Thursday, May 19, 2016


DianaMay 18, 2016 at 2:47 PMDear Anonymous at 11:08 am,  
Have you also noticed in today's post how he has the media there with him as he hands over his letter to the Archdiocese. Never have I seen a victim of sexual abuse wanting media coverage.
The brood of Vipers need media attention.
J. BautistaMay 18, 2016 at 6:38 PM 
Quintanilla said he’s ready to defend his “honor”.....yes honor appears to be more important than the "truth".

Dear "Diana" (though I know your real name), and J.Bautista. Roy did not ask for media coverage. I DID. In fact, Roy was not going to be public about this at all. It was my idea that his going public could help others who were also victims. Roy knew the cost of going public. Roy knew that assholes like you would try to slime and slander him as you are doing here. But Roy is not a subhuman roach like the two of you. Roy is a person who fought off the urges to take his own life brought on by what Apuron did to him. Roy is a person who overcame the horrors and confusion of what Apuron did to him. Roy is a person who stood up to the demons Apuron inserted into his soul and fought on because his younger down syndrome brother needed someone to take care of him. And while you "Diana" still hide behind your cowardly pseudonym and throw stones at Roy, Roy is a person who can be believed and embraced. Roy is going to win, Diana. You and the pathetic little J.Bautista are going out with the trash that is Apuron. 

So your move, freaks. Let's get this suit you are threatening rolling. What are you waiting for? Time to hide more assets at RMS? 


  1. John Bautista does not know what the hell he is saying, Can a man be honorable, if he is a liar? Honor comes from being truthful. Perhaps He should question the fact that Apuron and his NCW followers have been proven to lie and be deceitful time after time. This is where you will not find any honorable persons. John, Think before you speak.

  2. Honor and truth go together. Dishonor and lies is your f__king archbishop. Now go to him and kiss his ass. How dare you put down Mr. Roy.

  3. We knew that the Diana of this world would come out and slander the victim. This is what cowards do.

    They slandered the young girl that Luis took to the beach.
    They slandered Monsignor James and Father Paul.
    They slandered Joe Lastimoza and his familly. (viciously at that)
    They continue to slander all the Catholics that do not walk with their sick sect.

    Still despite this knowledge and forewarning, you cannot not feel discomfort and nausea about this brazen display of viciousness and hypocrisy.

  4. Yes John Bautista go kiss your brother tony's ass. He might still be at paseo crying his ass off.

  5. Clergy meeting at RMS today

  6. DianaMay,

    Did you ever notice how the Arch never speaks to the media without a prepared statement? Did you ever notice how you all lied about Father Paul, Monsignor James and baby Luis? Did you notice that you turned a Catholic Cathedral to a Jewish Temple? Of course not! Liars and protestant/ Jews are what your Neos are but you wouldn't be able to recognize the truth if it fell on you. Not to worry because the truth will set you free or at least get the big boy booted out. Then your next!

  7. "ASSHOLE" Tim found himself an actor, I saw No :''''( could it be all that donation money,

    1. LOL Rud-ee. You're next.

    2. Rudy...the locals will hammer your sorry ass. You're going to get what you deserve.

    3. What donation liar money ??

    4. Better keep a firm grip on that cane when it get's kicked from your hands you sorry case for a priest.

  8. @1:18pm - your the biggest "ASSHOLE" of them all! Pathetic is what you are, you are so blind sided! Wake up dumbass!

    1. He's just blind. Blind to the Truth, Blind to the Faith, Blind to his Vow. He's no priest. He's just an old blind man looking for love in all the wrong places. He should look for it at San Ramon, but then again, he's just an old man and we all know that Tony like's them young and especially those that can't speak English.
