Sunday, September 25, 2016


Posted by Tim

Posted on HERE'S WHAT HON IS GOING TO DO, Anonymous writes:

An accusation of sex abuse...hon has so many accusations that he refuses to follow up on. I hope he initiates those before he picks on pale Mike. 
Well, since apparently the other alleged victims are already all lawyered up, here's one Hon can work with, and some say, he already is. 

On June 27, 2016, at the first public hearing for Bill 326-33, Jonathan Diaz orally "testified" on....well I don't know what he testified on. 

After a lengthy story about everything from being molested by a seminarian, to losing his job, to not making enough money to live on, to being denied entrance to a seminary, to no one believing him, to no senator came to his aid, to being "ostracized by this community," to being called "mentally ill because I am a bisexual man," to losing the election against Madeline Bordallo in 2010, to... Mr. Diaz finally wraps up his testimony in favor of "adding another year to the window," (there is no "window in the bill, the bill lifts the statute of limitations permanently) and a protest against the "Vatican's decision concerning the Diocese of Chalan Kanoa" (a reference to the recent appointment of Ryan Jimenez as bishop-elect.) You can find Mr. Diaz' testimony on pages 23-27 of the Committee Report.

So have at it, Hon. In fact, I heard he missed his first appointment with the new SARC. No surprise. Oh, and here's a few other things to help your research. 

On August 28, 2014, Mr. Diaz left the following comment on my blog accusing "our Ordinary" of sexual assault on a former seminarian, and calling - before anyone else did - for Apuron to be "defrocked." 

Tim, this is Jonathan Diaz. It is my understanding that Rome has been contacted concerning an incident of a former seminarian of our Archdiocese for a sexual assault by our Ordinary in the 1980's at St. JOSEPH'S College, in Moutainview, CA. I encourage all seminarians past, priest or not, to please contact Rome about this incident vis a vi Our Nuncio. We had several of them and I believe That there are substantial people who can vouch for this and is not gossip. This is fact because as a Catholic Sexual Abuse Survivor on this island of Guam, who is very much still a Catholic, I firmly believe with all my heart, mind and spirit that Apruon must be defrocked! It is time to move Rome with not only our prayers, but with actions. I am kindly asking people to not receive Holy Communion from Apuron until things get resolved. He cannot be allowed to stomp all over us because these scandals are scandals, not gossip! And if they continue to use the pulpit for politicking, just know that they will be challenged by me and everyone else who have the right to know where our money is going! We are not dumb sheep anymore!

On November 24, 2014, Mr. Diaz went further, claiming that for Apuron "one boy was not enough," and demands for Apuron to tell "the truth" because "God is demanding it, not me."

And yes. Archbishop needs to speak up and why one boy was not enough. He needs to answer the people and he must be redeemed. God wants his people healed, but let us all please wait. Trust God. Trust the Holy Spirit. He is afraid to tell the truth. Let us all hear the truth. And he will answer because God is demanding it, not me.

So, Archbishop Hon, there you go. But then he is accusing Archbishop Apuron, so I gues you can't touch this one right? Oh, what to do, what to do?

Well, no worries. Mr. Diaz has already foreseen your dilemma, because when some seriously credible Apuron victims came forward this past May and June, Diaz, on June 10 - three days after Walter Denton shared his horrific account of being raped by Apuron - officially proclaimed Apuron's innocence on the PDN's Facebook page:

Jonathan Blas Diaz His Excellency The Most Reverend Archbishop Anthony Sablan Apuron, OFM., Cap., Doctor of Divinity IS INNOCENT!
LikeReply1June 10 at 10:18am
Augustus Francus Lmao!!!!
LikeReply2June 10 at 10:56pm
Tina Lg Bongat Batshit crazy!
Jonathan Blas Diaz Let us continue to believe in the words of the Archbishop of Agaña that claims he is innocent for he, (and all of us, myself included) must practice what he preaches!

Archbishop Hon, you have no idea what you're in for. You best call Papa Francis and ask for a reassignment.



  1. - Oh Hon - You really need to get your ducks in a row before you accuse Father Mike Crisostomo. Get Your Facts Straight! After reading the posting above, all I could say was "Oh My Goodness - Oh My Goodness" - What A .......... This Hon is! I am sorry to say that this Jonathan Dias is from my village of Barrigada and I have always believed that everyone is entitled to their opinion but this posting just shattered that. You have to take each opinion as such but this guy Jonathan is in a world of his own. WOW!

    1. - Oops - Diaz - Not Dias! It is not good to submit until you check your spelling!

    2. iirc, he was in the seminary (non-ncw) at some point, but did not continue. it sounds like he wasn't allowed to continue? i don't know what happened to him. i didn't know him well, but it seems like he's become a different person.

  2. The natives are not restless anymore, thanks to HON. They have moved up another notch and now preparing for a full-fledged war!! St. Joan of Arc pray for us.

  3. In the life of St Pio of Pietrelcina (Padre Pio) we discover that his Bishop, Archbishop Gagliardi, falsely accused Padre Pio of various wrongdoings, and had unjust sanctions imposed upon him. When people would speak against the Bishop concerning these unjust sanctions, St. Pio would quickly respond “The will of the Bishop is the will of God.”

    1. Yes, because in the matter befor Pio's bishop, the bishop had competence. Hon was outside his competence trying to influence legislation aimed at uncovering that which his bishop buddies had aided and abetted. Fr. Mike was within his competence to decide between Caesar (Hon) and God.

    2. So many misappropriations to the story of Padre Pio, I have heard it been used against speaking up against evil. Thank you for the clarification.

  4. This Jonathan Diaz is a wanna be. He wanted to be a senator, a congressman, a priest and now an molestee. He is as wacko as wanna be archbishop ric eusabio.

    1. Jonathan Diaz came to a DOE workshop last year and started loudly ranting and raving saying that Governor Calvo should be arrested-I'm not sure for what. His remarks had nothing to do with the subject of the workshop and made everyone uncomfortable.

  5. The reason Diaz is bi sexual is that he can't get sex at all, so he will try to get it with any sex. He is also a wanna be sexual idol. He is as bad as apuron, a sexual deviate.

  6. I like Tina Bongat LG's terminology better: batshit crazy. Perfect! A lot of guano going Hon's meddling.

  7. Yeah, that Eusebio stuck his crutch in between the legs of somebody other than maryann. Now he speaks for the church. Stick you crutch up your ass.

  8. So Jonathan Diaz aka Jokers Wild missed his meeting with SARC? He definitely had a good reason. He is nothing but a SORRY ASS RENAL COWARD!

    Jonathan, please borrow Eusebio's cane and shove it up your ass.

  9. Jonathan Diaz,are you somewhat related to Judymae Quit.!!!!! now while you're both of Judymae,she has some skeleton in her closet too....we haven't forgotten what you did to the person who tried to help you.yep,yep,yep,it's all about money,money,money..

    1. I always wondered about Judymae Quitugua.. soo much animosity towards the victims and whoever is against Apuron....maybe she is Apuron's side kick.. someone should introduce her to Jonathan Diaz...they both have much in common..both koko heads...putting it lightly..

    2. Judymae isn't nothing but a GuamPdn troll. She doesn't live on the island, believes in everything she says and has lost touch with her roots. I wouldn't be surprised if she even changed her denomination just by reading her comments. Must be related to Diana too.

    3. Is this Quitugua family of Apuron in California. Is Apuron still living with you? Anyone contact you about the credit cards yet?

  10. Jonathan Diaz shame on you Diaz family.
    it is a very serious sin to make statements as you do knowing they are not true. please consult a shrunk for your mental disorder.

  11. Jonathan Diaz's testimony is so distorted and almost laughable. It is clear to anyone reading it that his elevator never reached the right floor. Poor boy he should definitely look for some therapy to help him with all his problems. He rambles on and nothing makes sense. Will pray for him that he gets the help he desperately needs.

    1. Bipolar or dissociative identity disorder could be the proper diagnosis.

    2. His elevator never left the sub-basement, and that is why he is ranting idiotically, he doesn't know which button to press to see daylight...

  12. Just completed the picket today. Most satisfying so far. So many new faces. As Hon continues to threaten our local priest the line grew even longer. Stay tuned as we may have to march on the Chancery this week.

    1. Yes Mr. Santos, it was a very satisfying sight to see. Under the scorching morning sun, many new faces appeared. I am certain that many of them are from the IHOM parish to support Pale Mike. I proudly held the HON GO HOME sign. A very invigorating day indeed. St Joan of Arc pray for us and give us the strength and courage to slay the dragon!

  13. Well, if Hon falsely accuses Fr. Mike of sexual abuse or any other wrongdoing, Hon will eventually have to prove it in court, won't he? Then the truth will come out and Fr. Mike can sue Hon for libel/slander or whatever appropriate charge. Let the games (lawsuits) begin!

  14. i know former vocation Director of Archdiocese of LA california. Mr.Diaz applied as a seminarian of LA around 2009. He was sent to St.John's seminary for evaluation. Further to evaluation the Archdiocesan vocation team determined that Mr.Diaz was not suitable material to become a seminarin for the Arcdiocese of LA.

    1. Well of course they didn't find him at all suitable. Then he went to live with a woman. So know what's this all about? Nut job.

  15. Jonathan Diaz is like an unstable bomb. If Hon is not careful, Diaz is liable to blow up in Hon's face. Merece!

  16. Don't help hon.

    Let him find out for himself that his star witness believes he is actually the real Elvis, who was abducted by aliens, after talking to Superman on his way to see the baby Jesus.

    This guy also loves the attention so he'll act all sad and broken but inside he's soaring like lady gaga in a meatsuit! Running to sing for the vacated Mass at cathedral just to save the day is just one example.

    Not denying he needs help, but he really needs to be psych evaluated first. His story NEVER jives. So, on to more division in the Church because you all know who the neos are going to believe---the far out debauchery of the truth that they're used to or the foreign ring of the sound of honesty in their ears?

    He is a grown man. Let him speak. Just take it with a lot of salt.

  17. Was not Jonathan Diaz a seminarian at St. Patrick's in Meno Park, CA in the early years of the millennium?

    How many semesters did he attend?

    Or was he just a frequent visitor?

    So many deposition questions if he files a case!


  18. Jonathan Diaz kindly retract your statement on facebook.

  19. Hey, Diaz....get a job and stop letting your mama cook you breakfast and sitting around in your briefs tapping on your computer. Pure definition of loser!

  20. This Jonathan Diaz clown, sounds like the lights on, but nobody's home, and Hon wants to use this loose screw against Fr. Mike? Now that is really groping in the dark. How desperate can Hon be. Hon, wok wong wit u?

  21. The comments on this particular blog about Johnathon Diaz have been of concern to me as he has already stated how he felt revictimized from not being listened to or taken seriously. I am not sure why Tim chose to negate Johnathon Diaz as he did. The bottom line is he openly testified that he is a survivor of Catholic sexual abuse molestation at aged 13yrs and 16yrs at San Vincente Church by a priest that is still alive today. He was also molested at age 7 years by a cousin. He has a Masters in Systematic and Philosophical Theology from Graduate Theological Union and Franciscan School of Theology. I can understand how some of his statements don't seem to make sense. But I also wonder how much of that is because he did not have adequate support in writing statements that are very traumatic and emotional and that have been devastating for him which he seems to be addressing on his own. If he is a victim as he has repeatedly said publicly I would hope people would show compassion and understanding for what he endured like they do others. Trauma affects people differently and everyone deserves an opportunity for support to heal. I can't explain some of the things he wrote and I won't try. But I will pray that he finds much needed compassion, support and peace within.

    1. Mr. Diaz has been accusing Fr. Mike for years. I did not choose to victimize him. Diaz double crossed us on this blog as I demonstrated. We have given him a stage to air his grievances. He was going to come out against Apuron. When Deacon Steve was still the SARC, Steve even prepared a formal complaint for Diaz and then Steve was fired. Shortly after that Diaz runs to the Cathedral and becomes an Apuron supporter. Whatever his problems are are whatever his problems are. But we are not going to let Hon use him to take down Fr. Mike just because Diaz sees an opportunity to be someone. We'll help anybody. But don't DOUBLE CROSS US.

    2. 5.43pm. please visit Facebook page of Mr.Jon Diaz. The profile informs readers of Mr.Diaz outstanding academic achievements as a writer scholar promoter of the arts culture.
      although very much aware of his statements and having interviewed several years ago i find it hard to believe he is a victim of sexual abuse period.

  22. Thanks Tim I realize you role is not an easy by any means and you have certainly achieved some mighty results beyond most people's expectations with the power of the word in your blog and your fearless faith and conviction. President JFK once said "One person can make a difference and everyone should try." You are one of those people and support others in trying. A reality is people run their mouths without thinking what effect it can have. Abuse victims don't always do what is expected. Many live lives in terrible fear and quiet desperation which can result in sudden changes. We all know how threatening Apron can be and how crippling fear can be. I am not making excuses as I don't know what may have occurred. I am aware that childhood abuse leaves scars and can have devastating effects on people's behavior as adults. Which doesn't always make sense to those who are trying to help them. As in abusive marriages where it's not always to get wives to leave the situation or file charges. It's just not always easy to deal with and in fact can be hugely frustrating. Not that I have to remind you I'm sure. But not all people have any real concept of what is involved. The great thing is now people can start the process for healing and also be more conscious to put a stop to it. You have be a major player in that role. Thank You and Thank You to Everyone Else who contribute in any way. It really is Awesome.
