Sunday, June 19, 2016


Continued from Part 1

I want to go back and fill in the Msgr. James Benavente incident a bit,  because in hindsight, it really was the catalyst that created the avalanche against (then-Archbishop) Apuron.

Up till the Msgr. James thing, not even the horrible treatment of Fr. Paul (Gofigan) appeared to shake the laity into doing anything other than expressing their outrage anonymously on this blog. 

I knew that to move forward on any real change, Rome would need to see people in the streets. 

I refused to call for such action because 1) it had to be truly grass roots, i.e. it had to come from the people; and 2) I did not have confidence that public action could be sustained beyond a few weeks and I knew this might have to go on for years.

However, once again, I was saved by the enemy.

First there was The Diana (the neocat blog), whose idiocy kept things alive, and then there was the absolute "fools on the Hill." Before I explain what they did, let me name them: Apuron, David, Adrian, and Pius (then later "Eddy" (Edivaldo) and "the trained lawyer"). *

* Archbishop Anthony S. Apuron, Msgr. David C. Quitugua, Fr. Adrian Cristobal, Fr. Pius Sammut, Fr. Edivaldo Olivera, Attorney Jacqueline Terlaje. 

It had been quite obvious to many for a very long while that Apuron was brainless - a mere shell of a man, truly an "emperor with no clothes." In 2009-2010, when I was able to get up close and personal with him and the inner workings of the chancery, I was horrified at what I saw. 

I got to get up close and personal not because of any favor Apuron and his people were doing for me, but because of what I was doing for them. I was the attack dog they were sending out to do battle in the public square with then-Senator BJ Cruz, first, over his same-sex bill, and then the statute of limitations bills re clergy sex abuse.

In meetings at the chancery, Apuron might as well have had a stick holding him up. He seemed permanently out to lunch - in a faustian daze as to what was happening and simply waiting for somebody to tell him what to do. 

The breaking point for me came when I exploded at a meeting after an absolutely stupid "apuronic" move. 

It was after a meeting with some members of the legislature at the Guam Hilton. In fact, it was I who had recommended the meeting. 

At the time I had thought that instead of this soundbyte war in the press over the same-sex union legislation, that it would behoove the clergy to have a sit down with BJ and the boys and talk like grown ups.

My concern was not for Apuron but for the Catholic Faith. The press was ripping the Church apart for being anti-gay and the response from Apuron thus far had only exacerbated things. I say "response from Apuron," because those "responses" were sent out in his name, but there was actually no response from Apuron. 

Apuron was not capable of a response - or even a homily for that matter. 

As most know, Apuron's homilies are usually canned. A couple of times, when I could tell he was just reading something, I googled a particular phrase and the homily would come up on the internet. Most people already know this. Listening to an Apuron homily is like listening to a machine. Of course at the time I did not know why he was so hollow. 

But back to the story.

All of Apuron's speeches, statements, etc. engaging the same-sex legislation were ghost written by Fr. Francis Walsh over at RMS. * And for this event at the Hilton he had written one that was to become famous. 

Apuron probably never read it. But I did. Walsh had let me review it. I had thought he was going to submit it as an opinion piece with his own name. I could see that it was incendiary, but that was his business. 

* RMS is Redemptoris Mater Seminary in Yona, Guam - the sham Neocatechumenal Way seminary Apuron set up in the late 1990's early 2000's to be his backers in a war he knew was sure to come given Apuron's history. 

Unfortunately he (Walsh) made it our business. His "paper" was printed on Apuron's letterhead, and was passed out to the legislators at the meeting at the Hilton. And upon reading it, the meeting immediately imploded. 

Apuron was caught on camera running down the hall away from reporters. 

Until recently the mere googling of the word "Apuron" would quickly lead you to that infamous letter, but of course recent events have obscured it. Wikipedia still references it:

Apuron drew criticism for a letter distributed by his archdiocese in October 2009 demonizing gay members of the community while simultaneously praising Islamists.[1][2] It said in part:
Islamic fundamentalists clearly understand the damage that homosexual behavior inflicts on a culture. That is why they repress such behavior by death. Their culture is anything but one of self-absorption. It may be brutal at times, but any culture that is able to produce wave after wave of suicide bombers (women as well as men) is a culture that at least knows how to value self-sacrifice.[3][4][5]
Up to this point (about October 2009), for several weeks I had been slogging through the town halls, the press, the radio, TV, speaking in schools, etc., at great cost to myself and my family, not in defense of Apuron, but trying to distinguish between what Apuron was "saying" and what the Church actually taught about same-sex stuff - something Apuron apparently didn't even appear to know.

I was also having to war against the image of the Church presented by Deacon Frank Tenorio. Tenorio would stand up at town hall meetings for the proposed same-sex union legislation and start screaming and preaching at the presenters.  

In addition, I was incensed by BJ's trying to pull a fast one by attempting to substitute the original bill with another bill which would have kept his substitute bill from receiving a public hearing, permitting him to sneak an important piece of legislation re same-sex unions past the public. 

After several horrible weeks of being maligned in public as a "homophobe" (which is the label attached to anyone who even demands transparency in the matter of same-sex legislation), I eventually prevailed. 

BJ's substitute bill was NOT germane to the original and had to have its own hearing, a hearing which eventually sunk the bill, not because of any opposition by the Catholic Church or even me, but because it prompted a letter from the Retirement Board to the Legislature, a letter sent six months before it finally became known.

For months I had been urging the media to ask about the effect of the same-sex legislation on the Retirement Fund. I knew that most people did not really care about the moral dimension of the bill, but they would certainly care about its financial impact, especially if it impacted their retirement. I was right. 

I still remember the moment when then-K57 talk show host Ray Gibson got the Fund's executor, Mr. Joe T. San Agustin on the radio and he said that he had sent a letter six months previously to the legislature saying that BJ's legislation could potentially break the retirement fund. The problem was that should the bill pass into law, it would create a whole new class of GovGuam dependents for which the retirement fund had "no actuarial tables" (Joe's words). 

Sorry Mr. Joe T if I'm not paraphrasing this correctly, but that was the upshot of it. BJ got on the air with Joe T and an argument ensued. Joe T did not back down and the next day BJ withdrew his bill saying he didn't have enough votes.
Apologies for that long diversion, but it's important for the reader to know. 

I want readers to know how much Apuron's lack of brains cost me and how far I was willing to go to protect him. At the time, only six states had passed similar legislation. Had Guam passed it, being mostly a Catholic population, Apuron would have stood out to Rome like a diseased wart on a sore thumb. 

Little did I know that I should have just let it happen. But I really wasn't trying to save Apuron. 

Apuron was presenting (Neocat) Fr. Walsh's letters as if they were his own, and Walsh's letters were long on his own views and short on actual Catholic teaching, endangering the Church in the public view and pushing people, who might have otherwise not cared about the issue, to support the legislation just to oppose what looked like a very hostile Church - when really it was only a Neocat agenda.

At these meetings I kept saying over and over and over: "JUST PRESENT WHAT THE CHURCH ACTUALLY SAYS!" 

I couldn't believe I was having to tell an Archbishop and a room full of priests and theology professors to say this, but I was. And still, time after time after time, they IGNORED Church teaching and presented their own.

So here's my purpose for telling you all this. 

I saw up close and personal, back in 2010, that Apuron was a brainless puppet, surrounded by an ever growing and more aggressive group of Neocat presbyters, namely led by a certain Fr. Pius Sammut (aka The Stinking Monk). 

Having watched this infiltration of Neocats into the administration of our archdiocese since as early as 2004, I clearly saw the danger by 2010 and knew it was only a matter of time before something really bad was going to happen.

The last straw for me was during SNAP's * visit to Guam in 2010. 

*Survivor's Network of those Abused by Priests

Still seen as a willing attack dog, I was called into a meeting at the chancery and was asked if I would go to the media and read a statement designed to get rid of SNAP. I read the statement, then looked at the group assembled in the conference room and asked:

"Why are we doing this? Let's call their bluff. What do we have to hide?

By "calling their bluff" I meant let's invite them to the chancery. Let them look at the records. We had nothing to hide, right? 


The tone of the meeting immediately changed and questions started to be asked: "What about....?" And what about...?", etc. I left the meeting and left any involvement with the chancery. I was not about to lie for this archbishop. 

Still I kept it to myself until July 16, 2013 when the Fr. Paul thing exploded into view. 

I wasn't angry that Fr. Paul was removed as pastor from Santa Barbara. I had no connection with Fr. Paul or Santa Barbara. I was angry because of what I had seen coming for ten years, and had even warned about: the Neocats (i.e. Gennarini et al.) had finally assembled what they thought was enough force for a complete take over of the diocese, and the first order of business was to get rid of Fr. Paul and then Msgr. James - the two most likely to succeed Apuron. 


  1. Don't forget to add that Claros fella. What a farce that deacon is.

  2. Don't forget the KOLG radio show...Regarding the attempt to throw your son under the bus.

  3. Thank you again and again, Tim. As a latecomer to the "movie", this helps answer some of the questions I had trying to understand some of the sorrowful mysteries of the Diocease of Hagatna.

  4. The Google detective has uncovered evidence of a vast conspiracy. What a joke.

    1. Agree. She's using screenshots of the Jungle blog versus recorded transcripts and other forms of official documents and said that the Vatican will use them. Bring it on Diana May, bring it on.

    2. She should be sued for defamation. It is quite ridiculous how far these lunatics are willing to go.

    3. Anon 5:14PM on the contrary is u folks. Who are more lunatics? Is you. Watch Tim defend your sorry ass.

    4. AnonymousJune 19, 2016 at 7:36 PM - Your English is so broken that I need an interpreter to explain what you are trying to say. You should "Google" to see how sentences are put together!

  5. Every time Diana accuses that activities were being orchestrated, she yells that the abused were nothing but liars and actors. They were VICTIMS! Period.

  6. Don't forget that Dianabot is not only a google detective but a lair....ah...I mean, lawyer.

  7. Apuron has to be really hollow to listen to the heretical teachings of Pius Sammut in his Neo Community, when he has full authority to put him in his place and say, "No! What you are teaching is not right!" Instead Apuron probably sits through these catechism classes with Pius in a psychedelic glaze with rose-colored glasses, saying, "Wow, man! This is cool!

  8. I used to get incredibly irritated by that Diana. After reading several of her blog posts and her most recent post about her "conspiracy" finding which include screenshots of a PUBLIC blog, I couldn't help but laugh in complete and utter disbelief. My eyes opened and all of could think of was "this lady is either demented or incredibly brainwashed.

    Lord help her!

    1. Or a willing pawn of the stinky monk.

    2. ALL OF THE ABOVE...

    3. You know is true lie! You folks are nothing but brood of vipers and Satanas children!

    4. AnonymousJune 19, 2016 at 7:37 PM -"You know is true lie! You folks are nothing but brood of vipers and Satanas children"!
      Translation Please?

    5. Anonymous @ 7:37PM. I read your comment while drinking some water. You owe me a new keyboard.

    6. Lol! Good one Jose. I wish 7:37 would just stay out of the Jungle and not waste our time. Or maybe I should tell him in words he may understand... Hey... stay out Jungle k? U no come back here k? U waste people, many people time k? Spend time learn English k?

    7. AnonymousJune 19, 2016 at 7:37 PM - OH, YOU ARE GOING TO GET IT NOW! You know is true lie! You posted - "You folks are nothing but brood of vipers and Satanas children!"

      Do you mean "Satan's Children" or "Santana's Children"? I do not think that Santana's people would appreciate your calling his group a "brood of vipers"! You can be sued for libel!

      Santana is an American Latin rock band formed in San Francisco, California in 1967 by Mexican guitarist Carlos Santana and is one of my favorite groups. Before you posted anything again, please Google or talk to someone so that you can use the correct English language/words.

  9. 7:37 PM, haven't we told you meelions and meelions of times to finish your ESL lessons before you converse with adults in the jungle? Go now, finish your homework and do some coloring before your bedtime. And don't forget to say your prayers for the brood of vipers you talk about. I hear many if them are hatching at RMS grounds especially in the summer.

  10. It is getting crazy in KAKA land. This is the latest from The Diana Blog. Now you, Tim and your co-conspirators not only want to oust the archbishop, but you want to destroy Guam's culture and keep the island subject to the US federal government! Wow!

    AnonymousJune 19, 2016 at 7:45 PM

    We should also see the bigger picture. The jungle gets clandestine support from rogue covert forces and wayward political organizations from the mainland and from elsewhere. Destroying a Chamorro archbishop and the local church would be a big score for them, no question about it! The aim is to weaken Guam's cultural and political standing by any means possible so that any kind of self-determination would be out of question for another century or so.

    1. LOL. I'm in record in several places supporting decolonization so that we can finally criminalize abortion.

    2. This is my favorite line!! LOL I just keep reading it and laughing. This IS a great movie plot in the making!

      "The jungle gets clandestine support from rogue covert forces and wayward political organizations from the mainland and from elsewhere."

    3. Mine is - "The aim is to weaken Guam's cultural and political standing by any means possible so that any kind of self-determination would be out of question for another century or so." So Apuron being accused of child abuse and other mismanagement in the Catholic Church is going to "weaken Guam's cultural and political standing"? How about "Strengthening Guam's cultural because we are finally healing some of the suffering" and political standing because our Guam Politicians will be adhering to the laws of the land"!

  11. And I thought I was the only one who thought his homilies were quite bland.

  12. From Diana's blog:
    AnonymousJune 19, 2016 at 5:04 PM

    Tim, are you and your associates CATHOLIC JIHADIST??

    "But I still would like to know
    1. why should we need these Catholic jihadists to fight a jihad of intimidation and terror?
    2. why these Catholic jihadists fight against the leaders of my own Catholic Church and against my own Catholic community?"

    1. Dont forget that it was a neo ghost writer that attributed to Apuron his infamous quote on muslim radicals vs gays a few years back.
      This comes from the same diseased school of thoughts inside the RMs. It is directly linked to the putrid Pius
