(Posted by Glaucon Jr)
JAZZ HANDS: Kiko's Bob Fosse-esque addition to his "New Aesthetic"
So why exactly do we have so many issues with NCW-catechized folks being unable to break free from such spiritual violence? The answer lies in what drew them to the NCW in the first place: bad (or no) initial catechesis, the support of the local bishop, and the emotional and spiritual dependence fostered in believers. And it's all confirmed in the community's unspoken belief that they are special.
Glaucon Jr., thanks a lot for your analysis, you have caught perfectly the neocatechumenal's mindset and I think that is quite difficult for many bishops and cardinals. Kiko and the Way seem to have a kind of paralyzing poison that bloks any attempt of change, even the most little one. It is a very strange thing I am not able to explain with words.
ReplyDeleteI have a feeling which could be more or less simile. Imagine you are in a park like Six Flags and you are in a ride like El Toro, you feel panic but you want more to have your adrenaline exploding. You want to leave but also to continue, it is such a contradiction itself.
You feel very extreme forces working over your body, which is like a ragdoll under artificially increased centrifugal and centripetal and gravity and....I don't know how many different forces, a real mess.
At the end, the supposedly funny thing with those "horrific rides" is that everybody feels close to the edge, feeling very, very, very near to their own limit, thinking "now, if a litle screw is loosen, I die", when the real thing is everything is full under control.
Living your faith in a neocatechumenal community would be something like that experience. Many times you think you have reached your limit, but again you will stay for a while...and suddenly you are again on top, and so on for years and years. Kiko is the engineering who has designed when each force comes in, with how many intensity, etc. etc. I wish I could explain it better with my limited English!
You explain it better. I like this post very much. Thank you again!
Thank you, Glaucon, for your series on Kiko’s a.k.a the NeoCat teachings and resulting applications of those teachings. The phrase I often read written by or hear said by NeoCats in defense of their practices and beliefs is that “the pope has approved.” Indeed, Pope Benedict, when he was still Cardinal Ratzinger encouraged them to draft their Statues. The Statutes and the Catechetical Directory are indeed approved by the Pontifical Council of the Laity. But, there are many examples in life where the stuff in writing turns out to be different far from the stuff in practice. Take for example an jog applicant’s resume. The resume can look very impressive, but when that applicant is hired his skills, knowledge, and even attitude falls short of that which is written in the resume. The same goes for marketing brochures and pamphlets of products, financial investments, and company websites. While “the pope has approved,” he approved the stuff in writing. The one factor that isn’t easily caught in the writing the process by which the mind is messed with as you have written about. Since the time of approval, there are many elements of the NeoCat practices that many bishops and even multiple popes have explicitly NOT approved and have asked the NeoCats to conform with traditional liturgical practices and conform to the teachings of the traditional Catholic catechesis.
ReplyDeleteIf the approved NeoCat Statutes and Catechetical Directory were practiced in the way the popes envisioned the NeoCats would put into practice, then there wouldn’t be recorded worldwide problems involving NeoCats. On Guam, for example, if practiced as written, NeoCats would participate in the parish liturgy but also have their own mid-week liturgy, so that members of the NeoCat community who have undergone catechesis together can deepen their bonds with each other in their continuing journey of faith. Traditional Catholics would respect that. Also, NeoCats ought not to think of themselves as a separate and special group within the parish but instead work to blend in. Traditional Catholics would respect that. In the Catholic life on Guam, however, there is indeed a clear visible separation between traditional Catholics and the NeoCats because the stuff in writing, is not the stuff in practice.
We are getting to the Papal stuff in part 5. That said, Chuck highlights on his site and his links here that the Congregation of the Laity is not at all the same as the CDF--and their approval makes all the difference in the world. The fact that they haven't ruled affirmatively for the NCW speaks to disapproval far more than approval. Why? Because that kind of approval if it was cut and dried would be near automatic, if approved all all. Can you say political pressure?
DeleteIf he couldn't get it by Ratzinger with clear approval, then it's not legit. There, I said it. If a dummy like me can see the corrupt substructure of this whole theology, then I know these minds in the CDF can
Hi, Glaucon. I look forward to Parts 4 and 5. I can see why approval by CDF for the NCW teachings is going to be hard to come by. Like you, I agree that the likelihood of approval is going to be slim to none. Yet it doesn’t stop the NeoCats to famously defend their practices and beliefs with “…the pope approved.” I think even they don’t know exactly what the pope approved when they say that phrase. It’s an automatic response that they were perhaps taught to parrot. I think those who say it are referring to the general “support” and “encouragement” they received from Pope John Paul II in the 1980s and from his successors Popes Benedict and Francis for the NeoCats' work in post-Baptismal formation and their program of sending families to far off lands to start a mission. As you know, “support” and “encouragement” are not the same as “approval” of practices, catechesis, and doctrines.
DeleteWhenever a movement is run by so many small groups, there is always the possibility that individuals can hijack the mission by turning their communities into little cults (which is another criticism from former NeoCats) and this is the case with the Way on Guam. Fr. Pius and Fr. Apuron (and others) hijacked the NeoCat mission and incorporated their personal agenda involving power and control over the resources of Guam’s Catholics (Neo and traditional) and the resources of the Catholic Church itself.
ReplyDeleteFr. Apuron, a NeoCat follower, and the Archbishop of Agana (in concert with others of power in the Church) over at least a couple of decades, took it upon himself in his capacity as Archbishop, to thrust the NeoCat structure, practices, and beliefs upon the Catholic Church of Guam. Basically, he has had a mission for years, even decades, to ram the NeoCat Way down the throats of all Catholics on Guam, but he does this in a stealthy way, one move at a time over the decades so it is not so noticeable. First, there is elimination of members the Church’s consultative bodies who don’t support his plans and replaced by members who support him. The current Archdiocese Finance Council is an example. Second, there is an elimination of consultative committees all together that may block any parts of his agenda in forcing the NeoCat Way onto the entire Church. Then, key administrative positions in the Archdiocese are assigned to NeoCat followers or supporters. Then, clergy assignments include the designation of NeoCat trained presbyters in certain parishes in effect making those parishes NeoCat parishes in that the NeoCat practices are accommodated or even prioritized over the traditional Catholic practice. Then, in practice, the use of the Cathedral-Basilica as the NeoCat’s primary Church with their specific practices accommodated and even prioritized over traditional Catholic events. Then, Fr. Apuron’s current personal counsel (who, in reality, has also done legal work or issued public statements on behalf of the Archdiocese of Agana, AND has done legal counsel-ish works for the Redemtoris Mater Seminaries, Inc. --- do you see a conflict-of-interest there?) is a NeoCat, whose work includes smoothing the feathers for illegal, nonsensical, and questionable acts by Fr. Apuron on behalf of himself, and/or the NeoCat community, and/or Archdiocese and always for purported good of the entire Church. The list goes on. The moves are very stealthy and even not noticeable if your main contact with the church is only at your parish’s Sunday mass (provided you’re not in a parish assigned to a NeoCat presbyter.)
There are many documented problems throughout the world in dioceses where NeoCats are permitted to practice the way of their spiritual growth. But Guam’s situation is unique in that the primary advocate for this movement IS the Archbishop, a NeoCat himself, who has exhibited, at times even blatantly, a strong preference and favoritism for the NeoCat practice to the detriment of the Church on the Guam. That preference and favoritism has translated into adverse spiritual, theological, legal, and financial consequences for the Catholic Church of Guam, a majority of whose members are not NeoCat practitioners. To solve this disunity in the Church, it is obvious that the first step is to remove Fr. Apuron as Archbishop of Agana. The power he holds as Archbishop has been misused to the detriment and disunity of the Church. The Church has to take back the Church from Fr. Apuron. Therein lies the focus in order to restore unity in the Church. The strategy to discuss, to mediate, to placate all sides are not solutions for Guam. Though firm, fair, and with compassion the solutions espoused by Archbishop Villegas in the Philippines won’t work for Guam either because the very person who could have mediated the disunity IS the cause of the disunity. There is no model for Guam to follow in its quest restore accord in the Church. For Guam’s unusual situation, Guam has to respond with its own solutions. There is great God given talent, skill, and gumption among the Catholics on Guam that, with the aid of the Holy Spirit, I have no doubt those solutions will be formulated and implemented.
ReplyDeleteThanks, Glaucon. Do false prophets have any charisms?
ReplyDeleteI suggest that the comments of Rose de los Reyes (Seattle, Washington) at 3:21 AM, 3:22 AM, 3:30 AM be compiled into a single post instead of being "buried" as a series of comments under this excellent post by Glaucon, Jr.
Ms. de los Reyes has articulated several issues that might be helpful for those who still question why we do what we do. Her closing statement "There is great God given talent, skill, and gumption among the Catholics on Guam that, with the aid of the Holy Spirit, I have no doubt those solutions will be formulated and implemented" provides for me the motivation to continue walking in the hot sun on Sunday mornings 0900-0945 in front of the Cathedral-Basilica.
BTW: There were many new faces this morning. There were more people with mobility challenges walking the picket line this morning. While the Delusional Dingbat Diana and followers may mock the "old people" with walkers and canes who painfully walk among the able-bodied, I think it demonstrates that we have the GUMPTION to do what needs to be done, as long as it takes!
Please compile the comments by Ms. de los Reyes into a post for others to read. Thank you.
I just noticed that Kiko is doing his best impersonation of his artwork in the photo. He must have been his own model when he was stealing it. LOL!