Tuesday, March 31, 2015


Probably in response to my post about the requirement in the Statute of the Neocatechumenal Way to obey the norms established for the celebration of the Easter Vigil (only one celebration per parish), The Diana has this to say:

  1. Diana speaks..."I highly doubt that the NCW was supposed to follow the Easter Vigil of the parish, but rather that we were the example and role model that the parishes were supposed to follow. As the Statutes stated, "the Neocatechumenate will stimulate the parish to have a richer celebration of the Paschal Vigil". It was not the other way around. "
The Diana is parroting what Archbishop Apuron publicly proclaimed back in 2006 on Fr. Mike's radio show on KOLG. Let's listen in.

FMC is Fr. Mike Crisostomo, the host of the show. ABA is Archbishop Apuron.

You can read the whole transcript here and listen to it here.

We enter the conversation during the discussion of Holy Thursday and the Easter Vigil:

FMC: So then the other question that came up... because we shared that and they said that, well, how about during Holy Thursday...you have your own separate (Holy Thursday liturgy)...and in one incident the caller said that during the Last Supper, during their Holy Thursday service, they were told to move out of the church because the NCW was coming in to do their Holy Thursday service. So these parishioners were being pushed out while the others...

ABA: Well, they’re not supposed to interfere really with any parish activity that’s happening. But again you have to admire them that if this is a devotional thing that they do...and what they do is they repeat the washing of the feet, and in fact what they do is every member washes every member’s feet.

[So here we have the Archbishop plainly telling us that the NCW is a different church with a different magisterium. He tells us that in the NCW "every member washes every member's feet." Yet, in his rules for the rest of us he states:

"The Washing of the Feet During Mass – is to be done by the presiding priest in order to preserve the principal symbolism of the priest (representing Christ) acting in humble service to his Apostles. As such, no more than twelve pairs of feet should be washed. It is not permissible to have any mutual foot-washing, nor any sort of large communal hand/foot-washing during the Mass. The Roman Missal specifically indicates that men are to be chosen, as the representatives of the Apostles, to have their foot washed (See ibid. no. 11)." - Regulations for Lent and Easter, 2015 published in the U Matuna and on the archdiocesan website.]

FMC: And is that open to others to come in and join?

ABA: Yes. And we’re spreading the word around. You cannot say you’re not invited. If you’re Catholics, even non-Catholic, even some non-Catholics sneak in....

[And given what we know about the NCW teaching on the Eucharist, we can assume that even non-Catholics will participate in communion, with the Archbishop himself distributing????]

FMC: So then one caller called in...and in one parish, I don’t know if it was Tamuning they referred to, they said they closed the shutters, they closed the blinds, and it’s as if it’s secret and they don’t want anyone else to know.

ABA: Maybe not to be distracted because sometimes there are other things going on outside the church. I mean like any normal place, if you can cut down the distraction it would be a lot better, but I don’t think any....the fact, for safety reasons you don’t even lock the doors for fire emergency. You leave the doors open to move out quickly as we’ve seen already...where people are locked into bars and there’s two hundred people and there’s no emergency exit and they get all burned to death because nobody can get out.

[This is when I began thinking that AAA was losing his mind. Really? From a simple question about "closing the blinds" to people getting "all burned to death because nobody can get out." !!!!!]

FMC: And that’s the reason why I’ve heard why they have the celebrations at the hotel, so as not to interfere with the parish activities that are going on . Is that right...

ABA: Right. Well that’s part of it. They usually have...ask for permission, I mean even youth retreats, confirmation retreats, Cursillos, uh, the Legionnaires, wherever they go, these special retreats or weekends or whatever....

FMC: But, Bishop, this high point, the church year, this Catholic Faith year, the Easter, the Triduum, where we gather as a community, because like for the Chrism Mass we have  one Chrism Mass and we gather, and the whole theological aspect of us gathering as a parish community, really celebrating as a parish, in that parish model, celebrating the Triduum, and the Easter, but then we hear this community having their own celebration of Easter and the Triduum...

[Okay, get ready for it. Here it comes!]

ABA: Because they want to celebrate it with the fullness of the Easter Triduum, especially the Easter Vigil.

FMC: So that means...

ABA: So all the nine readings, all the admonitions, the echoes as they call it, every third, after the three readings. So that takes a whole morning. So you don’t want to impose this on the whole parish.

FMC: So the perception then is what we’re doing in the parish is not fullness of the Easter Vigil?

ABA: Uh, I mean you’re doing what is required by the universal church which is fine.

FMC: Because that’s what other saying “why do they do it that way? and how come we are not then experiencing the fulness of the Easter...

ABA: They’re always welcome. I mean I do it myself. I go to the regular parish and there’s people to be baptized, confirmed, and received into the fulness of the church, I do that. And when that’s done, then I go and do the other one.

[So there you have it, friends. We are "always welcome" to participate in the "fullness of the Easter Vigil" by (like the Archbishop) hurrying out of our parish celebrations and hurrying over to the Neo one - wherever that is. So this is what Diana means. She means exactly what the Archbishop has been demonstrating and teaching for 20 years: the Neos have the "fullness of the faith", the rest of us are just poor shlubs.

Seriously, Archbishop, have the integrity to simply leave us to our "incomplete" faith and run off and live happily ever after with your community. And have the decency to stop publishing norms for the rest of us since you yourself obviously reject them.]

[P.S. As mentioned several times on this blog, few of us regular Catholics have any credibility in accusing the neos of liturgical abuses. Many non-neo Holy Thursday celebrations will witness this multiple washing of feet the way the Neo's do it. So let's get our own house in order then maybe we might be more effective.]


  1. Archbishop, you're past stupid and moronic. You are demented!
    Reading this and listening (when I'm not fast enough to change the channel) to his voice he sounds robotic and passionless. Typical cult follower.

    Praying for his removal whether self-imposed or from Rome dictates.

    Archbishop, you and your vapid moonies are like cancer, threatening and imposing.
    I don't say you're a challenge to be championed. I say you're like the mold growing on the Basilica (can't you as your Richie Rich followers to buy a water blaster?) ugly and dirty.
    Unwanted blemishes.

    You're not Catholics anymore. Could you take your pack of loser walking dead and find somewhere else to do your thing?

    Delusion is scary to see.

    P.S. How was it standing in Calvo's funeral knowing you weren't invited? Why did you even bother showing up?

    We were so relieved and found real comfort in Monsignor James' presence where he BELONGS!

    1. He was there knowing he has to get paid just for showing up. Ms. Coreen prepared a balutan for him too. It's not easy being archbishop. Meanwhile back at Rancho Neo....

    2. Poor Tony wandering around waiting for people to crowd him, fawn all over him, NOT. Bet he can't wait to get on the plane, Bloody Mary PLEASE!!!

    3. Where is Father Wadeson, someone very important wants to know. VERY IMPORTANT.

    4. True Mr calvo prior to his death was only concerned with Momsignor James. He spoke with great disappointment regarding Apuron.


    5. 5.20pm Archbishop Krebs entire Vatican know where Fr. Wadeson sleeps. There can be no one more important than the Vatican.

    6. Thank you, Your Excellency.

  2. I gasped at the audacity of the NCW's Diana who stated that the NCW's celebration of the Easter Vigil was the example and role model that the non-NCW parishes should follow. I am speechless with horror. I was baptized and confirmed as an adult Catholic convert on Easter Vigil decades ago. Easter Vigil is beautiful just as it is, thank you!

    1. Yes, she has the gall to tell us their celebration is a model for the rest of us (believing that our celebration is inferior) while they continually claim their cult is not divisive. What the ....??

    2. Actually it's not gall. They actually believe it.

    3. Problem is that so many of the NCW members are men and women who had once been far away from the Church.
      The “Church of Kiko & Carmen” is either the only one they know, or the only one whose heads have spoken to them with fire and conviction.
      They believe that “the Way” is really and truly .... The Way. Period."

    4. The people who had left the Church and lured "back" by the NCW weren't properly developed in the Catholic faith to begin with. This is why the NCW targets this particular group. Once in the NCW, they learn and go through the Way's ideas of faith development, thus part of the reason for the division we are experiencing.

    5. Patriot,the person who can holler the loudest without knowing what he is hollering about.

      The empty vessel makes the loudest sound.

    6. For 30 years Tony has been like a clanging empty gong making empty noise. No one listen to this empty shallow vessel.

  3. Shout out to the Cathedral Basilica parishioners: in consideration of AAA, let's just ask Fr. Tom to preside over Holy Thursday services and excuse AAA from presiding, which will allow him ample time to join his community at their secret meeting place. After all, that's a lot of feet NCW has to wash and we really don't wish ill on AAA for staying up into the wee morning hours! That would be SWELL! Psst, Corrine, please leave the CB doors open; we'll lock up and secure when we're done. Thank you! Win-win!

    1. Secret meeting place? where? i want to go.

    2. Neo Thursday Service: Snifff! Sniff! Sniff! Wash! Wash! Wash! Kiss! Kiss! Kiss! Clap! Clap! Clap! Anybody seen Luis?

    3. Señor Generrini, what have you done with presbyter Luis?? Anything could happen to a slight little fellow like himself. Anybody protecting him?

  4. AAA thinks he's doing us a favor by showing up an going through the motions. Like a cheating husband who feigns affection with his wife but can't wait to be in the arms of his paramour, AAA shows his face to the regular Catholics while his heart is with his Neo community.
    AAA don't bother us. Confine yourself to you neo community and maybe we can all move on.

    1. He won't because he knows he'll be useless to them if he steps down. What a way to live...and die.

    2. Sad because he's useless to us non-neos.

    3. Think of it. Archbishop, not one happy day. So Sad...especially for a Franciscan.

    4. Tim's comment 4.46pm calls for reflection holy week. Stop to reflect upon Apuron at the end of the day no one will be concerned for him not even family. He sold himself for power money position on world stage,, four more years he will be history, most reviled archbishop of Guam for eternity. What a way to live and die. He will die a very rich man but was it really worth it at the end of the day? will anyone shed a tear at his wake. Sad reality of the hell he created.


    5. Apiron never embraced poverty as a Franciscan. Life is one big fake.


    6. I don't know how AAA gets Out of bed each day to face people.

    7. It seems we are mostly in agreement that we don't want apuron in these Catholic liturgical functions. He has the title of archbishop but people spit him out of our hearts so we feel uneasy having him around. Case in point, his presence at Cardinal Tagle's visit and Mass was not necessary. He was morose and unhsppy ehile Cardinsl Tagle was ebullient and in full control of his own demeanor. That charisma and energy as a homilist is a mark of a true leader. Apuron is a puppet or a whippet and we all know it. He is a liability to everyone now, not effective and not decisive. He should stay out of his misery and leave Guam. The analogy by 4:21 is so apt - apuron no integrity at all. He should take this horrid "Diana" and her false ideas with him and disappear in the wastelands of their demented minds.

    8. It rhymes: a puppet or a whippet, and we know it!

    9. Not very many people request for him to be the presider for their special masses. He needs to volunteer. Guess this says something.

    10. Folks, I think we should copyright and/or trademark “tony”, it’s to protect tony, we DO NOT want others infringing on tony’s stupidity, morbidity, timidity, turbidity, and lack of validity
      ………….. In case you needed further proof that “tony” is doomed through stupidity, here are some actual label instructions ………..

    11. Dedicated to Tony:

      The loveliness of Paris seems somehow sadly gay
      The glory that was Rome is of another day
      I've been terribly alone and forgotten in Hagatna
      I'm going back to the city by the bay

      I left my heart in San Francisco
      High on a hill it calls to me.....

      Call me Tony.

    12. Saw him at a funeral at Agana Hts. Blessed Sacrament Church on Saturday. Not a whole bunch of people lining up to kiss his ring...So obvious he's NOT the shepherd of the flock...

    13. He was not a comfort to many in attendance at that funeral. What was he thinking? Oblivious to the very lively AHts. parishioners and others who don't support him at all. "Never!"

    14. The Neo big shots look to us "regular" Catholics with disdain because we are "not the chosen ones". Well, lets' look at them the same way--and we are very well established in our parish. They are itinerant, looking for a place to call their own.

  5. All I can say is Duhhhh????
    Sounds like Homer Simpson.

  6. Yes, 4:43, but at least Homer Simpson is a carefully crafted cartoon character meant for comedic entertainment. Diana is her own making. Trying to be serious but ends up like a comic cartoon character whose rantings fall flat of laughs or any serious consideration. You know, like how a moronic statement leaves us open-mouthed and wide-eyed for a while, then we wonder, "what just happened?" Let us just say, she belongs to the category of that absurd human who does not have a reason to exist but to create befuddlement. You are right...all her rantings inevitably elicit a duhhhhhhhh! And more duhhhh!

  7. Apuron is like the proverbial mouse who got in the labyrinth lured by that piece of cheese....
    Now, not knowing how to get out, and realizing his foolishness the stress is palpable.
    I had not heard the archbishop in a very long time, but I can bear witness that the voice I heard recently during a conversation with a third party, was extremely stressed.
    Anthony is under a huge amount of pressure, and he is at a loss on how to proceed. His close circle of advisers are self serving and very mediocre. Pius works contrary to his interest.
    I do not hold Tony in my graces, but I truly felt sorry for that frail shadow of a man.
    What is left of Tony is falling apart under our own eyes.

    1. Maybe that was why he had a meeting with Fr. _____ to which I heard AAA wanted to have peace. Although they did not come to an amicable arrangement, I wondered if AAA is attempting to settle things so as to "save" his soul. Hhmmmmmm.........

  8. No need to feel sorry for AAA. "As you make your bed, so must you lie in it."

  9. Poor tony, where's Jackie Terlaje and Dennis SantiTomas? Have they abandoned you? You know they will. They all will, if not already.

    1. Yup, Tony, shrinking before our very eyes. Sad little guy. When he echoes in community does he read it from a paper with his head down?? No eye contact? Or is he full of life with HAROLD And Edivaldo. Dashing around Manila, gleefully leaping over puddles and any hurdle in their way to stalk Pope Francis. The good times.

    2. For sure, for sure, Tony will be nodding off after CB Cathedral Vigil the the REAL six or seven hour vigil. Looking at his watch, sleeping away. JOY.

  10. Does anyone know how the meeting went between the AAA and Fr. Paul? I heard it went downhill pretty fast. Does anyone know what happened?

  11. I heard that the a/c units at the Cathedral Basilica was again not working during the Calvo funeral on Monday. Those present said that Monsignor James, who presided and was the main celebrant, was fanning himself with the booklet while he was on the altar. Many others were doing the same. You would think that Monsignor David the rector and the pastor, Archbishop Apuron, would at least have the decency to make sure the a/c units were working properly as we honor this man who was one of the biggest philanthropist for the Catholic Church in Guam. What an insult to the Calvo family!

    1. Listen up, you guys, Archie needs the cash for his trip AND that of Presbyter Luis! Well, it's hot in the Holy Land in more ways than one.

    2. AAA can you get up a little more cash? Luis' girlfriend wants to to follow along with him. Be compassionate to the star crossed lovers. So, is the canonical investigation going to be in Jerusalem? When, next year in Jerusalem?

  12. on the holiest of nights, when the faithful of the parish should be gathered under the same Easter candle, the neocats not only choose to separate themselves, but by this they once again show their true ugly colors. they believe they're the true Catholics and have the highest expression of worship. i hope they wake up from their delusion.

    1. No worries. Be glad they're separate. Martin Luther and others thought the same thing.

    2. No worries, Diana said they have their own Paschal Candle!!


    3. Diana said they have their own paschal candle. I understand this to mean they have their own candle which is different to the parish paschal candle. They have their own church with their own liturgy and ways of doing things.


    4. People of Guam you do not need the NCW in your parishes for the vigil. It is best they go to their hotels so they are out the way. You do not need Tony he is history very soon. The smell of sulphur will slowly fade into the ocean and a new day will dawn.

  13. No KUAM broadcast of the 9:30 mass on Palm Sunday and now the Cathedral website has been down the past few days that I have tried to access it. I guess they don't want us to see the dwindling attendance during the Holy Week Services.

    1. I heard it on KOLG. It was a circus.

    2. God has a sense of humor. AAA announced last week Sunday, March 22 during mass that the blessing of the palms would be at 9:00 am at Nicole's parking lot so they can come back in time for 9:30 mass TV broadcast. I am sure he wanted to flaunt his NEOs....but no broadcast....instead ice skating....lol....lol.....lol....

    3. Tony the Phony Show was aired in the KUAM evening news featuring his appeal for forgiveness. It was nothing more than another Neo "in your face" show of force. Ivan the Terrible from Agat was interviewed afterwards.

    4. AAA and the Neos are skating on thin ice. LOL

    5. 6:45, really???

    6. @ 6:33... Yup he's a phony...hidden agenda that's for sure. Funny how Tim mentioned these things would happen. Don't be fools Guam; don't forget what he has done until he makes it right. Action required...not words alone.

    7. Re the AB's KUAM news feature: Words are cheap...

    8. Especially words read with no eye contact from a scrip Pius probably wrote.

    9. Lester: Good Job. Thanks. Blessed Triduum. Yes, Rome, we have a problem. OUr Presbyter at Last Supper said Mass is not a Sacrifice. OK, with you Rome?

    10. Cathedral Basilica is like a piss up in an Irish pub.


  14. Apuron is plastic always was and always will be. He is the present cause of the division in the entire region and needs to be held accountable for the damage he has caused priests and people. Nothing sincere about this man.
