Wednesday, June 1, 2016



A press conference is being held by concerned Catholics about the Archdiocese. from Undercover Neo on Vimeo.


  1. Thank you Deacon Martinez for saying that you are hurt because our church leader is saying these brave people are liars. That goes for all of us too. We are the church. The accusation is towards just one person. I don't think there is enough money in the world to pay Ms. Doris Concepcion to lie and lie using her son's name who has passed away in the process. No, it is not the Church that is accused here.

  2. Just watched the video. Absolutely riveting and powerful. Thank you Deacon Steve. You are a blessing to our island.

  3. Thank you, Deacon Martinez, for showing us the letters you wrote to the ArchBishop and for explaining to us what the weaknesses are with the existing policies. I am encouraged and my resolve is strengthened to protest and insist that the ArchBishop RESIGN immediately!

  4. If YOU have any concern about the issues making the news media these past few weeks, the is a MUST SEE-MUST LISTEN TO interview. Talk to your family, relatives, friends and anyone else to do the same. You don't have to try to convince them; let Deacon Martinez do that for you, and for us. Send it to your family, friends, relatives living in the Mainland and elsewhere, so they can know what is happening to our Church in Guam. Copy-paste the link, and send it to them. I intend to do the very same.
    Wake up (fan magmato, taotao Guam)! Stop letting others do the job -do your share. I intend to do the same.

  5. Deacon Martinez you're a disgrace PERIOD!! you're not even ''Chamorro''

    1. Anon@2:33 PM. That has nothing to do with the story you Kikobot. Why don't you start drinking your Kiko Kool Aid because the time has come for Apuron the pedophile and the rest of his cronies (including you) to step down. The NCW is going down and it's going down HARD!! God bless Guam!! BIBA KATOLIKU, BIBA!!

    2. Deacon Martinez is a true catholic who did an exceptional job as the Archdiocese Sexual Abuse Response Coordinator (SARC) in his efforts to protect the innocent victims of Sexual Abuse. His assignment came to a close because he spoke the truth about how the current policy is weak. What has the current SARC, NEO-Cult Deacon for sure for sure done to protect the victim? Nothing but threats of a law suite and canonical procedures. For your information; ArchNEO Cult Anthony Sablan Apuron has already excommunicated himself disobeying the directives of both Pope Benedict and Pope Francis. God bless Guam!! BIBA KATOLIKU, BIBA!!

    3. Anon@2:33 so what if his not even a Chamorro? You are certainly a stupid person.

    4. LOL. Not Chamorro? Like the piece of crap from Malta and the pile of excrement from Brazil who are running the Archdiocese are?

    5. Hey Jack A$$! Since when is it only a "Chamorro" can speak up for the true Church of the People. If your a NEOnut, you surely don't have a Chamorro speaking for you! Hmmm, a Filipino Arch-Bishop; A Filipino Chancellor, A Brazilian Monkey, A Putrid Priest....somo na Chamorro hao!

    6. @2:33
      Really? He's not chamorro? To expound the TRUTH no matter the issue is not exclusive any ethnic group. We are blessed to have a well-respected man like Deacon Martinez come forward to explain how he tried to help the Arch do what is right, only to get slapped in the face with a letter removing and replacing him as the diocese's SAR Coordinator! In comparison, our born-and-raised Chamorro Archbishop is accused of sexually abusing altar boys, and you are honestly saying that you are proud of the way he has conducted himself as the spiritual leader of our diocese? You are blindly naive! I will say a prayer for you.

    7. Anon, 2:33 what does being Chamorro have to do with the truth? Is Pius Chamorro? Uduvaldo? Harold? The Lost Boy at the Cathedral? The presbyter at Merizo / Umatac. How many of the soon to be fake priest are Chamorro? Logic escapes you doesn't it? Deacon Steve is trying to protect the children of Guam. Who are you trying to protect? The only disgrace is that too many "Chamorro's" are still on the sidelines and letting honest people like Deacon Steve take all the crap from the hill for them. Deacon Steve is a brave and honest person and I for one am honored to be his friend. We need more "non-Chamorro's" like Deacon Steve or there would be more like you who are more than willing to sell their souls. Biba Deacon Steve!!!

    8. Don't forget the current SARC, he is also Tagalo for sure for sure Claros. A bunch of neo crap.

    9. Not being "Chamorro" is irrelevant. Guam is home to those who call it home--it's not trademarked to Chamorros.

  6. Janet B - MangilaoJune 1, 2016 at 3:16 PM

    Thanks for making an idiot of yourself Anon 2:33PM.

    But rational people wiil see that the point is really this.

    Tony Apuron is part Chamorro, and HE is a disgrace to our race. He has sold us out for another foreign invader. He has lied repeatedly about what is really happening. And we now find out that the darkest deed of all is raping untold numbers of our young boys.

    The name Apuron is a disgrace, and I feel sorry for anyone who has to carry that burden.

  7. He really needs to step aside. It is sad, yet We are fortunate for all who are willing to stick their heads out and fight for the truth and our faith. Praying for all.

  8. Janet B - MangilaoJune 1, 2016 at 3:53 PM

    The Archbishop says just let it be,
    I'm in charge, no one can touch me.
    Then along came a Deacon,
    He shows the policy weaken.
    Oh when will the truth set us free?

  9. 2:33 - Deacon Martinez is trying to protect our children. What does "being a Chamorro" have to do with protecting our children? But if you want to use that analogy, then you must be a roach.

  10. FR. Matthew Blockley.June 1, 2016 at 4:04 PM

    Thankyou Deacon Martinez for your honesty and integrity. I greatly respect you.

  11. Janet B - MangilaoJune 1, 2016 at 4:26 PM

    The Church has a gash that's infected,
    Says the Deacon who is well respected.
    The leaders conniving,
    their lies always thriving;
    in our actions they will be rejected!

    What the good deacon didn't say is the one way to get rid of the monster Apuron. Cut off the money. Get rid of the money and the kiko-scourge will quickly leave for greener pastures.

    So, this Sunday, instead of tucking cash in a collection envelope, put a letter to the Promoter of Justice at the Vatican!

  12. FR. Matthew Blockley.June 1, 2016 at 4:37 PM

    Tim i observed Deacon Martinez said the policy protected Archbishop and those around him. Did i understand this correctly?

  13. Let me start the rebuttal speech and memo, "Because of another malicious and calumnious accusation against the Archbishop for his inadequacies of the current sexual assault reporting policies.......the church will sue......"

  14. No one can touch me, EXCEPT IF ITS PERSONAL. TONY, this is personal.


    1. Sense it is becoming personal!

  15. Thank you, Deacon Steve for your honesty amidst all the lies, coverup and hiding. What is making me sad and angry is the deafening silence from our clergy, government leaders, social agencies that should be protecting the rights and innocence of children. Now is the time to be more vocal and discuss sexual abuse of children. Let's have more exposure and discussions in the media, the schools and the communities. This is not just a problem in the church but reflects the typical male dominance and male power and control issues in the community at large. Mothers, families and elders, STOP being quiet and covering up for your priests, husbands, fathers, uncles, grandfathers, coworkers, pares, and friends. Speak up! Protect your innocent children! Let's have open dialogue and learned discourse about sexual predators, sexual grooming, sexting, sexual attitudes and mores and what constitutes sexual abuse. Talk to your children openly about sex. Teach them about boundaries and how to say, "NO!" Stay close to them and know what's happening in their lives. Let's get those experts out in ALL the schools to start those discussions. SILENT NO MORE!!!

    1. Excellent point, F. Leon Guerrero. Everyone says "the children are the future." Are they? If they are we need to protect them or the future is in jeopardy.

  16. Deacon Steve, thank you for sharing the TRUTH!

    To 2:33pm:If not being a Chamorro is a disgrace, then we’d like to know why you aren’t chasing away and castigating Pius, Edivaldo, the neocathecumenal seminarians, the so-called missionary families and the neo hierarchy on Guam!

    Clearly Kiko who is the founder of the neocathecumenal way is not a Chamorro. Definitely the Gennarini’s who live in New Jersey are not either; yet, they all call the shots for Guam, by-passing and over-stepping Apuron’s, Quitugua the rector’s, and Adrian’s bare-bones authority they ever had since the neo aliens invaded our island!

  17. Deacon Steve, thank you for standing up for the truth and protecting our Children as well as the Church. Sometimes you got to step out and take a stand for what is right. God Bless:)

  18. It's time for the rest of the clergy to stand up and say their peace as well. Pal'e's ? Tommy Tanaka is still waiting? Don't worry the people will protect you from that guy on the Hill. courage!

  19. Did you ever notice how no children ever go near him??

  20. Where is Brother Ton?! Is he being sheltered by Kiko in one of the space ships??

  21. Even if all those gigolos attending the seminary in Yona but their brains together, they won't match Deacon Martinez. They don't even have brains to know what is right for civilization. Even the gorilla that was shot saving that young kid had brains. Bring it on boys....or dogs!

  22. Sexual abuse does not discriminate with Ethniciry. Nor does drug or Alcohol. It is about CHOICE! AAA made his choice long ago and it now comes back to haunt him.

  23. you foreigners and suck ass Chamorro, just leave.

    1. Whatever. Ignore him. If anonymous at 5:43pm had any gonads at all, there'd be a name there. But like all demonic attacks, it's from malice, not sincerity. So whatever. Fruit from the poisoned tree.

  24. A very good press conference.
    A dignified and professional attitude.
    Sticking to the facts. Highlighting the real issues and the contradictions.

    An even tone. A strong believable statement, by a man of integrity, who denounce the moral turpitude of the failed leader of our Church, not based on his personal feelings, but on the facts and nothing but the facts.

    Deacon Steve did not fall into the sensational or the easy associations. He stuck to the fact, clearly, simply and without malice.
    I wish we had more priests and deacons like him.
    He is aware of the risk of retaliations, but believes the truth sets us free, in that he could not be more right.

    The comparison with the Chancery "officials" and statements is absolutely glaring.

    Thank you Deacon Steve.

  25. Janet B - MangilaoJune 1, 2016 at 6:29 PM

    Pnc - Deacon for sure for sure says no comment.

    How can you comment when you know you are wrong?

    Easy - say you're sorry and you're going to work to make it right and help those who were wronged.

    Why can't the idiots at the Chancery figure this out? Instead their lies, attacks, and silly allegations just puts them closer to the fiery furnace so people are openly rooting for.


  26. I was going to respond to Anon 2:33 but I thought to myself.....doesn't Anonymous mean "impersonal?" This means to me that to respond to the stupid comment, "it" made, I'd be spitting into the wind. So, forget about it. It's mind over matter....I don't mind because "stupid" don't matter.

  27. Deacon Steve Martinez showed us all today what "adult faith" is all about.

    1. Adult faith but not evangelized ; ) . Heard him say he doesn't know anything about NCW. Really, Steve?

    2. He didn't say that, did he. Really 9:09?

  28. CĂ©sar González, Preston Perez, Kenneth O’Reilly, and Victor Vitung: please reconsider your decision to be ordained to the transitional diaconate this Saturday. It can wait.

    1. Is this the same "Spineless" Victor Vitug who's dad was a math teacher and he attended FD while eating cans of corn for lunch everyday? If so, hold-on, he probably passed the psyc test to NEO standards. Protect yourselves if he to be a presbyter near you!


  29. Now that's what a Deacon should be all about. Unfortunately, six RMS seminarians are again on a fast track to priestly ordination. It’s amazing how Tony can allow himself to be manipulated to ordain these individuals. I guess the only requirement to be ordained in Guam nowadays is to follow the Way and convince Pius the Putrid that you have been predetermined to become the salt and the light of the Church. That’s why the following Permanent Deaconate Program candidates, even after four years of intense preparation and a lifetime of Church ministry, have yet to be ordained: Gregorio T. Calvo (Our Lady of Lourdes, Yigo); Ireneo J. Dela Cruz, Jose S.N. Gumataotao, Romeo M. Hernandez, Joaquin A. Torre, and Kosme K. Sos (Santa Barbara, Dededo); John S.A. Fernandez (Our Lady of Guadalupe, Santa Rita); Huan Hosei (Immaculate Heart of Mary, Toto); Rodolfo Que (St. Anthony, Tamuning); George C. Quitugua (Santa Teresita, Mangilao); Anthony F. Reyes (San Dimas, Merizo); and John C. Terlaje (San Francisco de Asis, Yona). These candidates have completed a strict developmental plan for Permanent Deaconate ordination. Their only fault is that they have yet to accept the doctrinal errors of Kiko. Let's have more deacons like Deacon Steve Martinez. Stop all contributions to the Archdiocese now! Instead, help us stop the cancer in our Church by sending your contributions to me at Gerald Taitano, CCOG Treasurer, P.O. Box 274, Hagatna, Guam 96932.

    1. Also please donate to the Carmelite Nuns at:
      Carmelite Nuns
      P.O. Box 315225
      Tamuning Guam 96931
      They need help!!!

    2. Excellent points, Gerry.

      I talked to a very reliable source, someone who has been in consecrated life for 52 years. She described the formation process for her community. Someone on a "fast track" would need approximately 8 or 9 years of discernment, study and work to reach the point of taking final vows. That is a LOT of time and effort. However it is necessary to ensure the person is making the right decision.

      How long or short is the formation time for RMS seminarians? How does this compare to the average or "fast track" in other seminaries?

      When you seek medical services do you look for the doctor who has had the least amount of education and experience? "I finished med school in four months. Please let me perform you open heart surgery! I can offer a very affordable fee. Full payment is required before the operation. No refunds."

    3. Speaking of ordinations, I hear the ordination scheduled for June 4th is cancelled! I heard it from a neo.

  30. Janet B - MangilaoJune 1, 2016 at 10:13 PM

    Amen Gerald. I know Deacon Steve wanted to say more when asked what can people do, but he still has to be careful not to totally cross the line. But we can say it.


  31. Wonder if he asked seminarians for sex in exchange for ordination?

    1. That's sex favors in the bank, baby.

    2. Payable on demand?

      Sexual favors are a preferred currency among those seeking to cover up prior or ongoing sexual perversions.

      Usually hidden from public view in the form of “assistance” to His Excellency in conjunction with the latter’s extensive worldwide travels? Sometimes enroute to or from the first hometown Mass of a newly ordained NCW-Cult presbyter? With the Archbishop in First Class?

      BTW, on such triumphal tours, does Brother Tony obtain permission of the local ordinary to celebrate Mass there? Or even notify that bishop he is visiting the diocese?

    3. Yes, he does. Like May said, he is the Archbishop. And he knows what he is doing.

  32. It is the Archbishop who decides whether an investigation is warranted. The Archbishop, who is the accused, denied all allegations. By denying, he has also decided that no investigation is warranted.

    1. Ebet you are right on the money.
      In this unique case, of Ubuesque dimension, the Archbishop stands as the Accused, the Investigator, the Judge and the Jury.
      Only people who are Deaf, Blind and Stupid cannot see that.
      They suffer of a new syndrome first diagnosed on Guam the DBS.

      As for the Archbishop instead of AAA he should be known as the AAIJJ, which sounds like the whimper made by his victims.

  33. This situation facing our Church is emotional, embarrassing and gut wrenching. People are upset, angry, hurt and befuddled by what is happening and it has caused wide spread division among our people. The emotional pain runs deep and you, Archbishop, have a moral obligation to defuse this chaos and madness by stepping aside to let due process take place. At the same time, you can take whatever steps you deem necessary to prove your claim of innocence. Threatening law suits and calling the accusers liars only heightens raw emotions.
    Archbishop, these are very serious accusations. Why can’t you see that if indeed you are innocent, as claimed, then you MUST step down for the process to move forward? Silence from you and your refusal to step down from your seat of power only hi-lights what most people on Guam already believe, that you are desperately grasping on to the last vestiges of the life you coveted, and lied for and sinned for. A life full of perks and accolades that went along with the title. Stepping aside is the right, just and moral thing to do. But instead, you dig your heels in and your office cronies and NEO brethren assign blame to everyone else but good Brother Tony. Are the fancy cars, luxury travel, fine food and drink, and pleasures of the flesh worth your soul? I pity you Archbishop and I pray for you. It’s not too late to do the right thing, but one of these days, it will be.

  34. I am grateful to Deacon Martinez for taking a stand. I have so many emotions that I cannot begin to find peace with it all or to find the words to express them.

    Has the Clergy reached out to the victims and their families? Isn't this what the policy states should be happening? This is what the commandments call us to do. Love our neighbor as ourselves.

    So much from Father Adrian and Waldo on defending the Archbishop. So much concern for the Archbishop and nothing for victims, their families and US the faithful.
    It is very hard to continue to read the accounts and stories from the victims and their families. My heart aches for them, I am saddened to the point of crying. I find that I cannot focus on our local church without hearing these things over and over again. And I wait and wait for someone to help us, to come out and guide us. We are left to blogs (which I appreciate)to share our feelings and find some peace or comfort or a means to make sense of it all.

    Archbishop, who claims to love us, his people, is not doing anything to spare us the hurt and pain of what is happening. If he loves us as he has repeatedly claimed, then one would think that he would do all in his power to spare us. It makes you feel as if he has never loved us.
    Father Adrian, you are supposed to speak on behalf of us, the faithful who are at this point "sheep without a shepherd." When you speak on behalf of the Archdiocese, you should be speaking on our behalf and not the Archbishop. Your comments should reflect assistance for victims and families, outreach for the community. We desperately need to feel like there is someone who cares for the victims, their families and us and how all of this is affecting us. The island church need to hear from our Clergy...that we will get through all this...We need to know that they do not all support the Archbishops position and comments...We need to know that they will help us heal from this, cope with it and the damage is has caused. We all live on this island, and will continue to do so when this is all said and resolved. Life will continue at the parish level. You will all have to face us on Sundays and at daily masses. Someone needs to take the lead and help us all come together and get through this.

    Perhaps this does not make sense to the followers on this blog. It is so hard to write how you feel when everyday there is a new emotion, another story, another tear and more pain. I do believe the victims and their families and I am sure what I am feeling is nothing in comparison to what they are going through. That in itself, is the greater pain. God Bless Us!

  35. George C. Quitugua (Santa Teresita, Mangilao); Just to comment and highlight on Gerald Taitano June 1 2016 @9:33PM--George C. Quitugua who is a resident of Mangilao is the brother of the VG David C. Quitugua. Kind of makes one wonder why the VG would not allow his brother, George to be indoctrinated into the diaconate as he has fulfilled his studies to be a permanent deacon. I guess VG David does not want his brother George to "FOLLOW IN THE WAY". I know that VG David's family, relatives and friends of Mangilao and elsewhere are astounded (may not be the word I want to use) that the VG David would allow these incidents to happen and not say anything about it. Let us all pray that VG David will do the right thing for himself and all the CATHOLIC FAITHFUL who have chosen to be silent. St Michael the Archangel Defend us in Battle.

  36. David the VA has really failed in his responsibility of advising the bishop and is complicit in allowing the abuse by the NCW to exist and continue to propagate it's heretical teachings in Guam Catholic Church.

    1. David VG, the consummate weakling.

    2. You Rang? Sorry I was napping.....

    3. You, rangggg? Cute, but This Lurch never answers his phone. Fact check

    4. t least the real Lurch served others.

    5. We are beyond prayers for VG; he is beyond lost, I remember in the 80's when he was a seminarian teaching in San Vicente, trying to handle a bunch of us 7th graders he would stress-out, leave the classroom get a substitute to fill-in for the rest of the class period and not show up for the rest of the week. Same M.O....Sad, excuse for a MAN!

    6. David the Vee Gee, Arch does not appreciate your services. Whatever led you to follow Putrid without question??? Not going to end well, my man.
