Wednesday, November 29, 2023



Cardinal Burke is my enemy, so I take away his apartment and his salary,” the pope had said at the Nov. 20 meeting, according to Bussola’s undisclosed Vatican source. 



  1. Francis shows his petty, mean and child like tantrum, that he was famous for as a Cardinal

  2. I think I remember Somebody Important saying something about enemies once. About loving them or something like that.

  3. Pope Francis has an issue with every conservative prelate...

    "When they have modernized the Church, those who were inside will have left and those who are outside will not have entered" - Saint Pius X

  4. Fr. Pavone, Bishop Strickland, and now Cardinal Burke. It’s like the Mafia but instead of physical violence, it’s spiritual violence.
    Cardinal Burke may have his pay taken away and evicted from his pain Rome, but from Guam, we all can see Burke lives free in Gregorio’s head.


    No, that's a lie.

    Austen Ivereigh:

    "After I came out from the Santa Marta I found it on a traditionalist news website, La Bussola Quotidiana. The meaning of this is obvious to anyone covering the Vatican: the leaker is motivated by animus against the Pope. Their story reported that at a meeting on November 20 with heads of the dicasteries, the Pope had told them: Il cardinale Burke è un mio nemico, perciò gli tolgo l’appartamento e lo stipendio (“Cardinal Burke is my enemy, so I am taking away his apartment and stipend”).

    I knew this quote was pure fiction. Pope Francis would never conduct a personal vendetta. It was conveniently in line with the traditionalist narrative of a merciless, vindictive pope who recklessly and unreasonably “punishes” those who disagree with him. Anyone who knows or works with the pope knows how bizarrely untrue this is, yet it is a fiction promoted with great vigor by media and websites supportive of Cardinal Burke. It is a fiction meant to perpetuate their fantasy that they are innocent victims being punished merely for defending the Church’s unchanging tradition against a modernist usurper.

    On Tuesday morning, I wrote Pope Francis a note alerting him to this quote and offering to correct it with the truth as he had put it to me. As it happened, others who were at the November 20 meeting had already done so, speaking on condition of anonymity to reputable journalists. One told Massimo Franco of Corriere della Sera that the Pope had informed them of “some measures of an economic nature, together with canonical penalties” he would be taking against the cardinal. According to a source present at the meeting cited by the Associated Press’s Nicole Winfield, this was because Burke was “a source of ‘disunity’ in the church.” A Reuters report by Philip Pullella quoted an official at the same meeting recalling the Pope saying that Burke was “working against the Church and against the papacy” and had sown “disunity” in the Church. The same official specifically denied that Francis had referred to Burke as an “enemy.”

    On Tuesday evening I had a note back from the Pope. “I never used the word ‘enemy’ nor the pronoun ‘my.’ I simply announced the fact at the meeting of the dicastery heads, without giving specific explanations.”

    He thanked me for making this clear."

    1. Thank you. Yes. I've read the same. Bottom line though is did Burke lose his apartment and his salary?

    2. As a P.S. I'm no great fan of Burke. I'm sure he's a good man. But I have personal reasons for not being a fan.
