Monday, June 16, 2014


Well, now! How coincidental! With all the FALSE WITNESS being borne against me today for allegedly STEALING Cardinal Tagle's letter as well as the other letters I have posted on my fortuitous is today's First Reading!

1 Kgs 21:1-16 is the classic story of what happens to those who bear FALSE WITNESS. 


  1. sounds like Jerusalem and Palestine

  2. Tim hopefully you also read the gospel of today...

    1. Yes. I was asked. And I am delivering. And at great personal cost to me. Of course there is no cost for cowards like yourself.

    2. Watching from the hill again?

  3. Yes, I am a coward. But what do you think about the gospel of today? what is your interpretation?

    1. Today's Gospel has nothing to with me or what I am doing. What I am doing is a different Gospel. I am responding to the need of the poor and oppressed. I am defending a man who has been beaten down, kicked to the curb, and made a social outcast. I am responding to a grave injustice perpetrated upon another human being by an evil oppressor. And if you take offense, then today's Gospel applies to you: turn the other cheek. But, oh, that's right, you can't. Your cheek has no face attached to it, and no name attached to the face.

    2. A different Gospel? Ok, this clarifies many things. Anyway, don't you think God can defend this man? Isn't He God? Still did not answer my previous question...

    3. Oh, I'm sorry. I continue to forget how incapable one becomes after drinking KAKA for so many years. Let me explain. In saying a "different Gospel" I was referring to a different Gospel passage, not a different Gospel as opposed to the one given us by Jesus Christ. Darn, again my oversight. I have to remember that when I speak to the KAKA drinkers that I can't assume anything. But allow me to go on:

      In another place in the SAME GOSPEL Jesus exhorts us to care for the poor, the down trodden, the oppressed, the widowed, the orphan. I saw a man being unjustly oppressed, and true to Christ's exhortation, I took up his cause. However, I am not alone. I am just the face of a much larger group that has also taken up his cause.

      But relative to your inference to the the particular Gospel of the day and the instruction to "turn the other cheek", it was not "my cheek" to turn. The offense was not against me, but against a man who could not defend himself except for lay help.

      Your trite little "don't you think God can defend this man" is pathetic and cowardly. Do we not think that God can also defend helpless babies in the womb? The Christians being nailed to crosses in Iraq and Syria? Isn't he God? Don't bother answering. Now I know why KAKA drinkers don't put their names to their comments.

    4. 5:27 does not understand the Gospel Tim is referring to because Kiko's gospel is different from what the Catholic Church and Magisterium's teaches. This is indicative with cults such as Kiko Aguello and Carmen Hernandez.

    5. Actually, I'm sure 5:27 knows to what Gospel I refer, but he is obsessed with tripping me up. He watches from the hill.

    6. "I took up his cause. However, I am not alone. I am just the face of a much larger group that has also taken up his cause."
      Exactly Tim, behind you there are cowards that are using you. Why don't they speak for themselves? Since they started all this...

    7. I don't care why they don't. What I am doing is my choice. Why don't you speak for YOURself? I know why.

  4. As usual the Kikos, (like all other sects) first deny the facts, then try to turn them around, and when they can NOT, they start acting up. In this case, by first trying to deflect, deny and finally when all fails denigrating. This is not new. It has been used by many separatists in the history of this church, but also in other religion.
    One cannot but observe that these "technics" used by the Kikos can be traced back to their founder, a former Marxist and an advocate of free masons, who on top of all is a supporter of the Judaic approach to the scriptures.
    When you take these things separately they can appear benign, but you add them up, you find a modus operandi that is quite lethal.
    We know that this blog must be getting quite close to the meat of the matter, because the attacks are getting more vitriolic and more savage.
    Lets pray St Michael to help us defend ourselves against the wickedness of the devil.

    1. Frenchie, welcome back. Always enjoy your comments. Looking forward to meeting you someday in the flesh. If it's over a beer, I'll buy. Peace!

    2. Frenchie, it's so good to hear from you again — I look forward to reading more from you, if you have the time to weigh in on some of the topics. Welcome back!!!

    3. Frenchie..... attacks? Sounds like you Od'd on Prozac. And why is Kiko a separatists? Reason whyyyyyy? You wrote many things but no substance... Take a good look on this wonderful blog page, Is like MYSPACE for the elderly.

    4. So what are you doing here? Can't stay away, eh?

    5. Tim who needs cable , your very entertaining after a bunch of women hammered you by the temple. That was hilarious.

  5. Am I missing something Anon at 11:58?
    "a bunch of women hammered you by the temple"?
    What does this mean, exactly? What has this "bunch of women" achieved? This blog is bigger than ever, and will be the means by which the NCW sickness is finally revealed on a broad scale. I constantly thank God for this page and author!

    And what do you find funny - is it the fact that it is a "bunch of women"? I wonder if you understand that your contributions to these discussions are actually a form of self-abuse (look it up). Actually, I know you don't understand, poor fellow.

  6. AnonymousJune 17, 2014 at 1:40 PM you think College is expensive, try ignorance and read your bible. You contradict yourself with out you even knowing it. = ) Laugh joyfully.

  7. AnonymousJune 17, 2014 at 1:40 PM your not the sharpest tool ever, even my five year knows about that. Why don't you go Tim's Bible study. I think he may offer King James version of type of a Bible.

    Cheers and joy.

    1. Hey Cheers and joy. I don't do a bible study. Decided to let your comments be posted as an example of what a really dull tool writes like. But kinda tired of you. Run along now.

    2. Oh that died also. How pity.

    3. How pity? Who English you pal?!? You really shouldn't comment here because it makes you look like a big baby. It's a good thing you are anonymous!
