I am glad that Mr. Jesse Lujan invited Apuron (and Apuron, only) to give his side of the story. To put it another way, the gauntlet has been dropped in front of Apuron. Will he be a man and pick it up by contacting Mr. Lujan to speak on Radio or appear on TV? Or, will he be what we all know him to be -- a spineless weakling! Prove me wrong, Apuron!!
Wonderful job Tim, of bringing the truth to light. BTW-isn't this also the job of Tony the silent one? Re the segment on baptisms and David manufacturing of records after the fact...the kilos have a practice of holding baptisms at hotels and gyms in secret from the rest of the Church. Clearly this is a violation of church law.
Astounding that a cousin of mine wanted to have his baby baptized also at a school but the Archbishop has banned it. My cousin is not NCW thank God!
The school was FD but their chapel is a consecrated oratory(?). Baptisms are only allowed in churches and oratories but he was denied by Tony. Yet Tony allows neo-dunkings in hotels and gyms as long as it is a Kiko fest.
This is so wrong on so many levels. People need to see the hypo racy that is our shepherd and refuse to support his heretical "Way".
We must all stand united now to bring an end to the ruthless dictatorship of Anthony Apuron .
A dysfunctional dictatorship which has divided the church of Guam , destroyed priests and caused so much pain to so many. We all need to heal but we cannot heal while Anthony Apuron ignores the cries of the poor. The poor I mean those who have suffered because of him.
There is a great opportunity to ease up on the tension and reconcile all Catholics under the umbrella of peace, faith and unity. This is the time NOW! What are you waiting for?
Do you want the devil entrap your souls for eternity? Please, say NO, firm and loud! There is absolutely no reason to withhold our love from our beloved Church. Otherwise the benefits of the precious sacrifice of the Paschal Lamb will have been wasted on anger, hatred and individual egotism.
Look at the great pain of Him, who gave you reason to have compassion for His Church and share love in His Kingdom. Therefore be considerate and sensible. This is the time NOW. (The same message is posted at the other blog, as well.)
If Jesus is divine then he has always been part of the Godhead, part of the Holy Trinity, therefore cannot "enter" this divine status that He has always been part of since the beginning of time. If this is the contention then the answer cannot be anything else but a big yes. Yes, Jesus is and has been divine from the beginning of time and He cannot enter divinity as Jesus, the Son of God. But cannot He enter divinity with in another way, in human nature? Cannot He elevate us, human beings to Himself? Well, this question sounds completely different, doesn't it?
God the Father created man on the image of Himself. So we should say, yes, we as human beings have a nature of potentially godly qualities. We have this as long as we follow His commandments. The same goes with God the Spirit. The only way our soul is able to communicate with the Holy Spirit as if receiving its broadcast is that our soul has the potential quality of the Spirit. In other way the collective soul of the faithful amounts to nothing less than an organic constituent of the Holy Spirit. This potential human quality of holiness is elevated to and sanctified by the Holy Trinity through the human nature of Jesus.
The same goes with the so called preexistence theology that expounds on the divine status of Jesus even before the creation of the world. Preexistence theology is based on the Gospel of St John. In the prologue of the Gospel we learn that Jesus is the Word of God and the whole universe was created through Him! So how could anyone deny that Jesus existed as a divine person before his own incarnation? Those who weave this absurdity in order to push others down only show themselves as badly lacking holiness and lacking that divine potential shared by all faithful: the God given moral sense guiding us on the path of salvation.
Bernadine, are you saying that we ease up the tension and let this CULT called the NEW/NCW continue to infest our churches with their lies and deception. They claim that the seminary mission is to send out presbyters out on mission to lands where the Gospel of Christ is not there. Than why after ordination, they (especially those not local to Guam) remain in our island an immediately assigned as pastor of our local churches. It does not pass the common sense test when we have fully qualified Non-NEO priests serving as Associate / Assistant Pastors. WE strongly believe it is AAA's goal under the control of Pus, KIKO and CARMEN, to replace all the Islands Pastors with NEO Presbyters. Can you in good conscience continue to sit and watch this happen. This CULT called the NEO-NCW must depart from this island. We are all Catholics and find no need to be converted thru lies and deception to KIKO's half baked Philosophy that resembles Protestantism. We have just begun to fight, as the leadership on the Hill and KIKO now see that we are on to their strategy. Close down and sell the NEO factory called Guam's Seminary and use the funds to send our local sons to accredited and affiliated seminaries off island. This way their formation will be develop sweeter fruits than the ranched sour fruits of the NEO-NCW. Stop the donations to your churches, otherwise the current path will see it fall into the hands of a NEO Presbyter.
Neos and Traditionalists agree that yes, Jesus is the savior of us all. However, we don't see eye to eye (theologically speaking) in terms of receiving the Eucharist, Baptism, among other things.
Which makes us wonder- shouldn't the Neo, given that they claim to be a part of the Catholic Church, have their theological views and practices more aligned with our Catholic Church teachings?
Yes...but that isn't the case. Hence the arguing.
Traditionalists want one thing- stick to our teachings. We have a seminary on Guam that for years we have supported, yet it wasn't revealed until later that it's for the Neo. Which means that we are at threat of losing our customs (which are intwined with Rome's ways and the ways of the Church since ever since) in exchange for a foreign theology brought on by some random Joe.
Now it seems that this whole thing is just a bitter, embarrassing argument, but it has been bottled up for years. We let this movement into our parishes. We didn't question the late-night meetings, the separate Masses at questionable locations (explain how a gym is sacred ground), or even why the seminarians when they are sent to serve at parishes as acolytes have to be told what to do by children when THEY are the ones training to be...well...priests (I saw a comment about this awhile ago, and from first hand experience it is true).
We were quietly holding these questions inside, but not any longer. And is it so wrong to do so? I hope not.
So before you tout about everyone getting along, which we wish would happen, its not going to until members of our Archdiocese actually answer and dialogue with us about the questions posed. We need to be on the same page here before healing can begin.
Dear Richard, you say: "This CULT called the NEO-NCW must depart from this island." Hmm, how do you think to achieve this?? It has never been the practice throughout the history of the Catholic Church that one group wages war and expels another group from the same church. There are other ways to settle disputes, my friend. Rome will protect any official church group unless there is strong and compelling evidence of falsehood, doctrinal error and betrayal. Do you have any strong and compelling evidence that the Neocatechumenal Way has any of those?
"Close down and sell the NEO factory called Guam's Seminary." I seriously wonder how could you do that. I mean in technical sense you have absolutely no tool at your disposal. Also, the religious freedom act would prevent you from stripping any citizen from his or her inalienable right of free worship of their preferred choice. Please, try to be more tolerant to your fellow church members in the Way. Intolerance is sin. The Catholic Church is large and wide enough for everyone who wants to belong.
Dear Requiem, I am not a member of the Neocatechumenal Way. I shared my opinion as I see it from outside. There are unjust accusations against the Way trying to push its members out of the scope of protection by our Mother Church. I perceive this as wrong, vicious and barbaric. I am equally apart from church extremes from each sides. I can agree with neither orthodox fundamentalist bigots nor uncontrolled liberals because these extremes do much harm to the church.
One thing is for sure. You cannot police fellow Catholic groups out of your way based on antipathy. You have to learn to coexist. It is the command of tolerance and acceptance under the same Church of the one Christ. I may feel frustrating to see that other Catholics do things differently from yours. But you have to submit your opposition to prevailing legislation, including the religious freedom of your fellow citizens. Do you have enough courage to accept that?
Arianism is a heresy that existed in the early Church, dividing and imbuing it with false teaching. But there is a fine line here: Arianism is anti-Trinitarian while none of the existing mainline Christian Churches are! I mean, anti-Trinitarianism is nonexistent in both Catholic and Protestant Churches, including Lutheran, Episcopalian, Methodist, Presbyterian, Baptist, Pentecostal, etc. denominations, all our brothers in Christ. Is this not completely absurd to claim that the Neocatechumenal Way, a mainstream Catholic itinerary inside the Church, is anti-Trinitarian?
As far as I can see, the Neocatechumenal Way strikes a fine line between the orthodoxy of Catholic fundamentalists and open minded, reform oriented liberals. As I said I myself cannot agree with either extremes but I firmly believe that Jesus liberates us from bondage. If you don't feel liberated by turning toward Him then there is a serious problem with your faith. The Way seems to be an excellent tool of true and spirited liberation for and through Christ the Savior.
bernardin...unfortunately that name is suspect to begin with, but you say:
"unless there is strong and compelling evidence of falsehood, doctrinal error and betrayal. Do you have any strong and compelling evidence that the Neocatechumenal Way has any of those?"
Can you help us get a copy of kiko's catechetical directory? Not the approved version but the one they actually teach from?
Oh brave "Bernardin", if the Neocatechumenal Way is indeed trinitarian, please defend Fr. Angelo Veraldi's lecture to our diaconate candidates where he taught:
"He [Jesus] experienced the forgiveness of the Father, because he was a sinner. He became a sinner. Willing, not because he was imposed, because he was a sinner, willingly, willing a sinner."
A new false personality! Bernardin. The person behind Diana is a different person, too. We can tell. You will not prevail. Do you feel the earth shaking under your feet??
Chuck, I don't know what to say. If this is an official position of the Neocatechumenal Way then I am deeply disappointed. Saying that Jesus was a sinner definitely sounds like a theological degradation skirting heresy, no question about it. I cannot agree with this person whoever he might be. Thanks for calling my attention to it.
Tim, you have so much wisdom and courage and you my respect. As an elderly, I continue to pray that some day we find healing and comfort within OUR CHURCH. Please continue your journey of helping our archdiocese. Tun Pedro Santos(Familian Bali Tres)
The administration of Archbishop Apuron is deeply flawed and although he still remains the seated Archbishop in reality he has no authority over the Archdiocese. He certainly has no authority over me.
Bernardin. Not exactly sure what your thesis is about. But if you have sat and watched the past 23 years of Apuron's Dicatorship you would be aware that we are now beyond trying to heal and reconcile with him. Obviously we all remain open to the grace of our Lord to bring about healing. But after 23 years of waiting we are now older and we want to heal ourselves and I for one may not be able to wait four more years for him to go. that's why I'm pushing for the removal of Anthony so I can heal.
Until Tim has a chance to link it. Go to http://www.kuam.com/video Go to the bottom of the page under video misc. and you should find find two videos. The Buzz TV April 8 Part1 and The Buzz TV April 8 Part2. Click on the one you want then go pack up to the top of the page and it should be playing.
Are you saying that AnPHONY ApuWRONGEE is about to change history? Is this why he is meeting with Kiko? Guess he needs to energized the juice that he is losing out here. SOGEE anyone?
Every time we arrive at a cross road, important enough for us to decide where to proceed from here, appears the same type of person out of the blue. This week we have Bernardin. The motus operandi is always similar: the participant present him or herself as a neutral, anti-extreme and common sense person, a neutral observer of sort. Only after a few interventions do we see the thread unravel. We then discover that the new participant is trying to sway our judgment of the NCW, as flawed or somewhat misguided. We are then subjected to a litany of pseudo argumentative babbles who are made to look well reflected upon, but in fact are constructed to create confusion, and sterile debate. It is the NCW version of the Potomac two steps. Do not forget: "Deny, deflect, destroy"
I must admit that our opponents are becoming a little more cunning in their tactics. We started with Zoltan the Magyar from afar, followed by the insulting professor from Spain. When that did not work out, we saw appearing some new "reasonable" individuals, whose tactics are unfortunately similar. Bernardin is only the latest of a serie of participants who are becoming a little more adept at confusing people. I guess we should be flattered, that at least they pretend not to take us for some back water nitwits anymore.
I agree, they are getting creative. I didn't mention anything about him being a Neo, only to find out that opening, defensive line also appeared on a comment of his on the "blog whose authors should remain nameless."
I've gathered my family in a huddle locked in my house. Waiting for a big battle. Defend us in battle, Lord. Silence before a storm. Hardly know who to trust. One thing for sure. Things will be different 'after the war.'. New leadership among other things.
I am sorry, dear Frenchie, if I made you confused. What are you so confused about? I tell what I see true. The Neocatechumenal Way is a young church group struggling with the usual illnesses of infancy of their own birth. This group is about 50 years old and 50 years is nothing in the salvation history. Their doctrines will clear up. Just give them and give Rome sufficient time. Do you trust the God given strength of the Curia led by the Holy Spirit to handle this matter in what is coming...?
I am surely a different kind of Catholic from your usual suspect. You are a Frenchman from the land of Enlightenment and Liberty. This is what France is, isn’t it? You should know that tolerance towards your fellow is a command of God! France is an exemplary country of religious freedom, liberties and tolerance for doctrinal diversity. Do you agree with that?
So please, accept that a diverse population of Catholic faithful belonging to several church groups will coexist in the long run, together with our Christian brothers in the Lutheran, Episcopalian, Methodist, Calvinist, Presbyterian, Baptist, Pentecostal, even Unitarian, etc. denominations. Is there anything wrong with that? Just take a deep breath, Frenchie, and gulp it down. It won't do any harm to your freedom and liberty.
Reading the tone of Bernardin's message calls to mind the passage when the devil tried to tempt Jesus. His slick unassuming, middle of the road, call for tolerance won't work here. What he fails to realize is that this Church has for far too long tolerated Apuron's abuses and that of his beloved NCW. We were fine when he kept them separate, but when he started down the path of trying to convert the whole of the Catholic church by force, he crossed the line. And in doing so, did the Church a favor. These NCW practices that contravene the authority of the pope would never have been exposed from the shadows. Now we all see the true price of unrestrained tolerance and unquestioning obedience. There is one Truth and one successor to Peter and therefore only one true Church. Though our brothers and sisters of different faiths may profess to believe in Christ, only the Catholic church acknowledges the apostolic succession of the pope and his inherited authority. Kiko recognizes this, that's why he so desperately takes every opportunity to manufacture papal approval of his Way.
Tolerance is not the answer. Time to cast out these defilers from the temple. Bernardin, take your ball and go home. We don't want to play.
In order to expel a demon.....you need to call his name. ....Zoltan! !!. Preaching false truths again!!!! Tss! Tss! Attempting to flatter...? Come on!!!! France has not been a country of religious tolerance since the French Revolution and the arrival of the free masons and the talmudist worshipers. The reign of terror which saw the slaughter of close to 2 million catholics was followed by the law of 1905 which confiscated churches and was to eradicate the Catholic Church. This is why I can see right through Arguello's songs and dance, and your vain and pathetic attempts. Stick to mathematics at least there you have a logic.
If the label means an opportunity for intelligent exchange then I gladly accept. But if your mind is occupied by "free masons and the talmudist worshipers" then you may flee from one place to the other for no avail. What happened to the Huguenots a couple hundreds of years ago was a most horrible example how bad intolerance towards your brothers in Christ can turn out to be. Murder is never a solution for anything. Jesus was murdered by the religious intolerant. So why not to work on eliminating intolerance from among you? Why to give in to religious rebellion and anger? Why not to seek peace and reconciliation in Christ?
Zoltan, seriously, what a joke. BTW, your "Jesus was murdered" gives you away. This will be the last comment I will post. You are so tiresome. Run along now.
How unimaginative, and certainly a pale shadow of the great man of God, Cardinal Bernardin, that this phony has chosen as his alias. Please do not stain the good memory of a good man who was extremely benevolent in the face of false allegation. God rest his soul. Amen.
Indeed, no evidence to refute what has been presented in the jungle... Only opinion, and faulty at that. Again it's deny, deflect and distract -- the standard modus operendi of the NEOs.
Opinions versus Truth ....Kiko's Theology (and others) versus the Teachings of the One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church. Listen to Michael Voris' talk "How Do We Know The Truth?" by Church Militant on youtube. https://m.youtube.com/watch?feature=youtu.be&v=CRw3SICkGRg
And it will be re-broadcast @ 7:30 p.m. on Channel 11.
ReplyDeleteI am glad that Mr. Jesse Lujan invited Apuron (and Apuron, only) to give his side of the story.
ReplyDeleteTo put it another way, the gauntlet has been dropped in front of Apuron. Will he be a man and
pick it up by contacting Mr. Lujan to speak on Radio or appear on TV? Or, will he be what we all know him to be -- a spineless weakling! Prove me wrong, Apuron!!
Silence is golden, golden....
DeleteI was hoping to hear details of an attempted reconciliation by the archbishop with Fr. Paul and Msgr. James that Tim hinted might take place.
ReplyDeleteI was only able touch on it. The host wanted to go a different way. I'll have details soon.
DeleteWonderful job Tim, of bringing the truth to light. BTW-isn't this also the job of Tony the silent one?
ReplyDeleteRe the segment on baptisms and David manufacturing of records after the fact...the kilos have a practice of holding baptisms at hotels and gyms in secret from the rest of the Church. Clearly this is a violation of church law.
Astounding that a cousin of mine wanted to have his baby baptized also at a school but the Archbishop has banned it. My cousin is not NCW thank God!
The school was FD but their chapel is a consecrated oratory(?). Baptisms are only allowed in churches and oratories but he was denied by Tony. Yet Tony allows neo-dunkings in hotels and gyms as long as it is a Kiko fest.
This is so wrong on so many levels. People need to see the hypo racy that is our shepherd and refuse to support his heretical "Way".
ReplyDeleteWe must all stand united now to bring an end to the ruthless dictatorship of Anthony Apuron .
A dysfunctional dictatorship which has divided the church of Guam , destroyed priests and caused so much pain to so many. We all need to heal but we cannot heal while Anthony Apuron ignores the cries of the poor. The poor I mean those who have suffered because of him.
What is the Archbishop doing in the Holy Land?
DeleteBy the look of it reading Junglewatch.
DeleteThere is a great opportunity to ease up on the tension and reconcile all Catholics under the umbrella of peace, faith and unity. This is the time NOW! What are you waiting for?
ReplyDeleteDo you want the devil entrap your souls for eternity? Please, say NO, firm and loud! There is absolutely no reason to withhold our love from our beloved Church. Otherwise the benefits of the precious sacrifice of the Paschal Lamb will have been wasted on anger, hatred and individual egotism.
Look at the great pain of Him, who gave you reason to have compassion for His Church and share love in His Kingdom. Therefore be considerate and sensible. This is the time NOW. (The same message is posted at the other blog, as well.)
I don't know about you but it is because of love for our church that I do what I do.
DeleteYou're a JOKE!!!!!!!!!!!!
DeleteIf Jesus is divine then he has always been part of the Godhead, part of the Holy Trinity, therefore cannot "enter" this divine status that He has always been part of since the beginning of time. If this is the contention then the answer cannot be anything else but a big yes. Yes, Jesus is and has been divine from the beginning of time and He cannot enter divinity as Jesus, the Son of God. But cannot He enter divinity with in another way, in human nature? Cannot He elevate us, human beings to Himself? Well, this question sounds completely different, doesn't it?
DeleteGod the Father created man on the image of Himself. So we should say, yes, we as human beings have a nature of potentially godly qualities. We have this as long as we follow His commandments. The same goes with God the Spirit. The only way our soul is able to communicate with the Holy Spirit as if receiving its broadcast is that our soul has the potential quality of the Spirit. In other way the collective soul of the faithful amounts to nothing less than an organic constituent of the Holy Spirit. This potential human quality of holiness is elevated to and sanctified by the Holy Trinity through the human nature of Jesus.
The same goes with the so called preexistence theology that expounds on the divine status of Jesus even before the creation of the world. Preexistence theology is based on the Gospel of St John. In the prologue of the Gospel we learn that Jesus is the Word of God and the whole universe was created through Him! So how could anyone deny that Jesus existed as a divine person before his own incarnation? Those who weave this absurdity in order to push others down only show themselves as badly lacking holiness and lacking that divine potential shared by all faithful: the God given moral sense guiding us on the path of salvation.
Bernadine, are you saying that we ease up the tension and let this CULT called the NEW/NCW continue to infest our churches with their lies and deception. They claim that the seminary mission is to send out presbyters out on mission to lands where the Gospel of Christ is not there. Than why after ordination, they (especially those not local to Guam) remain in our island an immediately assigned as pastor of our local churches. It does not pass the common sense test when we have fully qualified Non-NEO priests serving as Associate / Assistant Pastors. WE strongly believe it is AAA's goal under the control of Pus, KIKO and CARMEN, to replace all the Islands Pastors with NEO Presbyters. Can you in good conscience continue to sit and watch this happen. This CULT called the NEO-NCW must depart from this island. We are all Catholics and find no need to be converted thru lies and deception to KIKO's half baked Philosophy that resembles Protestantism. We have just begun to fight, as the leadership on the Hill and KIKO now see that we are on to their strategy. Close down and sell the NEO factory called Guam's Seminary and use the funds to send our local sons to accredited and affiliated seminaries off island. This way their formation will be develop sweeter fruits than the ranched sour fruits of the NEO-NCW. Stop the donations to your churches, otherwise the current path will see it fall into the hands of a NEO Presbyter.
DeleteI think you need to take into account this:
DeleteNeos and Traditionalists agree that yes, Jesus is the savior of us all. However, we don't see eye to eye (theologically speaking) in terms of receiving the Eucharist, Baptism, among other things.
Which makes us wonder- shouldn't the Neo, given that they claim to be a part of the Catholic Church, have their theological views and practices more aligned with our Catholic Church teachings?
Yes...but that isn't the case. Hence the arguing.
Traditionalists want one thing- stick to our teachings. We have a seminary on Guam that for years we have supported, yet it wasn't revealed until later that it's for the Neo. Which means that we are at threat of losing our customs (which are intwined with Rome's ways and the ways of the Church since ever since) in exchange for a foreign theology brought on by some random Joe.
Now it seems that this whole thing is just a bitter, embarrassing argument, but it has been bottled up for years. We let this movement into our parishes. We didn't question the late-night meetings, the separate Masses at questionable locations (explain how a gym is sacred ground), or even why the seminarians when they are sent to serve at parishes as acolytes have to be told what to do by children when THEY are the ones training to be...well...priests (I saw a comment about this awhile ago, and from first hand experience it is true).
We were quietly holding these questions inside, but not any longer. And is it so wrong to do so? I hope not.
So before you tout about everyone getting along, which we wish would happen, its not going to until members of our Archdiocese actually answer and dialogue with us about the questions posed. We need to be on the same page here before healing can begin.
Dear Richard, you say: "This CULT called the NEO-NCW must depart from this island." Hmm, how do you think to achieve this?? It has never been the practice throughout the history of the Catholic Church that one group wages war and expels another group from the same church. There are other ways to settle disputes, my friend. Rome will protect any official church group unless there is strong and compelling evidence of falsehood, doctrinal error and betrayal. Do you have any strong and compelling evidence that the Neocatechumenal Way has any of those?
Delete"Close down and sell the NEO factory called Guam's Seminary." I seriously wonder how could you do that. I mean in technical sense you have absolutely no tool at your disposal. Also, the religious freedom act would prevent you from stripping any citizen from his or her inalienable right of free worship of their preferred choice. Please, try to be more tolerant to your fellow church members in the Way. Intolerance is sin. The Catholic Church is large and wide enough for everyone who wants to belong.
Dear Requiem, I am not a member of the Neocatechumenal Way. I shared my opinion as I see it from outside. There are unjust accusations against the Way trying to push its members out of the scope of protection by our Mother Church. I perceive this as wrong, vicious and barbaric. I am equally apart from church extremes from each sides. I can agree with neither orthodox fundamentalist bigots nor uncontrolled liberals because these extremes do much harm to the church.
DeleteOne thing is for sure. You cannot police fellow Catholic groups out of your way based on antipathy. You have to learn to coexist. It is the command of tolerance and acceptance under the same Church of the one Christ. I may feel frustrating to see that other Catholics do things differently from yours. But you have to submit your opposition to prevailing legislation, including the religious freedom of your fellow citizens. Do you have enough courage to accept that?
Arianism is a heresy that existed in the early Church, dividing and imbuing it with false teaching. But there is a fine line here: Arianism is anti-Trinitarian while none of the existing mainline Christian Churches are! I mean, anti-Trinitarianism is nonexistent in both Catholic and Protestant Churches, including Lutheran, Episcopalian, Methodist, Presbyterian, Baptist, Pentecostal, etc. denominations, all our brothers in Christ. Is this not completely absurd to claim that the Neocatechumenal Way, a mainstream Catholic itinerary inside the Church, is anti-Trinitarian?
As far as I can see, the Neocatechumenal Way strikes a fine line between the orthodoxy of Catholic fundamentalists and open minded, reform oriented liberals. As I said I myself cannot agree with either extremes but I firmly believe that Jesus liberates us from bondage. If you don't feel liberated by turning toward Him then there is a serious problem with your faith. The Way seems to be an excellent tool of true and spirited liberation for and through Christ the Savior.
bernardin...unfortunately that name is suspect to begin with, but you say:
Delete"unless there is strong and compelling evidence of falsehood, doctrinal error and betrayal. Do you have any strong and compelling evidence that the Neocatechumenal Way has any of those?"
Can you help us get a copy of kiko's catechetical directory? Not the approved version but the one they actually teach from?
Oh brave "Bernardin", if the Neocatechumenal Way is indeed trinitarian, please defend Fr. Angelo Veraldi's lecture to our diaconate candidates where he taught:
Delete"He [Jesus] experienced the forgiveness of the Father, because he was a sinner. He became a sinner. Willing, not because he was imposed, because he was a sinner, willingly, willing a sinner."
A new false personality! Bernardin. The person behind Diana is a different person, too. We can tell. You will not prevail. Do you feel the earth shaking under your feet??
DeleteChuck, I don't know what to say. If this is an official position of the Neocatechumenal Way then I am deeply disappointed. Saying that Jesus was a sinner definitely sounds like a theological degradation skirting heresy, no question about it. I cannot agree with this person whoever he might be. Thanks for calling my attention to it.
DeleteHurrah Tim! Thank you for taking the lead in helping to get our archdiocese back on the CATHOLIC track!��
ReplyDeleteEileen Benavente-Blas
In the case of Archbishop AnPHONY ApuWRONG, his silence is, appropriately, fool's gold.
ReplyDeleteTim, you have so much wisdom and courage and you my respect. As an elderly, I continue to pray that some day we find healing and comfort within OUR CHURCH. Please continue your journey of helping our archdiocese.
ReplyDeleteTun Pedro Santos(Familian Bali Tres)
Tim, please can you publish last nights recording of the Buzz.
ReplyDeleteThe administration of Archbishop Apuron is deeply flawed and although he still remains the seated Archbishop in reality he has no authority over the Archdiocese. He certainly has no authority over me.
Bernardin. Not exactly sure what your thesis is about. But if you have sat and watched the past 23 years of Apuron's Dicatorship you would be aware that we are now beyond trying to heal and reconcile with him. Obviously we all remain open to the grace of our Lord to bring about healing. But after 23 years of waiting we are now older and we want to heal ourselves and I for one may not be able to wait four more years for him to go. that's why I'm pushing for the removal of Anthony so I can heal.
Until Tim has a chance to link it. Go to http://www.kuam.com/video Go to the bottom of the page under video misc. and you should find find two videos. The Buzz TV April 8 Part1 and The Buzz TV April 8 Part2. Click on the one you want then go pack up to the top of the page and it should be playing.
ReplyDeleteJunglewatch eyes be on alert. Entering a critical period in history of Guam,s catholic history.
Are you saying that AnPHONY ApuWRONGEE is about to change history? Is this why he is meeting with Kiko? Guess he needs to energized the juice that he is losing out here. SOGEE anyone?
DeleteEvery time we arrive at a cross road, important enough for us to decide where to proceed from here, appears the same type of person out of the blue.
ReplyDeleteThis week we have Bernardin.
The motus operandi is always similar: the participant present him or herself as a neutral, anti-extreme and common sense person, a neutral observer of sort.
Only after a few interventions do we see the thread unravel.
We then discover that the new participant is trying to sway our judgment of the NCW, as flawed or somewhat misguided.
We are then subjected to a litany of pseudo argumentative babbles who are made to look well reflected upon, but in fact are constructed to create confusion, and sterile debate.
It is the NCW version of the Potomac two steps.
Do not forget: "Deny, deflect, destroy"
I must admit that our opponents are becoming a little more cunning in their tactics.
We started with Zoltan the Magyar from afar, followed by the insulting professor from Spain.
When that did not work out, we saw appearing some new "reasonable" individuals, whose tactics are unfortunately similar.
Bernardin is only the latest of a serie of participants who are becoming a little more adept at confusing people.
I guess we should be flattered, that at least they pretend not to take us for some back water nitwits anymore.
I agree, they are getting creative. I didn't mention anything about him being a Neo, only to find out that opening, defensive line also appeared on a comment of his on the "blog whose authors should remain nameless."
DeleteThanks for pointing the facade out, Frenchie.
I've gathered my family in a huddle locked in my house. Waiting for a big battle. Defend us in battle, Lord. Silence before a storm. Hardly know who to trust. One thing for sure. Things will be different 'after the war.'. New leadership among other things.
DeleteI am sorry, dear Frenchie, if I made you confused. What are you so confused about? I tell what I see true. The Neocatechumenal Way is a young church group struggling with the usual illnesses of infancy of their own birth. This group is about 50 years old and 50 years is nothing in the salvation history. Their doctrines will clear up. Just give them and give Rome sufficient time. Do you trust the God given strength of the Curia led by the Holy Spirit to handle this matter in what is coming...?
DeleteI am surely a different kind of Catholic from your usual suspect. You are a Frenchman from the land of Enlightenment and Liberty. This is what France is, isn’t it? You should know that tolerance towards your fellow is a command of God! France is an exemplary country of religious freedom, liberties and tolerance for doctrinal diversity. Do you agree with that?
So please, accept that a diverse population of Catholic faithful belonging to several church groups will coexist in the long run, together with our Christian brothers in the Lutheran, Episcopalian, Methodist, Calvinist, Presbyterian, Baptist, Pentecostal, even Unitarian, etc. denominations. Is there anything wrong with that? Just take a deep breath, Frenchie, and gulp it down. It won't do any harm to your freedom and liberty.
Frenchie, bernardin is Zoltan...again.
DeleteYou can smell him.
DeleteReading the tone of Bernardin's message calls to mind the passage when the devil tried to tempt Jesus. His slick unassuming, middle of the road, call for tolerance won't work here. What he fails to realize is that this Church has for far too long tolerated Apuron's abuses and that of his beloved NCW. We were fine when he kept them separate, but when he started down the path of trying to convert the whole of the Catholic church by force, he crossed the line. And in doing so, did the Church a favor. These NCW practices that contravene the authority of the pope would never have been exposed from the shadows. Now we all see the true price of unrestrained tolerance and unquestioning obedience. There is one Truth and one successor to Peter and therefore only one true Church. Though our brothers and sisters of different faiths may profess to believe in Christ, only the Catholic church acknowledges the apostolic succession of the pope and his inherited authority. Kiko recognizes this, that's why he so desperately takes every opportunity to manufacture papal approval of his Way.
DeleteTolerance is not the answer. Time to cast out these defilers from the temple. Bernardin, take your ball and go home. We don't want to play.
In order to expel a demon.....you need to call his name. ....Zoltan! !!.
DeletePreaching false truths again!!!!
Tss! Tss!
Attempting to flatter...?
Come on!!!!
France has not been a country of religious tolerance since the French Revolution and the arrival of the free masons and the talmudist worshipers.
The reign of terror which saw the slaughter of close to 2 million catholics was followed by the law of 1905 which confiscated churches and was to eradicate the Catholic Church.
This is why I can see right through Arguello's songs and dance, and your vain and pathetic attempts.
Stick to mathematics at least there you have a logic.
If the label means an opportunity for intelligent exchange then I gladly accept. But if your mind is occupied by "free masons and the talmudist worshipers" then you may flee from one place to the other for no avail. What happened to the Huguenots a couple hundreds of years ago was a most horrible example how bad intolerance towards your brothers in Christ can turn out to be. Murder is never a solution for anything. Jesus was murdered by the religious intolerant. So why not to work on eliminating intolerance from among you? Why to give in to religious rebellion and anger? Why not to seek peace and reconciliation in Christ?
DeleteDr Zoltan has been off island for a very long time.
DeleteZoltan, seriously, what a joke. BTW, your "Jesus was murdered" gives you away. This will be the last comment I will post. You are so tiresome. Run along now.
DeleteAt 6:00pm. The internet is everywhere.
DeleteWhen I was in Rome I never heard the term "Jesus was murdered"
DeleteBernardin........... may be next time it will be a Mahoney writing...............
How unimaginative, and certainly a pale shadow of the great man of God, Cardinal Bernardin, that this phony has chosen as his alias. Please do not stain the good memory of a good man who was extremely benevolent in the face of false allegation. God rest his soul. Amen.
ReplyDeleteIndeed, no evidence to refute what has been presented in the jungle... Only opinion, and faulty at that. Again it's deny, deflect and distract -- the standard modus operendi of the NEOs.
ReplyDeleteOpinions versus Truth ....Kiko's Theology (and others) versus the Teachings of the One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church. Listen to Michael Voris' talk "How Do We Know The Truth?" by Church Militant on youtube.