Friday, August 26, 2016


Posted by Webster

Imagine that. A serial child sex molester, a rapist, wants a canonical trial to clear his name and reputation over the disputed Yona seminary property transaction, as though that will clear his name and reputation!

Is he sane?

It looks like the NCW(Pius/Gennarini) is not only pulling his strings, they have thrown him under the bus.

And the pitiful and tragic thing about it: Apuron has no idea he is being used and sacrificed by the NCW.

Poor Apuron. How pitiful. How delightful!  


  1. This is as insane as it gets.
    Believe me.
    Such a trial will only dig up the secrets of Apuron that not even Tim Rohr has published in three years.

    1. Even if they do, we'll never know. The results of a canonical trial are never known. That's why we have to have a civil trial. Call your senators. Pass that bill or bust.

  2. Webster calls it again.

  3. Hon should ask Jackie to tell apuron to contact Hon ASAP. That is, if Hon really does not know where apuron is. And/or if Hon wants to talk with apuron. In the meantime, Hon should do to apuron what we are telling all Catholics to do: withhold all monetary support.

  4. This is such a sad melodrama that's deserving of an Oscar.
    Pinocchio, you need a nose extension from here to Timbuktu
    to cover all your lies!

  5. The Vatican M.O. Is to cover up Apuron' s crime and most likely will pronounce him innocent.The congregation doing the investigation are all puppets of Kiko, all bought at a price.

  6. Did apuron request for an apostolic administrator (HON) to come to Guam
    or did the Pope send Hon?

    Did apuron really request the Pope for a canonical trial? Or, was apuron summoned to appear before a canonical trial?

    Is there any way of knowing what is really true?

    1. Be assured Archbishop Apuron did not request an administrator. It was imposed on him.
      In the same way Archbishop Apuron did not request a trial. It is imposed by the Holy Father.
      Apuron is an out and right Liar.
      Now Hon will see "Lyin Apuron"

  7. apuron wants to clear his name re: the Yona RMS property fiasco so he "requests the Pope for a canonical trial." But he has no interest in clearing his name of all the sex abuse charges, so he does not even bother to ask the Pope for a venue to clear his name on those.

    1. hey, Anonymous August 26, 2016 at 9:15 PM

      unless the law on Guam is changed, nothing will happen to tony regarding the sexual abuse, and in his mind set he is brother tony, so should charges come to fruition, it will be anthony sablan apuron that will charged, to brother tony that name is just part of his title, which has no bearing in the ncw world... thus no shame...

      what is important, what is vital, what is first and foremost is the rms, it will be kiko people on the canonical trial, so no worry's...

      at the core, we have three (3) priest telling a lie to protect the truth, which protects the jersey man, who protects kiko...

    2. - So now we know what the priorities are for Apuron - clearing his name for the sake of a stupid building vice real human lives he destroyed! What is going on in My Beautiful Island of Guam? Have the Fricking NEOS, NCW, or whatever the H_ LL they call themselves really duped so many Native Islanders? Thank God for the CCOG, Faithful Laity, True Katolikus, Tim Rohr, Chuck White, Frenchie, the Molested/Abused Survivors, and all others (I know I am missing so many more but are included) that have been fighting the battle for the True Catholic Churches on Guam! Thank You and God Bless Each and Everyone One of You and Those I Missed!

  8. Pius is desperate to save his legacy of deceit, corruption, arrogance, and greed.

  9. To remind our readers.
    About two years ago Apuron made insulting statements about Archbishop Charles Balvo. No one believed at the time.
    Archbishop Apuron is now calling Archbishop Hon a liar and worse behind his back.
    Wake up Archbishop Hon. You also may well get Apurons wrath. Dont be surprized.


  10. Archbishop Hon. Pius is giving you his special treatment that he has given to others. Yes Archbishop Hon Pius special word is being given to you. The special word he did not want to send students to St.Patrick's seminary.

  11. Apuron you have no moral authority to lead what are you talking about?.
    A person who inserts his penis into a young boy does not have moral authority to lead this Archdiocese.
    You are a very sick man. You are not welcome . You are hated reviled repulsed.
    Please stay off Guam you are a sickening human being a monster. Hated by many on and off island.

  12. With all due respect Tony you do not have a good name on Guam. You never did for 30 years. You were hated detested reviled.
    But only now can we show just how sick you were. You are an accused child molester. You are hated Tony and we will see that you are hated all over the world. We will not stop until you have gone. Go to court. We will shout you down. We will make your life living hell.

  13. the neocats know they can't do much about the civil law things, but they still have influence in canon law things. so they're squeezing out as much use from apuron as they still can before his usefulness is completely exhausted.

  14. Rose de los Reyes (Seattle, WA)August 27, 2016 at 3:29 AM

    A Canonical Trial over what? The deed of the RMS? The clergy sexual abuse? Other lawbreaking and illicit acts we don't know about? First, the deed of the RMS was a civil law transaction. Fr. Apuron by-passed the proper process of an internal Ecclesiastical agreement which, I believe, would have been governed by canon law. Because of that improper maneuver, he shot himself on the foot and now can't correct the RMS deed under canon law. If he had prepared the deed properly and effected it in the proper way of ecclesiastical agreement, perhaps the archdiocese wouldn't be in this mess in the first place presuming, of course, that he would have had the sound guidance of sound consultative bodies and, more importantly, he would have listened to their sound advice. Second, the clergy sexual abuse cases have civil and criminal consequences in additional to canonical consequences. I can think of two issues that canonical trials could apply to Fr. Apuron if he contests (1) his removal as Archbishop of Agana and if he contests (2) the process of laicization the, yes, a canonical trial is the applicable means by which he can clear his good name. Otherwise, he is going to have to face the legal consequences outside of canon law.

    1. Rose, thank you for participating in these discussions. I have enjoyed reading your excellent comments. I find your contributions to be very informative and — in this case — encouraging. I hope you are correct that this canonical trial — which Apuron claims to have requested — will begin the process of his laicization.

      I also pray that the Guam Legislature passes Bill 326-33 so that Anthony Sablan Apuron will have the chance to face his accusers — to date, at least 3 survivors of his sexual assaults — in a Court of Law.

    2. Rose de los Reyes (Seattle, WA)August 27, 2016 at 1:57 PM

      Hi, Mary Lou, thank you for your note. I don't know for a fact that Fr. Apuron is going to undergo or is in the process of a canonical trial. In fact, I don't believe any representations he (and/or his ghost writers make). I was simply looking at the issues at hand and seeing which one of them (that we know of) can be heard and remedied in a jurisdiction that applies canon law. The only two situations I could think of which are are, as I stated, his removal as archbishop and a laicization. But I don't have any information to that effect. Like you, I hope that Fr. Apuron does have his canonical trial (as he wished) and that it would be over those two matters (as the faithful wish).

  15. In the Court of Public Opinion, Apuron is guilty, guilty, guilty. Now he's asking for a Canonical Trial? We all know that's nothing but a request for an Ecclesiastic Cover-up. More will be revealed this Tuesday August 30, 6:00 p.m., Mangilao Senior Citizens' Center. Please attend and invite your friends and relatives. The Holy Spirit is asking you to help clean up God's Church.

  16. This man Apuron has no shame left. Laughable, laughable, laughable! Attempts to clear his name but does nothing to clear the names of people he falsely accused of many things! Attempts to clear his name when he knows what happened when he forced himself on young pre-adolescent kids and robbed them of their innocence! Worse, raped them savagely by using his influence on the parents! Attempts to clear his name when he knows in his heart that he has lied, deceived and maneuvered people who trusted him! You will never clear your name, Apuron, you do not have to hide under a "canonical investigation" to exonerate you from the damages you inflicted! The people have weighed and judged you - and have found you wanting in so many respects!

    1. "The people" actually weighed and judged him years ago. He didn't care because there was not one who would actually speak publicly against him and hold him accountable. That still remains to be done.

    2. Rose de los Reyes (Seattle, WA)August 27, 2016 at 11:43 AM

      The good news is that holding Fr. Apuron accountable is NOW in progress. It is better late than never, it is better slow to happen, than not to happen at all. Thanks to you in sharing your hard work, knowledge, and research including your work with JungleWatch. Thanks also to the CCOG, Bob Klitzkie, Chuck White and his Thoughful Catholic blog, and many others. I now understand how deeply infiltrated or in trenched the operations and workings of Neocatechumenal Way is in Archdiocese of Agana, from the chancery to the parish level. The ONLY way I can see how "unity" in the Church on Guam will be restored is if the faithful to get rid of the NeoCats, starting with ridding the archdiocese of Fr. Apuron.

    3. TIM, Trust me IT WILL BE DONE..YOU gave us the courage to come forward and speak Publicly against him..there is NO stopping us now..Apuron will be held accountable for EVERYTHING HE HAS DONE..

  17. REMEMBER, only YOU can prevent corruption in our Church!
