I have heard from more than one person who was at the event where the archbishop danced on stage with the "cultural" dancer. It was apparently a VIP event and both the governor and lieutenant governor were there. It was reported that the dancer first tried to get the two of them to join her on stage but they decorously declined. She then scored with the archbishop.
These kind of shows often involve "member of the audience" participation. So why did Calvo and Tenorio decline? Didn't they realize that it was all in good fun? Of course they did. But they also apparently realized that there are certain kinds of "fun" that, due to one's public position, should not be engaged in for a variety of mature reasons.
In other words, they knew how to "just say no". The archbishop did not.
It has also something to do with a VIP's public image or projection. In Manila, for instance, no one would dare walk up to Luis Cardinal Tagle in a public event and ask him to dance on stage. The good Cardinal is looked up to with a certain awe and reverence by his people. Apuron is another story.
ReplyDelete9.50am this is a very true statement. in Manila one would immediately make the traditional sign of respect to the cardinal upon meeting him. Not because he is an Archbishop of one of the worlds most important Archdioceses and highly respected in the international church but rather because he has character and values. His parents taught him the importance of character from an early age.
DeleteWhen you meet Tony do you stand in awa as you did in the presence of Archbishop Flores or Cardinall tagle, or Archbishop Krebs. No. Why? Because Men like cardinal Tagle Archbishop Krebs get our respect because of their character. Mass follows class. Class does not follow mass. It's about sincerity and respect. There is no longer respect for the spiritual leader of Guam's catholic church. Many fear him so they pretend to respect but deep down they do not. how many of his native born priests ran to his defense? In Manila the entire Archdiocese would run to the defense of cardinal Tagle in such a situation. And finally when he does retire and sees how few friends he will have, that is the real test . With his power he can do what he wants we know that. But after he retires he will be a lonely bitter old man. They are the most dangerous.
matthew blockley the man with a lot of words but no face!!!! pretty disrespectful to the bishop. does rome know about this???
DeleteIf they read JW then, yes,
DeleteI see him as tall, skinny, bald another phantom. He has spoken passionately, but from the two chapters we read, we don't know the whole story. Blockley, c'mon part three.
DeleteI met Fr. Matthew respectful kind .
Oh Tim, do t put words in people's mouths. You don't know why they really declined so you shouldn't assume it's because of their position.
ReplyDeleteWhat an imbecilic comment. I did not put words in anyone's mouth. They publicly declined - which is why I used the qualifier "apparently" (meaning what could be seen) and we are all free to speculate as to why they did so. Apuron did not decline and we are all free to speculate why he did not. However, for Apuron, not much speculation is needed.
DeleteYou love to say that, "we are all free to speculate". That is why nothing gets done, because it's only speculation. Not truth. Please Tim, act. Because it's about to be 2 years.
DeleteVip? Look at the shoes. Sad. Can't even dress for an occasion! BTW, what occasion was this?
DeleteIf this was taken in May, it probably was a party honoring ExLax-sense-lessly xxxx numbers of years of one of his so called anniversary.
DeleteWhat difference does it make anyways what gathering this was? The fact remains that he made a fool of himself.
This was a VIP performance of Tao Tao Tasi, the Baldyga Group's new cultural show in Tumon. Al Ysrael invited nuns as well. Saw their pics on FB, but they weren't doing any Polynesian dancing.
DeleteAh, yes, 11am, LOL. Two major victories for me: 1) I get you to waste your life on my blog. 2) I keep you cowering. LOL.
DeleteIf that's what you call victories, I find your like pretty sad.
DeleteIf this was a VIP performance of Tao Tao Tasi the Baldyga Groups new cultural show in Tumon and Al Ysrael sent the invitations. Has anyone considered the possibility that archie just may have been "working the dance floor" thinking it could gain him the possible donations. After all dancer was getting paid. Perhaps in his mind he had the same idea for big donations LOL.
DeleteLOL 11:31PM. I got you to come back and waste more of your life here. LOL.
DeleteMaybe the girl is in the NCW and Tony is her "brother" so no harm no foul.
ReplyDeleteThis can happen to anybody. Now it's Archbishop's turn (testing him) and let's see what will he decide to do when put on the spot. The bottom line is that the Archbishop himself accepted to participate in this manner done in a public venue whether it wasn't his initial intention. To me, and in public and as a bishop AAA didn't safeguard his image and character.
ReplyDeleteBecause he has lost his cotton picking mind. Wonder what the Caps think of their brother. Oh, brother!!
DeleteI think this incident summarizes the heart of the problem on Guam today. Obviously we all know these cultural shows are a good entertainment and they should cater to tourists . However, a religious or political or with a position in society would best be simply to decline the invitation. Archbishop could have said no. If he was a respected leader the girl would have respected his No statement. Same story Archbishop cannot make a reasonable balanced judgement in a given situation. it is his poor reasoning skills decesion making skills that lead to problems. A certain lacking of prudence in his life. People do not expect him to be Eienstine but we do expect him to have prudence knowing what to do and what not to do. We do expect him to be balanced and reflective, prayerful. These spiritual character gifts alone would be enough to guide his thinking. But no he follows his own ways which is a disaster for the entire catholic church on Guam and beyond. Total disaster.
ReplyDeleteMatthew just stop. You make it seem as if people can't have fun. What does his dance do to his title? If it's clearly just dancing and having fun, it is what it is. Unless you are thinking other things?
DeleteTrying to think of any prelate who would do this. Can't think of one. The girl probably couldn't believe it.
DeleteTo ANON 11:03 AM. We are all constraint in the extent of our "fun" because of our positions. A priest, bishop, a parent, a teacher, a police officer, etc. are constrained in the extent of their fun because of the perceptions they will create. Certainly, a parent is constrained to act as a parent in front of their kids in order to provide them with the proper role model and behavior. The same can be said of your priest. Do we want our bishop to act like a 16 year old having "fun" or do we want him to give us the perception of a strong and inspiring moral and spiritual leader? Is gyrating with a Flamingo dancer in front of the public appropriate for his position? I think not. I think the Governor understands the power of perception and the good or harm it can do. He chose wisely not to gyrate his hips in public.
DeleteAnonymous (May 29, 2015 at 11:03 AM), you obviously agree with what "The Diana" wrote "There is nothing incriminating in the Archbishop being joyous." I'm guessing that in your mind — and in the minds of other Kikos/Kikobots — AAA's behavior was totally appropriate.
DeleteFr. Matthew is entitled to his opinion, which reflects how most of us feel. The very fact that AAA was "invited" to participate in that particular activity indicates that he is regarded as "just one of the guys" instead of as a respected prelate. Both +Bishop Apollinaris W. Baumgartner, OFM Cap.+ and +Archbishop Felixberto C. Flores+ acted with the decorum expected of men in their positions. Although +Archbishop Flores+ was 5 years younger than AAA’s current age when he died, I seriously doubt that the “cultural dancer” would have “invited” Flores to dance with her. And if she had made such a faux pas Flores would have firmly but kindly refused the “invitation.”
Although AAA relishes being in the spotlight, in the glare of this particular spotlight, his awkward gyrations — which look more like seizures! — demonstrate a serious lapse in judgment. He has managed to open himself to more ridicule in the wake of the recent revelation of his Frolic in the Dead Sea photo.
And during this Octave of Pentecost we continue to pray that he will respond to the Guidance of the Holy Spirit.
The position commands respect but it's the person in the position that perpetuates this command. When one no longer is in control of this command, the position is unrecognizable. I am sure the dancer did not "recognize" AAA.
DeleteThat was AAA? He sure looks like the fella that blesses with a microphone! lol!
DeletePerception is real truth is not.
DeleteIt is all about respect, trust, and dignity. When a spiritual leader has lost his capacity to lead his administration becomes like an empty clanging gong. This is the stage we have now arrived at. We have a catholic diocese with an empty clanging gong as its head. No one takes him seriously and that's why dancers approach him to enjoy a dance. Now there is nothing wrong with the dance . But is it prudent for a bishop to do what he did. No. I asked myself would Archbishop Flores, or the humble and gracious educated and cultured Cardinal Tagle do such a thing . No. Would Archbishop Martin Krebs or Archbisnop Charles Balvo be found dancing on a stage. No. These men are true spiritual leaders. They have prudence, character, and conservative values that most of us expect of our catholic bishops. There are no standards anymore in the church of Guam. It urgently requires a new spiritual leader to life the archdiocese out of a deep spiritual poverty.
I think that this "dance " is a poor imitation of anything that should be called "cultural". Nightclub act, face it. Show girl dancing with aged gay bishop, omg.
DeleteAn archbishop has no business celebrating a culture of promiscuity. In AAA's case, his desperate need for attention to feed his ego compels him to cast aside his role as archbishop and act the fool. Call me Tony!
DeleteAnonymous @ 11:03am...YOU just stop!!! They say a picture is worth a thousand words. This video speaks volumes about AAA and why he's lost all respect from the Guam faithful.
ReplyDelete@11:03 you too can stop it right now...and admit that satan is for real and that we should not rule out his evil works. EVER! I do not make anything out of this video except I will find it an inappropriate behavior from the one (AAA) I'm told to look up to. Why can't we stop covering up peoples actions but rather defend Jesus for once........~ST. DOMINIC -A man who governs his passions is master of his world. we must either command them or be enslaved by them. It is better to be a hammer than an anvil.
ReplyDeleteThe KIKOs are confusing "Joy" with "ecstasy" -- whereas the former is rooted in the spirit and a focus on God, the latter is rooted in the flesh and the satisfaction of base desires.
ReplyDeleteBanners and signs should read "Invitation for Kikos joy" IMO.
DeleteIt seems our dear AAA, leader of the Catholic Church on Guam needs a refresher course on the "Model Code of Pastoral Conduct", a guideline put out by the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops. In summary, it teaches that priests (as well as other religious authorities) should conduct themselves in a manner that upholds Catholic values. Specifically, their public and private conduct can either motivate and inspire their flock or (sadly, as in this case) it can scandalize or undermine their people's faith. I am convinced that our archbishop suffers from a narcissistic personality disorder. He is so full of vanity, false pride, arrogance and a holier-than-thou attitude that he thinks he is above reproach from anyone, be it his peers, his flock, or even his superiors! His choosing to get up and dance with a scantily-clad young lady in a suggestive manner (hello, people, it's Polynesian-style dancing!) is an "in-your-face" gesture to all of us who have been calling for his removal or resignation. Though I don't wish it on him, this "Teflon Dan" will soon be swimming in it.
ReplyDeleteAnonymous (May 29, 2015 at 8:08 PM), since AAA has served twice as the President of CEPAC, somehow I doubt that he gives any thought to the USCCB's Model Code of Pastoral Conduct … unless his NCW catechist tells him to take a refresher course on it, which is highly unlikely!
DeletePastoral code of conduct not apply to tony........tony dances to the tune of " dancing queen"
ReplyDeleteI just listened to the recording of Ben Meno. My heart goes out to the suffering and pain in this mans voice. It shows how the catholic leader of Guam has caused deep emotional pain and division among his own people. Tragic time in the history of Guam's Catholic church. The pain of division is clearly felt in the voice. We can only pray for the healing of a divided church and a new spiritual leader to heal the pain and division. Tragic situation.
Folks, we already know this - it's all up to his handlers. It is much larger than he. But, where were they? Who cleared this? Heads are going to roll in the Kuku Camp! You really need a better playbook, Neos. Or, invest in some pros if you have any money left. Go cry to Big Daddy G!
ReplyDeleteOk, No Name, let me know when.
John, no worries Chelu because the Neo Kadukus' leadership comprise of arrogant foreigners and their puppet etguis are bumbling idiots. They will NEVER prevail because our local Catholics are up in arms and will drive out the neo invaders one way or another. We will continue to fight the good fight for as long as it takes. St. Michael protect us and defend us in battle.
DeleteI wonder of Pius and Pat nave already beaten him for that show...
ReplyDeleteLast add Kuku Camp - GET OFF OUR ISLAND!!!
ReplyDeleteOk No Name, I know you can't resist.
ReplyDelete12.10pm how very true. What ever happened to Nationalism and cultural identity of the people of Guam. The culture, identity, as a people has been removed by a group of foreign invaders who have no respect, understanding, for your culture and island. The very soul of your identity as a nation has been removed by your own spiritual leader. What is urgently required is a re birth of a nationalistic spirit to remove foreigners who are now intentionally destroying your culture as an island people. My comments are only to help solve the issues. I believe in solving problems Guam's Archbishop believes in creating problems and not acknowledging the issues facing the Church.
You must be talking about the church.
DeleteVery affirming words 12:10. I'm definitely in for the haul as well. I believe our people can and will do this!
ReplyDeleteJohn so what's the deal with all your threats? Did you give up?
DeleteNo, just waiting for your name. Have you?
DeleteThank you Fr. Matthew for helping us fight the good fight. Our cultural identity is still intact and the Chamorro blood, no matter how it may be diluted in some of us, still remains a driving force in our way of life. We do have our share of traitors and confused Chamorros but the majority are fed up with being taken advantage. The Neo invaders/foreigners are seeing what happens whan push comes to shove. The Spanish and Japanese tried to annihilate us but we survived and became stronger. We have educated our children to keep pace with modern society, and the pushback the NCW is experiencing comes from a well infomed, well educated Catholic community backed by the wisdom, courage, and strength of our Man'amko. The Neo foreigners' arrogance is their undoing as they sneered at us and underestimated our strength and resolve. We will get rid of the traitorous archbishop sooner or later and our Catholic community will be healed with Almighty God's blessings.
ReplyDeleteexcuse me but no cultural dance performed by the renown troupes such as Pa'a Tao Tano Tano, Inetnon or the other TRUE Chamorro cultural dances perform in any of these ways or costumes.
ReplyDeletejust a humble unsolicited comment.
archbishop looks like one of those touristas you see in Hawaii at the commercial luau...