Someone sent me a message saying that an announcement was made at the Cathedral that for Palm Sunday the blessing of the palms would occur at Nichole's Boutique and a procession would follow to the Cathedral.
That's nice, but wondering if the neo-admin at the Cathedral checked with Kiko to see if this was okay with him. Palm Sunday processions began in the Middle Ages, and Kiko rejects all church developments in the period between Constantine (about 400 A.D.) and himself (about 1964).
It would be nice though if the procession actually began at another church or shrine as it was originally. To learn more:
This week's 9:30 mass is a NEO mass.....during 9:30 Palm Sunday Mass the Neos have their ceremony with their palms...all the responsibles from around the island come for this ceremony. I though the blessing of the palms are suppose to be done at the front of the church. I think the AAA want to parade his neos through the streets of Hagatna....Their NEO ceremony is more important then the celebration of Palm Sunday.
ReplyDeleteWell then, see you at another mass. NOT walking that way...
DeleteI admit, I don't get it!! The ncw will parade downtown (maybe clapping, tambourineing, singing and dancing, too) on Palm Sunday, yet refuse to acknowledge with Reverent Homage and Respect, Jesus' Real Presence in the Consecrated Host and refuse to recognize The Mass as the Catholic form of Worshiping Our Lord and Savior in The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass? That's not Catholicism, AT ALL!!
ReplyDeleteNever mind figuring out the authenticity of the ncw’s community meal/mass because the Catholic faithful know, the ncw WAY of worship IS NOT the CATHOLIC FORM of worship which Catholics (universally) celebrate in the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, conforming to liturgical norms, rubric or canon law.
Above all, the ncw’s disturbing DISMISSAL of The Real Presence of Jesus (who is our Lord and Savior, WHO IS GOD, physically present!!), by the ncw's IRREVERENT REGARD and IRREVERENT ACKNOWLEDGMENT of God’s Real Presence in the Consecrated Host at The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, demonstrated in THE PRACTICE AND MANNER in which the ncw distribute and receive Christ’s Real Presence are not Catholic. PERIOD!!
Yes, I remember last year's 9:30 a.m. Palm Sunday mass at the cathedral with the NCW lay leaders at the front of the line waving their palm leaves as they entered the cathedral. If I remember correctly the choir was NCW too and sang NCW "music." It really felt like an intrusion.
ReplyDeleteIt may have felt like an intrusion to you but it's more like an invasion. It's an occasion for a Neo "Show of Force", and a "In Your Face Statement" directed at the those who are not in the NCW.
DeleteI refuse to take part in Neo shenanigans!
Who cares about it anymore a mass is a mass why don't you people stop complaining and start finding out that no one cares. A mass is a mass and it shouldn't be differed. If it's neo or regular it doesn't matter just accept its mass it's not like you are worshipping Ra. So what's the point learn that it doesn't matter and start forgiving. And what's the point if they are starting from the parking lot as it matters I don't understand if Jesus can start in the city why can't aaa just start at a parking lot Jesus did walk into the city with palms and he then went into the temple so there is no difference
ReplyDeleteIt may not matter to you what kind of mass you attend but it does to me. If you are Roman Catholic you need to know the importance of following the GIRM. If you don't understand this then feel free to go to the nearest Baptist or Seventh Day Adventist church or any church claiming to be Christian.
DeleteUnfortunately you are a lost sheep who has lost his/her way I no longer attend the 9;30 mass services and now attend the 7:30 a.m.I was informed by a immediate family member that had attended today's 9:30 mass and was informed that AAA had invited the NCW to the altar where they recited the Apostles Creed instead of the Nicene Creed. The Apostles Creed maybe used where children are the majority as part of their Parochial mass. The Nicene Creed is what you as a individual believe from your Baptismal Rites and forward. The family member felt they were ousted and not part of the Church or Mass services due to the fact that AAA had only invited NCW 2nd tier to the Altar.We have a culture here on Guam and now is being forced or heavily influenced to change.
DeleteStarting in the parking lot of the sacred grounds of Church property is acceptable and not in the parking lot of a business establishment. What is the tie in with a private business.
I have been a Catholic all my life and I am deeply sadden that our Arch Diocese is divided and in disarray. The Diocese should not be playing favortisim.
Be truthful and do not have any hidden agendas. As always say the truth and the truth will set you free. Do not be blinded with all the distractions but let your teachings and faith guide you.
Quoting EWTN – “According to the new Latin missal, the Apostles' Creed may be used during Lent, Easter and at Masses for Children. The Apostles’ Creed's primarily catechetical origin as a baptismal symbol is an indicator of why it is proposed especially for Lent and Easter. The concise Apostles' Creed can be used to express the essential tenets of the faith in the context of baptism and the baptismal commitment. The more theological Nicene Creed affords an opportunity to deepen into these essential elements and into the mystery of Christ and of our salvation.”
DeleteThe NCW do not recite the Nicene Creed from what I have read in many places. Is the Nicene Creed too modern for them since it was written later? Do they not believe in some of the elements of the Nicene Creed?
So AAA was rightly able to use the Apostles’ Creed during Mass, but probably did so for the NCW community.
2:37 -- Faithful, knowledgeable and catechized Catholics care about the authenticity of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass we participate in; unless you are not a Catholic or an un-catechized one.
ReplyDeleteIs AAA going to come in riding on a white stallion surrounded by his Dyncorp lackies dressed and postured in "Protective Formations?" Maybe he should refresh his reading of the bible, Jesus rode in on a donkey amongst the people.
ReplyDeletePius will be riding on AAA. The word "jackass" means male donkey.
DeleteMidway through the procession they will switch so AAA will be riding Pius the jackass.
DeleteYour right Tim since you claim your own Authority. LOL. LOL
ReplyDeleteIt keeps you coming back, doesn't it! LOL! LOL!
Deleteat our local parish, the custom is to have a mini-procession of the faithful from the high school gym across the street and from there to walk to the church. there's singing of hosannas and the choir members line up the walking route to lead the singing.
ReplyDeleteIt is not about procession for Palm is using the Palm Sunday Celebration for the focus on a NEO ceremony. This is the time that the NEO responsibles are "called by name". The focus of the mass is the "profession of faith for the Neo communities" not the palm sunday service. At the end of the mass. AAA congratulated the Neo Community of Agana for completing their profession of faith. .AAA calls them up the responsibles into the sacristy after the gospel, part of the mass .not after mass like other groups who are to have a picture with him .Why is the mass interrupted for this purpose? Once again, AAA allows the Neo to disrupt the intended purpose of Palm Sunday celebration and made it about the Neo's purpose.
ReplyDeleteANON 1106; correct me if I'm wrong. I think you meant to say Sanctuary instead of Sacristy. The sacristy is the place where the priests prepare prior to the mass and is the location of all church supplies (Vestments, Holy Water, Holy Oils, etc). The Sanctuary is where the Altar used for the sacrifice of the mass is located. I strongly agree with your statements. In a NEO-CAT gathering in 2012, Pope Benedict informed the group that the Mass is to be celebrated as regulated by the liturgical books of the Church." That would be the Roman Missal and the General Instruction for the Roman Missal (GIRM). Archbishop Apruron again violated this order by refusing to recognize that this is the day we celebrate the joyous entrance of Christ into Jerusalem. It is joyous not because the people thought that he came to lead them into battle against the Roman Empire, but joyous because he was doing his Fathers will by becoming the sacrificial lamb for all of our sins. I pray that you all continue the united front by attending the CCOG meeting to learn more about what this CULT introduced and led by Archbishop Apuron and to remain united and vigilant in prayer so the whole world bears witness to the lies and deception this CULT is doing to our One Holy Catholic and APOSTOLIC Church in Guam. Peace of Christ be with you all. From a former sacristan of the Agana Cathedral Basilica (1987-1989).
ReplyDelete3:46 yes I meant sanctuary...thanks...