Thursday, August 28, 2014


This is so tragic on so many levels, I can't even begin to comment, though I soon will. But just imagine, saying these things to our children AND AT MASS!

ARCHBISHOP APURON to the students of Father Duenas High School, August 28, 2014:

...the issue was that he had an alleged sex offender working in the parish (___) then as a volunteer, and he saw nothing wrong with that. In the meantime, because there’s a school next door that had children and there’s always a danger that they can be at risk. So that was really what the case is about. And, so, please continue to pray for him. And I’m really waiting for what’s now over a year, because it was July 16 of last year that that issue came to the forefront and it decided to go viral.

In the case of Monsignor James, there are lot of improprieties in terms of the finances of the Cathedral-Basilica and the cemetery, the Catholic Cemeteries, and we’re now studying that assiduously, and it is because that we cannot get the Deloitte and Touche to audit those two entities to complete the audit of the finances of the Archdiocese. And Rome told me, “You have to do something, and you have to correct that inequality, if you will, so that you can present an audit report to for the finances of the Archdiocese.” And we’re working very hard to try to do that, and it will eventually come out in these website. So, continue to pray for that and (___) decided to go viral with it, which has caused a lot of embarrassment, especially, you know, the criticisms on my part.

For 28 years as the Archbishop I only sought to do the will of God and to follow whatever commands I receive from Rome. And I’m trying to be obedient. And I really do this out of a good conscience; I don’t do it to be vindictive. I don’t do it really to be mean. But sometimes, you know, when you’re in a position of leadership, and in the Catholic Church the only one that speaks with authority, and full authority, is the Archbishop because I was not even voted in.

There’s one parishioner in one parish who asked the pastor, “Can we recall him?” as if he voted me in. It is the Pope who decided to elect me and select me to be the Bishop first in 1984, then an Archbishop in 1986, and it will remain that way until he decides in Rome. And I know that he has been receiving a lot of complaints, you know, especially through the internet and through the blogs and whatnot.

And even the Apostolic Delegate who came for a visit here and told the priests and clergy, the deacons, “Don’t listen to the blogs. Don’t go there because many times all they want to do is try to destroy people and cause people a lot of confusion.” So, I just want to say that out so that, you know, it will be clear. Honestly, in my conscience, I sleep every night because I try to do the will of God. This thing has forced me to pray even more.

I spend an hour in my chapel praying every morning, and then in the afternoon I try to make the Divine Mercy Hour between 2 and 3, or before that, or shortly after that, because I know that -- and I keep telling the Lord, “This is not my church. It is your church, Lord, but help me because I am troubled.” But, you know, hopefully these things will go away and in truth -- the truth will come up eventually and you will see the truth. So, please continue to pray and hopefully you’ll not be so troubled but rather try to find peace in your mind.

The church is “one”, we’re trying to be one. This kind of a persecution has happened even in the very early days of Christianity. Read the Acts of the Apostles, the whole history of the (___) church has been troubled because the Jews, and then today (___) Jewish God, now the people are coming around saying, “Oh, you have to believe in a Jewish God; you have to believe in the one true God, and in Jesus Christ he became one of us, who came as our savior. Many people still look at  Jesus Christ as Lord their savior. So, please, continue to pray.

The Lord be with you. (Final Blessing)


  1. Why is he confessing to students? Why is he so afraid to say these things in public? What truth will come out next week?

  2. Ramblings of a person who's clearly not all there. God help us all. And the fact that our young were subjected to this...unbelievable. I will pray just as AAA repetitively asked, but I'll be praying for the deliverance of our archdiocese from this madness. I will pray that the NCW will no longer bear this rotten fruit.

  3. I am utterly disgusted!!! It is one thing that he said this to our boys, but during mass. I am totally speechless!

    No wonder some have mentioned that he didn't visit many classes, because he knew that he set himself up after this filth spilled from his mouth.

  4. BTW, if he is sleeping at night, why is he echoing his testimony? Sumsing is Wong here?

    1. "Honestly, in my conscience, I sleep every night."
      "Lord, but help me because I am troubled.”

      If his conscience makes him sleep at night, then obviously he's not troubled.

  5. Is it possible that he believes some of his own bull? Some people might believe it.
    Personally I believe he knowingly misleads us from the start.
    What can I say? This is the story of Peter and the Wolf: Peter cried wolf so often, when it was not true, that when it really happened there was nobody there to listen to his shouts.
    Poor Archbishop! How can he keep a straight face while weaving this web of lies.......

  6. Same old, tired NCW "persecution" song. Please go away!

  7. Save this posting. It is evidence of a man gone delusional. His mental illness is showing.
    What is interesting is that he blames Rome for all the actions he has taken against Monsignor James. The Nuncio will know if this is true or deluded. Could it be Tony has been caught by the Pope's representative in yet another lie?

  8. Unbelievable. The FD administration requested restraint in the name of respect while the Archbishop displayed none in disrespecting the sanctity of the Holy Mass.


  9. I am incensed at the archvillain's remarks. He continues to spread his lies. Yes, he asked Fr. Paul to fire the man who is a convicted sex offender who paid his debt to society, and is now a husband and father. This man was never a danger to children--his offense did not involve a child. He changed his life and turned to the Church. Fr. Paul allowed him to volunteer at the church. If Christ himself were here today, he would have acted as Fr. Paul did.
    In regards to Msgr. James is the archvillain delusional? Did he not commend Mgsr. James for the work he was doing to straighten out the finances of the archdiocese? Did not the financial experts show paperwork proving they were working to resolve the issues so an audit could be done?
    Why he is spilling his lying guts in front of the students at FD?

    "But, you know, hopefully these things will go away..."

    No, "these things will [not] go away..."

    Eileen Benavente-Blas

  10. D-I-S-G-U-S-T-I-N-G!!!


  11. Rantings of a very sick man. Archbishop disgust at you!


  12. What about Wadeson. What about our children.

  13. I challenge all FD students to pose questions here that they wanted to ask AntoNEO but were not given the opportunity to ask.


  14. Vindictive evil man.


  15. Manifests that archbishop is a sick man.

  16. This message is not coherent at all! What does he mean by trying to be obedient? Is he obedient to the words of Kiko, Pius, the Genarrinis, but trying his best in good conscience to be obedient to Rome? Which is it? Maybe Harood, D.D. (Designated Driver) can answer this.

    Does, Harood, D.D. live with the Main D.D.? Do you guys still go jogging in the morning? I think the two D.Ds. should say the 5:45 AM Mass everyday. Mass is the highest form of prayer!

    Two D.Ds put together = Dos Dangge'
    Two D.D.s put together = Dual Danger
    Two D.D. put together = Double Deception


  17. Apuron you have hit the lowest you can go. No longer respect for you.

  18. Apuron, yes, it is not your Church , it belongs to Jesus Christ and you have contributed to destroying the Unity of the Catholic Church on Guam. you Apuron are the disunity in the Catholic Church on Guam today.

  19. If he was truly sincere in unifying the Church in Guam, then he had the opportunity to make that point with high school minds by talking about reconciliation, and that he would do everything in his power to reconcile with Fr. Paul and Monsignor James. He did not. He instead chose to malign Fr. Paul and Monsignor James in front of 500 young men in an effort to defend himself, in a setting where the Body and Blood of Christ was given. Shameful!. These young men were praying and receiving the body of Christ, and witnessing in the mass how Jesus taught love and reconciliation, and how he died for our sins, and then to hear our Shepherd, who represents Christ, speak badly of two of his priests in an effort to justify his mean, vicious, and un-Christian like actions in firing these two humble, honest, and holy local priests. The man has lost it!

    1. No interest in unifying the church. Every word from his mouth causes the disunity of the catholic church on Guam. Catholic church on Guam is no longer a credible institution under the spiritual leadership Tony Apuron.

  20. You're right. The layers of tragedy in this are so numerous that to comment on one aspect would only bring to light another.

    My heart is heavy. He sounds like a man trying to justify his actions before they're even condemned by the students. His acknowledgement of the missteps taken in the past year or so is telling that these things weigh heavily on his mind. To me, he started off sounding like he was on the road to a Mea Culpa, but then his confiteor changed lanes abruptly and he took the next exit to Respect My Authorityville. Whaaaaat just happened?

    I'm so sad over this. Sad that he shines a flashlight on these issues, only showing the students what he wants them to see, but leaving the rest of the facts in the dark. Sad that he chose to once again take his sons, Father Paul and Msgr James, to task in front of these boys. Where was the Shepherd in these words? How is he being a Fisher of Men? This was at Mass? I'd ask how he sleeps at night, but he already answered that question.

    I can only pray. Pray for the Archbishop's conversion of heart. Pray for the sons he's abandoned and continues to publicly flog. Pray for the Archbishop's advisors, who stand by and watch him spin out of control. Pray for the non-Neo priests, who are living in a climate of fear, but are trying to continue to be examples of Christ under the whip of their Shepherd's words. And most of all, I pray for the Church.

    Ut nos exaudire digneris / Te rogamus audi nos

  21. I do not even understand what he is trying to say in the final paragraph!

    1. Neither does he. He's just following the script given to him by his Neo superior.
      The Neos love to mention Jesus Christ in their arguments. They want us to think that questioning the Neo authority is like questioning Christ's (God's) authority. So far only 1,000 out of approximately 144,500 Catholics on Guam buy into their "logic." Let's keep it that way.

    2. 4.25am. Lol, don't waste precious time trying to understand Tony. He does not understand himself.

  22. ayayay. well, on the bright side, at least he shared a couple of positive things:

    "I spend an hour in my chapel praying every morning, and then in the afternoon I try to make the Divine Mercy Hour..."


    "...the truth will come up eventually and you will see the truth..."

    1. The hours of prayer...Pius running around parroting that. Part of the package they developed at AB Tonys house .


    2. These people do not pray they have no concept of even living a spiritual life .

  23. I have refused to call Apuron Archbishop. I do this out of respect for the office and title which Apuron does not deserve and out of respect for the many good men who do deserve the title.

    But, now I have a new name for Apuron: Arch-Deceiver Apuron!

    1. Arch Deceiver sounds right Frank. Thank God Guam has noticed how he operates to deceive loyal Catholics.

  24. Absolute authority comes with responsibility of treating people with respect and dignity, and trying to help them succeed. Absolute abuse of aauthority is firing people without due course and continually maligning them (and same breath praying for them). Tony as his NEO brothers calls should continue to Pray ...for forgiveness.

  25. If I shake my head any more than I am now, my head will go a full 360. He is forgetting that these young men and women in the schools have had a whole summer (practically) to see everything unfold, and he still had the nerve to say what he said! I can't decide whether I'm disgusted more because he took his battle to the schools, that he said this DURING MASS (let alone, at all), or that he dodged a few questions and fled the scene! God help us!

  26. Sounds like AAA is trying to give the "I'm justified in my actions!" rendition. NOT!...AAA, you outright lied about consulting with counsels before doing away with Monsignor James. Not sure how you came to the conclusion to malign Fr. Paul. Again, this is another all time low, more so, VERY SHALLOW in trying to justify your actions to students. How about your main flock.

    Not visiting the FD students in class? What is this all about? This is the MAIN CATHOLIC HIGH SCHOOL ON GUAM. What and where is in your mind when you go through a justification process within the mass celebration? It is consistent of the testimonials given by NEOCATS after the Homily. I can see why they see this as an accepted practice, a RULE that the Archbishop condones. It should be an exception, not a RULE.

    Why address the students only? Address your entire flock!...You owe it to us as our Shepard and Spiritual Leader! Please try and get, at the least, a professional media spokesperson to help with your speeches. If the Holy Spirit's message is coming across to you in a Confucius manner, maybe it will come to a professional spokesperson more clearly. Trying to make the 3:00 pm prayer of Divine Mercy? Hmm...sounds similar to trying to make it to mass at least once a year if I am lucky. Yes, it is a Devotion but I don't see the relevance of evening mentioning this as a comment of any value. Wow!...Still trying to put on the "Magic Hat" with all the tricks up your vestment sleeves? Amazing!...NOT!

    Amazingly noticeable deception, YES!

    1. 2-3 Siesta saw him at Blessed Sacrament Chapel. It happens to the best of us, ha. Go to your room close the door and speak to your Heavenly Father. Don't brag about your prayer Archie. We are only looking for the Fruits of it thereof.

  27. Was this during mass?

    1. Yes, immediately before the final blessing!

    2. I guess he forget that he wasn't at a neo mass....oops, I mean celebration.

    3. "Echoing can be a very DANGEROUS DEED! It gets people into HOT WATER!

  28. Excellency, a while back I suggested that you take a "Leave of Absence" to gather your thoughts and come back to guide, to lead , and to teach the Catholic Church as what our lord Jesus Christ have established on earth. This time I am recommending that you do take that time to reflect on the teachings of Jesus Christ, but this time take Edivaldo, David, and Adrian with you and leave them there to reflect on their own. Do this before you lose the entire Catholic Flock in the Marianas.

  29. Not only tragic, but entirely pathetic. I still love the office of the bishop, and the Church. No action by our bishop can change that. But my goodness...when will he give it a rest.
    Your actions speak for themselves. The more you try to spin it the more people see the real problem in our Archdiocese begins at the head. Fr David from Ordot stated it clearly and correctly...Archbishop , you are the problem.
    We understand that leaders sometimes need to make tough decisions. But what type of father continually derides his son? not only once, but at every opportunity he justifies his authority by publicly bashing those he has already banished. Each time you do this your authority wanes, it doesn't increase.
    So now it is time to be a real leader and make a tough decision...are you able to be the loving father and shepherd to all the people that your were ordained to do? If not, either step down or start answering our many questions on your questionable behavior.
    FD Class of '89
    Fortes in Fide

    1. FD '89ers, Strong in the Faith in deed!

  30. Regarding the so-call"sex offender" employed at Santa Barbara- our Archbishop conveniently ignored the fact that at the time he was hired, he was not " required to be registered" since the Federal law application refers to offenses committed for registration "were not retroactively". Such an employee serve time in prison for his offenses, hired legitimately, obtain police clearance, and his duties as a "general maintanance worker" for the Church building and away from, the School - When the Federal law was amended to "apply retroactively" was passed, at the insistence of outside, pressured the Archbishop to demand from Fr. Gofigan to "terminate"- which he did forthright. However, the Archbishop wants more- he wants Fr. Gofigan "to closed access to the Church" which became problematic since "other convicts, such as murders, kidnappers, thieves, or other more serious crimes" were allowed access to the Church activities.

    1. The real tragedy about this is what the archbishop is unconsciously saying to every person that has been convicted, that the church has no place for you unless you join the neo... I believe this is in direct contradiction to what our Lord would do.

    2. I will continue to repeat it. An INJUSTICE done to Fr. Paul and to this other person and his wife and his two children. I couldn't imagine the State forgiving this person and the Archbishop couldn't. WWJD? Definitely, Jesus would have welcomed this person back like the Father in the prodigal son. Let us not forget that for the years that this person worked at Santa Barbara there was no problem with him. Not one complaint. And for the time, he volunteered to do work, there was also no complaint. What does a man need to do to be welcomed back by the Archbishop. I can still see that U Matuna edition where Pope Francis washed the feet of those prisoners. These were prisoners. And yet he looked at them full of hope. This man is not even a prisoner anymore. Help me understand this irony.


    3. Archbishop has no concept of Justice never has and never will.

  31. That the Archbishop would say this (1) during Mass; and (2) to a group of young men designated and designed to be future leaders educated to be critical thinkers is an insult to FD students and to the Catholic community at large.

    The FD students, as an earlier commenter noted, have had the summer to hear, digest, and reflect on their own opinions of the mess. Give them credit.

    As Mr. Forbes would say, "sit down and shut up, you crook."

    Fortes In Fide, indeed.

    Perhaps Apuron never got over being dunked in a trash can back in '74 by the seniors.

  32. To ANON 7:35 AM, I total agree, especially the point about "what type of father continually derides his son?". The archbishop is shameless. I think he has lost all sense of what is good or bad, or what a Father should be. Perhaps he never had it, and the events this past year has illuminated it. I guess he missed the lecture in seminary school about the father in the Prodigal Son. As for answering questions of his questionable behavior, he has dug a hole so deep with his fabrications and lies that he cannot see above the hole. Step Down archbishop.
    FD Class of 71
    Fortes in Fide

  33. If the guy from Santa Barbara had already served his sentence for the crime he committed and ask GOD for forgiveness and went to confession was given the penance to say 20000 Our Father, why is it that the Arch wants to continue crucifying this poor man!

  34. I have family members who are currently in the "WAY", they are ones who have serious problems that don't believe that the "ONE GOD" cannot help them because they are already brainwashed that only "WAY" is the real "HEALER" to their problems. They acted to the rest of their own blood siblings that they are better than them! They didn't know that they born as a male or female, they didn't know why their son/daughter kill themselves until they join the "WAY"! Ai adai, they are the so call "Confused or Defused"!

    1. Your story is similar with other families. The "black sheep" who have caused grief to their families are now the "select few" who are going straight to heaven. It's the Neo way. Believe it or not.

  35. Was Harood be his name, D.D. AAA's, D.D. mentor, bouncing board and coach while practicing his speech for the Annual School visits? Ai adai these Dumb yan si Dumber!

  36. FD Class of 1993. I am saddened by the tainted comments by our spiritual leader. What a school yard bully! When will he leave the priests he has abandoned alone?
    BTW - note how he conveniently forgets that he himself hired an alleged sex offender. Unlike Fr Paul, who openly addressed the issue of this man's past, our leader hid an accused sex offender from the people of Guam and the people of San Francisco. If what Fr Paul did was wrong, then what the Archbishop has done is an even more grave offense since he knowingly hid the facts.
    Justice demands one of several things must happen: If Fr Paul was rightfully sanctioned for his actions, then the Archbishop should face even more severe judgement, or
    If what the Archbishop did was acceptable, then so is what Fr Paul did, and he should be immediately restored to full dignity as a Pastor of Santa Barbara.
    Personally, I believe what Fr Paul did was exactly what Jesus would have done, in allowing this man to re-enter communion with the faith community, and give him a role to help the Church. This is very Christian.
    On the other hand, the Archbishop schemed and hid the facts. Many boys were potentially at risk in the case of Fr John Wadeson, and there were absolutely no checks in place to monitor his activities. He was completely left alone, whereas Fr Paul always had close supervision over his employee and volunteer.
    Truly, our Archbishop is under an evil influence that has rendered him completely blind to reality. I am quite embarrassed to acknowledge him as a fellow Friar. I can only imagine how the Capuchin Friars feel about their brother having fallen so far from the tree.
    Our Archbishop continues to stun the entire global community with his blind goal of following everything Kiko wants him to do.
    I pray Rome will take note of the increasingly desperate situation here on Guam. And I pray that my son and the other 400 boys at the Phoenix Center yesterday will see the harm dishonestly causes and learn form our Archbishop how not to act. Keep strong boys!
    Fortes in Fide


    1. It is true he hired a priest who should not have been allowed on island. He fooled us and this is why we can no longer trust archbishop.

  37. I fear greatly for Fr Jeff, Fr Efren, and in general our beloved FDMS. How much longer before this tyrannical leader decides that the Way should take over the School?
    All FD alumni must rally together and create a petition similar to St Francis Church to let the Archbishop know we do not want any kiko influence in our school. We have our own traditions that these outsiders just don't understand or appreciate.
    And yes, I now consider Archbishop Tony an outsider, too.
    Fortes in fide

    1. How would you address this petition to those students walking in the Way who are attending FD? Didn't the Archbishop think about what affect this may cause in the school among those students who are not Walking and those who Are?

      I didn't hear a round of applause from the student body after the speech! Are those walking in the way embarrassed that they could not clap,clap to show their support of the Archbishop? Shameful!

  38. Whoa!!! Stop the presses! Is he now saying someone else went to the press? Archbishop YOU ARE THE PROBLEM! You are the one who went to the press instead of dealing with the situations like a Pastor would/should have. Instead you chose to(and still choose to) ridicule these servants of the church. Even now, you have the power to end all of this, but still choose not to. Why? because the dandruff ridden guest in your house is telling you to show them who's boss?
    Get direct TV and get rid of the wires

    1. Poor Pizza pie, you ridicule his dandruff. But it is true he is also a big problem.

    2. Anon 10:05 AM hahaha he did not go to the press, everyone knows that. It is your lovimg disobedient Priest and White Rohrs.

    3. LOL. See press release from Adrian Cristobal July 22, 2013 and press release from AAA July 31, 2014.


  39. Honestly, this speech sounds like a man with serious mental health issues.
    people with such mental disorders have been known to partake in serious dangerous actions.
    Seriously, the man is in mental crisis.

    1. Admitted to someone cannot eat. But sleeps just fine? Ahhhhh hahaha! Yet another little fib. Green miter grows two more inches!

    2. 11:38 Maybe, by his admission, he can't eat but he didn't say he can't drink. LOL Good night your Excellency. Sleep tight and don't let the bedbugs bite.


  40. Archbishop, leave with some dignity now and enjoy remaining years.


  41. Oh yes Isis Apuron will take the head of Fr. Jeff and Fr. Efren . Need to call in the Air Force Father Efren or the Navy Seals.


  42. Correct Archbishop. Secretary of State is contacted daily with complaints about you going back 28 years.


  43. Boys at FD school were psychologically damaged yesterday by the speech. Parents demand higher standards from religious leaders. Why should students be subjected to a speech by the highest religious leader on sex offender. Ending of Mass is not the place to make these announcements. It had no place in the life of the School. Disturbing speech to say the least.

  44. Sad realization...our very own spiritual leader has become the scourge of the Church. Rome, you really need to help us out here, before this poor lost soul melts down and causes lasting damage. People will hold the local Church and Rome accountable should something bad happen and you both did nothing to protect the people of Guam.
    Rome, if you do nothing else, at least send a psychologist to test him and see for yourself what more and more people are coming to realize.
    Tony is a sick man and needs professional help.


    1. Thank you Janet. Growing number of people are very concerned over the psychological condition of the archbishop. From the speech given in FD school it now appears this archdiocese is now in danger and lives may well be at risk in the future. Given what has happened on the mainland with adult violence caused by mental disorders , believe we could well be in danger. We do not know the depth of his disorder, but we as a people need to protect the community from any possible outburst of behavior which could be a potential threat to our people.

  45. Notice how the neos have been awfully quiet about this. I guess they just can't justify what he did.

    1. Anonymous (August 29, 2014 at 12:50 PM), the NCWs are working on how to "spin" this fiasco. It's just taking longer than usual because this was the worse display of Archbishop Anthony Sablan Apuron's sick state of mind. Just give them time …

      "Diana" is probably working on a response right now. And once "she" posts something then we'll see the rest of the Kikos/Kikobots join in. After all, in their eyes, the Archbishop can do NO WRONG …

    2. Glad to be Back to Holy Mother ChurchAugust 29, 2014 at 3:39 PM

      Anonymous August 29, 2014 at 12:50 PM said: "Notice how the neos have been awfully quiet about this."
      I was thinking the same thing myself. Maybe we are reaching a watershed moment. Maybe they shine has been tarnished enough that many are seeing the true light.
      Not to bash the Neo, mind you, but maybe they are seeing that the leaders they adored are mere humans, and there are flaws in the Way that need to be addressed.
      I certainly hope this is the case, because if nothing changes, the Neo will be kicked out of the Catholic Church. The world is watching, not just Guam. Look at the distribution of visitors to the Jungle. And what do we hear most often from these foreign observers..."hey, your problems are just like our problems".
      We can all coexist, but if those in the Way do not force their leaders to unite with Holy Mother Church, they will face the same destiny as the dinosaurs did way back when.
      Neos need to speak out, not to defend the undefendable, but to demand a higher level of leadership from within their group. And also to demand honesty and truth.
      I pray for my brother and sister neos as they now struggle with this realization. May the Holy Spirit guide you to the truth.

  46. This speech is unbelievable and pathetic. This is more shameful than Fr. Adrian's rant during mass at Barrigada. What a disrespectful, pompous, hypocritical, poor excuse of a leader he is! Shame on you, Archbishop for presenting yourself in this manner to the young men at FD! How disrespectful of you to use the mass as a vehicle to justify your Neo political agenda and deeds. Obedient? Is that what you call celebrating Holy Communion with the Neos seated and passing the sacred blood like you were all at a frat party, when you had no permission to do so from Rome? What a liar and hypocrite! You use the mass to blind side and smear the names of Fr. Paul and Monsignor James when they are not there to defend themselves? Shame on you, you bully! It's really too bad for us that we can't recall you. " It is the Pope who decided to elect me and select me to be the Bishop first in 1984, then an Archbishop in 1986, and it will remain that way until he decides in Rome." You could've just said "Ha ha, you can't touch me!" How pompous can you be?!? Kiko and Pius must be so proud of you. It really baffles me to think what they could possibly have on you to make you this blind and ignorant to the cries of your people and the directives of Rome? Or maybe this is exactly what you, Kiko, and Pius want. Have the non-Neos leave the Church so you can take over every parish and proclaim to the world that Guam is a Neo Archdiocese... This must be Kiko's great plan. Divide the people and the Church from within to ensure that it falls and crumbles. It's how the Great Roman Empire crumbled. Well, I hope you are ready, Archbishop, because the non-Neo Catholics are ready to defend their faith, their parishes and their beloved clergy! Any respect that I had left for you as Archbishop and as a man is hanging by a thread. And I'm sure there is a VERY LONG line behind me.

    1. Anonymous (August 29, 2014 at 12:51 PM), after reading your fine comment, I would very gladly get into that "VERY LONG line" behind you IF only I knew who you were …

    2. Well said 12.51pm. Continue to post for international readers wishing to learn about the growing disunity in the pacific church.

  47. He is speaking like a despot clawing to the last vestiges of power. How did he explain the shunning of Aaron Quitugua or the sheltering of Father Wadeson? So sad. He should ask himself, what would Jesus have done? Would he have fired Father Paul? What would Jesus have done? Would he have maligned Monsignor Benavente? What would Jesus have done? Would he have told Aaron Quitugua its The Way or the Highway?

  48. I am in a different line now. I am in the "No Respect for Apuron Line."

    How can he let it get this bad?

  49. Heard the arch made his rounds today at Santa Barbara School in Dededo. Apparently, he made a "damned if I do and damned if I don't" comment in front of middle schoolers. What next?

  50. Who do we believe?

    Apuron or Msgr. James/Fr. Paul?

    (Setting: ON THE PULPIT, DURING MASS, at numerous occasions, preaching about the current issues on the troubles in the Catholic Church)
    Apuron: "Whaa, whaa, whaa, Everybody! I am being persecuted! I sleep at night because I do not have any remorse for all the lies I've told and all the hurt I have inflicted on Msgr. James and Fr. Paul. I pray for one hour everyday!!! Still, Whaa...whaa...whaa...I cry because I am a lying cry baby."

    "Oh, and believe me, and only me, even though I AM a LIAR!"

    (Setting: ON THE PULPIT, DURING MASS, Always)
    Msgr. James/Fr: Paul: __________________________________________________________.
    NOTHING but the good word reflected on the message of our Mass in reference to the Readings and true issues of today.

    From Msgr. James and Fr. Paul, no comments were ever made to exonerate themselves. Never have we heard them defame, berate anyone during their homilies (especially about Apuron and Neo Leadership).

    It is amazing that as tempting as it can be, for either of these priests to 'set the record straight' with a more captivated audience, they have never been tantalized by the devil to do so. Such fine examples of the true leaders and clergymen needed in our Catholic Church!

    None of these lying/deceiving/crybaby archbishops, "sucking juice out women" preaching priests, walking away from an "assumed sinner" to judge that they are unworthy of Holy Communion presbyters or private property-searching and stealing vice-rectors!

    Thank you Apuron, Oliveira, Camacho, and Jucutan for showing us the fruits of RMS and the NEO! The clergymen that are products of RMS. Your actions speak louder than words and trust us, we are listening and intently watching your every move...

    Now we are not blind to your evil ways and will only follow GOOD examples of Jesus Christ, in the likes of Msgr. James, Fr. Paul, the 5 Brave Priests that took a stand to correct your lies (Apuron) and all others that are on "fruits" of your cult.
