We have all become aware of the odd insistence of the use of the word "presbyter" instead of "priest" by the Neocatechumenal Way.
I have argued elsewhere on this blog that this "insistence" is no mere "either/or" occurrence, but a key strategy in Kiko's agenda to subvert the element of "sacrifice" in the "Holy Sacrifice of the Mass." Since Kiko eschews the sacrificial nature of the Mass, he must also - like Luther before him - rid the use of the word "priest" which universally refers to "one who offers sacrifice."
Kiko isn't the first to try to rid our church of the word "priest." As mentioned many times on this blog, Kiko is doing nothing more than taking to the next level what we ourselves have permitted and even instigated over the years .
Before we get back to the presbyter vs priest issue, here are some other ways in which we have permitted the destruction of the notion of sacrifice in the sacred liturgy:
Sacrifice vs Celebration: We seldom hear the Mass referred to as "The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass," instead we refer to it as "the Eucharist", or "the Eucharistic celebration", or just "liturgy". The Mass is all those things but it is first and foremost "Christ offering himself to his Father" as the perfect "sacrifice." By diminishing and even discarding the reference "Holy Sacrifice of the Mass," we have paved the way for the likes of Kiko to discard the notion of sacrifice altogether.
Presider vs Celebrant: We often hear, as Mass is about to begin: "Our presider at today's liturgy will be Father ____." "Presider" gives the notion that the priest is going to sit and watch, or at most, direct the action. It further gives the notion that someone else will be the "actor". While the celebrant does in fact "preside", the presider is NOT always the celebrant. The GIRM notes this in paragraph 112:
"At a Mass celebrated by the Bishop or at which he presides without celebrating the Eucharist, the norms found in the Caeremoniale Episcoporum (Ceremonial of Bishops) should be observed."
The term "priest-celebrant", or even just "celebrant" tells us who the "actor" is. Advocates of "presider" will reference how the term was used in the early church and in the writings of the Fathers, but like everything else, there was a reason the Church developed its language over time to distinguish, teach, and signify. And it is quite obvious that as we have replaced the use of "priest" with "presider", so too has the notion of "holy" and "sacrifice" diminished...paving the way for Kiko's ultimate coup to replace "priest" - and its full sacrificial meaning - altogether.
There are many other things we have permitted to diminish the notions of sacrality and sacrifice in the Mass which have made way for Kiko's theology. Removing the communion rail also diminished the idea of a special sacred space called "the sanctuary". Taking communion in the hand removed the whole reason why the church instituted communion on the tongue to begin with - the practice being permitted by Pope Paul VI with serious misgivings:
"A change in a matter of such moment, based on a most ancient and venerable tradition, does not merely affect discipline. It carries certain dangers with it which may arise from the new manner of administering Holy Communion: the danger of a loss of reverence for the august sacrament of the altar, of profanation, of adulterating the true doctrine..." - MEMORIALE DOMINI
Anyone who has attended a Neocatechumenal "service" can easily see how Paul VI"s fear of "a loss of reverence for the august sacrament of the altar," is manifested in Kiko's rewrite of the sacred liturgy.
We could go on. Someday soon we will revisit how our own adulteration of the music in the liturgy, a far cry from what the Church mandated in the post-conciliar document Musicam Sacram, is hardly different, and perhaps much worse than Kiko's "new aesthetic" flea-market boleros.
But let us get on to priest vs presbyter. We have already seen that there has been a long and sad trek to destroy the sacrificial nature of the Mass, a sad trek that the Vatican itself permitted by way of "exceptions" (which we see clearly in Memoriale Domini).
However, the Vatican finally said enough is enough in 1997 when the U.S. bishops officially tried to replace the word "priest" with "presbyter" in the English translation of the new ordination rite.
Copied below is the relevant excerpt of a letter from the Archbishop Pro-Prefect for the Congregation for Divine Worship to Bishop Pilla, then President of the National Council of Catholic Bishops, FORBIDDING the use of the term "presbyter", and a thorough explanation for the prohibition:
Prominent among the problems is the decision of the translators to break with common Catholic usage and translate the Latin "presbyteri" into English not with "priests" but with "presbyters". This cannot meet with the Holy See's consent since it risks being misunderstood by the people and represents an unacceptable theological tendency. In particular it constitutes a retreat from a term that carries a sense of sacrality, that carries with it the history of the development of the faith in favor of a term which does not.
The full letter can be read here.
The anti-neo "we want our church back" crowd will not doubt yell "hurray," but there should be no "hurrays." As demonstrated above, we ourselves have been incrementally destroying the sacrificial nature of the Mass and the sacrificing aspect of the priesthood for decades. And in doing so, we have eviscerated - gutted - the only thing that separates our faith from others.
This is why there was already a long exodus from the Catholic Church even before Kiko came to ravage it. As "sacrifice" has disappeared from our lips and sacrality has disappeared from our ritual, not to mention our worship spaces and the art and music which often profane them, so too have Catholics disappeared from the pews in our churches and filled up the pews in others.
Getting rid of Kiko will not get rid of the cancer upon which his sychophants feed and breed. For it wasn't Kiko who drove your sons and daughters away from our Church. Kiko's theology is only the latest "abomination" to enter the temple.
Figure it out, folks. Or this is all for naught.
Thank you, Tim, for some very important information. I was born while the Second Vatican Council was taking place, so I grew up with most of the changes firmly established. However, my grandparents, parents and teachers were all very well acquainted with the pre-Vatican II church. I had the good fortune to learn from them.
ReplyDeleteThe readers of this blog will probably appreciate and enjoy this interview with Mother Miriam Moss, a convert from Judaism and Evangelical Christianity, who has founded a new order of religious sisters in the states. Her life story is very interesting and inspiring. Here is the link:
The strength of our faith is directly related to our desire and determination to learn about and live what we believe.
Just to clarify, this is not a call to return to a pre-Vatican II Church. This is a call to actually do what Vatican II and its post-conciliar documents called for, and in fact what the GIRM mandates. It is a myth that Vatican II called for innovations in the liturgy:
Delete"Finally, there must be no innovations unless the good of the Church genuinely and certainly requires them; and care must be taken that any new forms adopted should in some way grow organically from forms already existing." - Sacrosanctum Concilium, par. 23.
The Sacrificial nature of the Mass or the Holy Eucharist is explicitly taught by the Apostle to the Gentiles when he said, "For as often as you eat this bread and drink this cup, you proclaim the death of the Lord until he comes." 1Corint 11:26 This is what the Church has always taught, but we know that when we deviate from her teaching, all kinds of novel ideas and doctrines are formed and taught.
ReplyDeleteAnd so we have: Lex orandi Lex credendi.
DeleteThis picture is just so wrong. It doesn't even resemble anything close to a Catholic mass. Having their service underneath a canopy instead of being inside the Church. Who are they hiding from? GOD?
ReplyDeleteJames T.
"In Christianity there is no altar", which is " why we can celebrate the Eucharist on a suitable table and we can celebrate in a square, in the countryside or wherever it is suitable. We don't have a particular place where exclusively we should celebrate our worship." - Kiko Arguello. Volume 1, 3rd day, Catechetical Directory
DeleteThere is a reason that the altars in our churchs are consecrated for this very purpose, to give dignity to and preserve the very sacredness of this Holy Sacrifice, and as I understand, the Archbishop can permit Holy Mass to be celebrated outside the Church on certain extra ordinary situations, however allowing the celebration of Holy Mass to happen outside of these consecrated places of worship on a frequest basis lends to occasions of abuse and irreverence to that which is Holy, namely the Body and Blood of Christ.
ReplyDeleteI suppose that if one does not believe that the bread and wine after consecration, becomes the Body and Blood of Christ, then where it is celebrated is a moot point, as anywhere and anyplace is acceptable. And as Tim hinted above, we externalize what we believe in our actions, and prayers.. God Bless
ReplyDeleteIn the past months I have become concerned with the material wealth and gain of the spiritual leader of Guam and this cult that he represents. it is a cult which is overly concerned with wealth and property. The church of Guam and the Mariana Islands will gain nothing if in the continued achievement of wealth and property they sacrifice the integrity of culture - of minds of the nobility of spirit. The new Archbishop of Guam upon his appointment will begin by addressing the grace spiritual and moral poverty affecting the archdiocese and the diocese of Chalan Kanoa. I have shared these concerns with the Holy See. I now wish to encourage the entire Catholic Church of Guam to support CCOG and Tim Rohr who work to address the spiritual and moral poverty created in this present leadership. The problems of the pacific are spiritual - spiritual moral neglect of two selfish bishops who spent a life time serving self. Time is right for change the time is right for a spiritual revolution from within. Only a spiritual revolution restoring the true the good and the beautiful - ultimately God made real in culture can save your island and it's church. If you love your church your culture your island home your faith - you need to unite together and call for the appointment of a new bishop. in 30 years tony gave you spiritual moral disaster - if he remains five more years - you all contribue to the spiritual death of the church in the west pacific. And it will be your own fault. As a foreigner I can do very little I know that - but on this blog I hope to awake the nobility of the people of Guam and their search to maintain their own island spirituality and not be dominated by some foreign invaders crushing the nobility of the soul and spirit of a nation.
That Right you're a foreigner Blockley go home
DeleteLOL, "That Right", he's not even here.
DeleteThank you 2.16am the comment made me laugh.
Don't worry Blockley. We don't have proof your a priest or not. I heard that when the delegates were here, they argued with Paul and James. Maybe we should go to PI with Msgr to enjoy that 5 start hotel. Maybe he can pay for everyone on this blog...
DeleteLOL. Here's Adrian again.
Delete12:04 AM: been listening to gossip again, eh? Do yourself a favor. Check your facts and don't spread rumors. Maybe you have nothing better to do like Rudy? And just where is this "5 start hotel" that you mention? Sounds like a kindergarten place - exactly where you belong.
DeleteThe Holy Eucharist = The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass & The Sacrifice of Calvary
ReplyDeleteThe Code of Canon Law N.897 states the following: “The Eucharistic Sacrifice, the memorial of the death and resurrection of the Lord, in which the sacrifice of the cross is perpetuated through the ages is the summit and source of all worship and Christian life”
Pope John Paul II in his encyclical Ecclesia de Eucharistia Para #3 beautifully ties the realities of the events of The Last Supper and Calvary as one inseparable act of redemption when he cites:
“The blood which shortly before he had given to the Church as the drink of salvation in the sacrament of the Eucharist, began to be shed; its outpouring would then be completed on Golgotha to become the means of our redemption.”
The Catechism of the Catholic Church clearly teaches that in both instances of The Last Supper and Calvary, the priest offering the sacrifice and the victim being offered are one and the same. It is from this fundamental truth upheld since the early church that she confidently states; “The sacrifice of Christ and the sacrifice of the Eucharist are one single sacrifice.” CCC 1367
The language of the Gospels are clearly full of references or expressions that are of a sacrificial nature such as found in the gospel of Luke “This is my body which will be given for you;” Lk 22:19 (NAB) This body which Jesus is giving up for us is ultimately his life offered up on the cross, which he chose to perpetuate throughout time in the breaking of the bread.
In the gospel of Mark we hear our Lord again pronounce the words of institution, that moment when the very words of Christ transform the substance of wine into his blood; “This is my blood of the covenant which will be shed for many.” Mk 14:24 (NAB) This statement undoubtedly speaks loudly of sacrifice, a typology first evident in the OT, (see Ex 12:1-28) and which entails the shedding of the blood of the sacrificial animal as a ransom, to take the place of the firstborn of each household, an act of redemption or buying back. This typology finds its fulfillment on the Cross as Jesus’ blood was truly shed for our sanctification. By his blood, he paid the ultimate price for our salvation.
The very fact that our Lord consecrated bread into the substance of his body and wine into the substance of his blood as a separate event, also speaks of his death on the cross. An event recalled in St. John’s gospel depicting the moment of separation of Christ’ blood from his body as indicated in the following passage “But one soldier thrust his lance into his side, and immediately blood and water flowed out.” Jn 19:34 (NAB) As the blood of the sacrificial lamb had to be shed from the victim’s body to be effective, so too Christ’ blood was poured out from his body for the redemption of many.
Each and every celebration of the Holy Eucharist is that anamnesis that Jesus instituted to perpetuate the redemptive act of the cross for all men for all ages. It was by this method that our Lord fulfilled his desire for us to actively participate and experience first hand his salvific work on Calvary, The only difference is “The same Christ who offered himself once in a bloody manner on the altar of the cross is contained and is offered in an unbloody manner“ CCC 1367 at every Eucharistic celebration.
It is quite evident in the writings of the Apostles to the Gentiles what his theology clearly teaches; St. Paul in his writing to the Corinthians makes evident his understanding that the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass instituted by Jesus and the Sacrifice of Jesus on the Cross are one and the same act of redemption when he cites “For as often as you eat this bread and drink this cup, you proclaim the death of the Lord until he comes.” 1Corint 11:26 (NAB)
I hope Fr. Bing of the "Alliance of the Two Hearts of Jesus and Mary" is on Guam right now to see how the Sacrifice of the Holy Mass has been changed into a buffet style. So so sad. Mother Mary & Most High Son Jesus, Almighty God and Holy Spirit, I'm so sorry for offending You, by what we do and continue to do!!!! Forgive us!!! Amen.