By Tim Rohr
Anyway. That was the headline on May 11, 2018, in a news story, reported by Jolene Toves, and broadcast on what used to be PNC News.
As an aside, it was interesting timing. May 11, was "our" 32nd wedding anniversary, and also the same date "the other party" retained an attorney who was intimately related to the woman who would be governor (it's a matter of public record), a woman I had battled with for more than a decade over the abortion issue.
Moreover ..."11" was the number of children "the other party" and I brought into this world.
(As the case wore on, "11" and even May 11, would factor in an uncommon way into this case - a story I may tell at another time.)
The PNC story was one of four hit pieces on me that ran that week in May 2018: the first two by KUAM, and then followed by the Guam Daily Post, and finally PNC. (You can read all of them here.)
At least, Krystal Paco, the then-KUAM reporter who first trashed me for two nights in a row on public television, gave me an opportunity to make a statement in my defense. However, PNC DID NOT.
NOTE: Because I was then represented by counsel, I checked with my attorney as to whether or not I should provide a statement to the media. She (the attorney) basically told me that if I talk to the media that I could find another attorney. I should have. And eventually did. But that’s a story for later.
PNC (Jolene Toves) simply picked up on the KUAM story, regurgitated the allegations, and never attempted to present the other side: MINE.
So now PNC is DEAD:
After almost twenty years of presenting news to our island and the region, the Pacific News Center is ready for our next stage of evolution...The thirty-minute television production of PNC will be taking a temporary hiatus as we reimagine and prepare for the future of news on our island.
LOL. "evolution...reimagine..." NOT. PNC - at least its TV presence - is done.
Meanwhile, JW, continues to clip along into the many millions of views from every country on the face of the earth. (See the sidebar.) Call it "serendipity" or "justice" or maybe even "divine justice."
But now, back to Krystal Paco's "breaking" expose on Tim Rohr as a wife-beater and child-molester of his own children.
I'm going to give you the abbreviated version and in the interest of time I am not going to provide all the supporting docs. Just know that I can.
On the morning of May 9, 2018. I received a text from Krystal Paco, then of KUAM, with certain copies of the other party's filings alleging the aforesaid "domestic violence and abuse."
I wasn't surprised or shocked, in fact I replied to Krystal that it was "expected."
To understand why it was "expected," one would have to understand the complex workings of what I had been involved in to take down the world's most notorious empire of clergy sex abuse (per capita), headquartered right here on "Chancery Hill," and propped up by the nefarious "Kiko's" - and some perfect storm stuff on the family side.
I don't have time to explain the Kiko's roll. Just search for "Kiko's" in the above search bar for starters. And I'm not going to drag my family through this again, at least not now, even though some were willing partners with the media (and the Kikos) to drag me through it. (I have the emails.)
Krystal's screenshots were of papers filed in an unfortunate domestic matter. And given that normally real news reporters do not sit around at the court waiting for the latest papers filed in domestic disputes, I asked Krystal how she came to know of "this case."
Well...might as well copy the Whats App chat here exactly as it happened. I'm on the right. Krystal's on the left:
So Krystal was given the "case number as my tip."
So: 1) WHO would know the "case number"; 2) WHO would want to give it to Krystal Paco as "a tip;" and 3) and WHY?
I know WHY and I have stacks of stuff to back it up. But it's a story for another day.
PS. The only Guam media that did not attack me on this matter was the Pacific Daily News. After enduring a week of filth aimed at me, I contacted Haidee at the PDN to see if she was going to trash me too. To Haidee's credit (and the PDN's), it went like this:
To: Haidee Eugenio <>
To: Tim Rohr <>
To: "Eugenio, Haidee" <>
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