This comment deserves its own post. I would like to address the two highlighted items.
- I am convinced of the true intentions of CCOG due to the litany of dubious and devious NCW schemes on the island, among which are: seminary property board of directors all NCW and foreigners except for a token figurehead Apuron, the conditions wherein the said legal document was "displayed at limited time and under watch" at the chancery, the attempted line up of NCW appointments during the Apostolic Visitation, defensive posture of Apuron whenever asked about the property, firing of Archdiocesan Finance Council who simply wanted the topic placed on the agenda, and so many other glaring missteps on the part of the chancery.
Please, please support CCOG! We need to know the truth! If this issue goes to court as it should, at least we have the peace of mind to know that said property has not been alienated and remains in the Agana inventory. If CCOG is proven wrong, it will desist from its quest, and Apuron is exonerated from this particular accusation. On the other hand, if the property has indeed been alienated, it has to be returned to its rightful owner. Yet as was mentioned, it should not have come to this if the Archbishop of Guam has been forthright in the first place. If he had wanted to give church property away gratis to this group, he could have come clean and even appealed to the people, etc. and see where that would have gone. For an archbishop to strong arm everyone to get what he wants is just not the right attitude and not in the right spirit as a leader.
I suspect that there is something in it for himself, for him to behave in a manner so vile as to lie to the people he was sworn to protect and uphold as a spiritual father. This betrayal is like the worst possible scenario of a father who abandons his children to fend for themselves in a dark and dangerous forest. CCOG is the "deus ex machina" that provides safety and justice for the children. Please help bring this particular issue to a close by supporting CCOG. Please.
"...if the archbishop had been forthright in the first place."
This was one of the most amazing discoveries. Attached to the DEED recorded at Land Management which conveyed title to the Yona Property to RMS, was a DECREE OF DESIGNATION "announcing" to the Archdiocese of Agana the "assignment" of the Yona Property to RMS for "perpetual use."
The word "announcing" is in quotes because that is exactly what a DECREE is supposed to be: an ANNOUNCEMENT - a public one. The only problem is: Apuron NEVER published the Decree. He recorded it with the DEED so he could say he "decreed" it, which is what he was supposed to do, but he NEVER DID: he never DECREED it!
This is one of the most staggering of deceptions in this whole long saga. Apuron knew his action required a public decree. However, because his legal counsel had advised against it and because the finance council had only recently voted against it, Apuron could not make the Decree public. So he recorded it with the DEED as if he had actually publicly decreed it!
This, more than anything, shows that Apuron knew he was deceiving us, knew he was violating church law, knew he was robbing the archdiocese of a significant portion of its patrimony, and knew he was not supposed to do any of it. Yet he did.
Here's a note to Jaqueline T. Terlaje. If what Apuron did was completely legit as you claim, then why did he not publish the decree as he was required? How about this. Even though (as of tomorrow, Nov. 21) it is four years after the fact, how about publishing the decree now? And while you're at it, publish the legal opinion you say refutes ours. We're waiting.
There is also something in the Decree that exposes the hand of Gennarini, Pius and David the VG. These thieves knew that Apuron wasn't going to be around much longer. In fact, the impetus to get Apuron to hand over the property was precipitated by his heart surgery earlier that year (2011).
Like conniving children anxious to get an aging parent to give them control of their parent's assets before it's too late, these three thieves conspired to put power over the conveyance into the hands of none other than Apuron's most useful fool: David the VG. At the very end of the Decree, after Apuron gives away the property, Apuron writes:
The reason for this is obvious. Either death or age is soon to catch up to Apuron, and Gennarini and Pius needed to make sure the property was firmly in NCW Cult-control. And now it is.
"I suspect that there is something in it for himself, for him to behave in a manner so vile as to lie to the people he was sworn to protect and uphold as a spiritual father."
The commenter is right. Everyone who knows Apuron knows that he is driven by greed and even more by a rare depraved level of narcissistic pride. Apuron has embarrassingly always fancied himself to be something more than he was.
I say "embarrassingly" because people have been embarrassed for him. It hurt to hear the man sing and think he had a voice that others wanted to hear. It hurt to watch him parade around in his "broad phylacteries" and punch his fist out for his subjects to kiss his ring. I could go on...and so could many others. (People have always been willing to forgive him for his arrogance and greed, until now. Until he began forcefully and brutally hurting his own priests.)
So there was no doubt that Apuron saw wealth, power, and a path to ecclesial rank in what Kiko Arguello was selling...since wealth, power, and ecclesial rank is exactly what Kiko Arguello sells - especially to bishops with "no clothes."
Apuron was an easy sell. But now that his deceptive deeds have been exposed and Rome has passed him over, we can now see that there is something else at work here, and maybe has always been at work.
I believe it is blackmail. And knowing what I know now. And given the written testimonies I now have in hand. And seeing to what levels of depravity Adrian and David are willing to descend, BLACKMAIL is increasingly easier to conclude.
What to do?
We've been here already. Stop putting money in the basket. EVERY BASKET! Start putting money in CCOG's basket. We must push this to the highest levels of both civil and church law. And go beyond that. Keep calling in to talk shows. Keep writing letters to the editor. Keep writing letters to Rome. Many of you know things that only you can share. Send those things to Rome (See Contact Nuncio tab at the top.) And join the LAITY FORWARD MOVEMENT, people who have the guts to stand on the street and show their face to this corrupt regime.
I hereby announce and decree that I , his Excellency Most Reverend Anthony, (Brother Tony) , hereby submit my RESIGNATION in the hope that I don't wind up in Jail . My only request is to keep Harold as my personal valet. Bye.
ReplyDeleteFailure to publish the Decree is indeed strong circumstantial evidence of the Archbishop's deceptive intentions, though he may seek to blame that on the chancery, as usual.
ReplyDeleteThe NCW Cult clearly promotes and enables an environment of wholesale corruption, greed, theft, and blackmail.
N.B. Instead of merely referring to the Neocatechumenal Way (NCW), we should use "NCW Cult". Instead of New Eucharistic Order (NEO) adherents being referred to as NEOs, a more accurate descriptor would be "NEO Cultists".
The NCW Cult and NEO Cultists are the "soil" in which the ongoing evil lives, thrives, and has its being.
Good point. Will edit.
DeleteThen stop putting money in stop bitching!!
DeleteTo accentuate the aura of ruse, deception and scam from the start….
ReplyDelete(1)The Archbishop knew that he needed the approval of the ACF to transfer the property to RMS. He knew the ACF’s position on the matter when the Chairman of AFC refused the RMS’ request on 11/8/11 to transfer the property, yet he proceeded to do the Deed of Restriction on 11/21/11 – WHY?;
(2)The firing of the AFC members who refused to tow the line - using the reason that their terms of office had expired - is blatantly a ruse; any intelligent person could read between the lines regarding the true reason for their firing;
(3)He knew he needed the permission of Rome to alienate church property valued beyond a certain amount, so he used a “deed of restriction” instead of an outright “transfer”, to get around this requirement – very obviously a ruse;
(4)He disregarded his own lawyer’s advice that any action to restrict the ownership of the property is “alienation”, and could cause serious harm to the title of the property as belonging to the Archdiocese of Agana - witness the present situation we are in;
(5)Following the discovery of the “Deed of Restriction” (kept hidden all these years, until it was exposed by CCOG - the archbishop attempted to have the donor who made the loan payoff on the property possible, complicit in a lie and implicitly approving the Deed of Restriction – the donor outrightly refused, saying to do so would not be true – it would be a lie;
(6)The opinion of the archbishop’s off-island attorney regarding the whole matter was intentionally kept from becoming public. If the opinion objectively and legally supports the archbishop’s Deed of Restriction, why hold that “truth” from the public? Something fishy – right?
(7)The “press release, op-ed piece, editorial, essay, treatise, whatever” – certainly not a legal opinion – of the archbishop’s “very trained lawyer” is so full of holes it is such an embarrassing defense of the archbishop!
Simple conclusion - the whole scenario (from its very inception) is a lie! It is a pure scam - from start to finish! And regardless of what you call it, if it sounds like a scam, if it smells like a scam, if it looks like a scam – IT IS A SCAM! – jrsa (Nov 20, 2015)
ReplyDeleteJust curious, what ever happened to the Archdiocese legal council? Atty Ed Terlaje, was he fired too? who is advising the Archdiocese in legal matters now a days? If Apuron is not taking the advise of his legal council, perhaps Mr Terlaje dismissed himself so as not to get involved in this scam.
U believe that was the case. At one of the meetings Gennarini screamed at Ed and Apuron didn't defend him. Ed had helped Apuron pro bono for 30 years.
DeleteMeant to say I believe....
DeleteI agree with stopping the money we drop in the sunday collections! I will put my money on CCOG’s legal effort to hire a professionally-skilled and experienced lawyer to assist the faithful of Guam to take back our Church from the ncw cult who free-load on the Catholic faithful,but yet look down on our culture and faith.
ReplyDeleteBy now, Jackie Terlaje must be the laughing stock of the legal community.
ReplyDeleteNo doubt she is!
DeleteThe dumbest dingbat Diana statement:
ReplyDeleteDianaNovember 21, 2015 at 6:49 AM
Dear Anonymous at 12:39 am,
Some are jealous because they want the Archbishop to pay more attention to them.
You're not surprised are you? They only know how to do "Dumb"
DeleteOh I imagine someone is "jealous because they want the Archbishop to pay more attention to them" - Cashee.
DeleteDingbat Diana can keep her archbishop. Nothing to be jealous about when in fact he's a total failure and a disgrace to the Church. We don't even want him around us.
DeleteDianarrhea is putting her foot in mouth again, It is not about getting attention from Aupron that is the concern. Hell, he never paid attention to the sheep to begin with. He was never a spiritual Father, Leader, Shepherd, Teacher, except in title. The crux of the matter is he is not setting a good example for the flock, and by his scandalous actions is causing many to leave the Lords fold, or are being lost for all eternity. I cannot say that he is walking in the footsteps of Christ, He is not gathering but dividing, not building up but tearing down, Not looking out for others but himself, not giving to the poor but taking from the poor for himself, He is not humble but proud and loves the lime light, the exposure of being in high places, of having his photos in front cover of news paper and print media, taking credit for the hard work of others, he basks in the life of luxury, and drives expensive cars, does not nurture a spiritual simple life, but a life of materialism, and desire for money. Why on earth should we be jealous of these Diana? While these materialistic, tangible riches appear to be Apuron's goals and desires, they are in fact vanity for whatever these things serve him here on earth is nothing comaparable to eternal life holds in the life to come. The questtion is where does he want to spend it in. His actions are very telling. "To him that is given more, more is expected of him."
DeleteWithin the first two years after his installation as Archbishop, the simple ranch style residence that housed the late Archbishop Flores and his guest Saint JPII was transformed. Central Air was installed and the simple kitchen was renovated. Luxury living for a single man who once professed to serve a life of poverty. His motto of serves tuus (your servant) became questioned after this 180 degree change from his life style change... Always had two brand new Lexus in the carport while his fellow priests and sheep did not have anything near to having one. 30 years later and he continues to be full of himself because no one ever dared to touch him.... Sad times to be Catholic in Guam....
DeleteHe should change "Servus tuus" to "servientes mihi" meaning serving myself.
DeleteEileen Benavente-Blas
Dear Lay Faithful of the Archdiocese of Agaña and the Diocese of Chalan Kanoa and all Dioceses throughout Oceania and CEPAC! Happy Feast Day of the PRESENTATION of the Blessed Virgin Mary! Please sing aloud the SALVE REGINA today and always! Be like Santa Maria! We have 17 good days ahead of our special Feast of the Immaculada! The Nobena to Our Lady begins on November 30th, 2015! Please join Church Universal on that Day to begin that practice of joyful anticipation of December 25th, 2015! May the Christ Child lead us onwards to celebrate OUR Paschal Mystery! In the Joyful, Sorrowful, Glorious and Luminous mysteries of OUR LADY'S journey, may we find God's abundant mercy for all the world! There is plenty to look forward too in the coming days! May we always give Thanks to God for the many blessings we have received! As Christians witnessing for all the world to see, may our lives testify to the Saving Power of God through Christ Jesus, Our Master, Our Savior, and Our Lord, In and With the UNITY of the Holy Spirit forevermore! May the Holy Innocents and Holy Martyrs intercede for us with ALL the Saints and Angels of Heaven! Keep looking with HOPE in the threshold of our lives and believe in miracles from up above! I hope to see you at Mass and in joyfully celebrating the Sacraments of the Church! RE-TREAT and SURRENDER to the LOVE of the CROSS of JESUS who is, who was, and is to come! Amen! Alleluia! I do believe! May our Mother, Maria, teach us today of remaining humble and faithful to our Baptismal Promises! Remember to pray for all people and never cease in praying for all souls! I'll keep you all in prayer and hope you keep me in yours! Hasso' O Bithen I Famaguon-mu, ya chålao i Abe, Abe, Abe Maria! Give your heart to Jesus, Mary, and Joseph and submit yourself to the Holy Will of God, who is our Destiny! Thank you for all you do for the Church and remember to walk gently and humbly for the Lord!
ReplyDeleteIf the archbishop has a conscience, he must be suffering from insomnia. How can he sleep at night knowing he has sold out the archdiocese to his Neo handlers? The devil comes in many forms.
ReplyDeleteEileen Benavente-Blas
Eileen, Eileen, how could Apuron ever suffer from insomnia? Far from it, my dear. He is in the enfolding arms of his presbyter Harold, far from the attention he gets on the island of Guam. Now is his time to enjoy the fruits of the $200.00 per plate "gayla" that people contributed money towards. How can we even think for a minute that he cares about us now, when he has never done so in the past? He must be proud of himself for getting away with so much of his deceptions and BS in order to please Kikoway. We are left with the problems and the bills, and no doubt will assess our parishes for the deficiencies of the neo-Cathedral and his presbyter factory when he returns. Insomnia, hah! None of that guilt trip as he stuffs his mouth with caviar, red wine, lobsters, and who knows what else, that comes along with his faithful Colombian presbyter valet.
DeleteAnd jealous of his attention? We could not care less for someone who has ignored us for so long. In fact we find him so detestable that we would rather see him somewhere else away from Guam rather than see him gloat over his excesses here. A 70-year old bishop who jets off with presbyter escorts, who indulges himself with every imaginable pleasure, who mistreats those who work hard in the Church, who does not have respect for basic decency and reasonable people, who is clueless to the struggles of individual parishes, who recites canned homilies and appoints someone else to write official Church declarations, who squelches local vocations and pampers castoff seminarians from other countries, who lies to us for his own ends,so many more reasons to soon forget his taking the helm of a once-flourishing diocese due to the hard work and example of the late Archbishop Flores. No, Dianarrhea, watch your mouth, its hemorrhaging kikokaka again. Stick to the facts and to the issue, not what your responsible is telling you to spout off.
Well said, except for your admonition to Dianarrhea. She is not "hemorrhaging kikokaka again." She has never hemorrhaged anything but. And facts? Surely you jest.
DeleteTim, Thank you for the excellent chronology of events surrounding the facts of the transfer of title of the former Accion Hotel property to a separate corporation outside the umbrella of the Archbishop of Agana, Corporation Sole. It was very easy to read and follow.
ReplyDeleteWow! I am dumbfounded. . . and my jaw has dropped a foot to my chest. . . and my eyeballs are ready to pop out of their sockets!! I commend you for your research and I applaud CCOG for taking on this project of getting our property back to where it rightfully belongs under the Archbishop of Agana, Corporation Sole. Let's give them financial support to finish this work! May the Holy Spirit guide and help us remove this cancer of the NCW cult from our Catholic community here on Guam and the Northern Marianas.
eilleen benavente- blas------- look in the mirror at 8:36 AM
ReplyDeleteJust a general comment about posting anonymously. First I appreciate anyone who puts their name to their comments. Thank you. Second, I understand why a good many don't. There's good reason. Kiko has thugs. Most of the intel that has enabled our side to make its case has come from people who if their identity were known could not have helped us. Sometimes there is good reason to be the Scarlet Pimpernel...or Clark Kent.