Closing Our Wallets on the Lavender Mafia
By Beverly Stevens, REGINA Editor
Okay, I’ve had enough.
Last week, the story broke that a HIGH RANKING US CARDINAL has been a homosexual predator for decades.
Masturbating priests, forcing seminarians to sleep with him at his beach house paid for by Church funds – a Big Cheese in the homosexual networks within the priesthood which create a culture of abuse within the Church. (For those of you who are clutching your pearls in denial, kindly check out the media reports below — but be forewarned about their graphic content.)
This predator was appointed by JP II, over the objections of Americans who flew to Rome to voice them because they knew about his behavior. He was kept in office by Benedict and Francis. He was retired honorably, and now lives on the laity’s support.
Furthermore, members of the Catholic and secular media knew about his activities and said NOTHING.
This is IT, for me.
I know I speak for hundreds of millions of Catholics, not just in America, but around the world, when I say the following to the Lavender Mafia in the Catholic hierarchy:
Do you really think we are stupid?
Another good article.