What ever to having a meeting with the CCOG and LFM? Aren't the people the church? And having Adrian as the lead for "Scenario of Situation" committee? Sounds like to further the NEO agenda to me...popping another smoke genade...seems to me Hon has drunk the juice and spiked Kiko-Koolaide!
Msgrs. Arroyo, David the Elder, Lurch. Frs. Michael Crisostomo, Patrick Castro, Jeff San Nicolas, Joe English, Gus Gumatatao, Tom Magrath, Lito Abad, No Balls and Rodriguez.
According to the 2013 Archdiocese of Agana Directory, the Presbyteral Council consisted of: • Msgrs. David C. Quitugua, Brigido Arroyo and David I.A. Quitugua • (Capuchin) Fathers Joseph English, Patrick Castro and Agustin Gumataotao • (Jesuit) Father Thomas McGrath • (Diocesan) Fathers Adrian Cristobal, Jose "Lito" Abad, Jose Alberto Rodriguez, and Jeffrey San Nicolas
Hey! Liza don't let those guys use my letterhead! I'm the shepherd, I'm the the Archbishop of Agana. Hon, get your own letterhead! Hapless Hon, Apostolic Whatever! Signed, Br Tony
In addition, while waiting for my espresso and pizza as I sit in the romantic Pizza Navona, I cannot help think that the Vatican has been good to me. Sending me here in relative peace and quiet (the boys look angelic here) while Archbishop Hon has the unenviable job of getting the pulse from the pathetic clergy in order to give the appearance of an "investigation." I hear he spent hours interviewing them just to maje them feel involved. So thankful for this rewarding vacation, I plan to travel to Assisi tomorrow by train. That place is special to me because of San Francesco who is my model of modesty and humility. Soon Savio will quell the natives and put serenity in their minds, he promised the protests will be no more when I get back there anyway.
In the meantime I urge my beloved RMS boys to stay low because you are covered in this pantomime and you will have me back for Saturday pizza nights (btw pizza here is so good, I'll see if I can bring you some boxes back). I miss you terribly, it is wonderful here but I miss confessing to Pius to ease my guilt from years past. I hate CCOG and the other folks who are raising stink about us. Those poor Agat boys dared expose me, but like I told them before, no one would believe them. The Vatican cannot touch me, in fact, they are protecting me. I just pray that fiery attorney David Lujan will not urge them to sue for cash compensation, the money of the Archdiocese is mine and for you my neos - we need that to reserve hotels for our convivences and our trips abroad. Ciao e pace, brother tony
Your Excellency, Don't you remember that you do not have to worry about the possible lawsuits anymore, after all you transferred the expensive RMS property away from the archdiocese to protect this high cost property from being sold to pay any victims. Besides, Lujan is distracted with getting Claros to respond. Do not forget also that you can still call the senators and Governor to veto the proposed bill to lift the statue of limitation, like you did last time, this time you can issue a decree to excommunicate anyone who assist in passing that bill that is calumnious and designed to topple your holy office. Have Diana google the canon law citations relevant to this application and instruct David to review it for accuracy, and Adrian to type it up for distribution. Pius the real in charge.
Well, you know, like Archbishop Hon, like really recognized my, you know, outstanding communication skills. You know, I like straddle, you know, every fence that, you know, divides us in the , you know, Archdiocese. So like, Adrian knows, like I studied communication in a real , like school. So, like, be patient, for the communications, ok? Bibi
Bibi just retire already; my father who was a very close friend yours while his brief stint in the seminary always told me to trust in you. Even during my time in the National Guard you being the Chaplain, I continued to believe in you then. But right now I can say that I have some specific choice words to describe you, "Spineless" being a mild one. All your years of being of service to the people, you are now a hand held Kiko puppet...even lower, a NEO dog chewed rag doll. My father IS rolling in his grave...just quit with some sort of dignity left upon you! If ArchBishop Hon thinks to put you, a local person frontman that it will pacify us, he's wrong! It just got worse! Save yourself Bibi...if you stay around, be really prepared for the "Mud-Slinging", and don't forget to take your "blood pressure" and "anti-anxiety" pills (if you have any, or go and get it prescribed now) before you go to work! You can decide...
Okay, so Bubu has hefty monthly receivables: 1. Income as Pastor of St. Anthony Church/countless chenchule for stole fees. 2. Retirement Pay from the National Guard. 3. Pension from the Archdiocese of Agana for reaching 60 years of age.
He should have enough to support his dependents, including those he dare not mention. Yes, I agree with 11:55 AM. Retire before you suffer the fate of tony apuron who stayed too long and was too obstinate until his past caught up to him. We know your secrets, Bubu, and with your heart issue, retire before you unwittingly drag your and your family's name into this mess. Please, somebody warn him in case he does not read JW, this is going to be a bumpy ride. We the people of Guam have only just begun, since Archbishop Hon is not delivering as he was expected to do. And, just in case, you get to compare notes with Rudee, please alert him too.
According to Apostolic Administrator Hon, he has "… met with ALMOST EVERY priest and deacon of this local Church …" (emphasis added). I find it curious that he had to insert the words "almost every" which leads me to wonder if Fr. Paul Gofigan, Msgr. James Benavente and Deacon Steve Martinez were given the "opportunity" to meet with the Apostolic Administrator.
As has been pointed out in previous comments, it appears that Apostolic Administrator Hon has been indulging a little too much of the KAKA — Kiko ArgĂĽello Kool Ade —that is constantly free-flowing courtesy of the Vicar General and the Chancellor. It looks as though we will continue to experience pretty much more of the "Same old, same old" NCW propaganda in the days, weeks and months to come. And the Delusional Dingbat Diana will continue to spin more and more of the fantasies that are the result of too much KAKA.
I noticed that right away too, Mary Lou. If you haven't met with EVERY priest and deacon, then these committees are not fully representative of our diocese. Not to mention, you have not even met with the lay groups, the parish councils and various Catholic organizations (to my knowledge). Until you at least have attempted to reach out to all parties, then it makes it very hard, if not impossible for many of us to accept these organizational committees. Above all, have you even acknowledged, greeted, or communicated with the victims and survivors of Apuron's abuse? It would speak volumes if you did this yourself as a caring pastor, instead of putting this task to a committee. Makes me wonder whose advice you are listening to because some of your choices are the very same people who caused this division in our Catholic Church here on Guam. This is simply UNACCEPTABLE!!!
There is no need to reach out to anyone. He did that a year and half ago. He had a year and a half to see the disaster of doing nothing. He already knew what to do which is why he was sent here. He was told what to do first (urgent measures). He has chose to discard his orders.
As I predicted in my previous post. A few bones... very few. All the neos. Specially the toxic ones: lirch, Bibi And cristobal as advisors. Some fence sitters ( they will go with the flow) Basically a band aid on top of a gushing wound. DISGUSTING and Insulting
No excuse, Hon interviewed priests and deacons at length and deliberately left out the substantial ones who dared to be honest with him, and ignored potential ones who speak their minds. He cannot afford to mess this up for his boss, Filoni. It is a whitewash, no doubt about it.
Having a few presbyters of the NCW along with Catholic priest in the committee is not a bad thing. These presbyters of the NCW will be able to show their true colours and show the world the "fruits" of the NCW which we have all discovered is not good fruit. Let it be, this situation is a good thing. On our part we must be patient, the truth will always prevail. As for these presbyters of the NCW in the committee, they are there because Rome want to see what fruits will come from them. These presbyters of the NCW will surely produce the fruits of their "formation" and Rome is "just handing out the rope" knowing that if you "give an idiot enough rope and they will hang themselves".
Nothing personal, but I take issue with the cliche "the truth will always prevail." No it won't. It won't because of another cliche, or a truism, rather: "All it takes for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing." The truth is coming out now about a lot of things because some people have been willing to pay an extremely heavy price on many fronts. We will be rewarded according to our works.
"Look, I am coming soon! My reward is with me, and I will give to each person according to what they have done. - Rev 22:12
Good point Tim (reply @ 2.46pm), to do nothing is a sin of omission. (James 4:17) "Everyone who knows what is the right thing to do and does not do it commits a sin". The sin of omission is a sin that is the result of not doing something, doing nothing to bring about justice and fight a heresy (the NCW) is a sin.
This is the time that the parishes should let their feelings known if they don't like presbyters just like what Yona did. We should have enough priests to distribute to all 26 parishes in Guam. And then these presbyters can be assigned to be under our priests and so they can learn a thing or two about being a real priests. And then this way, the priests can keep an eye on them and so they can't just disappear and get reassigned off-island.
Hon, if you haven't met with Fr. Paul or Msgr. James or members of the CCOG, or the former Archdiocesan Finance Council at the very least, then you' re truly on vacation. So, go ahead, enjoy yourself, get a nice tan, and then GET THE HELL OUT!
Aviso, what's an Aviso? Mr. Apuron hasn't used one in ages. Nobody cared. Only Udu, assigned himself to stuff. How u doin' Udu? Licking your boo boos? Want ur mama?
Uhhhhmmmmm, only little ol me with my lil ol question. When was the last time priests council met???? Hmmmm. Silence. All I hear is my air con buzzing. Have to call my Ac guy.
Seminary Visitors St.Paul Seminary Fr.Romeo Rector RMS-GUAM Seminary Fr.Julio Vice Rector So my concern or question. Who is the BOSS/Rector for The Blessed Diego Luis design San Vitoria Catholic Theological Institute for Oceania? From both seminary, what is the education level to enter institute, No high school diploma or working on GED? Candidates from Europe,Spain,Samoa,Kiribati,Philippines, their education diploma equivalent to the American Standard or Rome? Hope Tim or someone can do more research on questions mentioned above. I work hard for an Associate Degree to the Seminary in Guam. I LEFT THE SEMINARY because of the formation. Pray for the church at this time of storms hopefully everything will bring into light.
Lurch and Adrianna, you both have bucks. Give it up and go away. You will find the power was not all it was cracked up to be. Go spend your money. Enjoy. No matter n will notice you are gone. Really. Just watch. Poof! They're gone
Committees: formed to give the appearance of getting something(s) done, when actually the true objective is to get nothing done. Now, all questions regarding those four areas can honestly be met with the answer: a committee has been formed to look into it.
But we don't need a committee to say: Hon, go home!
As long as Apurun is the Archbishop do you, AB Hon, think that the same priests, who remained silent during Apurun's reign of terror will speak freely? Because if you believe that you have made any concerned priest of Guam (CPOG)believe you are earnest in removing the cancer that is the Neo, forget about it! Remove Apurun and maybe you'll start to heal the division in our church, because then the CPOG can speak freely without fear of retaliation! I also find it odd that Pale Eric, Fr. Paul and Monsgr. Benavente are not involved in your already "infamous" committees. Could it be they refused to be a part of a sham? Will see.
This is all a part of Hon's idea that whatever resolution the issues in this Archdiocese comes to, no one will appear as the 'winner' and the other the 'loser.' This is why he attempted to assign a mix of both Neocatechumenal and Catholic clergy in these committees and chairpersons. You will see another example of this unfold at the end of this month.
I believe wholeheartedly that for these committees to be effective and above-aboard, religious women and laity have to be included. When will the Church learn that women have a fresh and creative perspective, and are capable of making on-target decisions about governance in the Church? When will the Church walk the talk and invite the laity to take charge of the Church and to use their unique expertise to discern the best ways to deal with the situation? Any intelligent and wise administrator knows that the width and breadth of specialties from different strata can maximize well-rounded solutions to different issues. The Church is by no means a democracy but a pure-clergy strategy is not a fail-safe solution because these priests have blinders too. We have seen the passion and propensity of the laity to make intelligent and sensible comments that can certainly provide better perspective. Religious Women and Laity know the pulse of the people, in ways that priests are oblivious due to the deference that our people approach them.
That's just excellent Hon, You are forming committees to study the problems that we have identified and been dealing with and discussing in details in this blog for the past several years. Sooo we are going to analyize the problems some more, that means that all other activities are on halt, and delayed until the committees convene and decide what course of action to take. We are now in a "Analysis Paralysis" mode. All you had to do was consult the parties that were severely affected and are the receiving end of all the troubles in the church, "The People and the victims of sexual abuse by your brother bishop Tony Apuron. What and whose justice are you looking out for, or are you here only to satisfy a tick mark for a task issued by Pope Francis. If for the latter, do us all a favor and just leave, we will be better off without your fake efforts.
Sorry but what we are dealing with here is not such a simple matter. Cut the head off the snake before it can do more damage. There should be more outrage and protest for Hon's decision to keep Adrian and David in their current positions. Those two are liars, cheats, schemers and just plain evil. How can I say such a thing with confidence? They are the promoters of the NCW on Guam. What the hell are they doing up there on the Altar preaching? They have no business or right to be in a position to lead anyone spiritually. We need to include protest signs calling for their immediate removal! Hon can do it but unfortunately, Rome has sent us an imbecile! The fact he still has Adrian and David in key positions proves that Hon is really here to protect the NCW interests. Do not be fooled by Hon's deceit. He will fail in that regard when he finds out those two snakes are a detriment to his boss Filoni Baloney's missive to ensure the NCW comes out of this unscathed and viable. Are we gonna allow this to happen? Do we have the patience and fortitude to allow this NCW problem in our Archdiocese to fester for even another year when we can do something about it now?
Putting all our anger and frustrations aside, when will the committees start doing their jobs and will we be getting reports on their findings? I fricking doubt it! Everytime I hear about an "investigation" being started by the Archdiocese of Agana, I am reminded about the last scene of the movie,"Raiders of the Lost Ark" where the Ark of the Covenant is stored in a non-descript box in a massive warehouse, along with countless other treasures. So, I'm not expecting anything fruitful to come out of Hon's committees.
We have a high regard (and high hopes) for some of the members of Hon's committees. Thus, it is my hope that when these truly respected clergy members find out they're being involved in sham committees/investigations, they will publicly announce their resignations and their reasons.
Yes, there are some very respected clergy members sitting in these committees. But that would be the problem. They are in committees with some heads and members who would contaminate this Archdiocese Masterplan. We should no longer wait and see what methodology will be used to sanitize the Chancery. With the future of the Catholic Church in mind, we cannot afford to just hope for the best knowing what havoc has already been wreaked.
We shall see how those we hold in high regard perform in their roles. I hope meetings are being recorded and all relevant documents and correspondence are made available.
Anonymous at 8:52 AM, I hope that your conviction "We should no longer wait and see … we cannot afford to just hope for the best …" will compel you, your family and friends to join us as we picket on Sundays 0900-0945 in front of the Cathedral-Basilica.
You — and the other Anonymous commenters — can still maintain your anonymity and just be another "face in the crowd." Don't "wait and see" — COME and PICKET!
St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle … St. Athanasius, pray for us!
What ever to having a meeting with the CCOG and LFM? Aren't the people the church? And having Adrian as the lead for "Scenario of Situation" committee? Sounds like to further the NEO agenda to me...popping another smoke genade...seems to me Hon has drunk the juice and spiked Kiko-Koolaide!
ReplyDeleteYes, if you were wondering where Hon's sympathies lie - wonder no more. This is a slap in the face.
ReplyDeleteWho are the Presbyteral Council. Are these made up of presbyters?
ReplyDeleteMsgrs. Arroyo, David the Elder, Lurch. Frs. Michael Crisostomo, Patrick Castro, Jeff San Nicolas, Joe English, Gus Gumatatao, Tom Magrath, Lito Abad, No Balls and Rodriguez.
DeleteYeah, updated list please.
DeleteAccording to the 2013 Archdiocese of Agana Directory, the Presbyteral Council consisted of:
Delete• Msgrs. David C. Quitugua, Brigido Arroyo and David I.A. Quitugua
• (Capuchin) Fathers Joseph English, Patrick Castro and Agustin Gumataotao
• (Jesuit) Father Thomas McGrath
• (Diocesan) Fathers Adrian Cristobal, Jose "Lito" Abad, Jose Alberto Rodriguez, and Jeffrey San Nicolas
So, like, this council that like never meets is suddenly the rush of the Holy Spirit?
DeleteOhhhhhhh, nooooooo tweedy bird Alberto! Useless. Got fired as chancellor.
DeleteThanks, ML
DeleteWTF, Udu-gorilla-waldo and Claros were FIRED!!
ReplyDeleteYeah....where are the Wonder Twins?
DeleteHey! Liza don't let those guys use my letterhead! I'm the shepherd, I'm the the Archbishop of Agana. Hon, get your own letterhead! Hapless Hon, Apostolic Whatever! Signed, Br Tony
DeleteIn addition, while waiting for my espresso and pizza as I sit in the romantic Pizza Navona, I cannot help think that the Vatican has been good to me. Sending me here in relative peace and quiet (the boys look angelic here) while Archbishop Hon has the unenviable job of getting the pulse from the pathetic clergy in order to give the appearance of an "investigation." I hear he spent hours interviewing them just to maje them feel involved. So thankful for this rewarding vacation, I plan to travel to Assisi tomorrow by train. That place is special to me because of San Francesco who is my model of modesty and humility. Soon Savio will quell the natives and put serenity in their minds, he promised the protests will be no more when I get back there anyway.
DeleteIn the meantime I urge my beloved RMS boys to stay low because you are covered in this pantomime and you will have me back for Saturday pizza nights (btw pizza here is so good, I'll see if I can bring you some boxes back). I miss you terribly, it is wonderful here but I miss confessing to Pius to ease my guilt from years past. I hate CCOG and the other folks who are raising stink about us. Those poor Agat boys dared expose me, but like I told them before, no one would believe them. The Vatican cannot touch me, in fact, they are protecting me. I just pray that fiery attorney David Lujan will not urge them to sue for cash compensation, the money of the Archdiocese is mine and for you my neos - we need that to reserve hotels for our convivences and our trips abroad. Ciao e pace, brother tony
Your Excellency, Don't you remember that you do not have to worry about the possible lawsuits anymore, after all you transferred the expensive RMS property away from the archdiocese to protect this high cost property from being sold to pay any victims. Besides, Lujan is distracted with getting Claros to respond. Do not forget also that you can still call the senators and Governor to veto the proposed bill to lift the statue of limitation, like you did last time, this time you can issue a decree to excommunicate anyone who assist in passing that bill that is calumnious and designed to topple your holy office. Have Diana google the canon law citations relevant to this application and instruct David to review it for accuracy, and Adrian to type it up for distribution. Pius the real in charge.
ReplyDelete11:48 Gotcha. Julio doesn't care for us gringos.
DeleteWell, you know, like Archbishop Hon, like really recognized my, you know, outstanding communication skills. You know, I like straddle, you know, every fence that, you know, divides us in the , you know, Archdiocese. So like, Adrian knows, like I studied communication in a real , like school. So, like, be patient, for the communications, ok? Bibi
ReplyDeleteLOL...this is not the job for the weak of heart!
Delete11:53 AM, that is, you know, so Bibi-like, you know? How beautiful, you know?
DeleteBibi just retire already; my father who was a very close friend yours while his brief stint in the seminary always told me to trust in you. Even during my time in the National Guard you being the Chaplain, I continued to believe in you then.
ReplyDeleteBut right now I can say that I have some specific choice words to describe you, "Spineless" being a mild one.
All your years of being of service to the people, you are now a hand held Kiko puppet...even lower, a NEO dog chewed rag doll.
My father IS rolling in his grave...just quit with some sort of dignity left upon you!
If ArchBishop Hon thinks to put you, a local person frontman that it will pacify us, he's wrong! It just got worse! Save yourself Bibi...if you stay around, be really prepared for the "Mud-Slinging", and don't forget to take your "blood pressure" and "anti-anxiety" pills (if you have any, or go and get it prescribed now) before you go to work! You can decide...
Poor Bibi, and Father Pat Castro won't be able to handle jobs. Age illness factors.
DeleteOkay, so Bubu has hefty monthly receivables:
Delete1. Income as Pastor of St. Anthony Church/countless chenchule for stole fees.
2. Retirement Pay from the National Guard.
3. Pension from the Archdiocese of Agana for reaching 60 years of age.
He should have enough to support his dependents, including those he dare not mention. Yes, I agree with 11:55 AM. Retire before you suffer the fate of tony apuron who stayed too long and was too obstinate until his past caught up to him. We know your secrets, Bubu, and with your heart issue, retire before you unwittingly drag your and your family's name into this mess. Please, somebody warn him in case he does not read JW, this is going to be a bumpy ride. We the people of Guam have only just begun, since Archbishop Hon is not delivering as he was expected to do. And, just in case, you get to compare notes with Rudee, please alert him too.
We're on to you Bebes. "A lot of people call me Father". Indeed. Words you 'communicated'... Pride cometh before the fall.
DeleteBebes, grab a bag of popcorn and watch "All in the family."
DeleteDidn't that series begin in 69?
DeleteYou're right, Tim. Just about '69' .
DeletePutrid, where are you? On Dubai Airlines?? You going away with no consequences? Fabulous Julio nearly just ordained usurping you?
ReplyDeleteAccording to Apostolic Administrator Hon, he has "… met with ALMOST EVERY priest and deacon of this local Church …" (emphasis added). I find it curious that he had to insert the words "almost every" which leads me to wonder if Fr. Paul Gofigan, Msgr. James Benavente and Deacon Steve Martinez were given the "opportunity" to meet with the Apostolic Administrator.
ReplyDeleteAs has been pointed out in previous comments, it appears that Apostolic Administrator Hon has been indulging a little too much of the KAKA — Kiko ArgĂĽello Kool Ade —that is constantly free-flowing courtesy of the Vicar General and the Chancellor. It looks as though we will continue to experience pretty much more of the "Same old, same old" NCW propaganda in the days, weeks and months to come. And the Delusional Dingbat Diana will continue to spin more and more of the fantasies that are the result of too much KAKA.
St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle …
St. Athanasius, pray for us!
I noticed that right away too, Mary Lou. If you haven't met with EVERY priest and deacon, then these committees are not fully representative of our diocese. Not to mention, you have not even met with the lay groups, the parish councils and various Catholic organizations (to my knowledge). Until you at least have attempted to reach out to all parties, then it makes it very hard, if not impossible for many of us to accept these organizational committees. Above all, have you even acknowledged, greeted, or communicated with the victims and survivors of Apuron's abuse? It would speak volumes if you did this yourself as a caring pastor, instead of putting this task to a committee. Makes me wonder whose advice you are listening to because some of your choices are the very same people who caused this division in our Catholic Church here on Guam. This is simply UNACCEPTABLE!!!
DeleteThere is no need to reach out to anyone. He did that a year and half ago. He had a year and a half to see the disaster of doing nothing. He already knew what to do which is why he was sent here. He was told what to do first (urgent measures). He has chose to discard his orders.
DeleteSo, you see? The cases of Msrg. James and Fr Paul are in Rome!!! What'd I tell you?? Hmmmm? Br Tony.
ReplyDeleteAs I predicted in my previous post. A few bones... very few. All the neos. Specially the toxic ones: lirch, Bibi
ReplyDeleteAnd cristobal as advisors.
Some fence sitters ( they will go with the flow)
Basically a band aid on top of a gushing wound.
DISGUSTING and Insulting
Are you able to highlight, or otherwise point out, the Neo affiliated clergy in the lists above?
DeleteHallelujah!!! We are SAVED!!!!!! Committees!!! Why didn't we think of that in the first place. It is SOOOOOOOOOOOO obvious!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteAnd here is some appropriate background music:
Andrew....not only do we get committees we got us some AD HOC committees. Over the top happy!!!!!
DeleteMore like Ham Hocks
DeleteSome of these guys not known by Hon.....he'll learn when problems pop up. Glug,glug, glug. Sleep it off.
ReplyDeleteNo excuse, Hon interviewed priests and deacons at length and deliberately left out the substantial ones who dared to be honest with him, and ignored potential ones who speak their minds. He cannot afford to mess this up for his boss, Filoni. It is a whitewash, no doubt about it.
DeleteRude-eeeee, so what, you didn't even get a job erasing the blackboards and clapping erasers?? Dunce. Lost your bully pulpit at the Carmelites. So sad.
ReplyDeleteWhere does Dakon Claros fit in? Is he still SARC?
ReplyDeleteThere has been no Aviso to the contrary. Pat Castro is only to be a contact person. Deacon Larry still rules the roost. For sure, for sure.
DeleteHaving a few presbyters of the NCW along with Catholic priest in the committee is not a bad thing. These presbyters of the NCW will be able to show their true colours and show the world the "fruits" of the NCW which we have all discovered is not good fruit.
ReplyDeleteLet it be, this situation is a good thing. On our part we must be patient, the truth will always prevail. As for these presbyters of the NCW in the committee, they are there because Rome want to see what fruits will come from them. These presbyters of the NCW will surely produce the fruits of their "formation" and Rome is "just handing out the rope" knowing that if you "give an idiot enough rope and they will hang themselves".
Nothing personal, but I take issue with the cliche "the truth will always prevail." No it won't. It won't because of another cliche, or a truism, rather: "All it takes for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing." The truth is coming out now about a lot of things because some people have been willing to pay an extremely heavy price on many fronts. We will be rewarded according to our works.
Delete"Look, I am coming soon! My reward is with me, and I will give to each person according to what they have done. - Rev 22:12
Good point Tim (reply @ 2.46pm), to do nothing is a sin of omission. (James 4:17) "Everyone who knows what is the right thing to do and does not do it commits a sin". The sin of omission is a sin that is the result of not doing something, doing nothing to bring about justice and fight a heresy (the NCW) is a sin.
DeleteThis is the time that the parishes should let their feelings known if they don't like presbyters just like what Yona did. We should have enough priests to distribute to all 26 parishes in Guam. And then these presbyters can be assigned to be under our priests and so they can learn a thing or two about being a real priests. And then this way, the priests can keep an eye on them and so they can't just disappear and get reassigned off-island.
ReplyDeleteHon, if you haven't met with Fr. Paul or Msgr. James or members of the CCOG, or the former Archdiocesan Finance Council at the very least, then you' re truly on vacation. So, go ahead, enjoy yourself, get a nice tan, and then
See you at the Hyatt. I belong, too. Why don't you say hi, Hon? Cool character.
DeleteAviso, what's an Aviso? Mr. Apuron hasn't used one in ages. Nobody cared. Only Udu, assigned himself to stuff. How u doin' Udu? Licking your boo boos? Want ur mama?
DeleteUhhhhmmmmm, only little ol me with my lil ol question. When was the last time priests council met???? Hmmmm. Silence. All I hear is my air con buzzing. Have to call my Ac guy.
DeleteSeminary Visitors
ReplyDeleteSt.Paul Seminary Fr.Romeo Rector
RMS-GUAM Seminary Fr.Julio Vice Rector
So my concern or question. Who is the BOSS/Rector for The Blessed Diego Luis design San Vitoria Catholic Theological Institute for Oceania? From both seminary, what is the education level to enter institute, No high school diploma or working on GED? Candidates from Europe,Spain,Samoa,Kiribati,Philippines, their education diploma equivalent to the American Standard or Rome? Hope Tim or someone can do more research on questions mentioned above. I work hard for an Associate Degree to the Seminary in Guam. I LEFT THE SEMINARY because of the formation. Pray for the church at this time of storms hopefully everything will bring into light.
Lurch and Adrianna, you both have bucks. Give it up and go away. You will find the power was not all it was cracked up to be. Go spend your money. Enjoy. No matter n will notice you are gone. Really. Just watch. Poof! They're gone
ReplyDeleteCommittees: formed to give the appearance of getting something(s) done, when actually the true objective is to get nothing done.
ReplyDeleteNow, all questions regarding those four areas can honestly be met with the answer: a committee has been formed to look into it.
But we don't need a committee to say: Hon, go home!
As long as Apurun is the Archbishop do you, AB Hon, think that the same priests, who remained silent during Apurun's reign of terror will speak freely? Because if you believe that you have made any concerned priest of Guam (CPOG)believe you are earnest in removing the cancer that is the Neo, forget about it! Remove Apurun and maybe you'll start to heal the division in our church, because then the CPOG can speak freely without fear of retaliation! I also find it odd that Pale Eric, Fr. Paul and Monsgr. Benavente are not involved in your already "infamous" committees. Could it be they refused to be a part of a sham? Will see.
ReplyDeleteThis is all a part of Hon's idea that whatever resolution the issues in this Archdiocese comes to, no one will appear as the 'winner' and the other the 'loser.' This is why he attempted to assign a mix of both Neocatechumenal and Catholic clergy in these committees and chairpersons. You will see another example of this unfold at the end of this month.
ReplyDeleteI believe wholeheartedly that for these committees to be effective and above-aboard, religious women and laity have to be included. When will the Church learn that women have a fresh and creative perspective, and are capable of making on-target decisions about governance in the Church? When will the Church walk the talk and invite the laity to take charge of the Church and to use their unique expertise to discern the best ways to deal with the situation? Any intelligent and wise administrator knows that the width and breadth of specialties from different strata can maximize well-rounded solutions to different issues. The Church is by no means a democracy but a pure-clergy strategy is not a fail-safe solution because these priests have blinders too. We have seen the passion and propensity of the laity to make intelligent and sensible comments that can certainly provide better perspective. Religious Women and Laity know the pulse of the people, in ways that priests are oblivious due to the deference that our people approach them.
ReplyDeleteThat's just excellent Hon, You are forming committees to study the problems that we have identified and been dealing with and discussing in details in this blog for the past several years. Sooo we are going to analyize the problems some more, that means that all other activities are on halt, and delayed until the committees convene and decide what course of action to take. We are now in a "Analysis Paralysis" mode. All you had to do was consult the parties that were severely affected and are the receiving end of all the troubles in the church, "The People and the victims of sexual abuse by your brother bishop Tony Apuron. What and whose justice are you looking out for, or are you here only to satisfy a tick mark for a task issued by Pope Francis. If for the latter, do us all a favor and just leave, we will be better off without your fake efforts.
ReplyDeleteA bishop from Vatican City
ReplyDeleteWas sent here to help. What a pity!
Is it real or a joke?
Oh great! This poor bloke
Wants to form and ad hoc committee!!!
Let's keep the protest signs simple and have only two messages: DEFROCK APURON! and HON, GO HOME!
ReplyDeleteSorry but what we are dealing with here is not such a simple matter. Cut the head off the snake before it can do more damage. There should be more outrage and protest for Hon's decision to keep Adrian and David in their current positions. Those two are liars, cheats, schemers and just plain evil. How can I say such a thing with confidence? They are the promoters of the NCW on Guam. What the hell are they doing up there on the Altar preaching? They have no business or right to be in a position to lead anyone spiritually. We need to include protest signs calling for their immediate removal! Hon can do it but unfortunately, Rome has sent us an imbecile! The fact he still has Adrian and David in key positions proves that Hon is really here to protect the NCW interests. Do not be fooled by Hon's deceit. He will fail in that regard when he finds out those two snakes are a detriment to his boss Filoni Baloney's missive to ensure the NCW comes out of this unscathed and viable. Are we gonna allow this to happen? Do we have the patience and fortitude to allow this NCW problem in our Archdiocese to fester for even another year when we can do something about it now?
DeletePutting all our anger and frustrations aside, when will the committees start doing their jobs and will we be getting reports on their findings? I fricking doubt it! Everytime I hear about an "investigation" being started by the Archdiocese of Agana, I am reminded about the last scene of the movie,"Raiders of the Lost Ark" where the Ark of the Covenant is stored in a non-descript box in a massive warehouse, along with countless other treasures. So, I'm not expecting anything fruitful to come out of Hon's
We have a high regard (and high hopes) for some of the members of Hon's committees. Thus, it is my hope that when these truly respected clergy members find out they're being involved in sham committees/investigations, they will publicly announce their resignations and their reasons.
ReplyDeleteYes, there are some very respected clergy members sitting in these committees. But that would be the problem. They are in committees with some heads and members who would contaminate this Archdiocese Masterplan. We should no longer wait and see what methodology will be used to sanitize the Chancery. With the future of the Catholic Church in mind, we cannot afford to just hope for the best knowing what havoc has already been wreaked.
DeleteWe shall see how those we hold in high regard perform in their roles. I hope meetings are being recorded and all relevant documents and correspondence are made available.
DeleteAnonymous at 8:52 AM, I hope that your conviction "We should no longer wait and see … we cannot afford to just hope for the best …" will compel you, your family and friends to join us as we picket on Sundays 0900-0945 in front of the Cathedral-Basilica.
DeleteYou — and the other Anonymous commenters — can still maintain your anonymity and just be another "face in the crowd." Don't "wait and see" — COME and PICKET!
St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle …
St. Athanasius, pray for us!
8:52. A++
Delete6:26. That would take more chutzpah than has been demonstrated thus far.