Friday, June 24, 2016


There is no greater insult to everything we have been through these last three years or to the wounded children in the right sidebar of this blog than to make Adrian Cristobal the freaking chairman of Committee No. 1 which apparently is tasked to assess the situation of the archdiocese.  

Cristobal, David C. Quitugua, and Pius the Putrid have been the ARCHITECTS of the destruction of our local church and we have the goods to prove it. Naming Cristobal and Quitugua to this No. 1 Committee, the information from which will serve as Hon's primary guide to how he will run this diocese, is a big FINGER in our face and a jack-boot to the necks of Apuron's mutilated victims.

Doing this has given us the green light to systematically expose not just these miscreants but Hon too. And I don't just mean with nasty posts on this blog. They are now dead center in the cross hairs of future legal action. For whereas in the name of peace and unity our initial intent was only to legally pursue Anthony S. Apuron, we now will pursue every single person who has had any role in the cover up of his crimes and the mocking, maligning and ignoring of his victims.

And we won't stop there. 

June 23, 2016  


To:                              All Senators, Media, and Stakeholders

Fr:                               SENATOR FRANK B. AGUON, JR.

Subject:                 2ND Notice – Public Hearing on Monday, June 27, 2016 at 10:00 AM

In accordance with the Open Government Law of Guam, relative to notice for public meetings, please be advised that the Committee on Guam U.S. Military Relocation, Public Safety & Judiciary, will convene a Public Hearing on Monday, June 27, 2016 at 10:00 AM, in the I Liheslatura Public Hearing Room. Included on the agenda are the following bill(s):

·              Bill No. 326-33 (COR): - “An act to amend § 11306, chapter 11, title 7, Guam Code Annotated and to repeal § 11306.1, chapter 11, title 7, Guam Code Annotated relative to the statute of limitations in cases involving child sex abuse.” (Sponsor: Senator F.F. Blas, Jr.)

The Hearing will broadcast on local television, GTA Channel 21 and Docomo Channel 117 or streamed online at:

The Committee requests that, if written testimonies are to be presented at the Public Hearing, copies be submitted one day prior to the public hearing date, to the Office of Senator Frank B. Aguon, Jr. at Suite 503 DNA Bldg. 238 Archbishop Flores St. Hagatña, Guam, via fax to 475-GUM3(4863), or via email Copies of the aforementioned Bill(s) may be obtained at I Liheslaturan Guahån 's website at:  Individuals requiring special accommodations, auxiliary aids, or services should contact Niel Tirador at 475-4861/2 or email at  Please feel free to contact my office should you have any additional questions or concerns. 


  1. Nothing has changed! Onward Christian Soldiers. Ooorah!

  2. ArchBishop Hon..."Queng fray cha, LAang Fei Zhong".

  3. I'm watching developments from here in the UK. It is hard to see how the Church could manage this any worse than it is. It looks like they are getting ready for a battle to the death. I dont fancy their chances, the tide is finally turning. As Hitchens or someone once said "The RCC heirarchy is a putrid sac of pus oozing disease over society".

  4. Talk about the fox guarding the Honhouse!

    (Foxes actually.)

    1. LOL Robert. If Rome doesn't replace Tai Fai the Hon soon he's going to be roast duck.

    2. Are these committee's a ploy by Tai Fai the Hon to crush any revolt against the NCW plan to insert Neo presbyters in every parish? Why else would Adrian the Hun be the general of the most important committee? It is no secret that Adrian aspires to the throne. Egotistical and cunningly wicked he has placed confirmation & pre-cana classes at the church under NCW teachers where they are introduced to the poison of the WAY. He speaks with a forked tongue. Barrigada is a shell of a once vibrant parish community.
      This is a spiritual war between good and evil forces. We must prepare our armor (Virtues)and take up our swords (Truth)to defend the ONE, TRUE Faith.
      St. Michael the Archangel protect us!

    3. Roast duck slathered in hot mustard. Wake up, Hon. Listen with your whole being!!! You are obviously missing some things .

  5. The only thing these fools on the hill (that now includes Hon)will understand is a lawsuit. That's also the only language Rome listens to. Bring it on!


  6. Ditto on Gerald Taitano's posting of June 24, 2016 at 6:35!

  7. Hon is smoothing the way for Apuron's triumphal return

  8. for sure, for sure

    I see hon was sent to Guam for the only thing that matters to rome, which is to secure the future outlook of the ncw on Guam...

    hon is doing exactly what he was told to accomplish
    1. to repair the global image of the ncw...
    2. to minimize bad media coverage...
    3. to make it look like, sound like he is on the job..
    4. to quiet the natives, and keep future issues in-house...

  9. Didn't Hon say something regarding the protest ending in 2 weeks?

    1. Oh, has it been two weeks??

    2. Well, it seems that the protest such as we had known it is over In just about two weeks. How do you like that?

    3. Mary Lou Garcia-PeredaJune 24, 2016 at 9:40 PM

      On the morning of Sunday 12 June 2016, after LITERALLY turning his back on Sex Abuse Victim Walter Denton on the steps of the Dulce Nombre de Maria Cathedral-Basilica, Apostolic Administrator Savio Hon Tai-Fai is reported to have predicted that "in two weeks this will all die down" in reference to those picketing outside Guam's Mother Church.

      This coming Sunday 26 June will mark the two weeks since Hon made that prediction … we shall see how (in)accurate Hon was.

  10. Janet B - MangilaoJune 24, 2016 at 9:57 AM

    My daughter is former teacher at one of our Catholic schools, and she brought up an interesting point on the fourth committee, Seminary Visit.
    This looks similar to an accreditation review, "to assess their status, their formation program, the personnel, ...". Having Fr Julio and Fr Romy on this "accreditation team" is like having a principal of a school be on the accreditation team from WASC for their own school. It just makes no sense.

    But I'm sure it makes sense to them. Maybe the new communication guy, Fr Bibi, can clarify why the rector and vice rector of these seminaries are also on the review team. Or, if I recall correctly, Fr Ted is supposed to be a seminary expert. Maybe he can explain in simple, straightforward terms, why they were selected for this ad hoc team.

    Time to show how their commitment to communications can clear up problems before they swell out of control.

    I'll reserve my ire for the scenario team for now.

    1. I get it, you put a guy like Bibi who cant communicate as the communications person, that way you don't get any of the truth communicated to the public and the media. hence we'll never get the real scoop out of bibi, or when we do it will be too late already. And Hon thought he is the only sharp pencil in the box.

    2. So true 2:47PM. Sorry bibik boy, but you are one Chagalo (chamorro- tagalog) that can't give a logical homily. If your homilies are just going in circles and you can't land the plane, I can already see another Dakon Bibik. Maybe Sister Miriam can write your speech and give you some pointers. Two heads are better than one? Maybe Not!

    3. Two heads are better than one.
      Thats what Apuron used to say...but maybe he was not referring to the same thing..

    4. OH such wonders of the choices for the Archdiocese spokespersons. Not too long ago there was Presbyter UDUvaldo. Now the torch is passed to Msgr. Bree-UDU.

  11. I'm watching seminary scenario like a hawk. 49 guys hiding there. Where is the rotten rector? Sell that land and pay back the benefactors. No, Hon, RMS is not okay. Systemically infected by Purid Pius. Call back Pablo and get some truth. (Some, I say) ....he was brainwashed too; but not completely stupid.

  12. "Captain" Hon has now decided to rearrange the deck chairs on the Titanic.

    1. Yes. The real threat lies in the Way the chairs are arranged. Did you say iceberg? What iceberg?

  13. Guess victims on the sidebar can go scratch while ad hoc committees consisting of same old, same old schedule meetings about crap. When reason fails , pray.

  14. I was horrified when I read your edict and assignments in the makeup of the newly formed committees created to address the problems of this Archdiocese. It has been said that a Camel is a horse designed by a committee. It’s likely that you’ll end up with a “camel” as the committees you created to address the problems are staffed with the very people who are the root of the evil that exists in this Archdiocese.
    Archbishop Hon, everyone is aware of the problems that exist. The NCW presbyters in our parishes is a major issue for the Laity as is formation of 40 or more currently at RMS. We are concerned that one of the major tenets of the NCW is the destruction of the parish model in favor of communities as the only path to heaven. I know the path to salvation and that is to follow the tenets and teaching of Our Lord Jesus Christ, not the tenets and teachings of Kiko Arguelo.
    We are watching and praying that you preserve our Catholic Faith as we’ve known it and practiced it for centuries. Peaceful co-existence is impossible if the NCW Seminary remains and parish take overs by NCW Presbyters continue. The only path to a peaceful and respectful co-existence is for both to practice their faith separately. Our Church has always welcomed everyone, but we will not allow our Catholic Faith to be interpreted by a false prophet.
    The success of your mission depends on your ability to end the strife. I assure you that compromise of any sort, other than the closure and return of the RMS seminary and property will only bring this conflict to a higher level. WE WILL NOT COMPROMISE OUR FAITH, in favor of a false prophet. NEVER.
    The burden falls squarely on your shoulders Archbishop Hon. We are praying for you to do the right thing.

    1. Yeah Thomas Tanaka you read and believe every word Tim say. Your ordain nut hugger. Grow a spinal son and know the whole truth!

    2. An anonymous poster says "Grow a spinal"[sic] . . .

      You first.

    3. Yes, how about the Hon. Archbishop Hon finding the document that Archbishop Apuron couldn't find? You know, the one where "Rome" gives permission for the way they "do it".

      Surely the aberrant liturgy is a source of division? So, how about a word on whether you accept the Mass as practiced by the NCW or not? That will give a clear indication of what it is you have been sent to do!

    4. AnonymousJune 24, 2016 at 4:26 PM - Do not mess with Thomas Tanaka - "SON"! His "spinal (LOL) - should be "spine" - is just fine and he does know the Whole Truth! Proper English Please!

    5. @4:26...huh? You're (that means YOU ARE) the one who should grow a spine, which means to have courage or confidence. Mr. Tanaka clearly does. Now, take your brainwashed self and stay out of the Jungle. Or better yet, continue to join us here. It may be just the thing YOU need to LEARN THE WHOLE TRUTH. The sick truth about Guam's Pedophile ArchBishop and his legacy of rape and our church leaders who continue to lie, cheat, deceive, con and steal from the Catholic Faithful. Perhaps your (and it is 'your') eyes will be opened to the TRUTH. Now, get along and get back to your ESL classes. Sheesh, you just can't fix stupid!

    6. You beat me to it. Was gonna bring this up :)

    7. I wonder who will be at the public hearing to testify against the bill. Can't wait to see. NEO supporters for Pedophile vs Local supporters protecting our children.

  15. Archbishop Hon, are you allowing yourself to be another sacrificial goat on the table of Kiko? Ponder on this for a while, but don't take too long before the situation gets out of control. You expect us to quiet down but your decisions and actions so far has only added fuel to the fire. You underestimate Guam's true Catholics. We are fighting for our Church in the name of Christ the King. Who are you here for archbishop Hon?

  16. What about those guy who were to be ordained transitional Deacons?? We'll settle for Four years more education. Then the happy day. If, RMS still exists.

    1. Hell no; we don't need anyone who is drunk with KAKA. We'd rather see our donated funds go to young men like Aaron who desires a real Cathloic formation.
