Have to admit, mine sucks in comparison! Yes, I am a trainer, BUT - I don't do ZUMBA! You can do a weekend certification...and he's had many weekends obviously.
BUT, I'm down for that! You hear me Archie? I challenge you to CAN YOU DANCE! Stay tuned to you tube! Gonna have to pull out all my Archie gear again, just after I've cleaned up my act. Somebody stop me!
You go, John! We need courageous Catholics like yourself. Thanks for showing solidarity in spite of all the odds against our favor. You, Tim and many others are noble in your quest to wiggle out the Truth from weasels in sheep clothing.
Can't help but thinking here that Rev. Monsignor David the Vicar General may be in CHARGE tomorrow morning. All hands on deck at the chancery. Adrian you have nothing to say. Shush! Alberto? Never mind, don't want to put you blood pressure up. Deacon for sure for sure. Called in sick. Sister Marian ARROYO, RSM what sayest thou!! You chose the wrong side. No going back.
Don't hold your breath on that thought, you will run out of air, 1:16 PM. These Chancery Officials think like their leader: no one can touch us. As the Vatican Visitation demonstrated, the Catholic Church is looser than we think, they do not act strategically and will only respond when an inevitably embarrassing scandal surfaces. Do you think an arcane island with a frolicking archbishop who is inattentive to the needs of his domain will cut it? Do you think that an archbishop who is complacent on the percentages of abortion and other "unCatholic" deeds is even stocked with the Vatican to-do pile? Do you think that the exodus of well-meaninged and faithful Catholics to evangelical sects to feed their spiritual needs can even make the Vatican take note? I doubt that our blunt stabs at these chancery leaders will even make a dent. Sorry.
7:07, sorry to say, I have heard some of our clergy say the same thing. Hon and Krebs, we looked to you as the highest representatives of the church we could appeal to. What happened?
While we give due respect to Rome as per what the church requires per canon law when seeking recourse against abusive clergy such as Apuron, we are not required to do nothing until we hear from them. We need to throw off this "colonized" mentality of always waiting for someone from the outside to fix our problems. We can fix them. But it will take people willing to put faces and names to their comments, and it will take more than comments. Be a leader. Start something. Protest outside the Archbishop's Mass every Sunday at 930am at the Cathedral. Call a talk show. Write a letter to the editor. Come to the meeting tonight and get hard information that you can make copies of and evangelize your friends and family. And most of all, STOP THE MONEY.
A totally different matter, but they have been protesting in Boston now for 700 Sundays. Remarkable! http://www.boston.com/news/2015/05/18/they-been-told-get-over-for-sundays-they-come-anyway/ZOcDGu4wasqDzld3qCoarK/story.html
Just a little charge. What mind was he in when he did this? Hey, Pablo. You don't like the girls athe beach for the seminarians, why you let this "bishop" in your house?
Poor Emeritus would be thrilled to see one of the Episcopal TROPICAL FRUITS OF AGANA. POPE FRANCIS?? Mmmmm, can't say for sure. Wait, I've got it. He would a " who am I to judge"
This video is edited on movie maker. That was Archbishop getting out of his vestments with no assistance from a seminarian, Harold. That was Harold, the other dancer. Harold made this. He is mad to be still in the Seminary when the whole world could be his oyster.
You all are funny. This is just a preview of the entertainment that he will showcase at his upcoming birthday party. Attire for the birthday gala for NCW members: Women: wrap-around skirt tied at hips and coconut bra covering. Men: såde'
All others please come in your neo-pagan outfit.
Wassapp there Apo'wrong, you think you're the life of the party?
Pawing the woman, you old dog. Keep that fat tongue in your mouth. Those of you not convinced, do you think Chaput, or O'Malley his Capuchun brother bishops would show such lack of discretion as to dance onstage with this stage girl, Diana. ? To all our seminarians...were praying for you. Lack of critical thinking.
You should spend more time with your flock (abandoned) and less time merry making. I take that back you do spend all your quality time with your NCW Brothers. Sorry.
Getting nearly 4:00 pm hustle over to Ordot for a big round of applause. I know you have to work, but 4:00 is when I get off. I'm the Aechbishop You are Not. That's the at the cookie crumbles. Parasite.
I'm sure the good people over at the Ordot church will agree. PS: Don't forget to pick up an U'Matuna on your way out. You never know what you'll find underneath it all.
He is staggering drunk and almost lost his balance on several occasions. Disgusting.
Video made me ill. I already called in sick for tomorrow because I am sure the counseling I require as a result of seeing this will take several hours in the morning, and then recovery time.
I sure am glad he spends all his time with the NeoCate-comical Way...or was that the same Neo Anatomical Way that Fr Luis was interviewing for at the beach two months ago.
Sure, staggering drunk, but Kiko had all the bishops acting like fools in Brasilia ...that's where he learned it and thought it was ok. No critical thinking , you know.
Pope loves tango but I don't see video of his doing the tango. Heck, the pope can't even go out for pizza. Did Pope Kiko see it? Not going to help his cause. P.S. Several, not a few, of my friends are out for all intent and purpose of our Catholic Church. Can't argue, can I. The whole hierarchy here is corrupt. Symbol is the Cathedral falling to ruin before our eyes.
This may indeed seem sickening and scandalous under present circumstances in the Archdiocese wherein there are issues he has no desire to resolve by virtue of the role that the Vatican has entrusted him. At another time this might simply appear as an attempt by the Baldyga Group to endear audiences to the new Cultural Show at Sandcastle. What better way to showcase a new act than involve a locally-known leader such as the Governor, the Archbishop or a Senator. Under present circumstances, however, it indicates a horrible lack of prudence and modesty for him to gyrate awkwardly on a public venue. He could have easily declined the pressure but this, as in many instances, demonstrates lack of will and addiction to notoriety. What could have been light-hearted ribbing has gone to deep proportions of hatred and dismay from many people already tired and overwhelmed by the many missteps and malicious deeds of this particular archbishop. In the same manner he lacks the will to step down for the greater good of all.
I completely agree with this post. I was there last night and was so surprised when he went up on stage, but my jaw just dropped when he started gyrating like some drunk tourist!!!
Problem of this video Is it clearly shows a man who has no self respect, dignity, character or values.. Question becomes how can Guam Catholics respect a man with no values. He places the entire catholic community in compromise. Besides having no self respect dignity or decency he makes a fool of himself again. Just horrible . I feel sorry for the church of Guam having this poor pathetic individual leading. Making camacho look like a saint. I leave it to readers to discern which camacho....haha
Will all those who were clapping and shouting and cheering please stand up. Hmmm, just what I thought. Do you want this priest to bury your grandmother?
Yes, Anon @ 2:18 PM, that is what puppets do. All we needed was a visual of pius next to him turning that contraption around and around to make him do funny things. That, or with a whip.
And, of course, "The Diana" would put a unique spin on this video! In response to a post by "Anonymous" stating " Diana, a drunk dancing bishop is not going to convert anyone on Guam," predictably "The Diana" provided the following response:
Diana May 28, 2015 at 9:51 AM
Dear Anonymous at 9:15 am,
The Archbishop is not drunk.I think his dancing shows that he is not bothered by Tim Rohr at all.Tim Rohr can say all kinds of bad things about him, and as you can see, the Archbishop is not bothered by it. He has moved forward.Only Tim suffers because of his obsessionto follow the Archbishop where ever he goes and to get all kinds of information on him.There is nothing incriminating in the Archbishop being joyous. To show joy and love can convert anyone because love conquers all. :-)
"The Diana" psychoanalyzed both AAA and Tim. Of course, AAA comes out with a clean bill of health while Tim is diagnosed as being obsessed with AAA.
LOL. I don't have to follow the bishop anywhere. I don't even have to ask for a single document or a recording. Apuron has made so many enemies over the years, the stuff just pours in from around the world. LOL.
And not drunk? LOL. Just ask the people who see him in Business First. He's usually drunk before he gets off the ground. And no worries. I'm not going to post the comment about his being gay.
Anonymous (May 28, 2015 at 2:15 PM), I'm not sure I understand your comment. You begin with "WELL WELL WELL SAID @ 9:15am, The bishop did nothing wrong."
The commenter "@ 9:15 am" had written "Diana, a drunk dancing bishop is not going to convert anyone on Guam" and you praised that writer ("WELL WELL WELL SAID @ 9:15am") and then in the next sentence you claim "The bishop did nothing wrong."
I think you're a little confused, Anonymous (May 28, 2015 at 2:15 PM). Which is it? " … a drunk dancing bishop is not going to convert anyone on Guam"? OR "The bishop did nothing wrong"?
Clearly the only thing you ARE sure of is your strong animosity toward Tim Rohr.
Diana sure know a lot for a young woman, not a priest, who has been walking for less than ten years: DianaMay 28, 2015 at 7:28 AM Dear 7:01 am,
Is Tim Rohr for real???? What is the purpose of having a canon lawyer???? And what happened to the letters of Father Paul which he sent out PERSONALLY to Rome?? They did not receive his letters too?????? According to Father Paul, he told KUAM:
"It is so difficult to be in contact with Rome you sort of don't get any responses even though I've written letters I just don't have any responses even from my lawyer I'm trying to get in contact with my lawyer."
His lawyer is the one who is supposed to file the case in Rome, which is why he was trying to get a hold of his lawyer to find out any recent development. His lawyer should know the procedures for filing a complaint. It does not make any sense to file a complaint with the Bishop if your complaint is against the Bishop. In all the news report, Father Paul said he sent his case to Rome. He NEVER said the Archbishop will send his case to Rome. His lawyer is supposed to know the procedures for filing a complaint against the Archbishop. And why is he having a difficult time getting in touch with his lawyer????
Their can be no case to review unless both sides have filed their documents. Fr. Paul's lawyer filed the appeal directly with the archbishop. The archbishop was to file the entire file with Rome including his side - which is the "acts" against Fr. Paul. He never did.
To all you non neos, this was really President Putin dancing after he slaughtered his citizens. How dare you think that AAA would dance and bring disrespect to the title of archbishop.
My fundamentalist Protestant doctor was at the cultural event and said the dancers came out into the crowd and asked the celebrities to join them in the dancing. He said senators, the Lt. governor, etc. were asked. He said the archbishop was pressured into participating and that he looked uncomfortable at being asked. My doctor said he felt bad for the archbishop being put into this predicament and wondered how he (the doctor) would be able to get out of the situation if he were ever asked.
We ask our kids everyday to turn away from temptation and peer pressure. The archbishop is not a little kid, he couldn't say no and handle the pressure to participate. I understand others were also there and were able to decline the invitation. We expect more from than this from our religious leaders.
Melinda, just goes to show the Archbishop has no backbone. No one can pressure you to do anything if you are strong. The ARCHBISHOP has no "KOMON" sense anymore. He is no longer the decision maker in this diocese. People in his groupie community make the decisions for him and then he implements it. He is a YES man when it comes to t the wants and needs of the NCW. On one occasion during his homily, he stated that he gets his strength from his NCW COMMUNITY. Not once did he mentioned getting his strength from God.
Melinda. Respect for the archbishop would have prevented the dancer from even approaching him to dance. By saying she pressured him to dance makes it worse for the archbishop. If I pressure him to take drugs will he do the same? Don't forget he was pressured to remove Fr. Paul and Msgr. James. Leadership problem here he is not in control of his own archdiocese.
Melinda, you have mentioned how AAA has always treated you with kindness — actually, continues to do so despite how he treats others — and, as a result, you are more sympathetic/empathetic toward him than most people.
However, as a teacher, you have probably taught your students how to resist peer pressure and that is exactly what AAA should have done. Back in my classroom days my students engaged in role-playing to practice the skills needed to implement Nancy Reagan's "Just Say No" anti-drug campaign from the 1980s. We didn't limit that phrase to anti-drug scenarios and included role-playing in situations like anti-graffiti and avoiding playground fights so they could "generalize" their skills. Perhaps AAA needs to engage in some role-playing for the next time he feels "pressured into participating."
To be perfectly honest, I'm quite certain your Protestant fundamentalist doctor would have managed to politely decline such an "invitation," had he been in the same situation. Inasmuch as AAA accepted the "Invitation to Joy" and is comfortable about dancing around the table at his pseudo-liturgical services, it is possible that, per the comment from "The Diana," AAA and his fellow Kikos/Kikobots believe "There is nothing incriminating in the Archbishop being joyous. To show joy and love can convert anyone because love conquers all."
this may be aging myself somewhat but growing up with the likes of true bishops and archibishops leaders in catholic education and growing the faith - Olano, Baumgartner, Flores...this pitiful fool will never be remembered for anything more than his perms, awful musical CD's and even more awful singing, his abuse of moneyed parishioners and turning young boys (plural!) at the Cuestra. Is Rome awake? Maybe they're waiting for this blundering idiot to pee on himself at mass before they remove him or, more urgently the front wall of the Cathedral to fall in from the cracks and exposed rebar. Fix it you lazy neos! Its not like you don't have the money! you got all kinds of deep pockets from your 'high and mighty' bankers and the brain-trust of adelup's financial wizardry! While you're fixing it, how about a good water blasting? at least do that much. you're making the building look as dirty as the rest of you.
Was this the other shoe(bronze dancing shoe) for which we were awaiting the fall? Or is there something else big yet to be revealed? And who is this Rudy person, other than a Neo troll with too much time on his hands?
Anon @ 12:31, Tim mentioned a bronze shoe to drop before this "dancing" incident, so it could not have been what he alluded to earlier. Rudy is a retired priest who takes in his clergy retirement pay and a full-time salary at St. Anthony Church (double dip, they say), grouchy at best and all-time mean to other people. He also handles his neo group at the parish, and criticizes Tim Rohr from the pulpit. And I heard, a girlfriend on the side. This guy lives large! Kumprendi pa'go, che'lu?
Yah, Rudy. Always embarrassing folks. For some reason, he's not embarrassed. People really want to poke right back. Good thing collar and cane protect him.
As I read the comments describing "Rudy" I must admit it makes me sad because I have known "Rudy" for over 3 decades. When I first met him in the 1980s he was a jovial person with a kind disposition. I was pregnant with my first child when I worked with him at Catholic Social Services in their old office above the Family Shoe Store in Hagatña. He made it a point to bless my unborn baby daily and pray for us, mother and (unborn) baby.
His homilies at SASVCC back in those days were relevant and he consistently offered ideas on how to live out the Gospel in our daily lives. Our paths parted when he was reassigned to another parish and I transferred out of SASVCC as well.
My next encounter with him on a semi-regular basis was in 2008. We had moved back to Tamuning when my Mother-in-Law came to live with us for several months. "Rudy" faithfully brought Holy Communion to her on First Fridays while she was with us. He was more reserved than before and I thought it was just part of the aging process as well as his having to deal with physical challenges.
The "Rudy" who is making the comments on this blog is so very different from the "Rudy" I once knew. And, if his comments are any indication of how his time with the NCW has affected him, it appears that he has less joy in his life now than when I first met him. I mourn the loss of the "Rudy" from the 1980s and pray for a Conversion of Heart for this "Rudy" of the 21st century.
Rome? Come in, Rome? Do you read us? Come in, Rome? Are you there? STATIC.
ReplyDeleteThey think of this as a personal issue. I do not think they'll acted. Why? Because it really is a personal issue.
Delete8:11. Calling for Rome to come in, not RMS. Pius gonna get u.
DeleteAfter how many cocktails? Call me Tony.
ReplyDeleteJohn Toves "Typhoon". Your video limps compared to this. Thought you are a trainer?
ReplyDeleteHave to admit, mine sucks in comparison! Yes, I am a trainer, BUT - I don't do ZUMBA! You can do a weekend certification...and he's had many weekends obviously.
DeleteBUT, I'm down for that! You hear me Archie? I challenge you to CAN YOU DANCE! Stay tuned to you tube! Gonna have to pull out all my Archie gear again, just after I've cleaned up my act. Somebody stop me!
You go, John! We need courageous Catholics like yourself. Thanks for showing solidarity in spite of all the odds against our favor. You, Tim and many others are noble in your quest to wiggle out the Truth from weasels in sheep clothing.
DeleteAmong friends. So down and cute. Who is the girl? Diana?
ReplyDeleteCan't help but thinking here that Rev. Monsignor David the Vicar General may be in CHARGE tomorrow morning. All hands on deck at the chancery. Adrian you have nothing to say. Shush! Alberto? Never mind, don't want to put you blood pressure up. Deacon for sure for sure. Called in sick. Sister Marian ARROYO, RSM what sayest thou!! You chose the wrong side. No going back.
ReplyDeleteDon't hold your breath on that thought, you will run out of air, 1:16 PM. These Chancery Officials think like their leader: no one can touch us. As the Vatican Visitation demonstrated, the Catholic Church is looser than we think, they do not act strategically and will only respond when an inevitably embarrassing scandal surfaces. Do you think an arcane island with a frolicking archbishop who is inattentive to the needs of his domain will cut it? Do you think that an archbishop who is complacent on the percentages of abortion and other "unCatholic" deeds is even stocked with the Vatican to-do pile? Do you think that the exodus of well-meaninged and faithful Catholics to evangelical sects to feed their spiritual needs can even make the Vatican take note? I doubt that our blunt stabs at these chancery leaders will even make a dent. Sorry.
Delete7:07, sorry to say, I have heard some of our clergy say the same thing. Hon and Krebs, we looked to you as the highest representatives of the church we could appeal to. What happened?
DeleteWhile we give due respect to Rome as per what the church requires per canon law when seeking recourse against abusive clergy such as Apuron, we are not required to do nothing until we hear from them. We need to throw off this "colonized" mentality of always waiting for someone from the outside to fix our problems. We can fix them. But it will take people willing to put faces and names to their comments, and it will take more than comments. Be a leader. Start something. Protest outside the Archbishop's Mass every Sunday at 930am at the Cathedral. Call a talk show. Write a letter to the editor. Come to the meeting tonight and get hard information that you can make copies of and evangelize your friends and family. And most of all, STOP THE MONEY.
DeleteA totally different matter, but they have been protesting in Boston now for 700 Sundays. Remarkable!
DeleteSend the money to Rudy!
DeleteThe nerve of this guy. What was he trying to prove dancing up there with a polynesian dancer? It's not even a local cultural dance. What a shame.
ReplyDelete@1:33 there's nothing wrong about dancing, shame on you.....
DeleteWhat? Poor mouth Rudy loves money. He just doesn't have enough like Archie does.
DeleteWas he getting electrocuted?
ReplyDeleteJust a little charge. What mind was he in when he did this? Hey, Pablo. You don't like the girls athe beach for the seminarians, why you let this "bishop" in your house?
DeleteOMG I'm so embarrassed for all of us.
ReplyDeleteWouldn't it be great to project this in a couple of hours in Ordot. Giant sized on the wall. Fool.
DeleteHope he didn't drive the Equus home after that.
DeletePoor Emeritus would be thrilled to see one of the Episcopal TROPICAL FRUITS OF AGANA. POPE FRANCIS?? Mmmmm, can't say for sure. Wait, I've got it. He would a " who am I to judge"
DeleteThis video is edited on movie maker. That was Archbishop getting out of his vestments with no assistance from a seminarian, Harold. That was Harold, the other dancer. Harold made this. He is mad to be still in the Seminary when the whole world could be his oyster.
DeleteToo rotten bad no one was throwing dollar bills at him. Did his cardiologist see this?
DeleteYou all are funny. This is just a preview of the entertainment that he will showcase at his upcoming birthday party. Attire for the birthday gala for
ReplyDeleteNCW members:
Women: wrap-around skirt tied at hips and coconut bra covering.
Men: såde'
All others please come in your neo-pagan outfit.
Wassapp there Apo'wrong, you think you're the life of the party?
Self inflicted wound. Sooo Sad.
ReplyDeleteAAA Why do you create your own hell??? Pray tell....
ReplyDeleteWants to be the life if the party,
DeletePawing the woman, you old dog. Keep that fat tongue in your mouth. Those of you not convinced, do you think Chaput, or O'Malley his Capuchun brother bishops would show such lack of discretion as to dance onstage with this stage girl, Diana. ? To all our seminarians...were praying for you. Lack of critical thinking.
DeleteAwkward. VERY AKWARD.
DeleteA dancer you are not, but fret now because you are neither a leader.....
ReplyDeleteYou should spend more time with your flock (abandoned) and less time merry making. I take that back you do spend all your quality time with your NCW Brothers. Sorry.
ReplyDeleteWhere's his Special Ops PR team when he needs them...
ReplyDeletePR team is his cheerleaders for the evening...CLAP! CLAP! CLAP! HE HAS TRULY RISEN ON THE STAGE...NOW BACK TO PEACE BE WITH YOU!
DeleteAny seminarians care to comment? What are you still under this sinful man?
ReplyDeleteWhat sin is this?
DeleteNo need for a sin here. We already have a long list of lying, cheating, stealing, abusing, neglecting, etc.
DeleteNo breathalyzer, but looks like sin of drunkeness to me. Since you asked, 4:24
DeleteThere is our wounded Church caused by this sinful man.
Delete5:05 AM the molested typhoon,, back
Delete2:54 No Name again, back
DeleteGetting nearly 4:00 pm hustle over to Ordot for a big round of applause. I know you have to work, but 4:00 is when I get off. I'm the Aechbishop You are Not. That's the at the cookie crumbles. Parasite.
ReplyDeleteI'm sure the good people over at the Ordot church will agree.
PS: Don't forget to pick up an U'Matuna on your way out. You never know what you'll find underneath it all.
OMG...No shame, an archbishop acting like this.
ReplyDeletePlease, please, please, someone in Rome help us.
He is staggering drunk and almost lost his balance on several occasions. Disgusting.
ReplyDeleteVideo made me ill. I already called in sick for tomorrow because I am sure the counseling I require as a result of seeing this will take several hours in the morning, and then recovery time.
I sure am glad he spends all his time with the NeoCate-comical Way...or was that the same
Neo Anatomical Way that Fr Luis was interviewing for at the beach two months ago.
Sure, staggering drunk, but Kiko had all the bishops acting like fools in Brasilia ...that's where he learned it and thought it was ok. No critical thinking , you know.
ReplyDeleteThis video received by the secretary of state of state vatican city this morning. it will be shown to the Holy Father later today Rome time.
Shown to the pope? Really? Dopey.
DeleteMaybe, maybe not. Depends on the Holy Father's mood. He's a bit of a lib, so maybe he'll think it's liturgical dance.
DeletePope loves tango but I don't see video of his doing the tango. Heck, the pope can't even go out for pizza. Did Pope Kiko see it? Not going to help his cause. P.S. Several, not a few, of my friends are out for all intent and purpose of our Catholic Church. Can't argue, can I. The whole hierarchy here is corrupt. Symbol is the Cathedral falling to ruin before our eyes.
DeleteOh I needed a laugh this morning, thankyou
ReplyDeleteFrankly, thank God he is wearing cloths. On some photos he is near naked. Seriously.
ReplyDeleteFrightening beyond words. The poor man is completely insane.
@ 6:29 PM you jealous Fr,,,,,,,
DeleteThis may indeed seem sickening and scandalous under present circumstances in the Archdiocese wherein there are issues he has no desire to resolve by virtue of the role that the Vatican has entrusted him. At another time this might simply appear as an attempt by the Baldyga Group to endear audiences to the new Cultural Show at Sandcastle. What better way to showcase a new act than involve a locally-known leader such as the Governor, the Archbishop or a Senator. Under present circumstances, however, it indicates a horrible lack of prudence and modesty for him to gyrate awkwardly on a public venue. He could have easily declined the pressure but this, as in many instances, demonstrates lack of will and addiction to notoriety. What could have been light-hearted ribbing has gone to deep proportions of hatred and dismay from many people already tired and overwhelmed by the many missteps and malicious deeds of this particular archbishop. In the same manner he lacks the will to step down for the greater good of all.
ReplyDeleteI completely agree with this post. I was there last night and was so surprised when he went up on stage, but my jaw just dropped when he started gyrating like some drunk tourist!!!
DeleteThat's life being happy right on bishop !!!
DeleteWhat was he doing out and about when he has some serious business at hand. Girls night out?
ReplyDeleteTim what is your point? Seriously? Your blog is becoming more immature day after day.
ReplyDeleteThen you are becoming more immature day after day by coming here.
DeleteI don't recall trying to make a point.
DeleteLOL @ 4:22 AM. I agree...there is no point to make on this one. It's just freakin' hilarious. CLEAR! Up 90 volts.
DeleteWhat's the point plumber??
ReplyDeleteProblem of this video Is it clearly shows a man who has no self respect, dignity, character or values.. Question becomes how can Guam Catholics respect a man with no values. He places the entire catholic community in compromise. Besides having no self respect dignity or decency he makes a fool of himself again. Just horrible . I feel sorry for the church of Guam having this poor pathetic individual leading. Making camacho look like a saint. I leave it to readers to discern which camacho....haha
Please elaborate on your first sentence.
DeleteRESPECT??? YOU PUT Fr, in front of your name @10:02PM
DeleteArchbishop gone wild!! Part of AAA's strategy to raise funds for his neo community. Heck, he'll even sell his soul!
ReplyDeleteLike TIM, Satan's got his soul
DeleteSo gross!
ReplyDeleteThis is the leader of the Catholic Church on Guam?
Time for my family to look for a new church.
Who's church?? TIM'S
DeleteWill all those who were clapping and shouting and cheering please stand up. Hmmm, just what I thought. Do you want this priest to bury your grandmother?
ReplyDelete@ 4:49 AM YES YES YES better being cheerful then sad . he can bury my grandmother :-)
DeleteYour grandma, Diana?
DeleteWhere is the altar? This must be the "KIKO HIGH MASS" for the Archbishop to do this dance.
ReplyDeleteLet him dance!!!!!!!!!
DeleteYes, Anon @ 2:18 PM, that is what puppets do. All we needed was a visual of pius next to him turning that contraption around and around to make him do funny things. That, or with a whip.
DeleteThe puppet master's name is "Giuseppe", but maybe we should nickname him "Geppetto".
DeleteGepetto and Pinocchio! Come one come all to this dog and pony show!
DeleteAnd, of course, "The Diana" would put a unique spin on this video! In response to a post by "Anonymous" stating " Diana, a drunk dancing bishop is not going to convert anyone on Guam," predictably "The Diana" provided the following response:
ReplyDeleteDiana May 28, 2015 at 9:51 AM
Dear Anonymous at 9:15 am,
The Archbishop is not drunk. I think his dancing shows that he is not bothered by Tim Rohr at all. Tim Rohr can say all kinds of bad things about him, and as you can see, the Archbishop is not bothered by it. He has moved forward. Only Tim suffers because of his obsession to follow the Archbishop where ever he goes and to get all kinds of information on him. There is nothing incriminating in the Archbishop being joyous. To show joy and love can convert anyone because love conquers all. :-)
"The Diana" psychoanalyzed both AAA and Tim. Of course, AAA comes out with a clean bill of health while Tim is diagnosed as being obsessed with AAA.
JOY! for some, I guess.
DeleteHmmm. Archbishop has move forward. Forward from what, Archbishop.
DeleteShowing joy and love ohhh that's what the priest and alter server girl were doing at Agat beach.
DeleteWELL WELL WELL SAID @ 9:15am, The bishop did nothing wrong. Tim got a lot of hate. that's why satan loves him }:-<>
DeleteRudy 2:15
DeleteLOL. I don't have to follow the bishop anywhere. I don't even have to ask for a single document or a recording. Apuron has made so many enemies over the years, the stuff just pours in from around the world. LOL.
DeleteAnd not drunk? LOL. Just ask the people who see him in Business First. He's usually drunk before he gets off the ground. And no worries. I'm not going to post the comment about his being gay.
At 1:44. It's spelled "altar", though "alter" may have been what the priest was trying to do.
DeleteAnonymous (May 28, 2015 at 2:15 PM), I'm not sure I understand your comment. You begin with "WELL WELL WELL SAID @ 9:15am, The bishop did nothing wrong."
DeleteThe commenter "@ 9:15 am" had written "Diana, a drunk dancing bishop is not going to convert anyone on Guam" and you praised that writer ("WELL WELL WELL SAID @ 9:15am") and then in the next sentence you claim "The bishop did nothing wrong."
I think you're a little confused, Anonymous (May 28, 2015 at 2:15 PM). Which is it? " … a drunk dancing bishop is not going to convert anyone on Guam"? OR "The bishop did nothing wrong"?
Clearly the only thing you ARE sure of is your strong animosity toward Tim Rohr.
In defense of the archbishop, he is not gay but his boyfriends are.
DeleteOh, I was hoping he was gay. Now thinking some of his relationships are in question. Or is it all about the money, honey?
DeleteHe is gay . Vincent.
DeleteWine dines men & women he believes have money. Then he dumps when he can't get money from them.
Wow. This is just embarrassing. The man has no sense of discretion. This is just poor judgment on his part.
ReplyDeleteCorrect I think above all it is a poor judgement on his behalf. But it shows how he has made many poor judgements for this archdiocese.
DeleteDiana sure know a lot for a young woman, not a priest, who has been walking for less than ten years: DianaMay 28, 2015 at 7:28 AM
ReplyDeleteDear 7:01 am,
Is Tim Rohr for real???? What is the purpose of having a canon lawyer????
And what happened to the letters of Father Paul which he sent out PERSONALLY to Rome?? They did not receive his letters too?????? According to Father Paul, he told KUAM:
"It is so difficult to be in contact with Rome you sort of don't get any responses even though I've written letters I just don't have any responses even from my lawyer I'm trying to get in contact with my lawyer."
His lawyer is the one who is supposed to file the case in Rome, which is why he was trying to get a hold of his lawyer to find out any recent development. His lawyer should know the procedures for filing a complaint. It does not make any sense to file a complaint with the Bishop if your complaint is against the Bishop. In all the news report, Father Paul said he sent his case to Rome. He NEVER said the Archbishop will send his case to Rome. His lawyer is supposed to know the procedures for filing a complaint against the Archbishop. And why is he having a difficult time getting in touch with his lawyer????
Their can be no case to review unless both sides have filed their documents. Fr. Paul's lawyer filed the appeal directly with the archbishop. The archbishop was to file the entire file with Rome including his side - which is the "acts" against Fr. Paul. He never did.
DeleteWow, Diana sure likes the exclamation point. !!!!!!!!!!! Joy.
DeleteTo all you non neos, this was really President Putin dancing after he slaughtered his citizens. How dare you think that AAA would dance and bring disrespect to the title of archbishop.
ReplyDeletePlease tell me how it's disrespectful. Please oh please.
DeleteMy fundamentalist Protestant doctor was at the cultural event and said the dancers came out into the crowd and asked the celebrities to join them in the dancing. He said senators, the Lt. governor, etc. were asked. He said the archbishop was pressured into participating and that he looked uncomfortable at being asked. My doctor said he felt bad for the archbishop being put into this predicament and wondered how he (the doctor) would be able to get out of the situation if he were ever asked.
DeleteMelina, really? They didn't carry him up, did they?
DeleteWe ask our kids everyday to turn away from temptation and peer pressure. The archbishop is not a little kid, he couldn't say no and handle the pressure to participate. I understand others were also there and were able to decline the invitation. We expect more from than this from our religious leaders.
DeleteMelinda, just goes to show the Archbishop has no backbone. No one can pressure you to do anything if you are strong. The ARCHBISHOP has no "KOMON" sense anymore. He is no longer the decision maker in this diocese. People in his groupie community make the decisions for him and then he implements it. He is a YES man when it comes to t the wants and needs of the NCW. On one occasion during his homily, he stated that he gets his strength from his NCW COMMUNITY.
DeleteNot once did he mentioned getting his strength from God.
Melinda. Respect for the archbishop would have prevented the dancer from even approaching him to dance. By saying she pressured him to dance makes it worse for the archbishop. If I pressure him to take drugs will he do the same? Don't forget he was pressured to remove Fr. Paul and Msgr. James. Leadership problem here he is not in control of his own archdiocese.
DeleteNo backbone and no filter. What lethal mix!
DeleteMelinda, you have mentioned how AAA has always treated you with kindness — actually, continues to do so despite how he treats others — and, as a result, you are more sympathetic/empathetic toward him than most people.
DeleteHowever, as a teacher, you have probably taught your students how to resist peer pressure and that is exactly what AAA should have done. Back in my classroom days my students engaged in role-playing to practice the skills needed to implement Nancy Reagan's "Just Say No" anti-drug campaign from the 1980s. We didn't limit that phrase to anti-drug scenarios and included role-playing in situations like anti-graffiti and avoiding playground fights so they could "generalize" their skills. Perhaps AAA needs to engage in some role-playing for the next time he feels "pressured into participating."
To be perfectly honest, I'm quite certain your Protestant fundamentalist doctor would have managed to politely decline such an "invitation," had he been in the same situation. Inasmuch as AAA accepted the "Invitation to Joy" and is comfortable about dancing around the table at his pseudo-liturgical services, it is possible that, per the comment from "The Diana," AAA and his fellow Kikos/Kikobots believe "There is nothing incriminating in the Archbishop being joyous. To show joy and love can convert anyone because love conquers all."
this may be aging myself somewhat but growing up with the likes of true bishops and archibishops leaders in catholic education and growing the faith - Olano, Baumgartner, Flores...this pitiful fool will never be remembered for anything more than his perms, awful musical CD's and even more awful singing, his abuse of moneyed parishioners and turning young boys (plural!) at the Cuestra. Is Rome awake? Maybe they're waiting for this blundering idiot to pee on himself at mass before they remove him or, more urgently the front wall of the Cathedral to fall in from the cracks and exposed rebar. Fix it you lazy neos! Its not like you don't have the money! you got all kinds of deep pockets from your 'high and mighty' bankers and the brain-trust of adelup's financial wizardry! While you're fixing it, how about a good water blasting? at least do that much. you're making the building look as dirty as the rest of you.
ReplyDeletearchbishop you are a joke. a bad joke.
Was this the other shoe(bronze dancing shoe) for which we were awaiting the fall? Or is there something else big yet to be revealed? And who is this Rudy person, other than a Neo troll with too much time on his hands?
ReplyDelete12:31, Rudy is Rudy. He can't help it. Just can't .
DeleteAnon @ 12:31, Tim mentioned a bronze shoe to drop before this "dancing" incident, so it could not have been what he alluded to earlier. Rudy is a retired priest who takes in his clergy retirement pay and a full-time salary at St. Anthony Church (double dip, they say), grouchy at best and all-time mean to other people. He also handles his neo group at the parish, and criticizes Tim Rohr from the pulpit. And I heard, a girlfriend on the side. This guy lives large! Kumprendi pa'go, che'lu?
ReplyDeleteIs this the ill-mannered, rude and irritable Rudy?
DeleteYah, Rudy. Always embarrassing folks. For some reason, he's not embarrassed. People really want to poke right back. Good thing collar and cane protect him.
DeleteRudy, downright nasty. Retire already.
ReplyDeleteRudy is vicious psycho used Guam for financial game plus his woman.
Hey, Father Rude-y, time to move on! In JOY. Bye.
ReplyDeleteMore than 100 comments; but nobody cares about the dance.
ReplyDeleteThe "dance" was epileptic.
DeleteArchie, act your age. At the very least.
ReplyDeleteAs I read the comments describing "Rudy" I must admit it makes me sad because I have known "Rudy" for over 3 decades. When I first met him in the 1980s he was a jovial person with a kind disposition. I was pregnant with my first child when I worked with him at Catholic Social Services in their old office above the Family Shoe Store in Hagatña. He made it a point to bless my unborn baby daily and pray for us, mother and (unborn) baby.
ReplyDeleteHis homilies at SASVCC back in those days were relevant and he consistently offered ideas on how to live out the Gospel in our daily lives. Our paths parted when he was reassigned to another parish and I transferred out of SASVCC as well.
My next encounter with him on a semi-regular basis was in 2008. We had moved back to Tamuning when my Mother-in-Law came to live with us for several months. "Rudy" faithfully brought Holy Communion to her on First Fridays while she was with us. He was more reserved than before and I thought it was just part of the aging process as well as his having to deal with physical challenges.
The "Rudy" who is making the comments on this blog is so very different from the "Rudy" I once knew. And, if his comments are any indication of how his time with the NCW has affected him, it appears that he has less joy in his life now than when I first met him. I mourn the loss of the "Rudy" from the 1980s and pray for a Conversion of Heart for this "Rudy" of the 21st century.