Dear Diana,
Did you really say this?
"If CCOG's attorney actually believes that the RMS property does not belong to the Archdiocese of Agana, he can take the Archbishop to court. I am sure the Archbishop has his lawyers and documents ready to show that the RMS property does belong to the Archdiocese of Agana. CCOG's attorney, on the other hand, is going to have to show his documents (whatever that is). We have not seen any documents showing that the RMS property does not belong to the Archdiocese of Agana. "
If so, then you really are as stupid as they say. No wonder you use a pseudonym. At least you are smart enough to do that. Here, let me help you out, you ditz.
- Attorneys do not take people to court, their clients do.
- The CCOG has never alleged that the property does not "belong" to the Archdiocese of Agana, only that the Archbishop has deeded complete control of the property to RMS, removing it as an asset of the Archdiocese of Agana, severely harming its patrimony and thereby violating church law (not civil law, you idiot).
- LOL. The Archbishop's "lawyers". Obviously he doesn't have anybody smart enough to defend him otherwise he wouldn't have had to go to Denver and to a firm that is not licensed to practice law on Guam. To practice law in Guam an attorney or firm must be a member of the Guam Bar (the Denver firm is not) or be admitted by the court pro hac vice (and the Denver firm was not).
Oh, and I understand that you are also countering my op-ed today by touting the Denver firm (not licensed to practice law on Guam) as one of the most prestigious law firms in the country. LOL. They didn't even make the Vault 100 which lists the most prestigious law firms in the United States. In fact if you search for Lewis and Roca LLP the only ranking you get is "coming soon". LOL. (The name Lewis Roca Rothgerber LLP - the firm Apuron used - doesn't even come up.)
But actually there is something Apuron can and will be sued for. You just better hope he retires first.
Dear Holy Father and Holy Roman Curia, please get him out already or else the entire Archdiocese, the entire lay faithful will again suffer under these pending litigations. How unfair that we have waited this long for definitive actions by our Church leadership. We kindly ask that Archbishop's removal be made soon. This is so embarrassing. Thank you and God Bless us! May we all learn mercy which is something that this Archbishop of Guam has not learned. Does he still have the Lexus or brand new car? How embarrassed I feel as the entire Church worldwide is looking at us. Peace and Good!
ReplyDeleteTony sablan apuron. This lame excuse of an archbishop is the most expensive gamble in the history of The Roman Catholic Church in Guam. His predilection to high-end luxury living presented itself early in his episcopacy when he was seen getting driven in a really luxurious vehicle (someone refresh our memory on its brand). He claimed it was a gift from his family. Really now! Due to public pressure he made the gesture of "lowering" his standards by switching to 2 Lexus vehicles (one black and one white to suit his moods). This was in the 80s when the Lexus brand was not as ubiquitous and as affordable as it is at present. Boy, he eschewed that Franciscan vow of poverty big time like a famished boa constrictor! His appetites got bigger over the years as he realized it was great to be king! People deferred to him as respect for the position. He was served at his table at feasts instead of lining up like everyone else, received adulation and other fringe benefits, etc. As one can predict for one with seemingly absolute authority and lack of supervision from superiors, he gave in to the demon of invincibility and the veneer of a demi-god. Now the people of Guam has to bear the brunt of the "fluffed up" press that he and his minions continue to blindly flaunt in spite of the discovery of several veritable smoking guns. The hands and mouths of local clergy and Religious women and men are taped shut due to his episcopal privilege. It is up to courageous laypeople who have the best interests of the Archdiocese and the good of the Roman Catholic Church to band together and fight the evil in our midst. When those who are vested with the mandate to lead are shirking from grave responsibility and God-given duty, we as laypeople have to redouble our energies and venues to oust the darkness of evil that has assailed our island paradise.
ReplyDeleteBefore the two Lexus it was a BMW, don't forget the pitbull dog he used to walk around with. As I recall it hit the front page photo of the PDN.
DeletePoor dogs. Saw him staring at dog taking a dump. Strange fella.
DeleteThe Equus. Love Kinchee. And that ain't all!!!
DeleteI drove for AAA to many parish celebrations when I was the CB Sacristan (1986-1989). He had two luxury Lexus (one white, the other black) leased by the chancery office. In short time, the residence was majorly renovated from the simple style enjoyed by the late +Archbishop Flores and his guest Saint JPII. New kitchen + appliances and extensions here and there all expenses paid from the Chancery Office. In Christmas 1988, the home was decorated lavishly with expensive ornaments, again expense were paid by the Chancery Office. I believe he was politicking for the red hat because at the time he was the youngest Archbishop. I enjoyed these moments because I thought I would have played a roll in his success. Unbeknown to me, this same holy man I prayed and served with would turn out to be the worst spiritual leader as he lied to his flock to further a NEO Cult's agenda and abandoned the Catholic Church he professed to serve. He lied and accused two of my friends (Father Paul and Monsignor James) in a public forum with out due process in accordance to Canon Law. NEO Presbyter David the Vicar General backed and supported these lies. O' what a web this NEO Cult Chancery Leaders Weave when they continuously practice to Deceive. JOY!!!
DeleteDon't forget the Winston so called episcopal rings.
DeleteNothing on Junglewatch is that bad . What is not reported about him will send the people of Guam to cut off his balls.
A list of all lawyers licensed to practice on Guam is available online.
DianaJune 2, 2015 at 6:07 AM
DeleteDear CNMI Lawyer,
Thank you for the website, but I also learned that the Ninth Circuit is the largest of the 13 federal circuits and includes all federal courts in California, Oregon, Washington, Arizona, Montana, Idaho, Nevada, Alaska, Hawaii, Guam and the Northern Mariana Islands. There are lawyers in the Ninth Circuit that represent the law firm Lewis Roca Rothgerber LLP.
Have at it with your list. Diana knows all.
DeleteLOL. The Diana thinks that AAA's sad little ass-protecting case rises to the level of the 9th circuit. LOL. Diana, let me make it easy for you. If the Denver opinion exonerates Apuron then have him post it on his website for all to see. Easy.
DeleteThis was posted on Diana's blog by CNMI lawyer: Do you think the Denver Law firm would risk disciplinary sanctions?
DeleteCNMI LawyerJune 2, 2015 at 9:39 AM
I am admitted to practice before the Ninth Circuit, but that does not authorize me to appear before each of the federal district courts thereunder, including the District Court of Guam, without a separate permanent or pro hac vice (temporary) admission to that district court.
Likewise, giving legal advice about Guam law to clients based on Guam requires admission by the Guam Supreme Court to the Guam Bar Association.
Failure to comply raises the very real possibility of disciplinary sanctions for unauthorized practice of law, with significant malpractice insurance liability exposure on behalf of third parties foreseeably harmed by erroneous advice and opinions.
Diana, victorious and confident takes on CNMI attorney! Diana knows all.
ReplyDeleteDianaJune 2, 2015 at 11:15 AM
Dear CNMI Lawyer,
Thank you for this information. I doubt that any large and prestigious law firm would risk disciplinary sanctions for unauthorized practice of law.
Right, which is as per my most recent post. The firm did not actually "practice law", which means that their opinion - under Guam law - is useless. Lots of money spent by Apuron for an absolutely useless opinion, except of course that he believes that most Guamanians are stupid enough to believe his ruse.
DeleteActually, Diana did not write this comment. She had one of her Kiko's that actually knows how to speak English and knows something of the law do this.
DeleteI expect also that this came from Jackie. The problem is that what Jackie knows ISN'T always right! Therein lies THEIR problem. Badaboom!
ReplyDeletePardon moi, her name is Jacqui. You are right; she is part of the problem.
DeleteNewark viewing JW. How are you guys?
DeleteDoes anyone work for a living, Tim, Jacqui, Diana, archbishop, Fr. r??? Fr. Luis? Anybody? I'm retired.