- FrenchieJune 23, 2016 at 8:54 AMThe answer is quite simple anon @ 8.07. Archbishop Hon was chosen because Filoni trusted him to sedate Guam's Catholic faithful to a point were people will be lured into thinking that something had been done to address our problems, while in fact little would have changed.
The plan is to throw us a few bones. Probably reinstate Fr Paul and Msg James under reduced responsibilities, perhaps with some caveats. Shuffle responsibilities at the chancery, by putting in more paletable neos and some likable local fence sitters who are career oriented and therefore more compromising.
It is rumored that the nuncio was opposed to Hon's nomination
( now we can see why) and that there could be opposing point of views on Hon's team.
During that time, things go on with Cristobal sending threatening memos to the clergy telling them Apuron is still the Bishop, and Bibi telling everybody and their cousins that Apuron shall come back soon.
Meanwhile the neos are still in control of every post at the Chancery and are bidding their time.
This was part of Filoni's plan from the start.
Soon it will be time to show these ninkompoops in Rome, that
they cannot put the genie back in the box
How does Hon plan to establish re-conciliation, and unity and continue to place people in Church leadership who were instrumental and the very cause of all this chaos, hate and discontent in the church. Quitugua the VG and Adrian are both accomplices of Apuron's mismanagement, lies and deceit of this archdiocese, giving away the Archdioces's assets to Apuron's blackmailers in the NCW. If Hon does not root out the seed of disunity and mistrust in this archdiocese in Quitugua, and Adrian, there will always be opposition to these leaders who have proven to the Guam Faithful that they have compromised the truth,compromised orthodoxy in church teaching, and are ineffective incompetent leaders. Listen to the people for once, Give us a chance to voice our concerns, don't just listen to the one sided opinions of these corrupt leaders. How the hell are you able to make an informed unbiased decision that will unite people and dispel conflict, and work for the common good unless you hear both sides of the story?
ReplyDeleteWell Said!
DeleteArchbishop Krebs, what the heck?? Seriously?
ReplyDeleteSo far, so good, Lurch! Atta boy.
ReplyDeleteThumbs up!
ReplyDeleteStupid is as stupid does...
ReplyDeleteYup, note to Rome: I'm just a regular Catholic guy and I can tell fro the get go, this is screwed up big time. Hon, this is not a desk job in Rome...get out there with the people. Not at the head table of a function. Show up at CC
ReplyDeleteO g for one example. Wear out your Italian shoe leather. Evangelize other than by letterhead. Doubt Jesus has a spokesperson, eh? Bring me he message yourself to the people. Praying for you! This is not a diocese of 5 million people. You could conceivably meet every soul.
For goodness sake, these bishop's were instructed by Pope Francis that they have to get out of their comfort zone and dwell among the sheep and must smell like the sheep of the fold. They however are mingling with the goats and pigs, David, Adrian and the NCW. What gives??
DeletePope Francis admonishes all bishops to dwell within the sheep fold and smell like the sheep, Hon on the other hand is hanging with the goats like Adrian and David, and feasting with the NCW cult. Why Waste time and effort Bishop Hon, the fruits of your efforts are coming through loud and clear. You wasted our time last year, and you are trying to pull the same wool over our eyes again. Since you are not here to help solve our troubles, please just pack your bags and get the hell out of here.
DeleteAll hail, Filoni!
ReplyDeletePius, who will be your family in the end?
ReplyDeleteAll hail, Filoni!
ReplyDeleteIt's time to consider Hon as a Neo-sympathizer, if not a Neo, and act with that thought in mind. We will be less disappointed. On guard, people!
ReplyDeleteCardinal Filoni is a brave guy in Iraq. But a fiery supporter of NCW. Lack of discernment, your Eminence. Sorry bout dat.
ReplyDeleteArchbeeeeeshop, caught you reading JW! Hi, there!
ReplyDeleteI know that monsignor David A. Quitigua once said "you're the problem archbisop". Hopefully he realizes the neos are the real problem
DeleteIt was David IA Quitugua, and his argument was compelling. I was there.
DeleteJesus Mary and Joseph! All the comments and head-shaking!!! What the hell, we're doing it again! Laying down for bulls**t! This Hon is a hack, pure and simple! He's not going to do a GD thing except gloss over the issues and try to placate everybody!
ReplyDeleteEnough! This guy is useless and has no intention of resolving! If he did, would have been done on the spot and not keeping the monkeys in the program. Get the f**k out Hon! Do you have a visa? Go back to where you came from, beg indulgence because you didn't KAKA and really aint got the balls to do what needs to be done.
Adrian, David, Bibi and the other neo dingleberries - let's bring out the news about your indiscretions, let's see how you pucker when the boys and ladies start talking!
Putting Paul and James in? Great! With full authority and responsibilities and a good bitch slap to the others for stabbing them in the back.
Neo's are a cult. They are cancer.
There are many more abusers, we know them but why come out if nothing is going to happen? They want to know distinguishing marks? Um..how many of us know what's on our daggan? Stupid fools.
Hon do your thing or get the f**ck out. You're a slacker and the wrong person to send here. They should have sent a girl.
Where is Putrid. Don't let that guy get away !!!! Guilty X 100
ReplyDeleteHon, your gig is up! You have been weighed and found wanting. Get out before we shove you out!
ReplyDeleteThe Guam Natives are Restless Acting Archbishop Apu-HON! How ironic that the last names are right on the money! What have you been doing other than attending parties in the last three weeks? NOTHING because it has been THREE WEEKS! Oh Yeah - You formed committees made up of people that have caused the division and you think that is going to help with the division. What is it that you do not understand and maybe we can help you. In my opinion - ABUSE VICTIMS! They are very important in my book and your acknowledgement of them would have somehow help my anger - BUT NO! You turned your back on the one that was standing right besides you in front of what used to be My Mother Church on Guam. That clinched it for me. There has to be a way to send you home and have someone come here who is going truly help the division, not just put sugar coatings on the problems!