Yes. The kikos love to kiss the ass of their bishop, but when something doesn't go their way they then stab him in the back and run to their friend Cardinal Felony. If they do that again I hope Guam attorney Lujan uses that as the excuse to join the Vatican into all the lawsuits since Rome is now intimately involved with Guam affairs. This and the guilty verdict against Apuron to be released soon will be death nails into the rotting kiko coffin on Guam. Plug your noses cause the rotten flesh will not give up easily, but they are definitely doomed!
Hope supportwill be offered for those poor guys. They're far from home and must wonder what will happen. They're so locked away. I'm concerned. archbishop said there are 20 of them.
Don't worry about the spoiled brats in Yona. They travel the world like rich globetrotter elite. They can use their one pass elite miles to get wherever they go after here. No worries, just go!
Yes. I hope the transition team sends them somewhere that United flies so they dont lose their elite status and all those miles. Nobody needs to worry about them, they are innocent seminarians who will be taken care of. Look at Lickin' Luis. If they take care of criminals like that, they will surely take care of their "innocent lambs"
If vocations of RMS students are genuinely inspired by the Holy Spirit and are willed by God, He will provide respectable seminary placement for them and they will become honorable priests.
There are several legitimate diocesan seminaries in Australia, the Philippines and on the US Mainland where RMS students can go...if they receive good recommendations from Bp. Byrnes. Failing that, other RMS heretic factories throughout the world will admit them.
Hopefully, Bp. Byrne's has learned the difference between decent priests and career criminals like Adrian.
Thank you Lord, tim and everyone else who have been praying for justice and moving forward to restoring our church on this island. RMS may have started with good intentions but had unattainable goals for such a tiny island. But the big picture was that the NEOS were trying to change the Catholic Church, all while being greedy.
The fruits, the fruits. We will certainly hear a lot about the fruits! Take your fruits, hoist them on your head, and fly on down to Ipenema! Egivaldo wants to suck those fruits.
Hallelujah! Big score for our new Shepherd. I wish it was done way earlier, but I respect the fact that he used time as an ally to make sure the right thing was done. PDN reports that it is "not a sustainable model for Guam".
True, what are we doing in our little island hosting a seminary for a bunch of guys from other places, who will go on mission elsewhere? It really makes no sense, so I'm glad our new bishop said so.
But I also hear the quality of classes was in shambles. No big surprise there. Look at the products they have turned out from there. Michael Jucatan can't even be sent somewhere on mission he is so helpless. His homilies still have no redeeming quality to them.
Then you have the billygoat who is just plain mental, maybe bi-polar. He forgets where he is in his homilies and rambles around. And he thinks Purgatory is hell with lots of suffering and darkness. But he thinks all people will eventually end up in heaven.
Then you have the wacko Fabio who sees statues marching along the aisle of Our Lady of Guadalupe. And let us not forget the OJ and his perverse language of how boys want to treat us. I guess licking Luis is a student of his!
The guys from RMS Yona are misfits. The only good neos I have heard about all came from elsewhere...Newark or Japan.
A friend of mine was saying that the formation is so bad in Yona that Junee Valencia went to St Patricks thinking he only had one year left. Thats what RMS Yona told him. But he doesn't plan on being ordained now until 4 more years because the formation in Guam is so messed up.
If it is that way for Junee you can be sure it is that way for all those poor guys trapped inside the horrid halls of RMS Yona. It makes you want to pity the poor bastards in Yona...Archbishop Byrnes is actually doing them a favor by forcing them to go elsewhere. Lets hope wherever they land, the formation is far superior than the trash they have learned here.
But then again, if that idiot priest who taught our deacons that Christ is a sinner roams from RMS to RMS, then all NCW presbyters should be pitied.
Thank you Archbishop Byrnes for finally showing us what a leader is supposed to do. We support you. Now, once Apurun is found guilty of serial crimes and chased out of the Church, it will have to be time for me and my family to start giving back to the Church what we have been holding back.
Questions are, after the seminarians are sent to other RMS seminaries, will the Archdiocese be responsible for supporting them like those in Menlo? Will they return to Guam to be ordained here?
Agreed Anon 4:25. Once these guys leave Guam they will belong to some other poor bishop to deal with. If Byrnes wants to retain any of them, which I doubt, they will go to St Pat's to get a proper formation, and hopefully an exorcism to drive out Kiko from their soul. But if they go to St Pat's they will actually have to qualify...H.S. diploma, english proficiency, basic college degree. Doubtful that any could pass a real screening exam. So these poor robots will end up going to another RMS where they will be accepted "just as they are", faults, perversions, and all.
Byrnes is being quite charitable when he says it is not a sustainable model. What he should have said was that it was a totally failed model. One professor teaches that Christ is a sinner. An anthropology professor at UOG dabbles pert time in trying to teach theology at RMS. Gennarini wants a degree in theology so that makes him qualified to teach at RMS. David Lurch, the sickly, actually has a degree in a relevant field, canon law. But even his qualifications are doubtful since it took him 8 years to get a 3 year degree. Rumors are that he got a sympathy graduation just so they didn't have to see him anymore in Rome. And he's always sick so rarely actually at class. it is not sustainable because the professors are flawed, and many of the students are flawed. So we have come to expect second rate priests from a second rate seminary in Yona. At least the three men going to S Patrick Seminary have a chance at a real education.
It will be interesting to find out if any reputable Non-RMS seminary will accept these seminarians from RMS Yona, without asking them to start their studies all over again. Or, if these seminarians will pass any type of proficiency test for the subjects claimed to have been studied at RMS Yona.
Anon miss the point. The guys in Yona won't have to go to real non-neo seminaries. they'll go to another RMS where they will be accepted carte blanc. Remember their favorite rallying cry "Jesus loves me just the way I am" i.e. Stupid is as stupid does!
Isn't that what happened to one of our guys who went to St Patricks. I heard he had to practically start over again because the courses he took at Yona were such a joke and waste of time. Can someone verify this? It was supposed to be the guy who was in the longest, but I dont know his name.
Yes. His name is Junee Valencia. He had to start over again after years of being in our fake seminaries - and that includes the JP2 "seminary" of which Junee was a part of. We should look back at the clergy who were part of the JP2 ruse as well. Maybe I will.
Well, folks. Get ready for the NCW to come out full force with their usual rhetoric. I walked in the Way for almost 4 years, we got got the NCW company line almost every week. "The closer you get to God the more they will persecute you. So Archbishop Byrnes is obviously persecuting those poor men in Yona. But the actual crime is forcing these men to stay in a seminary they do not want to attend. And it is not because they see the problems with classes as some have speculated. Some of these men just do not want to be priests but they don't know how to get out of it.One seminarian in my community said he wanted to leave in one of our gospel echoes. He was quickly told by our presbyter that it was the devil tempting him. To leave the seminary would be to leave Jesus. He stayed in the RMS but I doubt he is a happy priest based on his attitude to parishioners. Then there was the seminarian we all knew had a special spot in Archbishop Apuron's heart, Daniel. He wanted to leave but wasn't able to. He finally got his family back home to secretly purchase a ticket and he snuck away from the seminary in the dark of night, never to be seen again. The Archbishop was heart-broken. I think Archbishop Michael should investigate whether the seminarians have their passport taken away so they cannot escape. A Guam radio spot by the Attorney General calls this slavery, and I think that is happening here on Guam. I was already out of the NCW by the time Fr Michael was ordained, but I have heard that the Archbishop did not think he was ready, but a power struggle broke out and he had to ordain him. So many former community members will certainly cry persecution at this news, but it seems to make sense to me why the RMS had to be closed. This month will be a very tough month for all NCW members. First the RMS pride and joy will be gone from Guam forever. And we will most likely hear very soon that the second pride and joy of NCW Guam will be gone forever. Once the verdict of the trial is announced these two jewels will have been robbed from them. I remember the great pride we all felt when the Archbishop lavished so much attention upon us. How we were given such opportunities as World Youth Day. He was such a powerful man, but he was also ours. We could approach him so easily, and he was always so loving to us. This was a special treat for us that gave us strength through "teh persecutions". And now those in the Way will have nothing. A failed seminary as a legacy, and a disgraced bishop who was once the apple of their eye. It will definitely be a dark October for the NCW and its dwindling numbers of followers.
Wow. What news! I was surprised at the phrase "unsustainable model for Guam". I thought the ad hoc report released a year ago made it clear that faculty, curriculum, and costs were the big problems. I guess the Archbishop is taking an easy road by just saying unsustainable. It is afterall, a sign of political correctness of our times. Had he said the truth that the seminary is a complete failure, feelings of those working at RMS would have been hurt, and we can't have the truth attempt to hurt feelings. Besides those at RMS, by admitting the RMS was a failure from the get go, he would have also hurt the feelings of the 17 men who graduated from there. And of those 17, 15 graduated with high or highest honors. What a laughable farce. But I started to look at sustainability a little closer. And there is something to it. Perhaps this is a bigger issue than we realize. Right now we have 17 priests from RMS Yona, and about 30 from real seminaries (including the religious orders). So out of 47 or so priests only about 1/3 are kiko presbyters. But we have an ageing population of priests. And when they retire we will have almost 100% kiko presbyters. of the 17 kiko priests ordained to date, only 7 are serving in Guam parishes. That's just 40% in our churches. But we don't feel it yet because of all the real priests we still have. But imagine when they are gone and we only have 40% of our kiko priests on island. 40% of 47 is just 19 priests. That is unsustainable. First, the idea that we have all kiko presbyters is scary. But when that happens, the fact that only 19 will be here means we would have to shut down almost half of our parishes. How much longer before the only masses offered are 7:30pm Saturday night masses where we are forced to dance around the altar? Well, irregardless, I'm just glad that Archbishop Byrnes has decided to close that place down, for any reason he wants to claim. No matter what reason he uses, it is still the right reason!
That RMS is unsustainable is an established fact. That Guam Church may be unsustainable due to dearth of vocations and dwindling supply of priests is a real possibility. It is a good sign that we have resumed sending seminarians to a real seminary: a good start but not good enough. What are WE as local people doing to foster and encourage local vocations? Are we going to remain dependent on guest priests? What are we doing to rncourage vocations to the priesthood and religious life. We all need to look into our hearts and never tire of supporting our church vocations.
Unlike what they do in the NCW, We do not go to Kiko for our priests, We surely do not look to man for this answer. Jesus tells us "The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few; pray therefore the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest." Matt 9:37,38 I say let us all roll up our sleeves and get on our knees and petition the master of the Harvest.
So who foots the bill for these quarter baked wanna be seminarians at RMS-Guam? Would it be us the parishioners when they leave the island? Or will it be the Diana followers and tricky dick Eusebio who have spoken so highly of the RMS accreditation? What happens to the monkey and his fist bumping mirror monkeys who eats oranges? Or what about the good 'ol David who kissed his brother Tony's ass so much that he lost himself? Oh but wait, what about the knucklehead they sent to Canada to study canon law or Luis the pervert who signed out a kid from school so he could counsel her by the beach early one morning?
Dang there still are many more questions that need to be answered before I will ever donate ANY funds during mass. Believe me, it pains me to hold back hard earned money because of such idiotic mismanagement by these greedy neos. 🙏🏽 I do pray that our church and our island will be stronger when all this has finally settled and the justice and peace has been achieved for the sake of all the victims and this island.
The diocese has no responsibility for the seminarians once they leave Guam. However, priests already incardinated here (thanks Tony) remain our responsibility unless they can find another diocese who will take them or request laicization.
Needs some fixin. They'll probably trash the place before they leave. Any chance they'll take Lurch with them? Lurch, feel quite free to leave. Adios guys. What a damn shame.
Anon @8:00 PM, Stupid Ass What is a "hoekers"? and what is a "Chinese hotel"? who English you? You must be a student or graduate of the RMS. That's exactly why you are being booted out. good riddance.
A clever maneuver. Now that Apuron is about to be completely disassociated, they try to sell the building as soon as possible. Obviously that coward of Tim will never publish this post; this will once again prove your dirty goal. Casinos, whores and whiskey coming soon !!! Clear...Guam is the right place with the right customer for that!! Paolo
Poor Paolo seems obsessed with casinos, whores and whiskey. Are these three vices troubling you personally? Stay away from can certainly fulfill your fantasies much closer to home.
Paolo you seem to be projecting your favorite past time activities Casinos, whores and whiskey. Once the casinos are in place, and the whores are hired and good to go, why don't you join us for some whiskey, and we can talk about the demise and booting out of the NCW from Guam.
Excuse me please, but which presbyters did AB Byrnes send on missions?
DianaOctober 4, 2017 at 11:38 PM Dear Anonymous at 10:52 pm,
What shortage? All the Masses are being said in the parishes. And the priests are on mission because Archbishop Byrnes ALLOWED them to go on mission. Did you think that they just woke up one day and left without permission? They asked Archbishop Byrnes and he said yes.
It took courage for Archbishop Byrne to make the decision to close RMS. Now I hope he will evaluate all the products of that seminary as to their qualifications to be priests. If Junee wasn't prepared to be ordained in one year and had to start over what about the others? Jucutan is a perfect example of someone who is lacking in his capabilities. In conversations with people who knew him in Hawaii he was not even a college graduate when he entered RMS.
Apuron said in gathering was a mistake to ordain Jucatan. That was huge injustice to Mike. Let alone the faithful. Oh, Brother Ton, you have a lot to answer for.
Ashton Wong is a great example of RMS selectiveness. He entered RMS Guam before he even finished high school, and according to him was dead drunk when he entered.
from FD Classmate who saw him abandon his basketball scholarship responsibilities
Give Ashton a break. He said he sobered up two days later. And the thecArchbishop stood and applauded. Won't forget that scene at CB. Those were the days, my friend.
Only Problem is, he said after sobering he heard the spirit call him to join RMS to become a priest. I think the spirit that spoke to him is the same one that got him wasted in the first place. Bud? Heineken? Capt. Morgan?
2 takeaways from watching this video -- AB Byrnes didn't want the seminary and doesn't want the NCW. He said he consulted with seminary "officers," but I believe he is the only officer. He also corrected one question saying the NCW is in the parishes at the disposition of the bishop. I'm sure he's disposed to suppress and remove the communities. It's really just a matter of time.
At least Byrnes can't be canonically trapped into ordaining any of those disgraceful fakes when RMS is shut down and disavowed in December. Santa Claus is really doing a number on that place.
I'm not Blockley! It serves them right that RMS is closing. The hopes and dreams of Kiko on our island has gone up in smoke, just as Princess Di's dreams of hope for the Carmelites taking over the Carmelite Monastery on Guam has gone to the dogs.
Just a refresher course on what she wrote:
In the Carmelite Order, the young girl would be trained in following the ideal life established by St. Teresa of Avilla. She would be trained as a nun to lead a contemplative life of prayer, spiritual readings, and manual work. Now that Guam's Carmelite nuns are so advance in their age and take frequent visits to the doctor or health clinic because some of them are ill, would they be capable of teaching an aspiring young girl this religious life, or would she be more of a caregiver? I am looking at this from a logical and reasonable perspective. Thus, I would think that it would be logical and beneficial if Guam's girls be sent off-island to a Carmelite monastary where they can be trained in living the ideal life of St. Teresa of Avilla. But I would also hope that someday, they would return to the island and take over the Carmelite Monastary here to be inspiring role models for Guam's women who hear God's calling.
Di's comment about the Carmelites only proves that the NCW wanted to take over the church. After hearing Junee this morning on the Catholic radio station, I give thanks that he, Ron and William are happy at St. Patrick's.
I guess the seminarians were ALL accepted to study in Rome.
AnonymousOctober 24, 2017 at 3:59 PM Archbishop Byrnes may shut down the RMS seminary on Guam but these young men will be moved to Rome to continue their formation there, continuing to be formed for the evangelization of the Pacific and more so the Marianas. More greater God willing they will be ordained by the Pope one day. All this, thanks to junglewatch and his cohort. I hope they see now what good they have caused.
In no small effort on Tim Rohr’s part. Rms closes. Thank God. Definitely within Arch Byrnes authority. THAT will be questioned.
ReplyDeleteYes. The kikos love to kiss the ass of their bishop, but when something doesn't go their way they then stab him in the back and run to their friend Cardinal Felony.
DeleteIf they do that again I hope Guam attorney Lujan uses that as the excuse to join the Vatican into all the lawsuits since Rome is now intimately involved with Guam affairs.
This and the guilty verdict against Apuron to be released soon will be death nails into the rotting kiko coffin on Guam.
Plug your noses cause the rotten flesh will not give up easily, but they are definitely doomed!
We need to make a coffin out of stainless steel that won't rot underground, so that when kiko is put in he won't leak out....
DeleteStainless steel rots and rusts. That's why coffins containing radioactive remains are lined with lead. It's indestructible.
DeleteOne step at a time....slowly but surely.....restoring Faith in our Faith.
ReplyDeleteNext step: Vatican Verdict.
Hope supportwill be offered for those poor guys. They're far from home and must wonder what will happen. They're so locked away. I'm concerned. archbishop said there are 20 of them.
DeleteDon't worry about the spoiled brats in Yona. They travel the world like rich globetrotter elite. They can use their one pass elite miles to get wherever they go after here.
DeleteNo worries, just go!
Yes. I hope the transition team sends them somewhere that United flies so they dont lose their elite status and all those miles.
DeleteNobody needs to worry about them, they are innocent seminarians who will be taken care of.
Look at Lickin' Luis. If they take care of criminals like that, they will surely take care of their "innocent lambs"
If vocations of RMS students are genuinely inspired by the Holy Spirit and are willed by God, He will provide respectable seminary placement for them and they will become honorable priests.
DeleteThere are several legitimate diocesan seminaries in Australia, the Philippines and on the US Mainland where RMS students can go...if they receive good recommendations from Bp. Byrnes. Failing that, other RMS heretic factories throughout the world will admit them.
Hopefully, Bp. Byrne's has learned the difference between decent priests and career criminals like Adrian.
Thank you Lord, tim and everyone else who have been praying for justice and moving forward to restoring our church on this island. RMS may have started with good intentions but had unattainable goals for such a tiny island. But the big picture was that the NEOS were trying to change the Catholic Church, all while being greedy.
ReplyDeleteNO. Intentions were not good. Intention was a take over. And they have nearly succeeded. We are not free yet but this is a big step.
DeleteThe fruits, the fruits. We will certainly hear a lot about the fruits!
DeleteTake your fruits, hoist them on your head, and fly on down to Ipenema! Egivaldo wants to suck those fruits.
Hallelujah! Big score for our new Shepherd. I wish it was done way earlier, but I respect the fact that he used time as an ally to make sure the right thing was done. PDN reports that it is "not a sustainable model for Guam".
ReplyDeleteTrue, what are we doing in our little island hosting a seminary for a bunch of guys from other places, who will go on mission elsewhere? It really makes no sense, so I'm glad our new bishop said so.
But I also hear the quality of classes was in shambles. No big surprise there. Look at the products they have turned out from there. Michael Jucatan can't even be sent somewhere on mission he is so helpless. His homilies still have no redeeming quality to them.
Then you have the billygoat who is just plain mental, maybe bi-polar. He forgets where he is in his homilies and rambles around. And he thinks Purgatory is hell with lots of suffering and darkness. But he thinks all people will eventually end up in heaven.
Then you have the wacko Fabio who sees statues marching along the aisle of Our Lady of Guadalupe. And let us not forget the OJ and his perverse language of how boys want to treat us. I guess licking Luis is a student of his!
The guys from RMS Yona are misfits. The only good neos I have heard about all came from elsewhere...Newark or Japan.
A friend of mine was saying that the formation is so bad in Yona that Junee Valencia went to St Patricks thinking he only had one year left. Thats what RMS Yona told him. But he doesn't plan on being ordained now until 4 more years because the formation in Guam is so messed up.
If it is that way for Junee you can be sure it is that way for all those poor guys trapped inside the horrid halls of RMS Yona. It makes you want to pity the poor bastards in Yona...Archbishop Byrnes is actually doing them a favor by forcing them to go elsewhere. Lets hope wherever they land, the formation is far superior than the trash they have learned here.
But then again, if that idiot priest who taught our deacons that Christ is a sinner roams from RMS to RMS, then all NCW presbyters should be pitied.
Thank you Archbishop Byrnes for finally showing us what a leader is supposed to do. We support you. Now, once Apurun is found guilty of serial crimes and chased out of the Church, it will have to be time for me and my family to start giving back to the Church what we have been holding back.
Biba Katolico!
Questions are, after the seminarians are sent to other RMS seminaries, will the Archdiocese be responsible for supporting them like those in Menlo? Will they return to Guam to be ordained here?
ReplyDeleteNope. They will belong to whatever dope bishop accepts them.
DeleteAgreed Anon 4:25. Once these guys leave Guam they will belong to some other poor bishop to deal with. If Byrnes wants to retain any of them, which I doubt, they will go to St Pat's to get a proper formation, and hopefully an exorcism to drive out Kiko from their soul.
DeleteBut if they go to St Pat's they will actually have to qualify...H.S. diploma, english proficiency, basic college degree. Doubtful that any could pass a real screening exam.
So these poor robots will end up going to another RMS where they will be accepted "just as they are", faults, perversions, and all.
Byrnes is being quite charitable when he says it is not a sustainable model. What he should have said was that it was a totally failed model.
ReplyDeleteOne professor teaches that Christ is a sinner. An anthropology professor at UOG dabbles pert time in trying to teach theology at RMS. Gennarini wants a degree in theology so that makes him qualified to teach at RMS. David Lurch, the sickly, actually has a degree in a relevant field, canon law. But even his qualifications are doubtful since it took him 8 years to get a 3 year degree. Rumors are that he got a sympathy graduation just so they didn't have to see him anymore in Rome. And he's always sick so rarely actually at class.
it is not sustainable because the professors are flawed, and many of the students are flawed. So we have come to expect second rate priests from a second rate seminary in Yona.
At least the three men going to S Patrick Seminary have a chance at a real education.
Eventually, all RMS priests should be sent for remedial classes. Yes, I said all. I believe some arrogant presbyters will ask to be excardinated.
DeleteLet's hope all presbyters follow their hardened hearts and ask to leave!
DeleteRestore, Return, Remove.
ReplyDeleteIt will be interesting to find out if any reputable Non-RMS seminary will accept these seminarians from RMS Yona, without asking them to start their studies all over again. Or, if these seminarians will pass any type of proficiency test for the subjects claimed to have been studied at RMS Yona.
ReplyDeleteAnon miss the point. The guys in Yona won't have to go to real non-neo seminaries. they'll go to another RMS where they will be accepted carte blanc.
DeleteRemember their favorite rallying cry "Jesus loves me just the way I am" i.e. Stupid is as stupid does!
They will get little credit. Almost a do over. Wait and see.
DeleteIsn't that what happened to one of our guys who went to St Patricks. I heard he had to practically start over again because the courses he took at Yona were such a joke and waste of time. Can someone verify this? It was supposed to be the guy who was in the longest, but I dont know his name.
DeleteYes. His name is Junee Valencia. He had to start over again after years of being in our fake seminaries - and that includes the JP2 "seminary" of which Junee was a part of. We should look back at the clergy who were part of the JP2 ruse as well. Maybe I will.
DeleteDo it, Tim.
DeleteWell, folks. Get ready for the NCW to come out full force with their usual rhetoric. I walked in the Way for almost 4 years, we got got the NCW company line almost every week.
ReplyDelete"The closer you get to God the more they will persecute you. So Archbishop Byrnes is obviously persecuting those poor men in Yona. But the actual crime is forcing these men to stay in a seminary they do not want to attend. And it is not because they see the problems with classes as some have speculated.
Some of these men just do not want to be priests but they don't know how to get out of it.One seminarian in my community said he wanted to leave in one of our gospel echoes. He was quickly told by our presbyter that it was the devil tempting him. To leave the seminary would be to leave Jesus.
He stayed in the RMS but I doubt he is a happy priest based on his attitude to parishioners. Then there was the seminarian we all knew had a special spot in Archbishop Apuron's heart, Daniel. He wanted to leave but wasn't able to. He finally got his family back home to secretly purchase a ticket and he snuck away from the seminary in the dark of night, never to be seen again. The Archbishop was heart-broken.
I think Archbishop Michael should investigate whether the seminarians have their passport taken away so they cannot escape. A Guam radio spot by the Attorney General calls this slavery, and I think that is happening here on Guam.
I was already out of the NCW by the time Fr Michael was ordained, but I have heard that the Archbishop did not think he was ready, but a power struggle broke out and he had to ordain him.
So many former community members will certainly cry persecution at this news, but it seems to make sense to me why the RMS had to be closed.
This month will be a very tough month for all NCW members. First the RMS pride and joy will be gone from Guam forever. And we will most likely hear very soon that the second pride and joy of NCW Guam will be gone forever. Once the verdict of the trial is announced these two jewels will have been robbed from them.
I remember the great pride we all felt when the Archbishop lavished so much attention upon us. How we were given such opportunities as World Youth Day. He was such a powerful man, but he was also ours. We could approach him so easily, and he was always so loving to us.
This was a special treat for us that gave us strength through "teh persecutions".
And now those in the Way will have nothing.
A failed seminary as a legacy, and a disgraced bishop who was once the apple of their eye.
It will definitely be a dark October for the NCW and its dwindling numbers of followers.
The truth sometimes hurt, but it will definitely set you free.
DeleteWow. What news! I was surprised at the phrase "unsustainable model for Guam". I thought the ad hoc report released a year ago made it clear that faculty, curriculum, and costs were the big problems. I guess the Archbishop is taking an easy road by just saying unsustainable.
ReplyDeleteIt is afterall, a sign of political correctness of our times. Had he said the truth that the seminary is a complete failure, feelings of those working at RMS would have been hurt, and we can't have the truth attempt to hurt feelings.
Besides those at RMS, by admitting the RMS was a failure from the get go, he would have also hurt the feelings of the 17 men who graduated from there. And of those 17, 15 graduated with high or highest honors. What a laughable farce.
But I started to look at sustainability a little closer. And there is something to it. Perhaps this is a bigger issue than we realize. Right now we have 17 priests from RMS Yona, and about 30 from real seminaries (including the religious orders). So out of 47 or so priests only about 1/3 are kiko presbyters. But we have an ageing population of priests. And when they retire we will have almost 100% kiko presbyters.
of the 17 kiko priests ordained to date, only 7 are serving in Guam parishes. That's just 40% in our churches. But we don't feel it yet because of all the real priests we still have. But imagine when they are gone and we only have 40% of our kiko priests on island. 40% of 47 is just 19 priests.
That is unsustainable. First, the idea that we have all kiko presbyters is scary. But when that happens, the fact that only 19 will be here means we would have to shut down almost half of our parishes.
How much longer before the only masses offered are 7:30pm Saturday night masses where we are forced to dance around the altar?
Well, irregardless, I'm just glad that Archbishop Byrnes has decided to close that place down, for any reason he wants to claim. No matter what reason he uses, it is still the right reason!
That RMS is unsustainable is an established fact. That Guam Church may be unsustainable due to dearth of vocations and dwindling supply of priests is a real possibility. It is a good sign that we have resumed sending seminarians to a real seminary: a good start but not good enough. What are WE as local people doing to foster and encourage local vocations? Are we going to remain dependent on guest priests? What are we doing to rncourage vocations to the priesthood and religious life. We all need to look into our hearts and never tire of supporting our church vocations.
DeleteUnlike what they do in the NCW, We do not go to Kiko for our priests, We surely do not look to man for this answer. Jesus tells us "The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few; pray therefore the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest." Matt 9:37,38 I say let us all roll up our sleeves and get on our knees and petition the master of the Harvest.
DeleteSo who foots the bill for these quarter baked wanna be seminarians at RMS-Guam? Would it be us the parishioners when they leave the island? Or will it be the Diana followers and tricky dick Eusebio who have spoken so highly of the RMS accreditation? What happens to the monkey and his fist bumping mirror monkeys who eats oranges? Or what about the good 'ol David who kissed his brother Tony's ass so much that he lost himself? Oh but wait, what about the knucklehead they sent to Canada to study canon law or Luis the pervert who signed out a kid from school so he could counsel her by the beach early one morning?
ReplyDeleteDang there still are many more questions that need to be answered before I will ever donate ANY funds during mass. Believe me, it pains me to hold back hard earned money because of such idiotic mismanagement by these greedy neos. 🙏🏽 I do pray that our church and our island will be stronger when all this has finally settled and the justice and peace has been achieved for the sake of all the victims and this island.
The diocese has no responsibility for the seminarians once they leave Guam. However, priests already incardinated here (thanks Tony) remain our responsibility unless they can find another diocese who will take them or request laicization.
DeleteSo finally tim will get his chinese hotel
ReplyDeleteIncluding casino and hoekers!!!
Great!!! Enjoy!
Yes. Can't wait to see you there. Courage.
DeleteNeeds some fixin. They'll probably trash the place before they leave. Any chance they'll take Lurch with them? Lurch, feel quite free to leave. Adios guys. What a damn shame.
DeleteAnon @8:00 PM, Stupid Ass What is a "hoekers"? and what is a "Chinese hotel"? who English you? You must be a student or graduate of the RMS. That's exactly why you are being booted out. good riddance.
DeleteA clever maneuver. Now that Apuron is about to be completely disassociated, they try to sell the building as soon as possible.
ReplyDeleteObviously that coward of Tim will never publish this post; this will once again prove your dirty goal.
Casinos, whores and whiskey coming soon !!!
Clear...Guam is the right place with the right customer for that!!
Poor Paolo, go back and play in your sandbox. You are nothing less than a pathetic little twat
DeleteIt may not be a casino that's coming. Maybe you'll get a mosque instead!
DeletePoor Paolo seems obsessed with casinos, whores and whiskey. Are these three vices troubling you personally? Stay away from can certainly fulfill your fantasies much closer to home.
DeleteLOL. So fun.
DeletePaolo you seem to be projecting your favorite past time activities Casinos, whores and whiskey. Once the casinos are in place, and the whores are hired and good to go, why don't you join us for some whiskey, and we can talk about the demise and booting out of the NCW from Guam.
DeleteNothing officious about Byrnes. But MADE an informed decision. Did Fr Jeff help from Roma? What is reason for his trip?
ReplyDeleteExcuse me please, but which presbyters did AB Byrnes send on missions?
ReplyDeleteDianaOctober 4, 2017 at 11:38 PM
Dear Anonymous at 10:52 pm,
What shortage? All the Masses are being said in the parishes. And the priests are on mission because Archbishop Byrnes ALLOWED them to go on mission. Did you think that they just woke up one day and left without permission? They asked Archbishop Byrnes and he said yes.
So which presbyters did Byrnes send on mission? Easy question.
DeleteNot ABp Byrnes; they listen and obey Profit Kiko.
DeleteAdrian No-balls was sent on a mission to study canon law in Canada. This disobedient loser needs to be defrocked asap.
DeleteIt took courage for Archbishop Byrne to make the decision to close RMS. Now I hope he will evaluate all the products of that seminary as to their qualifications to be priests. If Junee wasn't prepared to be ordained in one year and had to start over what about the others? Jucutan is a perfect example of someone who is lacking in his capabilities. In conversations with people who knew him in Hawaii he was not even a college graduate when he entered RMS.
ReplyDeleteApuron said in gathering was a mistake to ordain Jucatan. That was huge injustice to Mike. Let alone the faithful. Oh, Brother Ton, you have a lot to answer for.
DeleteKnow what? That's what's wrong with those "community" confessions. Repeat, repeat. Br.Ton let loose with a lot. Loser.
DeleteAshton Wong is a great example of RMS selectiveness. He entered RMS Guam before he even finished high school, and according to him was dead drunk when he entered.
ReplyDeletefrom FD Classmate who saw him abandon his basketball scholarship responsibilities
Give Ashton a break. He said he sobered up two days later. And the thecArchbishop stood and applauded. Won't forget that scene at CB. Those were the days, my friend.
DeleteOnly Problem is, he said after sobering he heard the spirit call him to join RMS to become a priest. I think the spirit that spoke to him is the same one that got him wasted in the first place. Bud? Heineken? Capt. Morgan?
Delete2 takeaways from watching this video -- AB Byrnes didn't want the seminary and doesn't want the NCW. He said he consulted with seminary "officers," but I believe he is the only officer. He also corrected one question saying the NCW is in the parishes at the disposition of the bishop. I'm sure he's disposed to suppress and remove the communities. It's really just a matter of time.
DeleteFiloni will save their sorry asses.
DeleteAt least Byrnes can't be canonically trapped into ordaining any of those disgraceful fakes when RMS is shut down and disavowed in December. Santa Claus is really doing a number on that place.
ReplyDeleteKrebs in Rome? Filoni had audience with Pope today. Hmm. Wondering what other roadblocks are in stored for us.
ReplyDeleteRed flags from the Red Pope.
Hey, you little sneak, Blockley. Scat!!! You ain't supposed to be here.
DeleteI'm not Blockley! It serves them right that RMS is closing. The hopes and dreams of Kiko on our island has gone up in smoke, just as Princess Di's dreams of hope for the Carmelites taking over the Carmelite Monastery on Guam has gone to the dogs.
DeleteJust a refresher course on what she wrote:
In the Carmelite Order, the young girl would be trained in following the ideal life established by St. Teresa of Avilla. She would be trained as a nun to lead a contemplative life of prayer, spiritual readings, and manual work. Now that Guam's Carmelite nuns are so advance in their age and take frequent visits to the doctor or health clinic because some of them are ill, would they be capable of teaching an aspiring young girl this religious life, or would she be more of a caregiver? I am looking at this from a logical and reasonable perspective. Thus, I would think that it would be logical and beneficial if Guam's girls be sent off-island to a Carmelite monastary where they can be trained in living the ideal life of St. Teresa of Avilla. But I would also hope that someday, they would return to the island and take over the Carmelite Monastary here to be inspiring role models for Guam's women who hear God's calling.
Di's comment about the Carmelites only proves that the NCW wanted to take over the church. After hearing Junee this morning on the Catholic radio station, I give thanks that he, Ron and William are happy at St. Patrick's.
I guess the seminarians were ALL accepted to study in Rome.
ReplyDeleteAnonymousOctober 24, 2017 at 3:59 PM
Archbishop Byrnes may shut down the RMS seminary on Guam but these young men will be moved to Rome to continue their formation there, continuing to be formed for the evangelization of the Pacific and more so the Marianas. More greater God willing they will be ordained by the Pope one day. All this, thanks to junglewatch and his cohort. I hope they see now what good they have caused.
-Jokers Wild