I received a link to this story twice this morning so apparently someone has just discovered it and thinks its new. As usual, it's another opportunity for our education. Let us proceed:
The title of the story reads:
So it would probably be easy for someone to assume that it's a reference to an approval for the neo-cat version of the Mass.
It's not.
First, it's not new. The story is dated January 20, 2012. And in fact, it is one of the most embarrassing chapters in Kiko's history.
Kiko and Carmen had thought that they had engineered the perfect coup. They had worked with their lap dog prefects and dicastery heads to compose a document approving their version of the liturgy. It was to be handed to Pope Benedict on January 20, 2012 and he was to dutifully read it.
But there was a problem.
Benedict decided to study it before he read it. And when he did he saw what Kiko was trying to do and immediately put the kibosh on it.
Kiko had invited everyone to the big event. The pope was going to finally approve their liturgy. Instead, they got a lecture from Benedict and a real papal slap down.
Sandro Magister documents the whole thing here.
Read the relevant section of the pope's words first and then I'll explain.
"Now, pursuant to articles 131 and 133 paragraphs 1 and 2 of the Apostolic Constitution 'Pastor Bonus' on the Roman Curia, the Pontifical Council for the Laity, having received the 'nulla osta' of the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments, grants approval to those celebrations contained in the Catechetical Directory of the Neo-Catechumenal Way which are not, by their nature, already regulated by the liturgical books of the Church".
Did you get that? The neocats can do whatever celebrations are in the their Catechetical Directory (certain rites of passage, etc.), but they are not permitted to mess with those celebrations which are "already regulated by the liturgical books of the Church." That would be the Roman Missal and the General Instruction for the Roman Missal (GIRM).
Ummm, that would be THE MASS and the celebration of the other sacraments.
It's quite funny to see this again three years later. But hey, if you want to publicly embarrass Kiko and the kikos all over again, I will oblige.
Oh, my goodness. The picture says a thousand words.
ReplyDeletePope Benedict to Kiko "you really are some kind of stupid, eh?!" Lol
DeleteKiko-Kikkoman-soy sauce-salty: Anything coming out of his brain/mouth is salty. No wonder he is corroded and is the cause of the corrosion on Guam's Catholics and then there is Rizal Beach Larry another salty brain informing us with corroded information as well. Kikkoman Soy sauce Arguello and Rizal Beach Larry salty.
ReplyDeleteUrban Dictionary: salty generally meaning that you just got played, or are looking stupid, either because of something you did, or something that was done to you.
Where is Presbyter David Q gonna get the energy for six or seven hour celebration? Red Bull S?
ReplyDeleteHe'll probably end up checking in at some cushy resort for some R & R afterwards.
DeleteKiko, usted es una especie de estupido.Es verdad!
ReplyDeleteTypical Tactics of the Neocats to try and pull the shades over our eyes on the matters of the Liturgy to justify their illicite celebrations, especially when they make comments like "Rome has approved their Liturgy", or "The Pope approved theiur Statutes, therefore the Liturgy is approved". However with careful examination it becomes quite evident that they are all deceitful propoganda to get people to accept their questionalbe celebrations. We must continue to stay vigilant in bringing to light their plans, at the same time contrasting their illicite liturgy with that approved by the Church.
ReplyDeleteTrue Christians see truth in a new light. That is something the kilos never took into consideration. Maybe they are not true Christians?
ReplyDeleteBut, I have a new battle cry for all people yearning for our terrible nightmare to come to an end. It is a statement that states our frustrations and our hopes, all at the same time. It is a statement that can continue to remind us that we must continue to fight the good fight. It is a statement that succinctly states our utter contempt for the corruption that has invaded our church.
Whenever we doubt our spirit will be lifted when we recall this simple statement which becomes our battle cry.
It is our ultimate reminder to Tony that we are onto his tricks and will not relent. With one voice let us shout:
Kiko beware. We see your every move!"
DeletePrvate eyes are watching you
They see your every move
Private Eyes
They're watching you
Private Eyes
They're watching you
Watching you
Watching you
Watching you
¡Estan siendo obervados!
Not a private eye...but where does Kiko live?? Doubt he still lives in a slum. But if I knew, I wouldn't judge.
Delete@ 1:37 kiko lives in Porto st giorgo in Italy. He travels a lot so he doesn't really stay there a lot.
Deletemaybe brother Ton can live in his room whole hes gone.
DeleteGod located Guam isolating her far away from the rest of the world, still unknown by many. How did this Kiko made his way into Guam. I shall not fill this man's appetite, and power He is NOT my GOD?
ReplyDeleteOur God is an awesome God. He reigns from Heaven above with Wisdom, Power and Love. Our God is an awesome God!
ReplyDeleteOur God sends Guam " All good gifts." one of those gifts will soon be a great gift for Guam. Our Majestic God reigns. Our God cannot be changed by Kiko. Our church will not be changed by the NCW. Tim Rohr Junglewatch rest assured is winning the spiritual warfare against Anthony Apuron.
ReplyDeleteLet me be the first to say to Anthony: Bye.
DeleteThis is all well and good, brothers anonymous, but nothing will change until we come out in force. 50 people at a prayer vigil is not going to draw any attention. Rome has heard a whisper, now is the time for them to hear a roar! You must educate your relatives and friends, encourage them to join in the prayer vigils and CCoG meetings, otherwise, it will be at least seven years before anything happens. AAA was encouraged to diversify his cabinet, to no avail. Nothing will change until we get people to shout from the rooftops.
ReplyDeleteTitus 1:7-13
During this Lenten Season let us all try to be charitable. If you do follow the Catholic way, we are to use charity as a way of service. Please watch how you use words. Please reflect on Jesus' suffering. Please be observant of this time and try your best to remain fervent in your prayers...not just words but our actions. Go to Mass everyone this week and go to Confession. Seek a closer relationship with Jesus. Do not crucify. Project those feelings upon the cross of Jesus and offer a prayer for our priests no matter how difficult. Pray for tge religious sisters. Pray for holiness during this most Holy Week and offer it up to the Lord Jesus. We all must carry the cross.
ReplyDeleteAnon @ 1:42 pm: tim has expounded on the answer to that question elsewhere. Greedy and ambitious apuron saw an opportunity to get a red hat by enlisting the rms seminary as proof of his worthiness. In exchange for churning out factory presbyters he will further enrich the reach of ncw by allowing them to set up roots on an island of naive and gullible natives. The people would have allowed this bitter pill of neo presbyters and communities usurping the parishes and their resources. Well, come to find out, there was a man smarter than their designs who clearly saw the dangers of this cult on the island. The greedy apuron made the mistake of persecuting without just cause two well-liked local clergy. The deceitful apuron erred by faulting the Archdiocesan Financial Council and firing them en masse when he thought the gig is up regarding his alienating property costing millions of dollars, a piece of property bought by a generous donor whose wishes were not followed (and apuron consequently attempted to change her intent and protect his behind) and paid for by the Catholic Community of Guam. Yes, Kiko found Guam and sent pius from Malta to make sure neo assets are secured and that seminarians get psychosexual training. Alas, we are just discovering these nasty things, but we shall try to rise up against such injustice and blatant insult on our intelligence and cunning. Thankfully JW is not a gossip blog but fully substantiated with facts and figures. Neo trolls try to bring the blog down, but loyal Roman Catholics along with Mr. Tim Rohr will not back down in light of these documented anomalies.
ReplyDeleteI fully agree with your points and everything that has been thus far mentioned on this blog. What I was after though is for us to remain faithful to Rome not Spain. Faithfulness to Rome requires us to remain in this Holy Week and to remain steadfast in prayer...to be active contemplatives through our vocations of service to the Church and entire world. I ask that we continue this prayerful stance because we know our reward will be great in heaven. Please remember the mantra: Lord, Remember me when you come into your Kingdom. Pray this and let us remember each other in prayer and sacrifices for the Lord Jesus!
DeleteHey Tim have you seen this video of the Neos and Pope Francis? My Italian is very poor but it seems like he is giving these people carte blanche...WHY?!?!
My reply: http://www.junglewatch.info/2015/03/warrant.html
Delete1.46am correct. Remember also Apuron gained personal wealth in allowing NCW into his archdiocese. NCW needed a bishop to further advance their work in particular a bishop who would ordain all the misfits
ReplyDeleteWhenever I read or hear about a religious leader or government official gaining personal wealth during their tenure the word PLUNDER comes to mind. And puhlease, don't tell me it's because they made good investments or were given to them by friends and relatives. Graft and corruption infects both institutions.
DeleteYou are not blaming Senator Harry Reid are you?
DeleteIf the Cathedral was PACKED to hear Pizza Lie , I mean Pizza Pius, Announce Easter and show the movie of Kiko and the Pope....did they fill in the online application at the Cathedral and Pay the five hundred bucks to use the church? Any records. I wasn't invited. Must have been something private. I hope they paid or I am going to ask for the money I HAD to pay back in my pocket. Let's see. That was not a public affair.
DeleteJudicial Watch names Harry Reid the "Most Corrupt Politician". I wonder who's the most corrupt bishop in Guam's history. Any nomination?