because it is true.

    4. I am a poor Catholic, a lazy Catholic, but there is most definitely one thing that I believe in, and that is that the Roman Catholic Church is THE one and only true Church. I am 100% behind you on that and we in The Way DO belong to Mother Church. We love her just as much.
      I understand that you have a difference with the Bishop, Father Pius, Kiko and his methodology but we are still members of Mother Church. Some of us, a lot of us, still maintain ties to our respective parishes, still go to traditional masses, still attend parish fiestas and processions and all of that. I know there's a lot more to being Catholic than that, but you see my point, right?

    5. Well stop being poor and lazy and become a warrior which is what you are called to be in the Church Militant which is what the church here on earth is named. You may love the church, and you may consider yourself Catholic. But your leadership does not. But they need you to believe that you are following an authentic Catholicism or else you would not follow them.

    6. Tim, I believe you are right. We all should be TRUE CATHOLIC WARRIORS! Some of us MUST stay anonymous for the greater good of our Catholic Faith, still, staying anonymous doesn't mean you don't take any responsibility or action as a poor, lazy, or hard working Catholic. As for Anonymous for Aug. 11 @ 2:47 AM, Yes, I agree with Tim, get off your dead and lazy ass and BE A CATHOLIC, Do something for your Parish to maintain its integrity of our TRUE CATHOLIC FAITH. You go to Church feeling you are a lazy Catholic. Why? Aside from Faith (poor or lazy Catholic Faith), we need Action! We can't resolve what is happening now with just "faith alone". See James 2:24. Tim, in time we who are silent for a reason will reveal ourselves and the Archdiocese (AAA, Fr. Adrian Cristobal, and now the Rector at Basilica, Monsignor David Quitugua) will not know what hit them until their out the door. There is a lot of action going on in the background, believe me! I am sure you are aware of this as well. It will all come to light as it is now being revealed.

    7. @ 6:20,

      Thank you! May God guide all of you working working to protect our Catholic faith, traditions and people. I believe God has chosen Tim to blow the trumpet (this blog) that will bring down the walls surrounding the tyranny of the Arch and the NCW leaders. They will no longer be able to attack us from behind those walls.

  11. Peace to all. I pray that we all end this bickering with neos and non-neos. God is good! Spread the word...

    1. Anon 1;21 PM, how do we end this bickering? The archbishop intends to keep slashing and burning on behalf of the neo so what do we do?

    2. The record shows that while there have been disagreements and problems, there was no bickering prior to the Giuseppe Gennarini's ordering of Apuron to fire Fr. Paul. As evidence of "bickering" see Apuron's repost of his discredited reasons for firing Msgr. James. Gennarini and Apuron have chosen to make war on our diocese. We have chosen to stop them.

  12. God has helped all of us one way or another without knowing...He calls us in different ways in the events of our Mr. ROAR, Funk Off

    1. Of course God calls us, and he calls us to do good, to follow his will. But God does not force us; he allows us to choose between good versus evil. So, should we Funk Of if our bishop chooses evil over good? Should we just say, that's is God plan and walk away? God expects us to fight for him, not turn away.

    2. This is not us as a whole and this certainly does not help us. While the main body of the comment is true and and the intent was good, the sign-off was disrespectful, even if there is a difference of opinion. Please accept my sincerest of apologies on behalf of The Way and this individual who left this comment.

    3. Oh, no worries. I get these regularly.

    4. @ 4:55' best you check on Diana too.

  13. Tim you need God, to much hate within you.

    1. Is it hate when one is passionate to fight for justice and the truth? How is that hate? The truth is never comfortable so if it creates turmoil, and Jesus created a lot of turmoil, then it is for our own good.

  14. You speak about division within our Mother Church?? Seems to me that in this blog is where division begins. You wrote, "War is happening"?? What war?? Who's fighting back? I have been reading this blog and as well as the neo's blog and in this blog is where many unkind words are used towards our Archbishop and the neo's. In the neo's blog there is not one unkind words were used even though the neo;s were being labeled, instead they say a prayer. Tim, you should really take time out and visit with the neo community then you will understand. None of them changed their religion instead they now appreciate the Masses and are closer to our Father God. They open up their Bibles even more and praising the word of God. I give my blessings to the neo's and I pray that God touches their hearts may our good Lord guide them through all this unkind happenings and I pray that you find peace. Amen.

    1. This "blog" has no ability to make war. It can only expose it. Archbishop Apuron is the person with all the authority in this diocese. I have none. Archbishop Apuron has chose to follow the orders of his neocat superiors and suppress priests who do not conform to his agenda to implement the Way into this island. He is within his authority to transfer and remove pastors and priests but only according to the norms of canon law. He has chosen to violate that law to pursue his personal aims. He is NOT free to do so.

      He is also NOT free to malign, slander, and impugn the reputation of men. Even if the priests whom he has done so too were actually guilty of serious crimes, which they were not, it is wholly un-Catholic, un-Christian, un-Christlike, and completely disrespectful of even his own episcopal office to treat these men in public as he has done.

      So you pray that I find peace. I find peace in standing up to evil. I find peace in fighting against the imposition of error. I find peace in facing down the rot-gut, cowardly, and bullying actions of this archbishop. It was when I was keeping silent that I did not have peace. Meanwhile, I pray that you and everyone else find the courage to put your name to your beliefs. I always marvel at the thought process of people who think they have advice for me but do not have the basic decency to identify themselves.

    2. To ANON 7:35 PM, stop attacking the messenger. Read the criticisms and rebut them if you can, and if you cannot, then think and pray for God to give you the courage to stand up for the Truth. It is easy to attack Mr. Rohr, the messenger, but God is asking us to look at what is being said, not to personally attack the person saying it.

    3. The Bible is not going to save you 7:35PM. The Protestants believe that the Bible is their salvation.

    4. God is not sleeping is all that I can say. Continue what you truly feel deep in your hearts cause the truth will shine out someday. (: BTW Annon tell me who will save you??

  15. Hi Tim, I wanted to review and understand why the NEO-CATS are allowed to give their "testimony" AFTER the Homily. As this link was posted on YOUTUBE, I wondered what the Homily was about because the testimonial at the time RIGHT AFTER the HOMILY took out the essence of what AAA had to say. Link: How wonderful that AAA also admits publicly in this video that he is a MEMBER of the NCW. Giving testimonials right after the Homily leaves me (and I am sure I am not alone) lost as to what the Homily was originally and what it was leading us to do. What the Homily should be asking us is what ACTION are we going to take to make it right with Christ and our fellow Christians and Non-Christians, not that this person or that person was saved. I believe that we are saved each time we reconcile with God through Confession and ACTIVELY participate in the Mass Celebration to include the four (4) parts of the Mass Liturgy. I don't see any part of the Order of the Mass for testimonials. These testimonials detract and is NOT PART of The Order of The Mass celebration. I hear this was also done just recently at the Santa Rita Parish and the Pastor (yes, a Neo Pastor), allowed this to take place. IF they want to give their testimonial, why not after the FINAL BLESSING and let those that want to hear their experiences, give the option to stay and listen (or not!). This is confusing for those who are doing their best to follow the APPROVED ORDER OF THE MASS as of this date.

    1. This bishop and these priest regularly violate the norms established by our popes, and in this case re-established by Pope John II in Redemptoris Sacramentum. They are quick to speak of the support of the popes but then trash them when those same popes get in the way of what they want to do:

      REDEMPTORIS SACRAMENTUM [74.] If the need arises for the gathered faithful to be given instruction or testimony by a layperson in a Church concerning the Christian life, it is altogether preferable that this be done outside Mass. Nevertheless, for serious reasons it is permissible that this type of instruction or testimony be given after the Priest has proclaimed the Prayer after Communion. This should not become a regular practice, however. Furthermore, these instructions and testimony should not be of such a nature that they could be confused with the homily,[156] nor is it permissible to dispense with the homily on their account.

    2. Members of the Neocathechumenal Way give their "Echoes," or testimonies if you will, sharing how the Word has touched them that evening before the priest gives his Homily. Readings, Echoes, Homily.

  16. Tim & Marylou,

    In my words and as how I understand it to be...

    Archbishop: Remove, the worker
    Fr. Paul: Wait! I'll take him off payroll but he can still continue as a volunteer.
    Archbishop: No, Remove him
    Fr. Paul: No, I know what Im doing.
    Archbishop: Since you wont remove him, I will have to remove you for your disobedience.

    Archbishop: Im going to sign these loans but you know what you have to do, pay them back.
    Msgr. James: Okay, I promise.
    Archbishop: You havnt paid the loans.
    Msgr. James: I know, but I was hoping that maybe you'll sell the property in Yona.
    Archbishop: No, we will not sell that property, it was a gift to us.
    Msgr. James: Okay then, can you sign one more loan, I promise I'll pay this back.
    Archbishop: Okay.
    Archbishop: Youre behind on the loans.
    Msgr. James: (silence)
    Archbishop: Why havnt you paid the loans? Why is the balance still high? The others have paid a higher percentage of their balance and I signed off on their loans at the same time as yours. What is wrong with this picture? Where have all the monies gone from the cemeteries?
    Msgr. James: (silence)
    Archbishop: I need someone to take over and attempt to try and rectify the financial crisis of the Archdiocese and the Cathedral in the meantime Im transferring you to another Parish.
    Msgr. James: (silence, but informs the jungle of the Archbishops plans, therefore being the first to go public)

    1. Right. But we already know how KAKA affects the brain, if there was one.

    2. Couldn't be farther from the truth. Then again, Truth seems to allude those who have this mindset.

    3. @ 2:01,

      Stay off the crack.

    4. To ANON 2:01 PM:

      Whew! Have you been on the moon when all this happened? Perhaps you haven't read the facts. Fr. Paul was told to fire him. He did. See letter. Him with wife and two daughters continued to be welcomed by Fr. Paul and the parishioners, and on occasion, him helped but only with physical chores. Ask the manamko from Santa Barbara. The archbishop ambushed him because he said he was still employed but him was not. Oops! The archbishop made a mistake and decided to concoct other reasons including that Fr. Paul built the stairway to this room. Ask any parishioner and they will tell you that the stairway was built by the original owner before the church bought the home, way before Fr. Paul's time.

      On Monsignor James, the loans are current. Read the PDN and the statements from Joe Rivera, Art Illagan, Rick Duneas, and Richard Untalan. The total debt for all four loans now stand at $6.2 million, not $7 million. I guess the archbishop decided to round it off to the next higher million!

      Aren't you interested in facts, not fiction? Call Joe Rivera on the loans. He even has the documents to prove it. Are you so desperate to defend the archbishop that you will lie? Will you do anything for the archbishop if he asked you even if you know that what he asked you to do is evil? When will you think for yourself?

  17. This blog has so much untruthfulness I felt so discourage attending Mass for the past week. Who is this blog worshiping? Is Tim your pastor? If so I hate to say but he's doing a courageous job in leading you the lake of fire. lol,,,, SAD!!!! YOU HAVE A CHOICE, RETURN TO YOUR MOTHER CHURCH!! OPEN YOUR EYES AND EARS MOST OF ALL HEART!! TIM IS SOAKING YOUR HEARTS WITH ROTTEN SALT....

    1. Well then go away and leave us to our rotten salt.

    2. Yes, I have a choice and I choose to go elsewhere for mass.

    3. Tim sending another lost soul away! Starting to see true colors Tim bim bo. Get outa here you rotten salt! Who are you anyways? your the devils advocator

    4. Wonderful. More examples of how the Neocatechumenal Way changes lives.

    5. Whoa, whoa. We might be able to assume that this person is in The Way by their stance, but how do we know for sure? It could be anyone out there that is just in support of it. God, through the Way does change lives. This is not an example of it. Our apologies.

  18. Tim! Why are you a Catholic? Guamanian Catholic's don't act like this. Horrible Messenger. Pot' Fa bot Tim Basta ma'daggie ni taotao Chamorro. Ta'nata Esti'... Tauno' Santa Maria!!

    Good writing Anno 2:09pm.. Tell him like it is. PEOPLE OF GUAM WAKE UP!

  19. Okay ANON 2:09 and 4:42 PM. State one thing that Tim has said that is a lie, or a statement that he has not backed up with evidence. Just one thing.

  20. @ anno 9:55 pm. That be did not do your mama!!

  21. Yes, we Catholic Guamanians are Awake!

    And beside Tim, for Tim stands for the truth. We are awake. You, for obvious reasons are not, 4:42!
