Wednesday, January 7, 2015


Archbishop Apuron and his fellow bullies on the hill know they are backed into a corner. And make no mistake, like all bullies, once they are cornered, they are going to throw every bit of trash they can at the nearest possible target.

And that target, for reasons already explained, has always been Msgr. James Benavente. They have always feared him most, and hated him to boot. 

I don't know anything about Msgr. Benavente's management of the cemeteries or the Cathedral, or anything else about his management dealings for that matter other than what has been said in the press from both sides (and it is sad that it even went to the press). But I do know that HE HAS NOT DESTROYED PEOPLE the way Archbishop Apuron has for 30 years. 

And whatever financial mismanagement there may be connected to his name, there is NOTHING to compare to Archbishop Apuron's stealing of millions of our dollars to establish his neo-empire, his constant jetting about the globe, and (now we know) his giving away of a deca-million dollar asset which rightly belonged to the whole archdiocese, NOT JUST HIM. 

By the way, Apostolic Visitors, if you haven't already, you may want to investigate a certain nun at the chancery. For many years she has had access to funds from the Catholic Extension Society. Other than pay her salary and her friends, we'd like to know what she did with all that money. Here is a link to my 2013 letter to Fr. Jack Wall, president of the Catholic Extension Society. 


  1. Yes, so many good people were destroyed there can be no peace on Guam while he remains.

  2. Sadly, it seems like these visitors are already one-sided in their thinking.

  3. Tim, you destroyed Guam! How can you live with yourself and go against the Church? You and your followers have nothing else to do but add more to the burning pit. Let the clergy handle their problems. Not you or anyone else. Its none of your business, but what can I say. You get paid to keep this blog full of drama.

    1. Paid? LOL. You have no idea how much running this blog costs me in time, money, and business lost. But somebody has to have the balls to stand up to these bullies. Apuron’s attacks are not just on the clergy, but on the whole church. He lied to US, stole from US. He doesn’t get all his money from the clergy. He gets it from US.

      However, thanks for your comment. It confirms that I am successful. If what I post here wasn’t true then the burning pit would have burnt out long ago. But it is true or you wouldn’t be commenting here, would you?

      Thanks for the confirmation that I’m on the right track. What are you even doing reading my blog? Nothing better to do?

    2. In fact, you are right down the middle of the right track. If it weren't for you and this blog, the liars would continue to lie without blinking, the cheats to cheat without shame, and the Piuses to....oh he'll continue to be a dick anyway.

      But, being from outside Guam, I wish to express my sincere gratitude to Tim and his good work, as this fight has global implications. There is a chance this episode will bring down the edifice of the NCW, or at least encourage some serious reform.

      Everything I have seen on this blog is a facsimile of the methods, style and deceit of the NCW locally.

      Please be aware Tim that there are many of us praying for you, and the true Church of Guam, through this bitter turmoil. We know you are on the front line, and we thankyou for your courage.

    3. Anon at 3:16 PM, are you for real? Please explain to us how Tim destroyed Guam. Come on, I dare you to present a logical and credible explanation and back it up with facts. You can't do it, huh? You can thank the NCW for screwing up your mind to the point where you can't think straight and can't think for yourself. LOL

    4. a iot of men died for this island and he's destroying it with his junglewatch trash talk

    5. And this is related how? The only trash talk is from you interlopers with nothing substantial to contribute in the jungle (or elsewhere).

    6. Yes, Anon at 7:36 PM, You are correct in saying a lot of men died for this island. Yes, there is trash talk in junglewatch which comes from you and your buddies. Y'all come back now, you hear?

    7. 3:16 your premise is flawed. You presume that Apuron and the clergy are the Church. Wrong! The Church is the family of believers who hold true to the teachings of Christ. In fact is it Apuron and his band of interlopers who have gone against the Church. His authority to speak on matters of the faith ceases when what he says contradicts the catechism of the Catholic Church and his credibility is lost when caught in an blatant lie. On these he is guilty of multiple offenses.

      As for the clergy, I submit to you that Tim must fight on their behalf because those who have been attacked by Apuron won't fight for themselves out of duty to their vows of obedience to his office. TIM and others at the forefront of this struggle are bound by no such vow and in fact are compelled to act in defense of THE Church.

      I guess the Kiko's were hoping more of us would be like you - following blindly just because Apuron wears the pointy hat. Will you now blame TIM because you don' t know your faith well enough to tell the difference between the truth and Kiko's lies?


  4. New divisions almost daily . Archdiocese in leadership crisis.


  5. 3.16pm. Tim Rohr Is already honored and respected for his dedicated service to implementing truth and justice in the Church on Guam. Tim Rohr is the voice of thousands of people all over Guam calling for a better church that is free of terror and fear. Tim Rohr opened a path for healing to begin. One of the greatest things he did was to open up the church and encourage people to share on this blog. This blog has given peace and sense of belonging to people all over the world looking for healing.

    1. A MILLION AMEN to this and truly Tim Rohr is truly watching over the True Catholic Church in Guam and CNMI. Thank you Tim for being our Eyes and Ears, We all Bless and Pray for you and your family daily.

    2. Tim Rohr is one of the few people who won my respect admiration for his commitment to truth and Justice, and to the authentic catholic faith.He taught us not to fear a group of men who for years had caused so much pain and psychological suffering to so many. He is a true leader of Guam and the CNMi and his blog forever respected by us.


  6. 3.16 pm. Get a life.

    1. do you got one

    2. Yes he or she does Anon 7:38PM because things did not go your WAY.


  7. Struggle of good over evil. We must stop the evil that has taken over our island church.

  8. NCW...No Clue Whatsoever!!!!
